Member Reviews

I usually struggle with books where I don't like the main character but I still found myself emotionally invested with this one. I enjoyed the format of alternating between past and present day, and I really must be losing my touch because I didn't figure it out until it was pretty much there in black and white!
My first book from this author and will be checking out the others.

Love this author, I don't think theres anyone like him in this genre at present. Final girls was well thought out and planned and fantastically written. The plot kept me guessing right to the end with twists and turns.

Thoroughly enjoyed this book, with just the right amount of action and intrigue. I was gripped from beginning to end and I look forward to reading more of Sager's novels!

I feel like this reminds me more of a slasher type book than a thriller . It gives me very 90s vibes but I enjoyed reading it.

Final Girls is a fantastic thriller about Quincy who is a "final girl" after surviving a massacre and how she uncovers the truth behind the supposed suicide of another "final girl". It is such a fast read that I couldn't help but devour it. I needed to know the truth.
The majority of the story takes place in the present in NYC, but there are flashbacks to the massacre. This fits quite well as Quincy is shown as someone who wants to forget what happened but at the same time suffers memory loss and in a way needs closure in the way of confirmation of what happened. So she's a bit of an unreliable narrator. The flashbacks are a brilliant way of showing Quincy's memories as they gradually return to her.
I quite liked most of the characters, but I was also suspicious of most of them too. Which is probably the sign of a good thriller. The only characters I wasn't suspicious of were Jeff and Coop.
I didn't find the story predictable at all and was shocked by the reveals. In hindsight, the ending is obvious and I can't believe I didn't see it coming. But I take that as another sign of a good thriller. The ending was so climatic and had me on the edge of my seat.
I did find the first 2/3s of the story slower-paced but it still read very quickly. In the final 1/3, the pace just increased tenfold.
I'm not someone who has read many thrillers, and definitely not many adult ones, but I'm definitely going to check out more Riley Sager and do have a copy of Survive the Night as my next read. I'd definitely recommend Final Girls to anyone looking for a quick suspenseful read.

The twists and turns of this book kept me gripped throughout there was never a dull moment ! Characters were believable and original , what a great suspense psychological thriller

I finally finished this book and I loved it, so many twists to it. The writer knows how to reel you in then shock you with an surprise twist. The characters are well written, especially Sam/Tina, i think he wrote her character well as she was pivotal to uncovering what really happened at the cottage.

Ten years ago, college student Quincy Carpenter went on vacation with five friends and came back alone, the only survivor of a horror movie–scale massacre. In an instant, she became a member of a club no one wants to belong to—a group of similar survivors known in the press as the Final Girls.
A hard hitting rollercoaster of a truly disturbing thriller, not to be read late at night!

FINAL GIRLS is an excellent, chilling mystery.
The survivor, the final girl... It's a trope that we often see at the end of novels, movies, and TV series: the one who manages to survive horrific events and tragedies. In Sager's novel, though, we start with the final girls - specifically, three of them: Quincy, Sam, Lisa. Each of them is the sole survivor of a separate killing sprees. It's a club nobody wants to be a part of, but the three of them are linked by their shared grief and survivor's guilt. Then, Lisa (the first of the Final Girls) is found dead, maybe of suicide, and Sam appears on Quincy's doorstep. An intense mystery ensues, as Quincy must attempt to unravel lies, uncover the truth, and hopefully save herself in the process.
A riveting mystery/thriller. Well-written, solid characters, and gripping. Recommended.

All you thriller readers out there who has already read and enjoyed this book.....
Wasn’t it fab!
To all those thriller writers out there.....
This is how you do it!
This book grabs you by the short and curlies and holds the reader prisoner until the end....
Be prepared for many ....oh no...and jaw dropping moments. I kid you not.
Ok I’m late to the Riley Sager party. This is only my secound book of this author. I have the others though....and his next one on pre-order. I’ve a feeling this author has joined my “don’t care what it’s about, it’s Riley Sager I’m ordering it” list!
It’s dark, it feels atmospheric, it’s page turning eagerness.
Loved it!
Loved it!
Final Girls.
Epic thriller.
Great writing.
If you haven’t read it, and you love a good dark thriller, please do

There was much to enjoy here, but I found I couldn't connect with it. I'd read more from this author in the future though.

I’m always a bit wary of anything described as the new “Gone Girl” - it’s become a bit of a cliche. This was good though. Well worth a read.

A brilliant psychological thriller that had me completely gripped from the very beginning . An extremely tense read that had me on the edge of my seat at times,.

Thank you to Netgalley for my free kindle copy of this title in return for an honest review.
I really liked this book, lots of twists and turns the ending was brilliant. I would have given this five star's but felt some chapters went on a bit too long when I really just wanted to find out what happened at pine woods would definitely recommend this book. This is the first book I've read of Riley Sager and I can't wait to read more.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.
After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.
I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

This is a thriller writer to watch out for. I enjoyed Quincys story. It’s hard to know who to trust in this book and I thought I’d had all figured out but boy was I totally wrong! The twists and turns galore will have you on the edge of your seat. This is my first book by Riley but it certainly won’t be my last.
Thanks goes to net galley and the publishers for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

4.3 stars.
I enjoyed Final Girls the whole way through - it's super fast-paced. There are a lot of creepy bits - I mean, I was reading this at midnight last night during a thunderstorm, but the overall effect was very eerie.
I guessed the twist today, but it was still quite interesting to see how everything panned out. There were a few things I didn't see coming - and for once it was lovely that it wasn't the boyfriend! So yeah, glad I read it, although there were a couple of bits that were... less good. Quincy annoyed me a bit. Sam's characterisation was kind of all over the place. And Jeff was a boooore, although that might've been the point.

An enjoyable thriller that seriously lagged and meandered in the middle just to keep the reader guessing and didn't wholly work on me. Moreover, the killer reveal didn't impress me much mostly because the ~reason turned out to be so uninspired. Still, it has some really great parts especially all the baking and the angry scenes and a character that I immediately took a liking to and knew wouldn't be to blame. I had fun reading it.

Slow to start but a good read once it got going. I enjoyed the storyline and will look out for more from this author.

I must confess my expectations were pretty high going into Final Girls. It's been receiving starred and positive reviews left, right and centre. It keeps popping up on the "must-read thrillers of 2017" lists. So I'll allow that the extent of my disappointment might have something to do with that.