Member Reviews

This is my first read in the Wildwood series (a fact I will be rectifying) but not my first from this author and I got what I expected and then some - great writing, an interesting story line, and developed characters that keep me turning pages. I loved the dialogue between Trace and Avery and the ups and downs of their romance kept me reading to that awesome ending. Skye never disappoints!

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Avery moved back to her home town after her military husband David divorced her. She tried to make the marriage work, but David was not trying to work it out. Her sister Delaney hired Trace to remodel an old bar their family had owned so Avery could open a restaurant/bakery. Trace had served three years in prison for drugs. There was a story behind that that we find out later in the book. Bit there were some people in town that did not want to give an e-con a chance. Trace and his brother Zane, who is a cop in town, were trying to take care of their father who has dementia. Trace is working hard and trying to start a construction business. He and Avery are attracted to each other. Trace wants Avery, but thinks she can do much better than him. You will need to read the book to see what happens.

I loved the book even though it was a little depressing to me at times. I hate to see good people treated bad, and that was happening in aces to Trace and some to Avery. Avery was such a sweet, but strong person. Trace was trying to do the right things for his father and Avery. He made a bad decision that came back to bite him. I encourage you to read the book. I voluntarily read an Advanced Reader's Copy to this book.

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First things first, this book has some of the hottest love scenes I've read in a while. The off the charts chemistry between Trace and Avery is what really drives the story. Avery married her high school sweetheart and became an army wife. For the last few years she's been catering to her husband because she wanted to make things work. When they finally divorce, she heads back home and decides she needs to live for herself and not other people. Deciding to open up her own bakery has Avery in constant contact with Trace, her sexy as sin contractor and friend.

Trace has been captivated by Avery since laying eyes on her, but he's just gotten out of prison and is trying to prove to himself and everyone in town that he can make a success of himself. Remodeling the old bar into Avery's dream bakery and cafe is his chance to showcase his skills. With so much riding on Avery's grand opening, neither one is looking to start anything serious. But when Avery and Trace come together, simple and casual fly right out the window.

The outside drama (view spoiler) towards the end did feel a bit rushed and I thought the pushing away and separation cooled the chemistry between them (thats why I lowered it to 4 stars) Up until that point, the story was hot, well paced and engaging. The push and pull came out of nowhere and dragged the storyline a bit for me, enough that I did end up skimming towards the end.

Safety: No OM/OW drama, no cheating (between the MCs, although it is hinted that h's ex cheated on her, we don't get any descriptive details.), Trace is 33 years old, Avery is 25. Neither are virgins. Ends with a HEA and a small epilogue a few months down the road.

Favorite Line:
"This is just that fucking amazing because of you and me, together."

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This is the second release in the Wildwood series by Skye Jordan. This book is about Avery and Trace. It can be read as a standalone.
I love this one, it picked up the story where the first release, Forbidded Fling ended. This new series by SJ is fresh and different than other contemporary romances. Her heros and heroines are flawed and made mistakes and have some scars and baggage but they are so wonderful and when they fall, they love hard. Love the loyalty they have and they communicate to each other! When there's a misunderstanding they talk to each other. Love that!
Looking forward to the next release and if Austin will redeem himself or turn out to be a really bad guy.

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Oh Avery and Trace. These two are beautiful together. As Trace works to restore Avery’s family bar into her bakery/café, he finds himself constantly drawn to the light that is Avery but he doesn’t seem himself worthy of her. Yet, he loves their banter and interactions and gets bolder with his flirting. Avery thought she had found the right life until her marriage fell apart. She is hesitant to start any new relationships, working night and day to build her bakery brand but Trace keeps drawing her in. Add in their individual family drama and you find two people driven to prove they can succeed. But will they let themselves find love at the same time? I received a copy through NetGalley to review.

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Wild Kisses is the second book in Skye Jordan's Wildwood series and it was another hit for me. Trace Hutton is an ex-con, trying to get his contracting business off the ground so he can take care of his family. But shedding his bad boy image in a small town like Wildwood is not easy. Following her divorce, Avery is also working at a second chance in life, and is turning her late fathers dive bar into a cafe/bakery, with Trace as her contractor.

The chemistry between Avery and Trace is off the charts, but Avery's divorce has rocked her faith in love and commitment, and Trace does not think he is good enough for Avery because of his past, not to mention that she is a client. However, Avery and Trace cannot ignore their attraction and passion ignites between them. The sex scenes are scorching hot, but also sensual and romantic, I never doubt the deeper feelings as they develop between them. Although the path to their HEA is not easy, Trace and Avery are perfect for each other and I loved their journey.

Overall, this was another great book from Skye Jordan, and a great addition to the Wildwood series. I really enjoyed catching up with characters from the first book and I am really looking forward to the next one in the series.

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I was looking forward to reading about Avery Hart and her return to Wildwood, after her sister Delaney’s return in book one of this series. Boy, did the author deliver. Avery’s story includes Trace Hutton and we aren’t talking just wild kisses… Their story is not only hawt but it has heart as well. Get ready to be entertained with laughs, with tears, and (for me) with major attitude towards how these two are treated by everyone around them. Ms. Jordan wrote a great story and I could never recap any of it to convey how touching and deep the relationship is but you will get involved with Trace’s and Avery’s lives so quickly that you will cheer for them, you will cry for them, and you will shout for them…and sometimes AT them. For me, there was a bit too much angst between Trace and Avery; personally, I’m more of a face-it kinda gal but that is my taste. It didn’t stop me from reading the book straight through to the end. By the time you finish, you will want to have hugged these two, to try to help make things better for them, sometimes slap them both upside the head, and help them get to their HEA. Really good story.

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Wild Kisses by Skye Jordan is book number two in the Wildwood series. This is Avery Hart and Trace Hutton's story.

Avery has gone through a divorce and is in the process of starting her own bakery. Trace is an ex-con. He is struggling to get his contracting business back going and to rebuild his reputation. Avery hires Trace to transform her family's dive bar into a bakery.

The chemistry between Avery and Trace is off the charts. But, neither are ready for a relationship with trying to build a business and recover personally. Things don't always go according to our plans. Will they take a chance on love or will it just be a fling.

I loved the banter between Avery and Trace. This is a sexy, steamy, and heartfelt romance.

FYI, includes mature content. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Trace past is little bit of a mystery. We meet him in book 1 and I wanted to know more. We know he is trying to rebuild his life after being in prison.
Avery is a newly divorced woman who is putting her dream on the front burner. She has felt along for a long time.
Trace is working on the renovation of her bakery/cafe and the flirting banter is beginning to wear them both down. The people in this town is slow to forget both their past. Trace feels his past is just not good enough for Avery, so he tries real hard to keep them at flirting. I really felt for Trace who as we learn more about his past, not everything is as it seems. Avery just wants someone to be their for her. The push and pull of this story was believable to me. I am a major fan of Skye and her books. Looking forward to reading the next book in this series. This can be read as a standalone, but is more enjoyable as a series.

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This is the second book in the Wildwood series by Skye Jordan and it is a fun action packed ride. The first book. Forbidden Fling was about Delaney, the oldest sister of this trio of sisters, coming back to the town of Wildwood after leaving town in haste. This book brings back Avery, the second sister, who also left town at the age of 17 and married her high school sweetheart. This books starts with Avery coming back to Wildwood because her marriage is over. She meets Trace who is restoring the building she and her sister inherited and turning into a bakery, cafe. There are family feuds, villains and sweet reunions. This book had it all for me. I enjoyed every minute of the plot, with a father having dementia, a grandmother, a bakery to be built and ex cons. What a great ride of a story, and I can't wait to read Chloe's story, the youngest sister we have yet the hear from! Thanks as always to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book for an honest review. I love being able to give reviews like this.

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I love when a series gets better with each book. I was drawn in to this town full of people in the first book with Delaney and Ethan. At the end, we got to see a little bit of the spark between Trace and Avery when they met, so I've been looking forward to this book and it didn't disappoint.

Trace. Talk about the ideal bad boy. He's an ex-con but ultimately still a good man. It didn't hurt that the author described him just how I like em. Tall, muscular, black hair, blue eyes...Yeah, enough said. Avery's considered a good girl but she had a difficult childhood. She knows what it means to be judged unfairly. The chemistry between these two was felt right at the beginning.

My only complaint would be these two were a bit to insecure but really with their pasts, it is understandable? The author did a good job of making me curious about the last sister. Not a lot gets revealed about Chloe and I can't wait to learn her story. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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With everything that has gone wrong in their lives in the past, the renovation of the old bar into a bakery - diner gives both Avery and Trace the opportunity to start afresh. Neither wants to get involved with something serious but there's no harm is having some mutually satisfying fun. Or at least that is what they both thought. Avery is wary of running with her feelings that she doesn't trust very much anymore. Trace's stint in jail comes back to haunt him. Emotions run high as do libidos. But in the end, Avery and Trace must acknowledge that being together, in spite of the odds, is a hundred times better than being miserable apart.

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Romantic and sexy. I just loved Avery and Trace.

This is the second book in Skye Jordan's Wildwood series and while it appears that the main characters met in the first book, it did not detract from this story. In fact, because of it, we jumped right into Wild Kisses with no need for any additional set up. It flowed nicely and I never felt that I missed out. Their romance begins from the first pages and because of the prior meet, it never feels like instalove. It all balances very nicely to give us a sweet, sexy, romantic story.

Trace is an ex-con trying to rebuild his life and his construction business. He is also trying to take care of his father who is suffering from dementia. Trace has agreed to take on the conversation of the old family bar into Avery's new cafe/bakery for an affordable cost in order to prove his talent to the naysayers in town. This is Trace's chance to get his life back on track and he can't let his attraction to Avery derail that but every time she does something sweet, he can't help falling further and further for Avery.

Avery has just gotten out of a loveless marriage and has returned to Wildwood in hopes of rebuilding her life. Avery can't help her own attraction to Trace but he has a bit of a reputation with the ladies around town and she feels that her lack of sexual experience wouldn't interest him. She can feel the tension building when she and Trace are together but he keeps running away from her. After eight years of a husband who no longer showed her any affection, she withdraws whenever she feels rejected by Trace.

Avery and Trace were such likable characters and you have to feel for them as they try to fight their attraction for different reasons. Once they finally stop fighting the attraction and things get hot and steamy, Trace no longer fears that the job will get between them, but that Avery's chance at a new life and a new business will be smeared by hooking up with an ex-con. And it is not hard for someone who wants to cause trouble for them, to use Trace's past to try to ruin their success and destroy their blooming relationship.

I definitely enjoyed the blossoming romance between Avery and Trace and I hated how everyone was so against their relationship. I was actually sorry to finish this story and say goodbye to Trace and Avery.

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5 - "I have no doubt I'm exactly where I am supposed to be." Stars!

The second book of Skye Jordan’s Wildwood series, gives the second Hart sister her HEA, although it takes a little time and self-discovery for Avery to get there.


I won’t lie, I have been itching to read Wild Kisses from the moment I discovered that the book was going to give us more of Trace Hutton. The guy flitted through the previous book, but the author set up the intrigue about his past from the offset, and had me wanting more, and did she deliver in Wild Kisses.

"This is a really, really, really bad idea."

Both Trace and Avery are working at their second chances in life, Avery hot off a divorce which has left her with little in the way of possessions and self-confidence and nothing but dreams and aspirations of becoming her own boss one day, that dream becomes more of a reality when her sister gives her the family bar to renovate and turn into a Café & Bakery.

Sometimes it felt like she’d spent her entire life alone.

Trace having been to prison is working hard on getting his contracting business off the ground, in a town as small as Wildwood memories are long, judgement harsh, and rumours rife, so getting involved with Avery, who is also essentially his boss is not his best move, or in either of their interests, but the friendly banter between them soon morphs into sexy flirting, and off the charts chemistry.

"I think we have a problem…"

"Yeah. I guess we do."

Skye blew it out of the ball-park for me with Wild Kisses this book was sexy, Trace was sexy, the sexy when they were together was mega sexy, and I really liked the story-line that the author had running alongside all the sexy. Both the H/h have a lot going on in their lives secondary to the relationship growing between them, and both are dealing with issues in relation to self-esteem and confidence. It was great to catch up with the rest of the residents of Wildwood again as well.

I have no real idea as to when the next book in the series is due (soon hopefully), but the author gives clues that it is likely to be Trace’s brother Zane, who manages to tame Chloe Hart when she finally returns back to town from her travels, and I am looking forward to seeing exactly how he goes about it.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, and it was a pleasure to provide the above honest review.

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~NetGalley provided an ARC to review this in advance.~

Book two starts pretty hot. The thoughts of Trace was so hot that it could melt the polar caps in Antarctica, the same can be said to Avery. Both are equally attracted to each other, but the situation they are in are somehow not favorable. An ex-con and a newly divorce woman, both are trying their best to pick themselves up from what ever hardship that made them the way they were. And from my POV, both of them are meant to be,

I love how it continues, how the lives of people that were on book one is presented. I love how it was made. How Trace his best to be the man he once, but still becoming more stronger that he was. I love Avery, for her strength, her willingness to risk her heart, and her love for baked good. Yes, I love that part. I was one of those reasons why i read this in one day.

Wild Kisses shows us that we can live our life no matter how the past colored us. The past is there, but it is the present that counts. People will look at it, but if you do your best to be the person you want to be and not the person that everybody thought you were, then you will live a good life. There maybe people that will try their best to judge what you were, but in the end, its more about what you believe in.

I look forward to the 3rd book. I wonder, how will Ms. Jordan present the 3rd sister?

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Wild Kisses by Skye Jordan....Another sweet 5 stars!!! Skye Jordan has written a sweet story full of romance, love, forgiveness and some suspense that keeps us flipping pages. Avery had a terrible marriage and returns to Wildwood after her divorse. Trace is an ex-con and a talented carpenter that is doing work for Avery. These two have fantastic chemistry and are perfect together. Can they get through their differences and make it work. This is a must read, so make sure you grab a copy. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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This book was a really great read. It is, without question, my favorite Skye Jordan book to date. It had everything that I want in a romance novel: sizzling sexual chemistry, tenderness, intrigue, fun older people, and the bonus of glorious food porn. While there was definite drama, none of it was over-done or felt ridiculous or unbelievable, it fit perfectly in the theme of the book. This is the second book in a series but it can totally stand alone. I haven't read the first, but will definitely go back and do that so that I can learn about Delaney and Ethan. I hope there will be more books in this series because this is the kind of story I love.

Trace was exactly the kind of book hero that I absolutely adore. He was rough and tumble, 100% blue collar (which is so sexy), and even though he has a sketchy history, from the first chapter we see a softer, gentler side of him that shows there's more to him than his past mistakes. Trace is the kind of man who will sacrifice his own happiness for the people around him, the kind of man who dotes on his ailing father when others would have given up. I absolutely adored Trace. Even when he made a hotheaded mistake that almost cost him everything, he did it with the best of poorly-thought-out intentions. He also isn't a romance book Hero who is sweet outside of the bedroom and a rough alpha in the bedroom. The sex was incredibly hot and sexy without having to depend on the shock-value kinkiness that seems to be the trend in romance novels these days, which was fantastic.

Avery was a sweet mix of innocent and really strong, and while not all characters in romance novels who are depicted with that combination are written well, but Avery was. Ms. Jordan nailed her the two facets personality perfectly without ever making her weak. I loved that even when things went bad for her, the “goddess of fine” didn't sit around and pine or mope uselessly – she put distance between herself and the problem and got stuff done. She wanted her happily ever after with Trace, but if that hadn't happened and her future had only involved her family, friends, and her shop, she would have carried on and written her own happy ending. And I loved that she never allowed the opinions of others to color her opinion of Trace – she wasn't ever ashamed of him, even during the tough times.

If you like really well-written love story with a little bit of suspense, really, *really* hot (and yet still sweet) sex scenes, main characters who are incredibly likable, and a bunch of side characters who add a ton to the story without overwhelming it – you should definitely read this book. I can't wait to go back and read Delaney and Ethan's book now.

I asked for and was granted an ARC of Wild Kisses from NetGalley – I was under no obligation to write a review for this book or to pre-order it, I did both of these because I enjoyed the book.

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I do believe this is my favorite of Skye Jordan most recent releases.

"I'm not fearless. I'm just less afraid of being with you than I am of hating myself because I passed up the chance."

We could all take a lesson from Avery, and take more chances! And if there was a Trace Hutton in my life you can bet I'd be taking all kinds of chances on that man. Deliciously gruff, terribly misunderstood, and surprisingly tender and caring, Trace is a man I'd want by my side- through all of lifes ups and downs.

I love the journey that Wild Kisses takes us on. Avery and Trace each have a past that colors their outlooks on the future. Avery's marriage at a young age, and recent divorce, have left her not wanting any kind of permanent commitment. Trace's time in jail, his reputation as an ex-con, has left him believing he's not worthy of anything more than the one night stands he makes a habit of. But there's an attraction and connection between these 2, one that, try as they might, can't be denied. And as much as they fight it, as much as they try to keep things simple and easy, there's nothing simple and easy when it comes to how they feel about each other.

Avery and Trace, as different as they are, are so perfect together. Avery brings light and goodness into Trace's life, something he's been missing for a long time. With Avery, Trace is sweet and caring, he's protective, and wants what is best for her...even if that means fighting his attraction to her and staying away. But that's so much easier said than done, and he really stands no chance when it comes to his feelings for her. I just adore that man.

Wild Kisses is not just a touching tale of the struggles one goes through on the path to finding love, it's also a heartwarming story of families and frienships. I love the little town of Wildwood, and can't wait to visit again! I have a feeling we'll be in for quite a ride when Chloe comes to town!

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Ever since Trace was introduced in Forbidden Fling, I have been eagerly awaiting his story. He is the perfect bad boy hero and I loved everything about him. He tried to avoid getting romantically involved with Avery, the town's sweetheart, because of his criminal past. However, the intense chemistry between them is so hard to resist. Especially when Avery keeps tempting him. I love that Avery goes after what she wants... and she wants Trace. :) I loved every minute of their journey!

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Skye Jordan is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors and this book is one of the reasons why. This is a new series from Jordan and I really enjoyed it. I just adored Trace. The thing about Trace is he is real. I know that sounds strange since he is fictional but he is just a real down to earth character. He has issues. He has been through way too much and is trying to get his life back but he has aches and pains. He is taking care of his dad who is ill and so much more.

Avery is adorable. She is Ms Sunshine most of the time but I enjoyed that eventually everything catches up to her and she just has a mini-breakdown like women do. Everyone should have a friend like Avery in their lives.

All in all this was a really great story. Perfect for any fan of contemporary romance. Chapter 5 alone is worth reading for (assuming you enjoy the down and dirty parts of a story). You can never go wrong with Skye Jordan’s books!

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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