Member Reviews

This trio of delightful cozy Victorian steampunk mysteries by L. A. Nisula could well be dubbed “An American Typist in Steampunk London.” The novels are on the short side, staying close to the story line, nicely paced and with a good balance between characters, most notably Cassie herself, her quirky landlady, and disapproving Inspector Burrows of Scotland Yard (and the other equally disapproving inspectors who are forced by circumstance and evidence to acknowledge Cassie’s superb detecting skills and keen deductive powers. The mysteries themselves are tidy but not dry or predictable affairs, occasionally including nifty steampunk technology (like mechanized “birds” that deliver messages to “aviaries” like a sort of flying postal service). Cassie earns her living typing (which involves lugging her heavy manual typewriter all over London) reports for Scotland Yard, monographs for Oxford dons, and occasionally other jobs that hurl her in the way of murder and mayhem. Her usual response is to seek out a tea shop for a cup of tea and an array of colorfully-named English pastries, necessarily for deep cogitation. Her sweet tooth (and the ready availability of such tea shops) is legendary. Each book in this bundle provides a different setting for the mystery: in Killing at the Carnival, Cassie and her landlady’s nephew visit a Wild West show, only to have the sharpshooter make a deadly mistake before their eyes; Death at Dinner sees Cassie pressed into service, helping her landlady’s friend, a cook in a big house, with a formal dinner that turns poisonous; in Stabbing Set with Sapphires Cassie takes a job typing up inventory for a jewelry store and encounters fake gemstones, kidnapping, burglary, and murder. Much fun ensues.