Member Reviews

This is my first book by this author and it won’t be the last. I went in to the story not knowing that it was a M/M story. Edgar Allen Poe has always been a favorite author of mine and I like how the author incorporated his stories into the mystery. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

This story was a slow burn for me. But once Calvin got into the scene and got together with Sebastian, I couldn't help falling into the story. The two of them together steamed up the pages. Fans of Edgar Allan Poe will enjoy the mystery but it was the romance between Calvin and Sebastian that had my heart racing. I loved these two and every scene with the two of them together. Even the ending was absolute perfection.
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Sebastian Snow runs an antiques store and lives with his closeted cop boyfriend until one day something strange happens at his shop and Detective Calvin Winters walks into his life. Suddenly Sebastian is thrown into a mystery that he can't resist trying to solve (despite the cops repeated requests to let them handle it), as well as trying to get a handle on his growing attraction to Calvin Winters. Will everything work out in the end?
The Mystery of Nevermore by C.S. Poe is a bit of a conundrum. On one hand, there were a few points when the plot points of the mystery the characters had to solve were a little forced, and didn't seem as logical as the characters acted like they were. Additionally, the way the romance developed was a bit unexpected as well. While Sebastian's feelings towards Calvin are pretty clear to the reader, as the story is told from Sebastian's point of view, Calvin didn't seem all that interested until he was suddenly in Sebastian's arms, putting the moves on him.
At the same time, Sebastian is an interesting character. He has an unusual disability that causes him to not be able to see color and have an extreme sensitivity to light (which works both for and against him throughout the story). He's a character that you can't help but root for and want him to be happy. Also, the mystery of The Mystery of Nevermore is rather intriguing (albeit a tiny bit predictable, but lots of mystery stories are that), and it very much compels you to keep reading.
All of that being said, The Mystery of Nevermore by C.S. Poe is apparently the first book in a series about Sebastian and Calvin, and I am very much looking forward to reading the second one.

2.75 While I originally had high hopes for this book, in the end it wasn't my cup of tea.
I couldn't connect with the main character well. Sebastian was too stupid to live at times - always walking into places he shouldn't (one example, someone else's store door hanging open in the midst of a snow storm) and "barely" surviving the results of his stupidity. The other things were even more of a deal breaker than that for me <spoiler>He cheats on his boyfriend (granted they're not getting along well and end up breaking up, but still) with the guy he eventually falls in love with by the end of the book.</spoiler> I also felt the mystery was rather slim <spoiler>as there were only a few people the murderer could be -- and the killer's motivation was rather obvious when Sebastian survived things he shouldn't have.</spoiler> All in all, no, not for me.