Member Reviews

The first of the Bayshore series, Donna Grisanti has an eloquent way with words, and writes great characters. Definitely want to read the rest of the series. Quick and engaging read. Definitely recommend.

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The first in a series that each focus on the occupants of houses on the 39 Bayshore address. This books follows Carolyn as she takes a leave from her job due to high stress, and then has to deal with more stressors in this home that she has been given. An interesting character study with a factor of suspence, it's easy to keep the pages turning to find out what happens. Looking forward to reading the next in the series!

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I found the first chapters slow to engage me, but as the story developed it had my full attention. A good read with interesting characters and many layers to the plot.

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This is book number one in the Bayshore series.
5 stars well earned ! This is a great read. I was enthralled and read it in one sitting,, The characters are wonderful and all add to the story.. The location is delightful. Carolyn is smart and tough as she faces many obstacles, twist and turns and mystery in her new life. I loved this novel and look forward to the next in series. Excellent reading.

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Book Review: 39 Bayshore by Donna J. Grisanti
Publisher: Phoenix Publishing Group
Independent Book Publishers Association

This book had an interesting plot idea. Unfortunately it didn’t live up to expectations. Carolyn is suffering from ill health, the sale of her business and the death of her mother. Her three aunts, none of which are blood related, buy her a falling down and decrepit home as a present to shock her back to life. She soon has more problems then you can shake a stick at.

First off, the formatting in this book was horrid. Bold and italicized words appeared in totally random spots. Double words (portport or thatthat) appear sometimes three times on a page. The author’s name sometimes popped up in the middle of a page of paragraph. This made the book hard to read and I almost put it down but I pushed through.

The book started with a murder that is never again mentioned in the book. Never. What was the point of even including it?

There are a ton of characters. Just when you think you have the whole cast figured out the author adds a new face. The supporting cast gets a bit muddled at times. The author tries to explain people and why they are there but it starts to ramble. Some characters aren’t even introduced until nearly the end. The ending feels rushed and slapped on. The “mystery” seems like an afterthought.

This is supposed to be the first book in a series. I am hoping that the next book will be better and at the very least not be so slow. I’d be reluctant to give it a try.

I received a copy of this book from in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a conglomeration of story lines. Carolyn is a burned out executive who sells her business and has three aunts who buy her a run down mansion to renovate into a B&B. This brings on a whole new set of problems including some teens with a baby who are hiding out in her new house. Add a contractor who wants more than to renovate the house and a preacher who wants to smooth out all her problems has Carolyn adjusting to the new definition of family. There is romance, mystery and suspense and family ties holding this story together. As part of a new series I'm guessing the next books will be about the parcel of land next door but that's only a guess. An enjoyable read that requires a little concentration so you don't miss the subtle clues and humor.

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