Member Reviews

I really absolutely loved this book and I can’t wait to read more in this series! When I realized I was reading book four and that meant there was three others I could go read right away I might have made a sound of excitement that had my husband looking at me strangely. I absolutely loved the premise of this book. Hot men, yummy pastries, and enough thrilling intrigue to keep me on the edge of my seat eagerly turning the pages; I really couldn’t ask for more.

Ezna is a pastry chef and part owner of a bakery who has some major technological issues. Not the kind your grandma has not understanding how that new-fangled interwebs thing works, but the kind where sparks literally fly and so she’s better avoiding them at all cost. When on her walk home late at night put her in the middle of the strangest fight she’s ever witnessed she run for her life right into the middle of a teleporting portal that whisks her out of the city with a giant brooding male attached to her ankle.

Rhys is a lash demon and a member of the Watchers so he’s all things bad ass in the physical combat sense, but he’s also a tech guru which means as he falls through the portal in pursuit of the female who’d run down the alley and disappeared into it and subsequently begins to fall for her it’s really a situation of polar opposites coming together. His tech affinity and her physical repellent of the same subject. I love hot alpha males and Rhys was all things in charge and delicious, but he was also really patient, understanding and willing to put in the emotional work to be with Enza. I really appreciated that aspect of him.

I really don’t have much to critique on this one which is always a pleasure because as a reviewing and professional reader I seem to bear the bad news a lot, but this one was just smooth sailing. I was a little miffed we didn’t know more about Torth when it was mentioned so frequently, but I wonder if that is explained better in the other books as this is book four.

The author had some amazing lines I just couldn’t get enough of. There were far to many to list by my two favorites were;

"Her tummy flipped. No, wait - it did a cartwheel - roundoff combo. He was in her space, he had sought her out, and he was flirting. Oh my god."

“What are we now; coffee, sweets, and man candy?”

I could go into intense detail on this plot and how much I loved it and all the little nuances within, but really if I started it would just continue until I’d quoted the entire book. So really you should just grab a copy and get ready to fall in love. This is easily a standalone novel despite being part of a series. After all, that is how I read it.

I can’t wait to begin reading books 1-3 now. Excuse me while I hide away and seek out some more of those coffee, sweets, and man candy via book form.

**I received this book as an ARC for my honest unbiased feedback and review.**

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