Member Reviews

‘Wild Kisses’ by Skye Jordan is the second in her Wildwood series and can definitely be read as a standalone. Avery Hart and Trace Hutton have both had their issues to deal with and now want to start fresh and get on with life.

Getting over a divorce and determined to make a go of things in her ambitions to change a bar into a bakery Avery really doesn’t want to be distracted by Trace. However because of the intense connection and attraction she might not be able to resist him. Trace is trying to change public opinion about him and in an attempt to build up his business he takes on Avery’s job for next to nothing. He knows that getting involved with him might just be the end of any hopes Avery has of starting her business as the town is making it difficult for him to move on since his release from jail.

These two make a great couple though and balance each other out well with opposing personalities. There is a great amount of heat/chemistry between them and his broodiness and her cheery outlook level each other out. They have managed to have formed a bond while working together and managed to lift each other up when needed. I really enjoyed this book and as I haven’t read the first one in the series I will make a point of reading it soon and will also be looking out for the next one in the series.

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I loved the first book in this series so much and I was hoping that Skye Jordan would deliver again with the second book, Wild Kisses, and she did big time. There was so much I loved about this story that I don’t even know where to begin, I will say it moved me to tears but not the romance part, I loved the complete adoration and trust this couple had for one another before they go involved, and despite some ups and downs and even when it might have been best if they didn’t stay together they realized the hits were worth it to have one another, that my friends is what love and romance are all about.
After seven years of trying to make her marriage work to a man who really wasn’t interested, Avery Hart is back home in Wildwood and working to open the café and bakery in what was once her father’s bar, one that comes with a bad history. She is counting on word of mouth to get her business off the ground on a good start and on her contractor to complete the remodel on time so she can begin to get some much needed cash flow going.
Trace Hutton is happy to have the job remodeling the café, he needs the work so he can continue to take care of his father whose dementia is getting worse and to hopefully prove himself to the town that the ex-con really does know what he’s doing and get more jobs. He knows he’s done a great job so far, but the attraction he feels for Avery is making things hard and the fact that she seems to feel the same way has disaster written all over it.
Both Avery and Trace are trying to move on from their pasts and while Avery’s isn’t bad, just the fact that she ran off at 17, got married and is now home divorced at 25 give the town gossips something to talk about. Add in the fact that she is turning her late father’s bar into a café and bakery and she feels like she can’t go anywhere without it setting tongues to wagging. Trace went to jail at the age of 22 for illegal drug possession and even though he’s been out for awhile, people still see him as an ex-con and a druggie which couldn’t be further from the truth. The attraction between them burn brightly and when they finally cross that line they both think it will be a one-time thing, but that isn’t the case and before long things happen that brings their affair to light and casts doubt on not only Trace’s life but on the business Avery is trying to build.
I really loved these two together and felt that they gave each other a soft place to land in their busy lives, but it was also the fact that they both were working so hard to prove to themselves and the town that they were capable of being more. It was almost like and us against the world type of thing and it was so easy to root for these two to not only win but to show everyone just how fantastic they both were not only in their own lives but together as a couple.
There was something very uplifting about Wild Kisses and once again Ms. Jordan has given readers a smart, sexy, and spectacular romance!

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Ms Jordan has continued her winning streak with this second book in the series, the first being Forbidden Fling which I recommend reading first as this book builds on it, but can still be read as a stand alone.Loved that the characters were three dimensional and I felt the connection between Trace and Avery, the sexual encounters steamy and frequent.The over- the- top angst with Austin and the cops, while not adding any real substance to the plot, and in my opinion could have been edited out , did not detract from the thrill of the story.Once again we see how the small community, though inquisitive, is a necessary component in times of need.Also wanted to commend the author on her portrayal of an illness that is not very well understood, but was presented in such a manner as to be enlightening and not ridiculed.Loved this book and Ms. Jordan is now one of my favorite authors to read.
Thank you for the opportunity to read, enjoy and review this free book from Netgalley.

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I love reading Skye Jordan. This book was full of love and adventure. I am so glad that Avery was able to look past Trace's status as an ex-con and work with him on her cafe and in the bedroom as well.

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Honestly this one was another book I wanted to like more than I ended up liking it. It's the second book in the Wildwood Series and can easily be read as a stand alone.

I like Skye Jordan and while I liked this book I didn't feel like it was as good as her other series. The first 40% of the book had me fully engaged and enjoying the characters and the romance/chemistry between the two of them.

I was really looking forward to reading about Trace "our bad boy ex-con" and Avery the recently divorced woman trying to move forward and put her failed marriage behind her. Unfortunately, the "I'm not good enough for her but I want her" and the "I'm not sexy or experienced enough for him" got old after awhile. I wanted the conflict to be more something else. Even after they got together these two couldn't move past those conflicts and the back and forth just ended up boring me a bit. I had a hard time rooting for two people who couldn't even root for themselves. There were too many misinterpretations of the others thoughts/behaviors and characters jumping to conclusions for me as well. I ended up putting this book down a couple of times and yet I still wanted to finish it and see them get their HEA.

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I enjoyed the immediate connection that I felt between Trace and Avery. The anticipation of the fall is the greatest part of any romance novel and Skye Jordan did not disappoint. I thoroughly enjoyed the plot of the book and the great cast of side characters. I would definitely recommend this book.

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Avery Hart and Trace Fulton have both endured the fallout of bad decisions…her, in an 8 year marriage that wasn’t anything like she planned and him, adding a prison sentence to his backstory. And, even though both Avery and Trace are trying to start over and transform their lives into ones that make them feel secure and confident, those past choices continue to define how they see themselves, doing more damage than good when it comes to moving forward and taking advantage of their fresh starts.

Avery may have lost herself in her empty marriage, but she’s back in Wildwood, and she’s ready to use her newly found freedom in order to make a go as a business owner of a diner/bakery, but what she’s also interested in, regardless of how inadequate/inexperienced she feels when it comes to the opposite sex, is the “six-foot-three rock hard magnet,” Trace Hutton, who’s helping her make her pastry dreams come true.

For two months, they’ve walked the line of friendship, but in Wild Kisses, the need for more, not only in their professional lives but also their personal lives, dominates their thoughts and dictates their actions, and even though they both feel that they’re not good enough for the other for a variety of reasons, the heart/body want what they want and what Avery and Trace find in each other is the goodness in life that they BOTH deserve regardless of Trace’s self-loathing.

Avery and Trace come alive in one another’s arms, and as long as they can get out of their own ways and stop second guessing and doubting themselves then they’ll be able to reap the rewards of this new life that is open to them and dive in heart first, even though it scares the hell out of them.

Avery and Trace’s story is about reclaiming one’s life and one’s inner self and feeling “good enough” to go after the people and things s/he wants to be surrounded by. It’s about letting oneself be free to do anything and everything and taking those risks in life that make all of the difference for a well-lived one. It’s about the value of good friends and family members who go above and beyond for each other because they know everyone deserves a second chance at happiness…at love…at redemption.

4 Poison Apples (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)

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I am such a big fan of Skye's writing, and have enjoyed every one of her books. Often in the romance genre, a couple has to overcome obstacles that are the result of a simple misunderstanding or miscommunication. Skye's couples usually have to deal with a lot more than that, and it makes for a much more interesting read for us! In Wild Kisses, one of the issues Avery has to come to terms with is the fact that Trace has spent time in prison, which, I have to say, is the first time I've seen that as part of a storyline. We also learn about Trace's father, George, his dementia, and the struggles his family has to go through to keep him safe. Then there's the tragedy that happened in Wildwood in the past (which we learned about in the first book) and how the repercussions are still being felt in the town all these years later. This is a wonderful book, both sexy and suspenseful, and I look forward to more stories about the people of Wildwood.

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Avery is trying to get her Cafe up and running after her divorce. Trace is a contractor & ex-con working to get Avery's cafe up and running. There is a connection between Avery & Trace that can not be ignored.

I really enjoyed this book. Skye Jordan did a great job keeping this reader hooked! There was no shortage and love or adventure.

***I received a copy from Montlake Romance via Netgalley. I reviewed this book voluntarily.***

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Wild Kisses is the second book in the Wildwood series and it was amazing. The story was well written and it flowed at a good pace. I devoured this in one sitting. The characters Avery and Trace were likeable. Their chemistry was burning Hot!! So perfect for eachother. I loved seeing past characters. I'm enjoying this entertaining series and can't wait for more.

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<b>"Avery Hart had one goal in life: to create pastries that were better than sex."</b>

Avery Hart is back in her home town of Wildwood. After a divorce, she is starting over and is trying to do so by opening a cafe. Her sister, Delaney, helps her find a contractor in her price range.

Trace is an ex-con, down on his luck, who just got his contractor's license back. He takes on the job at the cafe in order for it to lead to more work.

What neither of them expected was the magnetic chemistry between them. And let me tell was sizzling!!

<b>"I got way more than the fuck I was looking for, goddammit. I got the fuck I can't stop thinking about. I got the fuck I want again and again and again."</b>

The two of them together were just perfection. I loved how Trace was rough around the edges, but deep down was a sweet, swoon-worthy man. Avery was so strong and brave and refused to back down, but when she needed help, Trace was there.

There was so much to this story. It was sexy and sweet, happy and sad, full of laughter and love as well as heartbreak and tough times. I couldn't put this story down! I loved the whole family dynamic and I certainly hope that Zane gets a story too! (5 stars)

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Genre: Romance
Stand-alone: Yes
Part of a Series: Yes - Book 2 of the Wildwood Series
POV: Alternating Avery and Trace
Steam-Level: Quite hot

In the second book of Skye Jordan's Wildwood Series we get to see the attraction/relationship of Avery and Trace that was hinted at in book one. Like Forbidden Fling (book 1) this book was a fast, easy read with quite a bit of steam. I like that Jordan's characters are strong and overcome difficult circumstances. The personality qualities/quirks are realistic of adults who have gone through what these characters have (Avery an abusive childhood and loveless marriage and Trace several years in prison and dealing with a father with Dementia) While I enjoyed this book I got tired of the second-guessing/self-loathing/pity that the characters engaged in at times - but I think that has to do more with my personality than a defect of the book. Jordan creates strong characters that overcome adversity and are stronger together.

I enjoyed seeing Delaney and Ethan from book one and their brewery but as any good stand-alone, they weren't integral to the plotline, just adds another, deeper dimension when reading this book if you've read book one. I hope we get to meet Chloe in a future book.

I received an advanced copy of this book for free from the publisher/author via NetGalley. I am voluntarily giving an honest review.

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Wild about "Wild Kisses" by Skye Jordan, the second book in the Wildwood series. I really loved this book and enjoyed reading it. "Wild Kisses" had wild chemistry between Avery and Trace and the sex scenes were hot and wild, while they worked toward their HEA! The characters were well developed and a great carry through from the first book in the series. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a contemporary romance series, sprinkled with a huge dose of spice and passion in it.

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I was dying to get my hands on the next Hart sister's romance. I loved the first book in this series, so I was highly anticipating Wild Kisses. I couldn't wait to get back to Wildwood.

I was probably more excited to be back than Avery was. Coming home after her divorce was the right thing for her but she's not enjoying the comments and judgements she has to deal with. The one thing that has made it tolerable at all is Trace - the ex-con contractor she hired to transform her family's dive bar into her dream bakery.

These two - WOW. I loved them. Their chemistry was off the charts HOT. I devoured page after page, waiting and wanting the moment that they got over their insecurities. I desperately wanted them to give into their lust and temptation they have for one another. I knew once they did that, the connection and passion would deepen and I couldn't wait to experience it.

They didn't let me down. Holy hotness!! I surprised they didn't burn the bakery down!!

Anyway, their story has several bumps in the road and they struggled at times to overcome the challenges. But I was so invested in them as a couple, that it I felt like I was silently cheering them on. I wanted their happily ever after. I wanted them to find success and solace together.

Overall, it's an excellent story and romance - one that I recommend people check out. The characters are incredible - you can't help but love them. So don't miss Skye Jordan's new release. It's awesome!!

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I couldn't finish this book but it started out really good and I'm disappointed that it just sort of fell flat around 40%. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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I always enjoy her books and would definitely recommend this book.. I cannot wait to read more from her..

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Avery has returned home divorced after trying for seven years to make the marriage work and is renovating her father’s bar into a café/bakery. Trace is an ex-con who is trying to show the other people in town that he can be trusted which will hopefully lead to more jobs. The only problem with their plan is that they are attracted to each other however Avery is not looking for a commitment and Trace does not feel he deserves anything good in his life. Will they be willing to open themselves up to each other and will the other people in town accept their relationship? Skye Jordan has a talent for creating characters with everyday problems which always draw you in. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.

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I love Skye Jordan, and I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in the Wildwood series. It's not often I feel I identify strongly with a character, but I really felt like I understood Avery. I also really liked Trace as a character in the first Wildwood book, and was excited to get more of him in this one. An ex-con who really isn't, and who is trying redeem himself and do the right things. I plowed through this book on a flight home from vacation I enjoyed it so much.

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Jordan has written a nice second chance romance with believable characters in Trace and Avery. This hits a lot of buttons and while you know things are going to work out, there are enough twists to keep you reading. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This was great on a drizzly gray day. Try it for a sweet and hot love story.

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