Member Reviews

Hy’shka to the whales. We hear you. The dreamers aren’t just coming, they’re already here.
Sometimes maybe a bit too heavy on the ‘climate change happenings’ and the authors own opinion seeping through a bit too much on this (although I can understand it, you can feel the devotion and passion the author’s putting into this story), for my liking, but in general, this is a truly beautiful piece of work, mainly focused on the realism of what’s happening to not only orca’s ander other sea life, but planet Earth and its inhabitants and nature in general, while written for young adult readers so that its a perfect educational read combined with fiction to reach even more readers out there.
This book should be in every high school library and on the must read list of schools to make the new generation even more so aware of what’s happening with captive orca’s (& other animals) and to let this be an eye-opener. I love that there’s a young adult book out there that’s approachable and readable for almost every age now!
Beautifully and captivatingly written. Inspired by true events, wrapped up in a fictional setting that combines real orca research information, real events that happened but also includes myths and folklore background of the Native Americans, whom have a rich history when it comes to their connection and stories of orca’s, the Blackfish. I loved it. It embodies everything about what’s been happening in the past regarding wild orca captures and the impact of it all, but also what’s happening out in the wild as we speak and how Mother Earth needs more advocates! A beautiful but sad story that leaves an impact.
I really hope the author is going to continue with the series!