Member Reviews

I was lucky to receive an advanced copy of this book from Netgalley. This is book two in the "Most Likely To" Series.

Zoe has been running from her small hometown and family since high school. But this now successful chef finds herself thinking of her first love, Luke. Luke has never stopped loving Zoe, but can the pick up where they left off over ten years ago? Will Zoe's dysfunctional family keep her away for good?

I enjoyed the first book, and I enjoyed this book as well. First, I really love the friendship between Zoe and her two old friends, Mel & Jo. I love that Zoe was able to leave her hometown and make a success of herself all on her own. I enjoyed this book, and I'm looking forward to book three & Jo's story.

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I have been waiting patiently for this book since I finished Doing It Over. I couldn't wait to see what happened with Jo and Zoe. Zoe's story doesn't disappoint.

The passion between Zoe and Luke was already established in 'Doing It Over.' This book just brings that relationship to the forefront. This second chance at love is well written with a nice build that can be read at a quick pace. I was rooting for Luke but Zoe just had to face her past. I loved the way he just showed up surprising Zoe and Jo in Texas. Although the guy in the bar that talks to Zoe is on my creep radar even though he is written as a nice guy on the surface.

I felt for Zoe. It tugged at my heart and made me cry. Her family..... That's all I can say. But Luke's strength is an amazing gift for Zoe. Yet, Zoe needs to be willing to accept it.

Loved this book for the build of the story, the suspense, the passion, the angst, the make you want to yell at the pages and finally for the book hangover. I couldn't put the book down. When I finished the book I wanted more of these characters.

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Estranged from her family and looked down on by her hometown, Zoe sets out to prove she's more than her screwed up family. She left an outcast and returned a changed woman. The problem with returning home is that the past still hovers in her review mirror. The people she hurt, the town that judged her and the family she left behind all await her. Memories whether painful or happy are hard to outrun. For Zoe mending fences means facing her past. Luke is her biggest regret. Her safe haven, has become her biggest heartbreak. Can a damaged heart help heal a broken one? Staying For Good takes a trek down memory lane to establish a lesson in humility and teach the true meaning of love.

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Catherine Bybee has become one of my favorite contemporary authors. When I received an invitation to read Staying for Good, I eagerly accepted. I love that Ms. Bybee writes about REAL people with flawed lives, such a change from many contemporary authors. I received an ARC from the published via Net-Galley.

The pacing of Ms. Bybee’s books is always great and Staying for Good is as well. The characters are engaging and plot is believable. I normally enjoy second chance romances and this is an excellent one.

Zoe Brown is a wonderful heroine. Determined to rise above her trouble background, she leaves her dysfunctional family in River Bend, her best friends and her boyfriend to go on to achieve astonishing success as a celebrity chef. I could feel her pain when she realizes that her love for Luke is still as strong as ever when she returns for her friend’s wedding.

I thoroughly enjoyed Luke’s character. He’s one of the good guys, loyal to his family and friends. While he’s not lived as a monk, he has never found a woman that would suit him the way Zoe did. When he sees her at their 10th year class reunion, she won’t leave his mind. When an opportunity arises to visit her in Texas, he takes it, determined to win her back. I loved his gentle pursuit of her and his patience.

What I like most about Ms. Bybee’s novels is that not only does she give me a great hero and heroine; she gives me an entire cast of characters that I grow to love as well. I can’t wait to read Jo’s story!

If you like small-town romances with a community to love, then you will love Staying for Good as much as I did. I highly recommend this book. It has been Ms. Bybee’s best so far. Happy reading!

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What was your most likely to when you were in school?
Zoe Brown’s was most likely to never leave River Bend. But after a bottle of tequila and a nightmare as a teenager she gets out of River Bend. Leaving everything behind. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Eleven years later.
Zoe, Mel and Jo are still as thick as thieves. They have always stuck together and after Mel’s ordeal it is no different. These are the two Zoe shared a bottle of tequila with after graduation.
Zoe Brown chef extraordinaire has cooked her way up to the top. Coming from a trailer park home and always wanting to do better she has managed most of her dreams. She is successful, has a lot going for her but there with all that there is just something missing.
Zoe has had an awful childhood and her father being locked away was a heaven sent. But it still did change anything and she never wanted to go back but her feelings for Luke and the connection that she has with River Bend is growing once again.
After her ten year reunion and seeing her childhood sweetheart she is even more restless.
Luke Miller has had everything in River Bend that he has needed. He’s happy and content always has been. He even understood why Zoe left. But he also feels as if something is missing.
After ten years at their high school reunion they realise that they are both still in limbo. They can’t move forward and yet neither one expected to go back and revisit the past.
Until Wyatt gives Luke a nudge well actually a plane ticket to Texas to go get his girl back as a last ditch effort.
Luke and Zoe are great together. Luke is a rock for Zoe and I liked that Zoe came to realise that you can have so much money and always look for the next big thing because at one time it could all be gone. But in time she comes to realise what is really important and does the right thing.
This is a story of sacrificing something that is already beautiful and going after what you want. That nothing is set in stone and that things people can change but that some things still stay the same. But we all make choices.
I found reading the scenes of how Zoe’s father and I’m using that term very loosely here and what did/does to his own kids/wife sickening.
This book was a lot better IMO then the first one. It was good to begin with but Zoe said or did something I can’t remember what and I thought Oh, Oh this isn’t going to be good but after that time seemed to fly while reading it. And that ending? Well I didn’t see that coming. Saddening, heart breaking yet freeing all at the same time and all the siblings deserved it.
Last but not least I love the hippy Ms. Gina and I’m hoping that Zane will get a book. Just saying Ms. Bybee, he’d make a fantastic Hero.

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In Staying for Good, Catherine Bybee has written an at once satisfying love story about love re-found, and a powerful book about domestic violence. This book, though a standalone, is also the second in Bybee’s “A Most Likely Novel” trilogy about the enduring friendship between three childhood friends whose bonds grow ever stronger as the women reunite as adults. The first book featured Melanie Bartlett, the girl most likely to succeed. This book centers around Zoe Brown, the girl most likely to never leave their hometown of River Bend.  I expect the third will feature Jo(Anne) Ward, the girl most likely to end up in jail. 

Though her life is based in Texas, Zoe is returning to River Bend on a regular basis, not the least because she and her high school sweetheart, Luke Miller, are trying to rekindle the embers of their long ago romance. Theirs is a sweet, supportive relationship with some welcome heat. In visiting home, Zoe is forced to deal with her difficult family face to face. All, including Zoe, carry scars inflicted by her now incarcerated father. These storylines supply the meat and potatoes of the novel. 

Staying for Good has a large cast of characters; some colorful, most likable, and others weak and not so likable. The interaction between these characters lend depth and texture to the book. 

I enjoyed this book very much and couldn’t put it down. It is a delicate task when it comes to successfully intertwining a romance/romantic suspense book with a message, and Ms Bybee succeeds admirably in this endeavor as she deftly weaves the darker subplot in with a sweet romance.  I highly recommend this novel.

I. was given a free copy of this book by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated, nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions stated are solely my own.


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I’m ready for the next book in the series! I loved this book. Catherine is an author that when she has a new release, her book bumps others down and become first priority on my to read list.

Staying for Good was the perfect pace, the perfect depth, and had the perfect balance. It held a few steamy scenes, some mystery and intrigue, some suspense and drama, then a whole lot of love. The reason her books stand out is because the love in the book isn’t just the lust captured between two love birds. It’s deeper than most books and that is what draws the reader in and makes them feel like they are a part of the story. Staying for Good captures the love between friends and family, who sometimes are your friends, and even the love and support of your community. I felt the warmth of the characters hearts as the story progressed and that makes a great read. There was a point in the book that Luke states, “I learned that every time you pushed to another level, it proved you had to leave this town to get there. And as much as I missed you, I was proud that you were doing it.” To capture how intertwined I was with these characters already during the first half of the book, I had to look away for a minute because my eyes had started watering because I could sense that pride.

I love that this book doesn't tease you and go the stereotypical route. I usually can figure out a book within the first chapter or two and this one was not what I expected. It wasn't a constant tug-a-war between if she was going to stay or go. This story was about a strong, independent woman who overcame her obstacles and showcased her growth through the rain in life. I could convey many more compliments, but I’d want to go into detail about the twists, so I will just highly recommend that you read this book for yourself then let me know what you think.

The only thing I would mention is the alternating perspectives. I read the eBook version that was provided to me by the author before release, so that I could provide an honest review during the release tour. That being said, I’m not sure if the final edition might have addressed it, but the alternating third person confused me a few times. I’d have to reread a paragraph on more than one occasion to make sure I understood who was speaking; it seemed to slow down my reading a little. During the first 80% of the book it was just alternating between one or two characters, but then all of a sudden mid chapter it began letting a supporting character with a smaller part take over the perspective. It did add depth to those characters with that different view of things which contributed to the story greatly, I just wished the switches were more clearly identified or separated. I’ve never read a book that didn’t just have two alternating perspectives, but had several interchanging.

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always love a Bybee story. it's a shame they have to end. it was great watching them both make the right choices no matter what.

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Once again Bybee hits it out of the park. Zoe and Luke's story does not disappoint in this second installment. We are also treated to updates from all of the secondary characters as well. Looking forward to Jo's story next.

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Book two in Catherine Bybee's Most Likey to Succeed Series, STAYING FOR GOOD tells the story of teenage sweethearts-turned-grownups Zoe and Luke.
After High school graduation, Zoe left the tiny, suffocating town of RIverBend, Luke, and her family behind. With a father in prison for armed robbery and her memories of being raised in a trailer by a broken mother, Zoe knew she had to leave the sleepy town if she was ever going to do anything worthwhile with her life, esp. after being voted the girl MOSTLY LIKE TO NEVER LEAVE RIVER BEND by her graduating class.
Fast forward ten years and Zoe is a successful cheflebrity living in Texas. SHe's been back home a few times recently tho, because one of her BFF's is getting married soon. And when she's home she comes face to face more times than she can count with the only man she's ever really loved, Luke.
For his part, Luke has stayed in his home town, helped run his father's garage and generally been happy. Except for the fact that he misses the love of his life and wan'ts a life with her. COming up with a way to ensure that is Luke's mission.
I don't like spoilers so I stop the plot there.
This was a good story of coming home, why you should-or shouldn't- and what happens to people you leave behind. Zoe is wracked with guilt and frustration with her family. She knows her mother resents her leaving, just as much as she knows the woman enjoys the money Zoe sends home for her mom to live. With her younger brother and sister looking like they are going to fall into the same trap of teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, and problems with the law as their imprisoned father, she wants them to understand there is more to life than just being trailer=park trash. Unfortunately, the cycle seems to repeat itself without stopping.
If you are a fan of Bybees' - which I am, in spades(!) - you will enjoy this book. Told in rotating points of view, the set up for book, Jo's story, MAKING IT RIGHT is firmly rooted and I can't wait for that one to release.
Well worth the read.

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As always from this author this is an amazing story with characters that will touch your heart from the very first page. This second installment in the Most Likely To series takes us back to River Bend where we meet Zoe Brown. Voted most likely never to leave in high school, Zoe was determined to prove everyone wrong. She did leave and did very well for herself - Thank you very much. She's back now though and facing everyone again is hard. Especially facing Luke. The one good thing that had been in her prior life and the only man who could get her to consider staying.

Put this one on the must read list! I highly recommend it.

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Zoe has been voted the "Most Likely to Never Leave River Bend" at her high school graduation. Part of this is due to her serious relationship with Luke & part is due to growing up in a trailer without any extra money for college. Who would believe that she would come back at her ten year reunion as a celebrity chef? Seeing Luke again has wakened up those same feelings again but she doesn't want to come back & deal with her family & her repressed emotions of bitterness & resentment.

Luke is the guy left behind. He's a mechanic in his father's shop & was never dissatisfied with his life until Zoe came back. With all the feelings for her being brought to the surface, he begins to wonder if he's made the right choice. But can he leave his hometown, job & family for her?

This story would be an easy one to turn dark & depressing but somehow Catherine Bybee balances the light & the dark. Zoe's resentment of her "blood" family is balanced by her love of her "family of the heart", her girlfriends that feel like they should be her sisters & Miss Gina. The writer has a way of grabbing you from the first scene & getting you emotionally invested in the story & the characters. I love the relationship between Miss Gina & the girls. She reminds me of a godmother or grandmotherly figure. Ms. Bybee's books are intense & emotional without all of the overt sexiness that seems popular in today's books. A true heartfelt romance with a touch of suspense!

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**Advanced copy provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

You always know when you see Catherine Bybee's name on a book that you are in for a treat. In this second installment of the "Most Likely To" series, we have the chance to revisit River Bend and the wonderful cast of characters who live there and what a great ride it is.

For Zoe Brown, being voted Most Likely to Never Leave River Bend only makes her want to leave her hometown that much faster. Not only does she want to leave the small town she's grown up in to spread her wings and make something of herself, but she also wants to escape her family and the difficulties that they bring to her life. The one thing she never really wanted to leave behind, but felt she had no choice, was Luke, her high school boyfriend and likely the love of her life.

When one of Zoe's best friends, Melanie, gets engaged, it forces Zoe's hand and she has to return to the town she was so desperate to escape and it also means she's going to have to face Luke again. Luke has always been happy in River Bend and never had any aspirations to leave, but when these two former loves come face to face and begin to reconnect, he begins to think that maybe leaving River Bend wouldn't be that bad. But is Zoe beginning to have the opposite thoughts after spending time in her home town again? Both are faced with decisions that are going to change the course of the rest of their lives, but for Zoe the choice is to leave everyone she loves again or to stay for good and it may be the hardest decision she's ever had to make.

Catherine Bybee has a way of sucking you into the world that she's created and she makes you truly care about all of the characters. It was great to see all of our friends from the first book including, Mel, Jo, Ms. Gina and Wyatt, and then getting to meet new ones. I have no doubt that Jo's book, which is the next installment, will be fantastic!

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A god book! I enjoyed the second chance with Zoe and Luke.

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Maybe if I were voted Most Likely to Never Leave [insert name of any small town] it would make me more determined to leave said small town. Especially if I had an abusive, alcoholic father and a mother lacking in self-esteem and a healthy sense of self-preservation. I don’t blame Zoe for leaving. And at eighteen, she was too young to stay solely for her high school boyfriend. They were too young to make a real go of it then.

Luke is the boy who was left behind. He remained in River Bend and worked as a mechanic at his father’s repair shop. They both got on with their lives, which I was extremely happy to see, Zoe becoming a celebrity chef. From what I can tell, there was a ten-year reunion where they kind of got close again?? I’m not sure if this reunion occurred in another book, but in Staying For Good the event is only mentioned in passing so I’m not sure exactly what happened between them during the reunion. If I had to gripe about anything it’s that fact. I wanted to know. Luke has absolutely no animosity toward Zoe, I think knowing what happened would have been helpful in understanding where he’s coming from.

Although Zoe is still super attracted to Luke—her feelings for him stirred up since the reunion—she’s hesitant to become involved with him again. After all, she lives in Texas and he lives in Oregon. She doesn’t want to hurt him and she doesn’t want to get hurt. And her dysfunctional family—the one she hightailed it away from over a decade ago—is in River Bend. For that reason alone, she’s not moving back. In fact, at the beginning of the book we find her house hunting in Texas. Yep, she’s putting down roots. It’s one of her best friend’s wedding that brings her back to her hometown. Oh, and did I mention her twenty-one-year-old baby sister, Zanya, just had a baby (three months ago) and their mother thinks she’s pregnant again? It doesn’t help that Zanya is a single mother who dropped out of school with no real employable skills. Ugh. Real life can be a real downer. Seriously. When I read romance, I like having my heartstrings pulled not be depressed. I was terrified this was the road I was being taken down.

But Ms. Bybee manages something I didn’t think possible. She manages to balance the lack of animosity between the hero and heroine with the challenges Zoe faces in dealing with her family. Don’t get me wrong, Zoe and Luke experience emotional conflict but there’s no anger involved. Luke is so willing to go with the flow, at times he amazed me. If you’re looking for a dark and brooding alpha male hero, I’m telling you right now that Luke is a beta through and through. He’s the guy always willing to try. The guy who has no problem compromising. He’s the guy women want in real life. And just when I thought I’m not seeing any earth-shattering conflict in the horizon, the story takes a rather dramatic turn. A couple new POVs are introduced and the subplot surfaces and heats right on up. And just like that, my interest sharpened and my angst (and anger) level was on the rise. Zoe’s family. Sigh. That’s all I’m going to say.

Staying for Good isn’t just a romance because there are definite women’s fiction and perhaps even suspense elements in the plot that make it more. And Ms. Bybee does of great job of melding those elements together. The secondary characters, Zoe’s two besties and Luke’s parents, feel real and are very likeable. And after a little getting to know Zoe’s brother Zane, so is he. I particularly liked Zoe’s friend Joe, who is the sheriff of River Bend. She’s simply an interesting, intriguing character. But I guess she has to be since she’s getting her own book.

All in all, Staying for Good is a story that does a very nice job in combining a heartfelt romance with the some of the harsher realities of real life. I look forward to reading Making It Right, which will be out May 9, 2017.

~ Beverley

Review will also post on the blog closer to release date

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