Member Reviews

This book was great. The cove is beautiful. I couldn't put it down. I liked the characters. I would read this book again.

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This is a story of two lost souls trying to find their way in the world again after a difficult period in their lives.

For Trace, he needs to rebuild his professional and personal reputation, for Avery she needs to find her place in the world after a tough marriage and then divorce.

These two are really nice characters, honest, hardworking, kind and considerate. Perfect for each other really if they'd just both open up their hearts.

Trace has a lot of responsibilities, his free-time is limited due to looking after his dementia suffering father. The scenes with Trace and his family members added an interesting dynamic to the story, lots of love there.

Avery is struggling with loss, her past is full of broken promises and she needs to let go of some of it otherwise she'll never take a chance with Trace.

These two are fantastic together, their feelings honest and raw, incredibly passionate. Avery needed to experience passion and lust in its most basic form and Trace gives her that in spades.

It's a really good continuation of the first book. I'm looking forward to the next one.

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What a great read by Skye Jordan. What I enjoyed the most is the build up of Trace and Avery's relationship, they were friends first who talked and laughed with each other until one night everything changed between them. Trace is an ex-convict and everybody in town likes to remind him of that even though for years he has been trying to redeem himself in the eyes of others. But everybody sees once a convict always a convict w/o giving him a chance. Avery is newly divorced from a marriage that was loveless but she stayed by her ex-husband because she is the nice, good, caring, thoughtful girl everyone loves. Trace is hired by her to renovate a place so that she can have her dreams come true in owning a Cafe & Bakery. The night everything changed and they become lovers was so steamy, passionate and hot, I couldn't look at a kitchen the same way for days. Unfortunately Trace thinks he isn't good enough for her and that she deserves better and Avery thinks she isn't good enough for him because of the type of girls he used to hook up with are not like her. You have to read and find out what happens when his and her families and the town find out about them and whether they will fight for each other. You won't be disappointed.
*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book*

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I didn’t enjoy this book as much at the end as I did at the beginning. Wild Kisses started out really great, the H/h had great chemistry, and the storyline was really good. The book seemed to drag once I hit the halfway mark, unfortunately. Trace and Avery were fantastic together, but it really felt like Trace’s past could have easily been dealt with without so much angst and inner turmoil. It also felt like a comedy of errors with the bakery remodel. It seems pretty unrealistic that SO MANY bad things would happen on one job. For her part, Avery was great. She seemed to have the perfect amount of troubled backstory and optimism. Overall, I really would have enjoyed this book more had the author wrapped it up a lot sooner!

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I loved this book. Trace Hutton is lusting after Avery. The flirting is cute as she’s making cupcakes. She’s returned home to be a baker after her divorce. He’s trying to not make a move, doesn’t think he’s good enough for her. They finally hook up and they are so HOT together. My heart ached when he misunderstood why she hooked up with him but he’s quick to claim her as “his0. Can they resolve some issues? There’s so much that can happen, will Trace really leave Avery? I highly recommend this book.

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Avery Hart has returned home to get a fresh start. After a marriage that ended in disaster she is planning to live her dream which includes fixing her father's bar. When she hires Trace Hutton to do the remodel though she doesn't realize that he will become the most important thing in her life. Trace has a past though and will Avery be willing to stick by his side even when the going gets tough?

Great read. The chemistry is off the charts and I liked that both had their own share of baggage. Can't wait to try more from this author.

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Mixed Bag, Net Positive

Not my favorite; an early-on plot point rattled my ability to read this for some time (so this is a truly singular opinion) ... and it turned out to have no real impact on the read once that peculiar moment, passed. And still yet, the story was just a touch above middling. Several issues between the two main characters, and the main characters and their secondaries, remain unresolved, and as the steamy scenes progressed, they lost a bit of definition and started to run together.

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I loved everything about this book! Avery and Trace are smoking hot together. The premise of Trace being an ex-con and the story around it was great - a unique character for the genre. I've only ever encountered them in bad boy, biker romances and the like and Trace is definitely no bad boy. Although not necessary, I'd recommend reading the first in the Wildwood series, Forbidden Fling first to get a better feel for the town of Wildwood, the peripheral characters and the small-town drama.

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What’s it About? Avery Hart is newly divorced and back home in Wildwood. She wants to make her dream of turning family’s bar into a bakery come true but first she needs a contractor. Enter Trace Hutton, ex-con and totally irresistible. Meanwhile Trace things Avery is pretty irresistible too, but he’s trying to get his construction business steady and thinks Avery needs someone that doesn’t have a past like his.

Overall reaction to the book? Wild Kisses in my opinion is significantly better all around than its predecessor. Avery and Trace are both figuring out who they are when they meet. I loved that these two were very obviously works in progress. Avery is finding her footing as a divorcee and Trace is trying to establish himself as something other than an ex-con. The individual conflicts that these characters face makes for not only an interesting read but a chance for character growth that the author doesn’t waste. I enjoyed both Avery and Trace’s growth from beginning to end because it was just enough to be believable but not too heavy that it dragged the plot down to mopeyville.

Avery was interesting, a woman who is trying to stand on her own after a difficult experience, she’s really not going to apologize for being attracted to Trace, or at least she’s trying not to apologize. I liked that her growth involved steps forward and more than a few back, it would have been completely unbelievable had she all of a sudden become this assertive, over confident femme fatale. Sometimes she could get to me with all her insecurities but for the most part she was a good character.

Trace is your quintessential bad boy with a good heart. He did time, but that doesn’t define him. However, most people didn’t get that memo. He doesn’t exactly blame people for their narrow-mindedness but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t bother him. The thing about Trace is that he isn’t all bark and no bite but he isn’t an out of control bad boy, he has a solid presence that makes Avery feel safe and normal for once. He has his own insecurities too and that’s what sold me on him as a hero. I would have been apprehensive if Trace had gotten out of jail with a chip on his shoulder.

The romance between Trace and Avery wasn’t an instant thing but it wasn’t a turtle crawl either, just something in the middle that went with where these two are at in their lives. It didn’t hurt that the chemistry was really good between them either, I just thought they made a good support system for each other as well as good partners in love.

Click It or Skip It? Click It. Wild Kisses takes two hurt, insecure individuals and gives them a chance to grow and find love together in a way that is heartwarming and romantic.

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Avery and Trace were a lot of everything. A lot of hotness. A lot of stolen moments. A lot of indecision. A lot of everything I want to see in a book. This book may be Ms. Jordan's most emotion-ridden book to date. Avery and Trace had every obstacle ahead of them, and a very small cheering section to get where their hearts wanted to go. But heaven knows it was worth it in the end. Another wonderful and must-read book from Skye Jordan, she did so much justice by this couple and their history. I wasn't expecting Wild Kisses to delve into the the deeper emotions that it did, but just be forewarned, you'll need to take breathers for the wallops this book packs on your heart.

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This sweet feel good story is heartwarmingly comfortable and a romantic page turner! I loved reading and following along the characters sweet love story! I loved this book! An addictive read! You fall in love with the characters, and my heart warmed as I read them falling in love!

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The author certainly turned up the heat on this story. Trace and Avery are incendiary together. Maybe it's the fact that they are both broken. Or maybe it's the almost forbidden aspect of their relationship. I'm not sure what makes this story so intense and hard to put down, but it is and it's great. Trace, the ex con contractor and Avery, the baker are made for each other.

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On this occasion no review as it unfortunately didn't work for me.

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An upbeat song from Lifehouse echoed through the unfinished space, its lyrics filled with hope and talk of fresh starts. That's what this project was about for both him and Avery—the perfect opportunity for each of them to give their lives a boost.

Too bad that boost didn't include a hot hookup between the good girl and the ex-con, because all he'd been able to think about for weeks was licking buttercream frosting or melted chocolate or caramel whipped cream—really, any of the mouthwatering fillings she created—off her equally delicious body.

Book Summary. Avery (25), the hometown all-around good girl, is back in town after getting divorced; she left town when she was 17 to get married to her high school sweetheart and has been an army wife for the last 8 years. She's ready to move on from her failed marriage and turn her life into a new direction, which happens to be working to open a cafe and bakery (her baking skills and sweets recipes are to die for!). Helping her get the place into tip-top shape is Trace (33), a local carpenter/contractor who is also the town bad-boy and player. Trace is an ex-con, which pretty much follows him everywhere and shadows a lot of what people think about him.

An attraction has been building between the two of them for two months, since Avery came back to town and they started spending practically every day together on-site. They're both secretly crushing, and—of course!—both also having their own reasoning for why they don't say anything. For Avery, it's because no way could Trace, Mr. Hot Playboy, possibly be interested in little old her, with so little experience, and not the carefree sexy type he normally goes for. For Trace, the problem is that he doesn't think he's good enough for Avery, and doesn't want to complicate her life will all his drama and have his bad-boy ex-con reputation possibly hurt her new business as she works so hard to start this new chapter in her life. So oh no, whatever will they do?!?

Trace estimated Avery was about as sexually experienced now as he'd been at fifteen. And he was beginning to believe there was something seriously twisted in his head, because the more he thought about it, the more her inexperience and abstinence turned him the fuck on.

Review. This is my first Skye Jordan book and will most definitely not be my last! I found both of the main characters super engaging (I'm in loooooove with Trace), the story interesting, and the chemistry was hot, hot, HOT (sizzling love scenes)! The secondary characters were good and well-rounded; the side character of Trace's dad, who is suffering from dementia, was sad, but also very sweet (and Trace's care of him makes him that much of a heartthrob hero).

I appreciated that although Avery and Trace have internal angst and back-and-forth (a bit too much at times), any misunderstandings or things-left-unsaid were cleared up surprisingly quickly every time—such a relief! Avery got a little on my nerves now and then, and I got annoyed on behalf of Trace when people were unfair and so judgy, but overall a fantastic read that I highly recommend.

She slid her hands up his chest and wound her fingers around his wrists. "I don't see the man you see when you look in the mirror, with all the flaws of the past staring back at you, Trace. I see the competent contractor who works twice as hard as anyone I've ever met, while doing twice the job, and all for next to nothing just for the possibility of getting future work from others. I see the man who constantly has his client's best interests at heart, a man who can admit when he's made a mistake and who can apologize for something that's only half his fault. I see a man twisting himself inside out to take care of his sick father and trying to make ends meet."

*This review is of an ARC provided by Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Exactly what I have come to expect from a Skye Jordan book, well written hot plot with a storyline that's about more than just the attraction between the lead characters 5 stars all round. Wild Kisses is the second book in the Wildwood series and a brilliant read for me. Following Avery and Trace as they journey into love. Ex con Trace hasn't had it easy but he has begun to forge his way back to the life he had before his world went to hell and he was jailed. For Avery coming home is about more than recovering from her failed marriage it's about owning her own bakery and her contractor Trace has been instrumental in making her dreams come true. With sparks flying between Trace and Avery it's only a matter of time before they fall into each other's arms.

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Wild Kisses was such a fun read! It is the second book in the Wildwood series but can be read as a stand alone.

Avery is back home after a long & unhappy marriage & is trying to start her life again. She hires ex-con Trace to do construction work & the sparks fly from the very first glance. I love how the author creates such real emotion - the characters in the book are living. breathing people- not just words on the page.

Skye Jordan is now a go to author for me. Can't wait for the next book in the series,

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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This series just keeps getting better.

Trace, bad boy, ex-con, but he is still a really good man.
Avery has a lot of issues in her past, but she is determined to start over despite all of the town gossip - thanks to her ex-husband.

Trace and Avery understand each other in ways that other people can't and I loved them together.

You will fall in love with Avery and Trace.

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I really like this author. This book moved a bit slow for me, but the emotional connection between the two characters was there.
Overall a good read.

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This was a great second book to the Wildwood series. Although a standalone, by reading the first book, I know secondary characters. Avery had returned home after a divorce. Her Aunt Pheobe, sells her a part of her development called Wildwood and Avery has decided to open a bakery and restaurant. Baking is her passion and she's good at it! Trace, a convict, has his own construction company and is making Avery her dream place, complete with an apartment so she's not far from her dream job. Of course a one night stand turns into more. But there is more good and evil sources at play. I can't wait for Chloe and Zane's book!

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Book received from NetGalley.

This was more of a 2.5 than a 3-star book for me. I think part of it was that I had not read the first book and was a bit lost at some of the things going on. I will say that it was a very hot read and the chemistry between the main characters was off the charts. I also liked the fact that the characters were doing their best to make something of themselves in a town that wasn't always forgiving of their pasts. I will likely give this another try after I read the first book, this is definitely not a standalone.

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