Member Reviews

Avery is newly divorced and opening a bakery in her hometown of Wildwood. Trace is an ex-con and her contractor for the bakery renovation. The two have been fighting attraction towards each other, Avery because she has such low self-esteem after the disaster that was her marriage, and Trace because he thinks Avery is too good for him.

I liked this story, it was sweet and the characters deserved their happiness because they are both such good people and take care of others. I received a free copy of this book for my unbiased review.

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This is book 2 in the "Wildwood" Series and I can say that this second book is even better than the first one. At the end of Book 1 I read a little about Trace and Avery when they met and in this book I enjoyed their full story.

Trace is the perfect bad boy. Tall, black hair, bluest eyes, an ex-con... Avery is a good girl but she knows about suffering and pain. The chemistry between them is absolutely amazing! The story flows nicely and the writing is great!

Highly recommended!

I reviewed a copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley

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A divorced woman and an ex-con together for a second chance romance! I love this one! This series is so good and I loved this book! There was suspense, drama, a little mystery and great steamy scenes! I can't wait for the next book in this series!

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4.5 Second Chance Stars!

Talk about total opposites!! Avery and Trace fit this description to a T!!! Avery returns home after heartbreak and divorce and Trace is trying to clean his life up from his recent stint in prison. You'd think they wouldn't have anything in common...but the heart knows better!

I so enjoyed reading this book watching Avery realize that when she puts her mind to it anything is possible, this includes getting Trace to understand they're meant to be together. This is of course after a wild night together that blows both their minds... and I'd like to thank Ms. Jordan for this because it was HOT!!!

There are some obstacles for our couple, but it's nothing they can't overcome. Their chemistry and draw to each other make their new starts worth anything or anyone that tries to get in their way!

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I absolutely love Skye Jordan's books. Avery had a bad marriage and Trace works as her carpenter. Trace is an ex-con but also a carpenter who is doing work for Avery. Their chemistry is absolutely amazing! I love how the Hart women are so strong! It was just an amazing book!

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This is a story about a ex con and a cutie divorcée called trace and Avery. Avery moved Barack home after her divorce to start her own business and a fresh start. Trace is a ex con who is working construction on her business, he super hot and very interested in Avery. The passion between them is super hot but will they let there pasts or everyone knowing there business dictated there future?

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Avery Hart is beginning to believe her dream of a bakery/cafe just might come true. She is converting her family's old bar to that dream with the help of a local contractor Trace Hutton. Trace is an ex-con who bid as low as he could go for this project to get the business and help proving he is no longer the "bad boy" he was growing up. His brother is the local deputy sheriff, and his dad is suffering from dementia; being gone for eight years in prison just adds to his guilt.

"Avery had one goal in life: to create pastries that are better than sex." She moved back to her home town after a bitter divorce to start over. She lives with her Aunt Phoebe and sister Delaney until her apartment above the store is ready. What she hadn't anticipated was the strong attraction between her and Trace. Judging by the looks and random touches, he feels the same. Trace's life is ruled by work and his father's Dr's appointments and occasional wanderings. His brother Zane helps along with his grandmother Pearl, but there doesn't seem to be enough time for anything. But the cafe and Avery are his anchor, and he's falling fast. He is keeping some secrets and when a man from his past enters their lives his presence causes heartbreaking consequences.

Trace and Avery pull you into their emotions, and you want them to have there happy ending. The romance is hot, the story keeps you interested and there's some great laughs. I recommend this romantic contemporary, and will be looking for more from Ms. Jordan.

I received this ARC from the publisher and Netgalley for an honest review.
Pat Fordyce

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4.5 Stars

My first introduction to Skye Jordan's writing was Reckless and since then she's been an auto-buy and auto-read for me and WILD KISSES reminded me why. Off the charts chemistry and a strong connection between the characters as well as an interesting cast of supporting characters make this a really great story. The super-hot attraction Avery and Trace shared, the solid friendship between them and their determination to make the very best of the second chance they had been gifted with were all highlights of this book for me.

Running off and getting married at a young age forever branded Avery Hart as impulsive and reckless and her return after seven years sans husband has made her fodder for the town gossips, but she's determined to start over and won't let the talk deter her from her plans. Her contractor is the only person that could tempt her to deviate from the path she has laid out for herself and one taste makes it very clear that one time won't satisfy her craving. Can she take the risk of wanting more, especially if she puts her goals at risk and falls short a second time?

Trace Hutton lost everything when he went to jail on a drug-related charge and even though he's been on the up and up since his release, the town of Wildwood won't let him forget that he's an ex-con and starting over is a challenge of mammoth proportions. Working for Avery at little to no cost is a way of drumming up business for himself. There are so many reasons why he has to keep his attraction to Avery under wraps, especially the damage her fledgling business could face if word of any involvement between them became public but he's no saint and lacks the willpower required to resist Avery for long when she turns up the heat between them.

Avery was fearless about going for what she wanted and even though the failure of her marriage took a hit on her self-confidence, she got back up and went at her dreams with laser focus. She was sweet and upbeat and brought much needed light to Trace's gruff and broody life. There was so much good in Trace that was buried under the weight of his past and Avery's cheery outlook was what he needed to let his guard down.

It's almost impossible to not root for these two as they work so hard to achieve their dreams in the face of skepticism, and their friendship was a great foundation for the passion between them. Having been at rock bottom before, Trace and Avery understood each other in a way others could not and were each other's greatest cheerleaders. They were better and stronger together than they were apart, something Avery understood but Trace had to accept for anything between them to work.

You really can never go wrong with anything by this author and if sizzling hot chemistry in your romances is your thing, then WILD KISSES should be on your reading list.

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I am loving this series!

Wild KIsses is the story of Avery Hart, second of the Hart sisters, fresh from her divorce and ready to start her brand new cafe, giving new life to a building that has had such a toxic past. She's stretching herself thin, baking as if her business depends upon it--okay, it kind of does--and cultivating customers, both in her hometown and online. She's sinking everything she's got into the business--literally.

And she's trying really, really hard to not think about Trace Hutton, the contractor her sister hired to help her renovate the building. But it's not easy.

Trust me, it isn't ;)

Trace is looking to start over--he's wasted far too much of his life paying for past mistakes, but now his dad needs him and it's time to prove himself at last. Fixing up Avery's cafe could be the key to everything. If he can finish on time for her grand opening and make it the building of her dreams, it just might convince the skeptics of his hometown that he's turned his life around for the better. Or at least get him some new clients...but not if he can't keep his mind off of Avery. She's off limits, for a multitude of reasons.

But of course they can't keep their thoughts--or their hands--off of each other, and thank goodness for that ;) The sparks they generate could power up every one of Avery's fancy new ovens, and then some--so really, their plan for "one and done" was doomed even before they finished making it. They do have decent reasons for staying apart: Avery's disastrous first marriage has turned her off of relationships, and Trace of course believes that getting involved with him could permanently ruin her chances for a do-over.

Fortunately they manage to figure things out and achieve their HEA, just in time for (I'm assuming--though Ms. Jordan really didn't give us much more than the barest of hints here) youngest sister Chloe's book. I'm totally looking forward to Trace and Avery looking all adorable and in love in book three, much like Ethan and Delaney were in this one. (Favorite scene with the two of them--when someone upsets Avery, who goes to Delaney to vent. Ethan pops in, asks whose a$$ he has to kick, and when Delaney tells him, he responds, "She doesn't drink beer anyway. Consider it done." He's a brewer.)

If you've read their book ( Forbidden Fling ), you too will love the Delaney and Ethan moments, but if you haven't yet, no worries. Wild Kisses should do just fine as a standalone.

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Avery Hart is my hero not only is she newly divorced but she went back home and started her own business all kick ass style.
Trace is an ex-con but there is more to his story this. He is hot sexy and is a contractor of everything. He is trying to get his life back on track.
Avery trusts him enough to hire him. He is more than willing to except. Between the sexual tension and trying to get this business rolling the situation between them is more than hot. After a big snag they get things together in more ways than one.
This is a must read for someone who wants a HEA that you can't put down.

** I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆
M/F Romance
Triggers: Click HERE to see Avid Reader’s review on Goodreads for trigger warnings.

Trace is recovering from a past he's tried to forget. After going to prison for a few years, he's trying to build his own reputation while helping those around town and trying to keep his wandering father from hurting himself. Trace is burning the wick at both ends and sooner or later, he's going to burn out. There is a bright spot during his day though, and that's working with Avery. She is a breath of fresh air and one who not only doesn't judge his past, but sees past the facade he tries to portray.

Trace has a brother who is a police officer in town and, between the two of them, they try to take care of their father, who is suffering from dementia. We see a very different dynamic between the brothers than what their father described. I wish that we had been more involved in their past, as I think that a lot was hinted at, but nothing was really confirmed.

Then you have Austin... He's just a bully, plain and simple. I disliked him throughout the story and don't really know what he added other than annoyance.

Avery is working very hard to put her past behind her too. Coming home with a broken marriage, she knows what she wants and sets out to make her own dreams come true. Not only is she taking on the burden of starting her own business, but she also cares deeply for the people around and she tries to help Trace's father when she learns of new therapies that might help slow his dementia. Avery perseveres even when her ex-husband's friends hint at infidelity and he decides to remarry. Avery pulls up her big girl panties and plugs on. She also doesn't let people of their small community sway her decision on how good and kind Trace is.

Both characters need to learn that sometimes, fighting is the only way through. There can be happiness at the end of the tunnel, but wading through everyone's opinions can be a heavy burden. Perhaps the twists and turns your life has taken is because you're exactly where you are supposed to be.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the second in the series, and although it follows on from the previous book, there is enough background explanation that it could be read first.

Avery is back in her hometown nursing not a broken heart, but one scarred by an unhappy eight year marriage ended in divorce. She is starting afresh opening her new bakery, just as soon as the gorgeous contractor, ex-con Trace, finishes the renovations.

The chemistry between them inevitably boils over, but with so many things against them, it is not an easy romance. As Avery learns more about Trace's past, and realises how it mirrors her own, the barriers keep falling – but there is so much more at stake than just her heart at the moment. As dramas and delays start to cause additional stress, things get ever so complicated. But Ms. Jordan knows how to keep things in balance, ensuring the reader gets plenty of hot and sweet with the stressful and scary!

If you like a story which acknowledges people have pasts, but still deserve a good future, and want a story which is both uplifting and sexy – then this could be for you.

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WILD KISSES seeks to give second chances to the main characters who haven't necessarily had it easy when it has come to love and life: Avery and Trace. While we learned a bit about them, separately, in the first book, we certainly were left hanging and in need of more. Jordan pens their fragile love story that is built from the bare bones of a building that signifies hope. For both characters.

Avery is freshly divorced and sinking everything she has, both money and mental strength, into building her dream cafe and bakery. Sacrificing her time and heart to her husband for near a decade, she's more than ready to give her all to something that gives her purpose. I loved her fighting spirit and invigorating drive. She complemented Trace perfectly. Because he's just as lost and in turmoil as she is. His ex-con status has shunned him from getting work and building up his company. Underneath everything that is Trace, is his big, caring heart. That man carries it on his sleeve in every aspect of his life. I loved how they fit with one another and gave the other the lift they needed in ways they didn't expect.

The beginning started a bit slow, but once the sexual tension began boiling, the story really picked up. The back-and-forth between them kept the tension at a high and with Jordan's ability to pen eroticism, it really brought this book to a fever pitch. WILD KISSES gives us exactly that: kisses that evoke passion and hidden feelings. Their love story jumped a lot of hurdles, and was filled with great romance. The Hart sisters and their love stories have been both fun and wild, and I cannot wait to get the next sisters' story.

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This was not one of my favorite Skye Jordan books. It was slow and I lost interest several times in the beginning. HOWEVER it did pick up the pace and interested me to the point that I just had to see what happened. It was kind of predictable but sweet. Trace's father has dementia and it is very realistic and was hard for me to read because of that.
Avery is a baker and is opening a cafe which consumes her and her time. Trace is the general contractor working with her and falls in love with her. However he thinks she deserves better than an ex con. Their time together is explosive.

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I haven't read the first book in this series, but I was hearing many great thing, so decided to pick up this second book in the series. Now, I'm definitely going to pick up the first one! Avery and Trace made me cry, made me laugh, and made me swoon! Working toward pursuing their dreams separately, they were also working toward their dreams together! Such a great friendship based upon trust and appreciation, when neither should have believed that was possible based upon their pasts. I will be anxiously waiting for a new Skye Jordan book!

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The plot was simplistic, the focus was on these two characters and how they overcome their demons and bad choices, and how they continue to encourage and love one another- flaws and all. Neither character was perfect and their imperfections highlighted just how authentic their lives read on the pages. Misunderstandings, pride and insecurities rear their destructive heads and threaten to tear them apart – however, the support and interference they receive from Avery’s family and their friends is the hilarious glue that kept them together.

Overall, I recommend this sweet, sexy (very steamy) novel. Though there were some questionable choices (I’m looking at you Avery!) I found this to be a very solid and enjoyable contemporary romance.

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I loved this book and this couple! They both had so much on their shoulders, but they carved out a little time for each other. Trace was my kinda man; hardworking, brooding, caring, and just enough of a badass to make a lady sweat. I somehow missed the first book in the series, but you'd better believe I'm going to buy it as soon as I finish this review. I honestly think Ms. Jordan can not write a bad book or even just an okay book. I've only ever read great characters and even better storylines. Let's hope she keeps up this trend.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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For quite awhile I was fully engaged in this one, folks. I enjoyed watching Avery, the hardworking, recently divorced heroine, and Trace, the misunderstood/loaded down with responsibility/trying to move on from his incarcerated past hero start to click as a couple and defy the odds/rumors of everyone who felt they shouldn’t be together. I think it was around 60% though I found myself glancing down frequently to check my Kindle to see how much time was left. Honestly, I think it was the constant back and forth, indecisive, mentally arguing with themselves, reluctant to commit aspect that started to leave me feeling exhausted. Then later on in the storyline, the graphic, smexy scenes featuring very lusty language seemed to completely take over. Though we are told upfront Trace and Avery had become friends over the last two months, I couldn’t help but feel at times this was more of a physical connection than emotional romantic one, at least not until closer to the end.

Trace was our reluctant to commit hero who was apparently well known for his random hook-ups with beautiful women and forced Folsom Prison vacation. We are told Avery knew about this as some of these women would come around her cafe Trace was hired to renovate. His “I’m not good enough for her/She deserves better but can’t help myself from wanting her” inner conflict battled Avery’s “I want him but I’m not experienced/hot enough to handle him, and he’ll just end up leaving me anyway” pretty much sums up their initial thoughts about each other that became well entrenched. Well, that is until they gave into temptation. Problem solved. Right? Though they seemed perfect for each other, they still seemed intent on constantly dooming their relationship by their willingness to call it quits at any given moment and walk away chalking it up to just being a fling. My fellow romance book-loving friends, it is hard to root for a couple when they aren’t even sure they should stay together.

You see, Avery has finally averaged enough men mayhem in her life to declare her heart off limits. Trace felt unworthy of her and didn’t want his past to taint her new business/reputation within the community. Plus, the whole dang town seemed to be against them.

With lots of back and forth, inner conflict/turmoil over what they were and likely could never be, misinterpreting reactions, jumping to conclusions, and some drama from an acquaintance Trace would rather soon forget, by 70% their revolving door of uncertainty entwined with smexy time between the sheets had me mostly fastforwarding hoping to get to their HEA. However, I still can’t help but smile that things finally worked out.

Romance Safety Gang: <spoiler>We aren’t given details but Trace was known for one night stands with OW, which was occurring during the two months they were becoming friends. He stayed so busy I’m not sure how he found the time though. This storyline picks up two months after they first met. She’s recently divorced from a husband who was often overseas. He was the only guy she had ever been with. They married really young. Other than that there was no OM/OW drama, no cheating, and no love triangle. You may object to their willingness to seem to be inclined to just be a temporary fling through most of the story.</spoiler>

Title: Wild Kisses, Series: Wildwood (Book 2), Author: Skye Jordan, Pages: 267, numerous VERY graphic, smexy scenes with lusty language, HEA, stand-alone, hardworking main couple, sweet heroine, misjudged good guy ex-con hero, back & forth/reluctant to commit main couple even though they want to be together, divorced heroine.

Book 1 - Forbidden Fling, 7/26/16, Pages: 315 (Delaney & Ethan)
Book 2 - Wild Kisses, 1/10/17, Pages: 267, (Avery & Trace)

(This review is based on advanced reader copy provided via NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased, fair review. No compensation was provided to this reviewer, nor is there any affiliation between the reviewer/author/publisher/NetGalley. It will be posted on Amazon, Goodreads, NetGalley, and Barnes and Noble.)

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I loved the first book in the series, Forbidden Fling, and this one is just as good - a moving, sexy, heart-warming romance in a small town setting.

I really like what the author is doing with this series, building a great small town community and populating with the most amazing and intriguing characters. We get the feel-good, heart-warming atmosphere of small-town romance with the added edge of really complex characters, struggling with their past trying to move forward and ultimately falling in love.

I really loved the heroine here. Avery married young her high school sweetheart but their marriage soon turned loveless and she ended back in her hometown, divorced and trying to get a fresh start. I liked the twist of her having been married, yet being very much inexperienced both sexually and romantically. She was understandably cautious with men but couldn't resist falling for Trace. I loved how determined to succeed, personally and professionally she was.

Trace was a great character as well, an ex-con, a ladies' man trying to stay away from Avery because he didn't think he was good enough for her. He had a lot of going on in his life and falling (and trying to stay away from) Avery who on top of everything was his current boss was a complication he didn't need.

They had great chemistry and the sexual attraction was there from the start but nothing happened easily for them. The conflict they had to overcome in order to be together felt very real and the way they bumbled their way into a relationship was fitting to their characters - imperfect, a little lost, a lot hesitant because of their pasts but also hopeful and willing to give love a chance. There were no magical solutions to their personal and professional troubles but hard work and concentrated effort made things work for them.

Both Avery and Trace have a lot going on in their lives when they met each other - both trying to get back on their feet, dealing with difficult family issues (though neither of them was on their own) and both reluctant to enter a relationship and yet unable to resist the attraction between them.

I enjoyed the complex, even slightly convoluted plot and feel it helped bring out all the best/worst qualities of the characters making the reader see them as real people and not just as figments of the author's imagination.

Wild Kisses is sweet and sexy, real and deeply romantic, definitely a recommended read for me.

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Loved this sweet, totally sexy, hot romance. Trace and Avery make such a fantastic couple. Avery is very determined and strong with a heart of gold and Trace is the hot, loyal, totally stand up guy who everyone thinks can't be trusted because of his past. These two have totally sizzling chemistry along with their tender moments and Trace just makes you swoon. Hot romance, some action and suspense, and great characters makes this an awesome read.

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Ex-con Trace is trying to rebuild his construction career, while newly divorced Avery has returned home to help rebuild her families name with a new business. The two have to overcome much hatred from their small town, but with the support of each other they slowly get people on their side. Although they start out as friends, their strong feelings for one another quickly move their friendship in a different direction.

Although not listed on the cover, this is the second book in this series, but can most definitely be read as a standalone.This was a great read and I look forward to reading even more by this author.

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