Member Reviews

I'm a layman when it comes to science.
I don't often abandon books, but the ones I do abandon are usually under a few specific categories.
A: Too Specialized, and I don't have the level of interest to maintain a read.
B: The information is repetitious and/or something I've already come to understand sufficiently and even agree with, thanks to other authors.
It's a perfectly decent read if what you want is a little more than a handful of scientific journal articles telling you that system's ecologies can slide along different levels of resilience and too much specialization of species or groups of species, while rather impressive in certain circumstances, often leads to catastrophic diebacks if the situation tips.
The first hundred pages that I read was all about this and dropped a lot of bibliographies on me.
There are some nods to humanity trying to fix ecological problems with disastrous results as well as political implications on multiple sides of the fence, but for the most part, these are serious scientific papers dealing with long studies of real science dealing with real math.
It's great if you are invested in such. I can follow it fine. It's just a bit dry and I don't recognize any of the names in the field and there's definitely nothing in the way of language designed to captivate a lay-reader like me.
I'm not quitting this because it's the book's fault. I'm quitting because I'm just a tad outside of my interest level. A lay approach would have been perfectly wonderful for me. Even a rather heavy science lay approach, rather than an assumption that I've read all these myriad other science papers on the subject and therefore I should immediately grok the extremely subtle differences that are made in the current paper.
Put simply, however, ecologies on a high-level, meaning globally, tend to have a much greater ability to bounce back, assuming that there are plenty of mitigating factors such as a wide variety of species able to fill the open niches. If a rigid stratification occurs, the system is much less likely bounce back after a dieback.
These are the papers that broke that ground. Bravo.