Member Reviews

I was so lucky to get an advanced copy of the first book in Marina Adair's new series, Sequoia Lake.

Avery, a survivor of a kidney transplant, wants to live life to the fullest. A kind heart, she wants to help make others dreams & wishes come true that can no longer happen. One of those wishes is to kiss a complete stranger.

Ty, a water rescue specialist, is back in town during the anniversary of his brother's passing. But things seem to be off at his family's Lodge.

When Avery & Ty first meet, the chemistry is instant. But can they overcome all the internal and external challenges they each bring.

I really loved this new series. It sucked me in from the get go. I'm really looking forward to the next book in the series!

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Avery Adams has been given a second chance at life and she fully intends to grab it with both hands, live it to the fullest, and squeeze every drop of adventure out of it while she can. She patiently waited after her transplant for her body to heal and for the time when doctors would tell her she was free to return to a normal life again outside the walls of the hospital, and the minute they did she was gone, armed with a list of adventures from fellow patients that she has every intention of completing. Her adventures take her to a local lodge where she takes a job as a guide, and before long she is crossing items off her list, and living the life she dreamed about... but the one thing she didn't account for is a man like Ty Donovan to walk into her life. The minute they meet the sparks start to fly, and they share a kiss that lights up her world, but things start to dim a little when she meets her new boss...

When his fathers health takes a turn for the worse, and the family lodges livelihood is at stake, Ty Donovan has no choice but to return home and get things under control. But it means returning to a past that he's not wanting to face, and the very demons that drove him away. He figures he'll get in there, fix what needs fixing and get out, but once there and he meets one of his families newest guides, he finds himself tempted to stay... and wanting to fix the wrongs of his past.

Avery and Ty's story is a touching read that warmed my heart, made me laugh, and had me swooning like a fool. Avery was a breath of fresh air, and never to cease to amaze me with her bravery, whit, and strength, she is truly an inspiring character for us all to look up to. And don't get me started with Ty, he was a dream come true, I mean what is not to love about a sexy, outdoorsy man armed with the skills to swoop in and save the day!! I loved spending my afternoon getting to know these two, and I cannot wait to make a return visit to this series and get better acquainted with more of these endearing folks! I think it is safe to say Ms. Adair has another bestselling series on her hands, definitely some of her best work to date!!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this title.

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Avery Adams is living life for today, after having a kidney transplant. She does this by doing things that other people want to do but can't. Which is how she ends up kissing Ty in a bar and explains this is for Bella.
Tyson moved away to join the Sequoia elite rescue team. now he is back to help get his families adventure lodge up to par. Meeting Avery is a nice surprise.
She just wants to live in the moment and he just wants to get back to his life. unfortunately what they want Is not what occurs. Between the people in this small town meddling, the sweet things Avery does, and the closure Ty will receives will give them the chance to become as one. Only they can make the decisions to determine where their future will lead.

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This is the first book I've read by Marina Adair. I have others sitting on my bookshelves I just haven't gotten to them yet. When I saw It Started with a Kiss for review I knew it was time to try her.

I have to say that I really love this cover it plays right into the title.

I wasn't sure what I would say in this review because I wasn't sure what I thought about It Started with a Kiss. I didn't love it, nor did I hate it. To be honest, I'm really not sure what I think of it.

I liked the characters and the story line. So they weren't the problem. I guess it was just the way the author wrote the story. At times I had to make myself continue to read it when all I wanted to do was put it aside.

You'll really like Avery. She has been through so much and now all she wan't to do is live her life to the fullest. You'll want the best for her. She makes the story.

I also liked Tyson, more then once he made me smile. A charmer! See, I told you I liked the characters. I think there are plenty of readers out there that will love this story. I might not be willing to read the next book in the series but I'm really glad that I've given her a try.

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Wow. I'll start by saying this is the first Marina Adair book I've read. It definitely won't be the last!

Avery is enjoying a new lease on life, thanks to a kidney transplant. Thinking of others and giving back, she has a goal of helping others who may not have the same options realize something on their "bucket lists" while trying to reach a goal of her own: climb to the top of the mountain her parents fell in love on to read a letter from her mother, who died of the same kidney disease that required Avery to require surgery. She's hoping to gain the skills needed for the climb by working at the local Sequoia Lake lodge.
Ty is returning to the same lodge at the request of his mother, to help them meet safety requirements to host events again. What she doesn't tell him, and doesn't want to admit to herself, is that her husband Dale, a stubborn alpha man like his son, is showing signs of memory loss. Avery notices it as well, and has been picking up the slack in regards to keeping the lodge organized as a favor to his mother, who happens to be an old friend of her mother's.

We start off with a hilarious meet-cute, and just the right amount of tension between the Avery and Ty to make things hot and spicy throughout the novel. Adair uses both Avery's kidney disease/transplant and Dale's memory loss issues with care and subtlety; she doesn't use it on every page for the first few chapters like some authors have in the past, but she does use it to drive her plot forward in an engaging and entertaining manner without an agenda. She created bright characters, full of life and believable without being too sanctimonious.

All in all, an amazing read for a new series, and I cannot wait for the next one! .

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This was a great book. I fell in love with the characters. The way the author wrote some of the scenery of the wilderness around the lodge drew me in quickly. Avery and Ty were awesome together. Avery's spirit and desire to live life to the fullest. She had a major health scare that made her decide to change the way she living. She wants to live life loud even attempt some daring endeavours. She gets herself in a few pickles and scrapes. Ty comes home to help fix up the lodge since he heard it failed a major inspection. He runs into Avery who is caught red handed on the hood of his truck. Which leads to a kiss....and other mishaps. Ty is destined to get the lodge back in shape pulls a few tricks of his own. Can these two work toward a common goal of getting the lodge back in shape? Can two people get over past hurts and forge a future together? I look forward to reading other books in this series and other books written by this Author. ARC provided by Net galley for an honest review.

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Enjoyed this book a lot. Liked the addition of the Alzheimer's storyline. My favourite Marina Adair book so far.

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Marina is one of my favorite authors. A must go to for books. This one did not disappoint. Must read.

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This is wonderful lyrical love story. Avery and Ty have both had heartbreaking loses in their lives. Avery has channeled her lose in to giving back. Ty has closed himself off from his family. This is touching love story. Of how two broken hearts find their way to each other. Very excited for the other books in this series. I am major fan of Marina Adair's books love her writing style.

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Wow! What a book! I have loved all of Marina Adair's books, but this one may be my favorite. Her books are fun reads, with quirky characters who usually say and do the unexpected. It Started With a Kiss was all that and more. This book has so much substance, its share of quirky characters and vivacity, and a depth that had me hooked from the beginning. I couldn't put it down, but I am sad to be finished reading it. The good news is that it is the start of a new series and I anxiously await book 2!

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Just about 3 Stars
There is just something missing in this book. I wish I could say exactly what is missing that I can’t help.
Avery Adams wants to live out loud after a kidney transplant she has a memory journal to grant wishes that others who were in her position never will have the chance to do.
Climb Sierra Point just like her mother did. What she lacks in experience she makes up in with courage, stubbornness and a zest for life.
While coming back from a client and Avery being stuck in the harness she sees that her only option is to borrow a screwdriver to get out of the harness. The screwdriver falls down the drain. What’s a girl to do? Well for starters writing on the windshield of the truck with lipstick that the screwdriver is gone but can only get to I owe you a SCREW... and the lipstick runs out.
Ty Donovan doesn’t want to be back home, too many painful memories have kept him away but now it is time to face them especially when the family lodge is about to lose one of their biggest clients. But is day got better when he sees a blonde angel sitting on his truck thinking she’s offering a screw…
Avery and Ty’s encounter is hilarious and at the same time she manages to fulfill one of the memory journal wishes. For Bella kiss a stranger.
The chemistry is scorching between them but Ty doesn’t want to stay and well Avery doesn’t want to leave. Ty has to sort out what is going on with his family. His father his showing signs of dementia and it’s getting harder to make decisions. Avery is with him every step of the way.
I was missing some angst in this book. The author writes a sweet story that is equally heartbreaking at times and heartwarming at others. It is just so slow in some places that there were times that I just wanted to put it down and come back to it. This is the book for you if you like sweet, cute romance. I personally wish that I could have liked it more.

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This is a great, heartbreaking and filled with emotions story that I couldn't put down. I loved following Ty and Avery as their life unfolds and reading about the heartbreak, love and fun they experience. This is the start to a new series called Sequoia Lake by Author Marina Adair. I really enjoyed this book and I am eagerly awaiting Book #2. I've only read one of her books before this one, but her books have me on the hook. I received an ARC copy of this book through NetGalley and Montlake Romance.
This review contains My Own Honest Opinions of this book. I was not compensated in anyway for this review.

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A truly heartwarming read !

Avery after her kidney transplant, has a new lease of life, and her motto is to live life loud.
Her goal is to climb the Sierra Nevada mountain range, and to get training she gets a job with the Sequoia Lake Lodge.
Tyson has made a life for himself away from his family lodge as a member of the Rescue team. But when he hears of the lodge struggling, he comes back home.
A chance encounter between Avery and Ty lead to chemistry hot enough to spark a forest fire. This book has ups and downs that will make you laugh and cry.
It started with a kiss is an intense, emotional and entertaining read. It's a beautiful start to the new series and I can't wait to read more.

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Marina Adair is known for writing books with humor, heart, hot guys, and fun older characters, cheekily-named shops, and and a hard-earned happily ever after. It Started With A Kiss was exactly what I want from a Marina Adair book. I absolutely love a book that can make my eyes water on one page and have me laughing on the next. This one was a surprisingly emotional read, but it was laced with Marina's typical humor and heart which helped temper the tears I was on the verge of so many times.

From the start, I found myself taken with Avery. I loved her spirit and her heart. Her over-the-top determination made me squint a few times, wondering if she had any self-awareness at all, but what would have made me crazy with another character was oddly endearing on Avery. I absolutely loved the idea behind her 'wish book' and her determination to carry them out. I would have happily read even more scenes of her 'living loud' in honor of her friends.

I liked Ty before he told the story of Garrett – he was charming and far more tolerant with Avery than most men would have been - but after learning about Garrett, I found myself just wanting to hug him. I also connected with his feelings regarding with Dale's health (being vague to avoid spoilers). Until you've watched a parent going through that situation, you can't begin to imagine how it feels or how helpless a child feels watching it happen. Beyond the serious stuff, I loved his interactions with Harris, his good-natured reactions to Avery's wish fulfillment needs, and his intense sexiness mixed with his vulnerability. He was exactly what I've come to hope for from a Marina Adair book Hero.

This story left me wanting more Sequoia Lake. There was some foreshadowing with regards to Olivia and Paxton's story, and I am very much looking forward to reading the next book in this series – even though it feels like it is a ridiculously long way off.

I requested this book from NetGalley and was thrilled to be granted a copy. I was under no obligation to write a review of this book, I wrote this review and pre-ordered the book because I enjoyed it.

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I've fallen in love with these new series from Marina Adair. Ms. Adair's very descriptive writing painted a beautiful picture of the small Sierra Nevada town that is the setting for this book. The characters of Tyson and Avery are both very intriguing. Tyson is a very physical and dedicated member of a search and rescue team but has to put his career on hold while he returns home to help his family save their adventure lodge. Avery is a young woman trying to live life to the fullest. Her history shows that life can be too short to waste so she goes after what she wants. Tyson is definitely on the list of wants but he's only here for a short time. Can she take the risk and put her heart on the line knowing he is more than likely leaving. Will he give them a try??

You don't want to miss this one. I highly recommend it.

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I love Marina Adair books and when I heard about her new Sequoia Lake series I was so excited . I started reading the arc for this book as soon as I could and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It started with a kiss was such a good read.

In this book we follow Tyson and Avery. These two where just wonderful together I mean at first things between them have a interesting start and when you read the book you will understand exactly what I mean by that lol ,but as we get deeper into the story things change between them and the romance starts to brew . The romance in this book was perfect for these two character I felt that they both helped open each other open up to something new weather they realized it or not. Watching these two fall in love over the course of this book was just wonderful . Marina Adair writes such swoon worthy romance in everyone of her stories. I loved that in this book we got to explore what living a full life truly means, it got me to think about how life is so short and we all need to take that jump sometimes . I am a huge fan of small town romance so I just loved the setting ,all of other characters added something different to this story . I have nothing but good this to say about this book Marina Adair has created another wonderful read with Its started with a kiss.

It started with a kiss was sexy, sweet, fun .heartwarming contemporary romance and I cannot wait to see what Marina Adair has in store for the next Sequoia lakes novel

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I love Marina Adair's books and fell behind in her last series, so I decided to jump into her newest series. It Started With A Kiss is the first novel in the Sequoia Lake series and it had all the elements I love in a small-town series romance. Memorable characters, small-town charm, and a heartwarming romance await you in It Started With A Kiss.

Coffee Dates with It Started With A Kiss

First Date: I absolutely love the setup for how Tyson and Avery meet. Avery is such a unique, colorful character and I immediately wanted to be her friend. Adair transports us to a resort town in the Sequoia Lake area, and I loved the small-town and Adventure Lodge. Tyson is a member of the Sequoia Elite Mountain Rescue team but is home after hearing the lodge is in trouble. Right away I was pulled into their story from the surprises to the tension.

Second Date: I love small-town series and Adair introduces secondary characters and offers several threads in addition to the romance. All of them weaved together to create an addictive story the provided a little drama, some laughter, and even a few tears. Tyson has some family issues and guilt to tackle, but I liked him. Mr. Rugged is hot, passionate and natural protector. I loved seeing his reactions to Avery. Avery has been through a lot, but she simply shines and makes others around her feel her warmth. I love the thread about her journal. The chemistry delivers some off the chart moments.

Third Date: Stir in a little angst, personal growth and leaps of faith into our last date. Break out the truffles and tissues. The last part of the book just pulled at my heartstrings. We see Tyson mend fences and let go of the past. A scene with his father felt so genuine and there were lots of tears. I could not set this story down. The couple faced obstacles and I began to worry about an HEA. While truffles were needed I ended this date both emotional spent and delighted I picked up It Started With A Kiss. I cannot wait for the next book.

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e relationship between Ty and Avery may have started with a kiss but had this couple ending with so much more.

It Started with Your Kiss was a close to perfect mainstream romance. The met cute between Ty and Avery definitely had me laughing out loud. The pair had an easy rapport in the beginning which Genghis couple in the tough times. I loved watching these two working together. The complimented each other perfectly.

The book had some very touching, real moments but didn't leave a sadness around the characters. I was hopeful that this couple could overcome their adversity and emotional baggage for a brighter days.

The Ty and Avery also had the perfect amount of chemistry that didn't leave the reader wanting more. There relationship worked in and outside the bedroom

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OMG, what a fabulous introduction for me to this author. I had never read a book by Ms. Adair, and she now can count me as a fan forever.
The story centers around Avery, a young woman whose life’s experiences inspires her to embrace life to the fullest. She sees a silver lining in everything, and considering her past, you will want to make her happy as well. Ty, is the son of the owners of the lodge where Avery currently works. He is a member of the Sequoia Elite Mountain Rescue team home on vacation , to help his parents with the lodge.
Both characters are well developed. Avery is sweet, strong, loving and has a big heart. Ty, has been hurt by his Dad , but he too is a strong individual that even though he clashes with his Dad, all he wants to do is help and overcome his own guilt.
It’s a story about life’s ups and downs, family dynamics, how parents actions affects their children even as adults. How guilt can prohibit us from reaching true happiness, even if that guilt is unfounded. But through it all, understanding , love , support, hope, encouragement and embracing the present, can truly heal and open our hearts.
Thank you Ms Adair, for such a wonderful story. I am looking forward to more of your books.
I was gifted this book by Netgalley and Montalke. The opinions expressed are solely my own.

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This is not one of Adair's strongest, but a weak Adair is still head and shoulders above so many others that I enjoyed it. I think it suffered from a lack of focus; I found myself losing track of what dynamic was happening when.

However, this is easily one of the best treatments of a child dealing with parental dementia I've ever read. It is sensitive and passionate, not demonizing anyone or making anyone a saint. I hope the other books in the series let us check back in on this plot line.

A fuller review will appear at Fresh Fiction. I requested this book from them and NG, so reviews are appearing at each.

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