Member Reviews

This book is a departure from Robert's O'Malley series (which is amazing!), but this book has romance, suspense and a small town cast of characters. I would definitely recommend it!

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The Devil’s Daughter had all of the great elements that I like to see in a romantic suspense. The major characters were likable but flawed. The romance was a good distraction from the horrors that occurred but wasn’t the main attraction. And, it wasn’t until the very end that the true villains were revealed. All in all, Katee Robert has weaved together an excellent tale that illustrates how it’s not easy to keep your past in the rear view mirror no matter how much distance you create.

Eden Collins was born into a Montana cult that was created and ruled by her mother Martha. Eden had to endure some unspeakable acts well before she became an adult. When she was old enough to leave the cult, she got as far away as possible and joined the FBI. She used her own experiences to help take down other cults. Eventually, the murder of a young girl dangerously close to her mother’s cult lures Eden back to town to assist the local Sheriff Zach Owens with the investigation. To further complicate things, the body count starts to increase and the familiarity of the murders make the hair on the back of Eden’s neck stand up. She is confident that her mother is directly involved but she tries desperately to keep her own emotions out of the investigation. That becomes even more of a challenge as she also attempts to deny herself of having a relationship with Zach. She can no more deny her attraction as she can deny the connection to her unfulfilled prophecy regarding the cult and her role as Queen of the Underworld.

I was very pleased with the misdirection that plays out throughout the investigation. Small town investigations are always tricky because everyone likes to get involved with the investigation. Once you throw in the defiant attitudes of cult members, everything becomes more complicated. I felt sorry for Eden as she tried to exact information from her mother while trying to maintain her distance. As a cult leader, Martha was truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing. On the other hand, Zach was a diligent and persistent investigator who took all of the crimes personally and felt that it was his responsibility to keep his citizens safe. Eden was strong, resourceful, and brave as she attempted to slay the demons of her past. I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

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3.5 “Crazy-Creepy Cult” Stars

When your mother is the leader of a cult, there aren’t many choices to make. You either fulfill your destiny (the one your crazy mother dictates) or you get the hell out of dodge. And that’s exactly what Eden did 10 years ago, never looking back.

What every town’s sheriff wants is to have a whacky cult amidst his people, not. Then young girls start to go missing only to later show up dead in what seems to be cult rituals. As much as he doesn’t like Eden coincidently showing up to offer her help with the investigation, she’s his only in with the cult.

The more they investigate the more Zach and Eden’s feeling begin to get involved. When the killer begins to escalate and everything points to Eden being in the middle of everything, their connection will be tested.

Zach was one sexy lawman. He had a military past he was dealing with and he really cared about the well-being of the people in his town. Eden brought all his protective instincts into overdrive and that was some seriously hot shit.

I must confess that I ended up a little bit disappointed in Eden. I did like her and thought it was a miracle she was a functioning adult. It was a testament to her fortitude that she dedicated her life to saving people from cults like her mother’s. But she got her ass kicked so many times during the investigation that at some point I was yelling “WTF woman?!! Didn’t you get any training at all at the bureau?”. This could have been mostly that I read FBI agent in the blurb and I was expecting a totally kick ass woman.

While Zach and Eden had some serious chemistry, I can’t say I totally connected to either of them. I felt that the main focus was on the cult and the mystery, and their romance took somewhat of a backseat to it. Which is actually not a bad thing, but whilst the suspense was really good, the conclusion of the mystery behind the killings felt a bit rushed.

With crazy cult people, creepy cult politics, a hunky sheriff, and some sexiness, as well as a great mystery The Devil’s Daughter was a somewhat disturbing but entertaining read.

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The Devil’s Daughter by Katee Robert
Series: Hidden Sins, #1
Mystery/Thriller/ Suspense Romance
January 24, 2017

Reviewed by Tori

Favorite Quote: “Into Hell I go.”

FBI agent Eden Collins vowed never to return home to Clear Springs, Montana. Growing up the daughter of an infamous cult leader, her childhood was not pleasant. When Eden receives an anonymous picture of a homicide victim who has tattoos similar to those of her mother’s followers, Eden knows it’s time to head home to confront her past and hopefully catch a killer.

Sheriff Zach Owens is in over his head when girls start disappearing and turning up dead in his small town. Eden Collins’ sudden arrival in town seems a little too coincidental but Zack will use whatever and whoever he can to stop the killer(s). Only, he doesn’t count on her being so attractive or him being so protective of her. Zack knows she is the only one who can access the inner sanctum of the reclusive cult but fears he may be sending her right into the killer’s arms.

The Devil’s Daughter is a deviation from Katee Robert’s usual romantically focused fare. The first book in her Hidden Sins series, this intense psychological thriller builds a layered and complicated story that takes a look into the world of cults and the powerful allure behind them. Through the eyes of a former member. The edgy atmosphere lends a hand to the overall dark and mysterious quality the story holds as Robert’s leads her readers down a rabbit hole of power, sex, mysticism, and murder. Heavily character driven the book effortlessly balances the intensity of the murder investigation with the internal struggles of the heroine, FBI agent Eden Collins, creating some interesting dynamics.

"I don’t want to go back. Please don’t make me. It was the cry of a child in the dark. She’d worked very, very hard to leave that child behind, but the little-girl voice had a nasty habit of popping up at the worst times."

Robert’s has a definite gift for nail biting stories that leaves you hanging onto every little word. She pulls no punches and allows you little time to accept before tossing you next challenge. Smooth flowing with minimal fillers-this story grabs you and doesn’t let go till the end. The narrative is easy to follow, even with the occasional head jumping. A strong investigative base allows readers an inside look while steady pacing and intense suspense flies us all the way home. The romance and the conflict blend effortlessly together though the romance remains a low-key presence that doesn’t offer readers any real concrete resolutions in here.

With one girl missing, and now one dead, all eyes turn towards the local cult Elysia, and Martha Collins, its charismatic leader. Zach attempts to question Martha but is instantly stonewalled. A war veteran with some PTSD, this small town sheriff’s mama bear style protective warrior status is a direct result of his traumatic experience. Intelligent, handsome, and loyal to the core, he takes each death personally and struggles with maintaining a professional demeanor.

“Do you often collect people you considered yours?”

“Call it a habit I’ve never been able to escape.”

When Eden appears in town, Zach isn’t instantly on board with her help but soon grows to trust her as he sees her commitment towards justice-a trait she shares with him.

Eden Collins’ left home 10 years ago after a traumatic event that left her convinced death would soon follow. Completely reinventing herself, she becomes a FBI agent. A strong, intelligent, emotionally isolated heroine with a strong sense of justice and deep-seated vein of vulnerability. Calm, cool, and collected, she hides her insecurities well. It’s only when she comes home does those insecurities and fears come roaring back to the surface. Though she sees the truth behind her mother’s false prophecies and god-like stature, she is more than aware of the power her mother welds. A power that Eden struggles not to fall back under herself.

"She looked like the kind of woman who’d gather lost souls to her ad hold them till they were whole again.

Which is exactly why she was so dangerous."

I enjoyed meeting Eden and Zach. Robert’s works to build on their connection, showing us a team that works well together despite their differences. The romance is slow burning though heavy with chemistry. Robert’s takes her time exploring Eden’s and Zach’s attraction, using the investigation and their individual demons as speed bumps. Eden has spent her adult life alone and on the move. Her childhood has left her unable to easily trust and her job sends her everywhere. Engaging dialog and revealing emotional scenes help to tip the scale towards love. Zach’s protective streak comes out strong concerning Eden. While he wants to protect her from harm, he doesn’t coddle her. He recognizes her strength, skills, and tenacity. Though Eden doesn’t feel she has anything to offer Zach, he refuses to give up on them.

"He was like a golden god who’d wandered into this strangely domestic scene, and she didn’t know how to reconcile the two conflicting impressions."

A varied cast of secondary characters are well developed and fleshed out. They slip effortlessly in and out of the story. We see many different relationships in here that further explore the mentality behind cults and the various methods that are used to keep the followers complacent and faithful. Eden’s mother is complex character who we get to know through Eden’s eyes. I found Eden’s ability to see right through her mother’s hype interesting and wondered if it was her childhood that allowed for that or her extremely strong will.

As we get closer to solving the mystery there are some very intense reveals that left me shocked. The duplicity and deception left me reeling at the implications. The ending is an explosive finale that resolves the conflict and answers all our immediate questions but leaves enough open to lead us into book two. The Devil’s Daughter is an excellent endeavor and sure to appeal to fans of romantic suspense with a strong thriller/mystery base. I am looking forward to the next in this series; to be announced.

Grade: B+

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I have to say that I am really love this side of Katee Robert. Most people read her more contemporary romance books, but I am absolutely loving her romantic suspense side. And this book is definitely more thriller and suspense than romance, but there is a tiny bit of it.

So if you read the synopsis (which I would assume one has) then you know that Eden has returned to her childhood town, one she vowed never to return to. However, it’s the circumstances that has her more on edge than just being back home.

Eden is helping out the local police unofficially on a case where the trail leads to her mother’s cult, Elysia. Elysia is based on the Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone.

There are so many things I love about this book. Katee is able to write a very thrilling and suspenseful plot that leaves you guessing til the very end. Katee does a great job of explaining the cult’s beliefs and culture, which helps filtrate into the case they are trying to solve.

Everything ties together so perfectly in the end. And what makes it so great is how Katee slowly and methodically gives you all the pieces to slowly put together. Trust me – you may think you have all the pieces in place perfectly together, until you realize that there is more to the puzzle.

The Devil’s Daughter is captivating, thrilling and suspenseful must read. A fantastic start to her newest series.

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The quiet town of Clear Springs, Montana is shaken. A body of a teenage girl is found murdered and another girl has been reported. All eyes are focused on the cult compound called Elysia who thinks they operate above the law.

Officer Zach Owens is doing everything he can to search for a possible serial killer and any leads on the case when in walks Eden Collins. Eden is an FBI agent and more importantly the estranged daughter of Elysias leader. Zach and Eden are working against time to find the missing girl, and fighting their attraction to one another while doing so.

This was quite a departure from the usual writing of the author. Very dark and a great mystery. The story had a small amount of romance between Zach and Eden, but at it's core is a suspense. Very well written, and kept me guessing. I received a complimentary copy of this book for my unbiased review.

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I have been wanting to try Katee Robert for a while now, and I'm so glad I finally got her on my calendar. I was in the mood for a good suspense read and this book really hit the spot. This one is more on the suspense end of the spectrum, but it has just enough romance to satisfy most romance fans.

Eden Collins escaped small town Montana when she was 18 years old, running far and fast from the controlling and somewhat sadistic cult run by her mother, Martha. Now Eden is an agent on the FBI's Behavior Analysis Unit, specializing in cults. She definitely has the experience to be good at her job. When murders draw her back to the town she never expected to revisit, Eden discovers that while she survived her childhood, she will never get over what she suffered at the hands of her mother and her followers. For being a federal agent, Eden was more vulnerable that I would have expected... but that could have been the environment she found herself in. She definitely didn't have a kickass agent vibe, and she seemed more careless than I would expect of an FBI Agent. But I liked her all the same. It definitely took courage for her to face her fears and go back to the town that haunts her nightmares.

Zach Owens returned home from war to the sleepy small town of Crystal Springs, hoping to escape the horror he saw as a Marine in the Middle East. Taking over the family legacy of being the town sheriff, Zach's life has been pretty uneventful. Until girls start going missing, and the prodigal daughter returns home with information about his case. Zach tried very hard to stay focused on the case, but there was chemistry between he and Eden that he couldn't quite ignore. It seemed like their wounded souls were reaching out for one another.

As I mentioned above, the romance in this first installment of the series played a back seat to the suspense. That suited me fine for my current reading mood and I enjoyed trying to unravel the case with our main characters. I can tell you that I never quite figured out the villain, and I was surprised at the big reveal. I love it when that happens - it makes me so greedy for the story and pretty much guarantees I am going to finish reading with little delay. I am still feeling like cults are the new trend, as I read so much of this trope last year... but Robert did a good job making this cult stand out from the others. While it had the same structure as most cults (a leader and his/her inner circle), the beliefs of the "mother" and her followers were unexpected.

I think I will really enjoy this new series. I do wish we would have had a little more character development for Zach, and some additional explanation of the cult's belief system... but that could be coming in future books so I wasn't overly bothered by it in this first book.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from the publisher, Montlake Romance.

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This is NOT a typical Katee Robert book, but it is by far my favorite of all of the ones I’ve read. This is unlike most novels and is full of mystery, intrigue, as well as the steam you come to expect from Katee’s stories.

Eden Collins, current FBI agent and former, reluctant cult member (only because her mother ran the cult) and sexy Sheriff Zach Owens meet when Eden reluctantly returns to Clear Springs, Montana when a young girl’s dead body surfaces with ties to her mother’s cult.

There might be a serial killer on the loose and Zach knows he is going to need Eden’s help to find him/her. The trauma that Eden endured in the name of Elysia and its teachings are truly horrifying. The drama is well played out and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The chemistry between Zach and Eden is understated, but steamy! However, theirs is not a textbook romance by any stretch and it rings true due to the difficult nature of the case and both of their professions.

I have to say – although I suspected part of the ending – there was a twist you will most likely NOT SEE coming! I love that in a story.

This novel ends on a hopeful upswing, but it doesn’t tie everything together in a nice pretty bow which was refreshing. There is enough pain and torture that it wouldn’t be fitting for everything to work out perfectly.

If you enjoy “Criminal Minds”, you will LOVE “The Devil’s Daughter”.

Received copy from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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The Devil's Daughter by Katee Robert......This book kept me guessing and flipping pages, while on the edge of my seat. I absolutely loved watching this story be told between Eden and Zach. You will get a thrilling fast paced story with some romance. I am so excited to read the next book in this series. If you are looking for a story to suck you in this one is for you. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book from publisher via NetGalley.

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In The Devil's Daughter, Katee Robert's has elevated her craft by writing this suspense thriller that would have readers on their toes. Dead female bodies, a cult derived from Greek mythology, a female FBI agent with close ties to it, a sheriff with a sense of honor and a great storyline are elements that make The Devil's Daughter a worthwhile read for fans of the genre. Ms. Robert's will reel you in, snag you until you get caught in a whirlwind of trying to guess who the killer really is and the answer won't really be apparent until the nearly the end. Although a romantic suspense novel, the scenario between Eden and Zach is satisfyingly a realistic HFN with very good indications it could lead to a HEA further on. It will also open up a new avenue for the author to pursue these two characters in other story lines as well (shades of the Eve Dallas and Eve Duncan series).

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THE DEVIL’S DAUGHTER is the first installment in Katee Robert’s contemporary, adult HIDDEN SINS romantic suspense crime series. This is FBI agent Eden Collins, and Clear Springs, Montana sheriff and former Marine Zach Owens’s story line.

Told from several third person points of view THE DEVIL’S DAUGHTER focuses on a serial killer with possible links to a local Clear Springs cult known as Elysia, and their leader Martha Collins. With one girl missing, and another found dead sheriff Zach Owens struggles with a lack of DNA, clues and access to the Elysia compound. Enter FBI agent Eden Collins, the prodigal daughter of Elysia’s founder Martha Collins, and a potential victim given the nature of the crimes and the belief system of Martha’s followers. What ensues is the search for clues as the who, what and why, as Eden’s attempts to retrieve information from a compound she once called home.

Ten years earlier, Eden Collins left Clear Springs, Montana and the Elysia compound behind hoping never to return but a familiar tattoo and a series of ‘ritualistic markings’ brings Eden back home to a town frightened by the Elysia cult. Sheriff Zach Owens had hoped not to call in the FBI but Eden’s appearance coincides with the missing and murdered girls leaving our heroine the number one suspect early in the investigation.

The relationship between Eden and Zach is one of mutual attraction but Eden has no desire to lose her heart to someone back home. The romance is limited as the majority of the story line focuses on the search for the missing girls, and the clues that lead back to the Elysia compound.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including FBI agents Vic and Britton: local law enforcement and Sheriff’s deputy Chase, coroner William Reynolds, and several members of the Elysia cult. We are introduced to Eden’s mother and the leader of the cult Martha Collins, as well as her inner circle –Lee, Joseph and Abram, Beth and Jon.

THE DEVIL’S DAUGHTER is a story line that ventures into Greek mythology-Demeter and Persephone- and the cult-like belief system of one woman and her tight knit band of followers. The premise is intriguing and suspenseful; the final reveal is surprising; the characters are colorful and captivating; the HEA is open ended.

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When Eden Collins left Clear springs 10 years ago, she was determined to leave the life her mother had forced on her behind for good. When she receives an email with some pictures of a murder victim in her home town, with some very familiar tattoo’s, she heads back to see if her knowledge can be of any help to the local Sherriff.

Sherriff Zach Owens is skeptical at the beginning when Eden offers to help. He believes she could be tied to the murders. However her knowledge of what happens in Elysia will hopefully help him solve this case. Zach and Eden both believe that Eden’s mother and her followers are to blame for the murders however they cannot find enough proof. Being back in Clear Springs stirs up many demons that Eden has been trying to keep hidden, causing her to not trust her own professional or personal judgment.

Chemistry between Zach and Eden threatens to get in the way of the investigation. As they learn more about each other they find they are very alike. Both changed their lifestyle to escape the past and both still having nightmares about what they have seen.

**Advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review. **

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Growing up in a small town isn’t easy, especially when you’re the daughter of a local cult leader. Ten years ago, Eden Collins left Clear Springs, Montana, and never once looked back. But when the bodies of murdered young women surface, their corpses violated and marked with tattoos worn by her mother’s followers, Eden, now an FBI agent, can’t turn a blind eye. To catch the killer, she’s going to have to return to the fold.

Sheriff Zach Owens isn’t comfortable putting Eden in danger, even if she is an elite agent. And he certainly wasn’t expecting to be so attracted to her. As calm and cool as she appears, he knows this can’t be a happy homecoming. Zach wants to protect her—from her mother, the cult, and the evil that lurks behind its locked gates. But Eden is his only key to the tight-lipped group, and she may just be closer to the killer than either one of them suspects…

I would put this at the top of the books I've read so far in 2017. It starts off slow for me but then it gets going and I really enjoyed it. I read about 9 books this weekend and this by far was the top 5. I love Zach. He had protector written all over him. He's not backing down and he's not giving up. I love heroes who are just that. They aren't wishy washy and they just have masculine feel to them. I loved his stubborness. I love suspense and mystery and this book had it. Did I know who it was from the beginning? Not right away. Did I have an inkling of who it could be? Yes I did. However, a good mystery is one that takes you in multiple directions and I like that. It takes you down many roads and it tells many stories. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a romantic suspense novel.

I was given a copy of this ARC from the publisher on Netgalley for a honest review. All of the above comments are my express opinions and no one else's.

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4 Wine Glass #Review of The Devil's Daughter by Katee Robert
Crystal's Thoughts:
Katee Robert's foray into the thrilling world of mystery and suspense with The Devil's Daughter is a fiendishly good, unforgettable read!

Eden Collins grew up under her mother Martha, who led Elysia, a religious cult in Clear Springs, Montana. Disgusted by the cult's practice's and devastated by the acts that were performed on her at the hands of her own mother, Eden escaped as soon as she was able and never looked back. Until someone sent her a picture of a young woman, baring an uncanny resemblance to her, murdered in her home town. Eden knows that her mother is somehow involved, and as an F.B.I. Behavioral Analyst Agent, she sees it as her job to take down the killer. Even if it means taking down her own mother...
Zach Owens returned from the desert to his peaceful home town picking up the reigns of sheriff, hoping to escape the nightmare of war. When a body of a local girl is found with marks of a ritualistic death though, Zach knows that his peaceful existence has come to an end. With one girl dead, and another missing, the clock is ticking before a second body inevitably turns ups. The only way to catch the killer though, is to put Eden at risk. He might not trust her, but that doesn't stop him from wanting her. Can Eden and Zach unravel this mystery before the killer sets his sights on someone else, maybe someone he has been targeting all along?

The Devil's Daughter was a spine-tingling thriller that held me captivated with each new page, and guessing 'till the end! With the controversial subject matter of religious cults, Robert delves deep into the perturbing and oft-times inconceivable rules and rituals of one in the fictional town of Clear Springs, Montana...which, eerily, could be any small town across the country. Elysia's followers worship Persephone, and those stories of her that cult-leader Martha can use to her benefit. So there was an interesting mix Greek mythology that I wasn't expecting but added an intriguing facet. Especially as young women are found murdered in what appears to be one of the Elysia's Persephone rituals.

Robert has never been afraid to sprinkle her stories with a good dose of darkness, but The Devil's Daughter is dark, gritty, and realistic in ways that her other contemporary romance novels are not. The pulse-pounding intrigue that you will find in her latest literary work of art, will keep you on the edge of your seat. I have to admit that one of my guilty pleasures is watching documentaries on cult's and cult-like religions; and Eden's upbringing, Elysia's beliefs, and the fanatical way that Martha's followers worship her and her words in The Devil's Daughter fascinated me as much as those documentaries do. The plot was well paced, full of twists and turns. Towards the end, I thought that I had a good guess on who the villains of the story were...but I ended up being only half-right! The big reveal was quite a surprise!

This is Katee Robert we're talking about, so you can bet your favorite bookmark that there will be some toe-curling romance in the story. From the start there is sizzling tension between tough-talking Eden Collins and straight-shooting Zach Owens. Eden escaped her mother's cult as soon as she could but has been drawn back against her will my a mysterious messenger. For Zach, the town's sheriff, her timely arrival is too coincidental for him to trust her but he can't deny the fact that he needs help in this case. Zach has demons of his own though from his time in the military, and he refuses to let anyone else die on his watch. When it seems that the killer is circling Eden, her and Zach are thrown in even closer confines and that sexual tensity finally snaps! Robert perfectly balances the suspense and sensuality.

My only complaint is, I would have liked the main character's backgrounds expanded on more so that I could have gotten a better feel for them. Especially Zach, I just felt like there was an element to his character that was still missing by the end. However, this is coming from the romantic inside of me who needs to delve deep into each character, and I think if the author would have done this, it might have unbalanced the story. Bottom line; The Devil's Daughter was a scintillating thriller that kept me turning the pages. I'm looking forward to more from the Hidden Sins series in the future. If you like a good mystery with a dark edge that quite possible will keep you up at night, and a healthy dose of swoony romance, then I recommend you picking up this tale today!

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Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.



You know how.....

Nope, no, not right at all!! Deep breath, and lets try that again, shall we??

You know how, sometimes, when you are reading a book, thoroughly enjoying said book, you got it all worked out?? You picked up the clues, and put the whodunnit together waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before it was revealed in the book??

And then.....AND THEN!!!

THEN you get to 91%, about 20 minutes left in the book and you got it so very VERY wrong!!! I mean, I was really REALLY sure whodunnit, and I was waiting to see how Eden managed to get away, and then....AND THEN!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I can't word this right!! I was way off base, totally shocked by that revelation, and I did NOT see that coming.

I freaking loved that!!! I loved that even Eden did not see that one coming!

I'm sorry. Its taken me three days to come down enough to write this review and its not really making any sense but I really cannot word how much I LOVED this book!

It's dark, its so very deadly, and devious. It has love too, for Eden and Zach, Sheriff in Clear Springs where Eden's mother has her cult. Where the girls are going missing from. Where Eden has to return to.

This is the first book of Katee Robert's I've read. I hope it's not the last. This book is billed as Hidden Sins #1. I so really REALLY need to read the next one!

Because it took me three days to write this, because I screeched at work (where I was reading when I got to THAT bit) because...because...because....

5 stars.

(I am sorry this review isn't up to my usual standards, but I really did struggle to word how I felt other than I FREAKING LOVED IT!!!)

**same worded review will appear on Goodreads, Booklikes, Netgalley,,, Kobo and Barnes and Noble**

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One of my top favorite authored. Anything published by her is worth in gold. Loved the book and kept me hooked till the end.

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***5 ‘Well played’ Stars***

The cult aspect was the initial draw and then when one adds in murder and the whole prodigal child coming home thing it really wasn’t a surprise that I wanted to get my hands on this one, that and the fact that I enjoy Katee Robert’s writing, and what a hell of a ride. I spent the mass majority of the book on edge, wondering when the unsub would strike all while loving and being absolutely fascinated by Eden and Zach and the cast of characters that populate this book, even the more unsettling ones.

Eden is that rare mix of fragility and strength that just draws you in. The scars from growing up as the daughter/heir apparent of a cult leader are numerous and they are deep. So deep that even a decade later they still affect her. But the strength, the desire, that she has to not allow her past to take over her life is something to see. Does she stumble? Yes. Is her life picture perfect? No. But her determination to break those chains has propelled her on a path of catching and putting away those who do harm to others.

Zach has lived through hell and now only wants to live a small town life similar to that of the Andy Griffith show where the most exciting thing he has to deal with are teenagers trespassing on a grumpy old man’s land to have a bonfire. In a lot of ways Zach is that good ‘ole boy, and at one point I likened him to John Wayne because he is that good of a guy. He cares about everyone and wants to follow the rules, but also wants to see justice done which means at times rules need to be bent, just a little.

After meeting Eden and Zach and seeing what they were up against with the murder I couldn’t but wonder how the romance side of this romantic suspense would work and I loved what Ms. Robert did with their relationship. She kept it realistic based on not only what they were dealing with, but who they both are at their cores and where they are at in their respective lives. There is a connection between them, like recognizes like, and that grows into a physical attraction and then some. There will be those that probably wish the road they travel and where they end up was different, but looking at the big picture and all that happens in the book, I personally love it because it fits.

Now for the murder mystery and cult. As I said in the beginning I was seriously on edge the entire time I was reading. I kept expecting the boogie man aka the murder to pop up all over the damn place, which is a huge compliment to Ms. Roberts because she did an amazing job at setting the mood of the story. And then there is the cult. I do love a character who’s ego and talent at manipulation are out of this world and Eden’s mother is all that and a bag of chips. And the premise of the cult? Brilliant. I love how the mythology used as its core was manipulated and made a reality. As for the murder mystery. I loved the twists and turns, I made a few guesses along the way (at the end I was 50% right) and had to fight the urge to cheat and skip to the last few chapters to see if I was right (I won the fight and didn’t cheat) and can I say that I did not see that coming! Everything was well thought out and I loved how all the pieces came together in the end.

To say I thoroughly enjoyed The Devil’s Daughter is probably redundant, but I did and can’t wait to see where Ms. Robert will be taking us with the next book!

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Ya'll know I will read anything Katee Robert writes. She can write some awesomely dirty and hot heroes. She makes you love the crap out of her characters. Guess what?! her romantic suspense writing is just as engaging!!! I couldn't stop turning the pages! I thought I had it figured out, but was surprised at the end. Eden and Zach were great together!!

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I'm a fan of Katee Roberts erotica/romance books so I was really interested in seeing how she would go at doing the harder genre of romantic suspense. And I wasn't disappointed. This was a great read. The plot was intriguing, the characters were well developed and the writing was exceptional. If you love romantic suspense novels, give this new series a go.

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Mystery suspense is my fav genre, toss in a little romance and I'm in hog heaven. Since my early days of reading Nancy Drew, I've always enjoyed a good the murder mystery. With the addition of a possible cult, Greek mythology and FBI's BAU unit, it ranked right up there with the best of Criminal Minds. Robert keeps you guessing right up until the end as to the WHO but in thinking back she left enough breadcrumbs to give you a hint but not enough to spoil the ending.
Eden and Zach were characters that you could pull for and even though there wasn't a lot of info on their backgrounds, you felt like you knew them. I can't imagine how anyone growing up in this cult mentality and brutality could ever learn to totally trust another human being but hope that Eden and Zach's romance continues to grow and flourish in the upcoming books in this series.
This is so unlike other books I've read by Robert but she did a heck of a job and look forward to more in this genre. She definitely has me as a follower.

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