Member Reviews

I tried many times to read this book. I had read the previous books in this series years ago, but despite liking the those, I couldn't get into this one. Giving it three stars cause it didn't have anything to do with the writing, or the characters, I think it was just that my tastes have changed.

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It's been way too long between books and it's so good to have the series continued! I had missed Pepper and the gang. Though the story isn't the strongest of the series, it's still a fun read. I would recommend that anyone new to the series start at the beginning - it will be well worth your time. Now I have to wait how long for the next book? Not too long, I hope.

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A fun, zippy story that covers most of the story beats we have come to expect from this particular sub-genre of somewhat humorous urban fantasy. Pepper is a nice heroine, but the plot was awfully predictable.

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Pepper Martin gets surprised by Eliot Ness, actually by his ghost, in the midst of the cemetery lake. He wants his ashes found and scattered on the lake. Then a mysterious man dropped off a package that contained a Chicago pub beer bottle. But then her boyfriend Quinn broke the bottle and people started acting weird. Really weird like trying to run her down or strangling her. Plus there is the dead body she found when she went to retrieve Ness' ashes. In all, a fun romp in Cleveland with Pepper, the "ghost detective"! Now I am going to go hunt up her other adventures.

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I really tired too like this Pepper book but it's been way to long. Pepper is back and so are the ghost my displeasure with the book was the ending it was okay until the ending.

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Graveyard Shift is the tenth book in the Pepper Martin series by Casey Daniels. I have read several of these books, but somehow missed the last three, but feel like I was able to catch up pretty quickly. I do not suggest going into the series cold, but if you missed a few I think you will still be able to fully enjoy the story.

Pepper Martin, now Community Relations Director of Garden View Cemetery, is contacted by the ghost of Eliot Ness, one of Cleveland’s most famous dearly departed. According to Ness, the ashes scattered at the ceremony twenty years earlier weren’t his. His were stolen prior to the ceremony by a Ness groupie, and he cannot rest until those ashes are found. Luckily, Pepper has an idea where they may be. Knowing she’ll have no peace until she does what the ghost wants, Pepper travels across town to retrieve the ashes. When she gets there, though, she finds more – and less – than she bargained for. There is a dead body in the house and Eliot Ness’s ashes have vanished. Pepper sets out to solve the murder of the man in the house where the ashes were supposed to be. But when a mysterious package arrives for Pepper, containing the spirit of Al Capone, and her boyfriend Quinn begins acting strange, things go from bad to worse.

Graveyard Shift is another installment of the Pepper Martin series, and offers few surprises. I missed a couple books- and so missed some of the relationship development between Pepper and Quinn. However, I think I was able to catch up quickly as far as that goes. I had missed the reintroduction of her parents too, that took me a bit longer to get used to. I liked the larger mystery- getting to delve into a gangster related mystery again was fun, even of we were on the right side of the law this time around. My most common complaint with cozy mysteries is when I expect a big twist long before it is revealed, and that did happen here. However, there was also the introduction of new characters with personalities and implications I was not expecting. I liked the pace of the mystery, and the danger Pepper finds herself in. I think the story offers good entertainment, and I was thinking about what would need to happen next when I had to put the book down to deal with necessities (like feeding my family) but overall it was not as enthralling as I had hoped for.

Graveyard Shift is a quick read that offers followers of the series exactly what they expect, and are looking for. It was a entertaining read, but nothing that stood out to me in a genre that I have been reading more and more. It was fun, and a nice diversion- but did not stay with me after I finished.

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Pepper Martin earns her paycheck as the community relations manager at the Garden View cemetery in Cleveland. However, she is well-known in the spirit world as the “PI to the Dead.” The latest spirit to ask Pepper for help is the late Eliot Ness. He needs Pepper to locate his cremated remains so he can finally rest in peace. However, the search for the missing remains becomes so dangerous that Pepper is afraid she may soon be joining Eliot on the other side!

I’ve read several of the earlier books in this series, but it’s been a while since I’ve caught up with Pepper. In the prior books I have read, Pepper helps a spirit solve their own murder to help them move on from Earth. This books takes a different turn since Pepper isn’t solving Eliot Ness’s murder, but trying to recover his remains. She does end up involved in a murder case, but it’s the death of the man suspected of possessing the remains.

I’ve always enjoyed the paranormal element of these books with Pepper working together with a ghost to solve a murder. The change in crime-solving was different in this book, but then it became even more extreme when possession came into play, which wasn’t as entertaining to me. As for Pepper’s personal life, her mother is exceptionally annoying in this book and her boss Ella is sweet, but naïve. I didn’t care for some of the other decisions she makes in her life and it seems that new character, Caleb, who I didn’t really care for, may be playing a part in future books. This wasn’t my favorite in the series, (I would rate it 3.5 stars) but fans of Casey Daniels or fans of Victoria Laurie’s Ghost Hunter mysteries will like reading Pepper’s latest adventure.

I received this books from NetGalley, through the courtesy of Severn House. The book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

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Daniels' series is always a rollicking read, with ghosts, graves and gusto. Pepper has embraced her roles in life - both working at the cemetery and as a conduit for the undead. Unfortunately, this time she's in more danger than she realizes, as a gangster aficionado turns up dead and the specter of Elliot Ness shows up. A fun, fast read - I'm delighted that Daniels has started writing this series again.

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Love, love, love this whole series.

Was incredibly happy that Ms. Daniels brought Pepper back!

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Pepper Martin is back...and boy, you are in for a treat!

Pepper Martin returns in a new ghostly mystery when she is contacted by the ghosts of Eliot Ness and Al Capone...
Pepper Martin, now Community Relations Director of Garden View Cemetery, is contacted by the ghost of Eliot Ness, one of Cleveland s most famous dearly departed. According to Ness, the ashes scattered at the ceremony twenty years earlier were not his. His were stolen prior to the ceremony by a Ness groupie, and he cannot rest until those ashes are found. Luckily, Pepper has an idea where they may be.
Knowing she'll have no peace until she does what the ghost wants, Pepper travels across town to retrieve the ashes. When she gets there, though, she finds more and less than she bargained for. There is a dead body in the house... and Eliot Ness s ashes have vanished.
Pepper sets out to solve the murder of the man in the house where the ashes were supposed to be. But when a mysterious package arrives for Pepper, containing the spirit of Al Capone, and her boyfriend Quinn begins acting strange, things go from bad to worse...

We have been waiting for a new Pepper story for a while, and Casey Daniels has delivered a spirit spine tingling story, that will keep you on the edge of you seat and turning the pages.

For me this story was just a pure joy to read. And now I want to go back and re-read all the books in the series, again.

For anyone that hasn't tried the Casey Daniels, Pepper Martin mysteries. You don't know what you are missing!

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. Published by Severn House Publishers and downloaded via NetGalley.

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Well this is fun! And the fact that I’d crashed into a series with nine previous books wasn’t an issue, as Pepper is very much into dealing with the current situation. While she occasionally alludes to previous incidents, none were confusing or difficult to assimilate in relation to her more recent problems – which start stacking up very fast. I really like Pepper – she is rather lazy, a bit scatty and not above bending the truth to breaking point if it gets her out of a jam. In short, she is very much like a lot of us. So when the initially light-hearted tone suddenly got a lot darker and Pepper’s very existence is on the line, I really cared.

That said, while this murder mystery gathered momentum with the stakes suddenly becoming a lot higher, this is no grim gorefest. The action moved along at a reasonable clip, while still giving us a ringside seat to Pepper’s feelings and motivation as she becomes increasingly entangled in this mystery, all in first person viewpoint. There is also a strong cast of supporting characters, including her slightly demented mother who seems hellbent on marrying Pepper off, her work colleagues and Quinn, her policeman boyfriend.

Daniels weaves a satisfying whodunit with a really unpleasant villain, a real sense of threat and a denouement I didn’t see coming. Despite this being a long-running series, the main adventure is satisfactorily tied up and I found myself coming to the end of this pleasing tale wanting to read more about Pepper and her previous adventures. So I shall be revisiting this series at some stage during 2017 and this enjoyable, well-crafted mystery comes highly recommended. Receiving a copy of Graveyard Shift from the publisher via NetGalley has in no way affected my honest opinion of this book.

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Graveyard Shift
Pepper Martin series, Book #10
Casey Daniels
5 Stars


Pepper Martin returns in a new ghostly mystery when she is contacted by the ghosts of Eliot Ness and Al Capone...
Pepper Martin, now Community Relations Director of Garden View Cemetery, is contacted by the ghost of Eliot Ness, one of Cleveland’s most famous dearly departed. According to Ness, the ashes scattered at the ceremony twenty years earlier weren’t his. His were stolen prior to the ceremony by a Ness groupie, and he cannot rest until those ashes are found. Luckily, Pepper has an idea where they may be.
Knowing she ll have no peace until she does what the ghost wants, Pepper travels across town to retrieve the ashes. When she gets there, though, she finds more and less than she bargained for. There is a dead body in the house... and Eliot Ness’s ashes have vanished.
Pepper sets out to solve the murder of the man in the house where the ashes were supposed to be. But when a mysterious package arrives for Pepper, containing the spirit of Al Capone, and her boyfriend Quinn begins acting strange, things go from bad to worse... (Goodreads)


Graveyard Shift is the tenth book in The Pepper Martin series. I enjoy them as much now as I did when I read the first book.

The characters are well rounded and well developed. Pepper Is a kind hearted person, although she would never admit that to anyone. She wants to help the ghosts that need her, she wants to make Ella proud and she wants to be a good girlfriend for Quinn. That is a lot for anyone to be able to handle. But if anyone can do it, Pepper can. And she will do it all fashionably dressed. I enjoy watching the relationships that develop between Pepper and whichever ghosts she happens to be helping. She always tries to do whatever they need to be able pass on, although sometimes she needs a little bit of encouragement before she agrees.

The author is very talented in her descriptive writing. Through much of the book I felt like I was right there, watching all the action taking place around me. She is also very talented in creating suspense with the written word. There were enough twists and turns to keep me at the edge of my seat while I was reading this book.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well crafted cozy. And if you like a little paranormal with your cozy, this is a must read book and series.

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review. I would like to thank NetGalley and Severn House for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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