Member Reviews

A great read! Light yet heady subjects provided an enjoyable read! Loved Rose and Iain’s story! My first by the author but will get more now!

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3.5 Stars

GOOD EARLS DON'T LIE by Michelle Willingham. This is the first book by this author that I have read and I enjoyed it. It tells the tale of Rose and Iain. Lady Rose is recovering from an illness that has left her unable to walk. Iain, an Irish Earl, has come to England to find a rich wife to help him save his land and tenants. I liked Rose, although her naivety towards her previous beau did wear a bit on the nerves. However, she is strong and knows when to pick her battles. Iain, boy, did he have some bad luck but he is truly charming and is honestly a good fella. The book started off fantastic but, honestly, as it progressed, it did drag a bit for me in the middle. I did believe the attraction these two felt for each other and enjoyed watching them traverse the obstacles along the way. Overall, it was a good read and I look forward to trying other works, including Rose's sister Lily's story. (received NetGalley ARC for honest review)

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I have loved Michelle Willingham romance novels in the past so I thought I would grab this one on Kindle Unlimited during my free trial. It took me a while to get into the story and over was just an okay romance for me. 2.5/5 stars.

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This was just an ok read for me. It was my first by the author, so I might give her another go by picking up the next book in the series.

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This book was a beautiful masterpiece! The characters melded together amazingly, the plot was good. Beautiful read!

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Michelle Willingham is a new author to me, although she’s written quite a few historical romances. And like most historical romances, the destination is predictable, it’s a matter of the journey and how the characters will get to what we know is their ultimate destination. This was no exception, it has the usual twists and turns, many of which are caused by communication breakdowns. But the main characters are likable, and there are some unexpected detours on the way to the ending we know is coming for Iain & Rose. It wasn’t a perfect read, there were parts that dragged a bit (or could’ve been eliminated entirely) but overall I enjoyed this one and will be looking for more books by Michelle Willingham.

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Iain ‘s head was killing him. The last thing he remembered was riding toward the Penford estate. He had passed by a grove of trees then was knocked from his horse. A horrendous pain crashed over him but he did remember voices arguing and shouting. Yet he was alone now. He felt for his brothers signet ring and it was gone and no knew him here. He had never left ireland before now. He had been the invisible spear but now he was the only heir with his brother’s death. Iain intended to prove he was a man of worth and rebuild Ashton and help his people back home and help his tenants in Ireland during the potato famine.. Iain had thought things would be better here but apparently not. The thieves had stolen his horse , his ring, the few coins he had carried, his coat, his waistcoat , shirt and even Iain’s shoes. Iain was now the Earl of Ashton but would people believe him when all he head brought with him had been stolen and his coach broke down.Iain’s younger sisters were depending on him to save their estates. Also Iain was willing to offer himself in marriage in hopes of a wealthy bride. His mother and sisters had went to stay with an aunt in New York. He had little to offer but his Irish charm and a decrepit castle and his title but he had to try. Iain would do anything necessary to form an alliance with Lady Wolfcraft. She Could bring Iain into her circle in London and introduce Iain to potential brides. Iain came to a hedge with a maze and at the end it opened to a green lawn. A lovely lady lady seated a book beside a book beside her. It was Lady Rose Thornton and she noticed a man in her garden. Rose had taken sick six months earlier and is trying to get her strength back to walk again. Lady rose’s family had a lot of issues: a mother with some kind of mental disorder, a married sister who is desperate for her missing husband to return to India, opinionated servants, roses handicap, and missing rents. Rose and Iain make a deal to help each other as Lady Rose needs help to walk again and Iain needs to be taught to be a gentleman.
I had mixed feelings about this story. I thought there was too much made of whether Iain is the Earl or not. Characters weren't as interesting as they could be. `But I did like the plot . I also liked that Ian was willing to do whatever he had to as long as he could help his people. Also that Iain and rose made a deal to help each other. Important events in this story seemed to be missing parts in this story and I didn’t like that. The story also dragged at times. So there were parts I liked about this story and things I didn’t care for or liked in the story. It

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