Member Reviews

Jack of Hearts was a fantastic book. First of all, I love the cover, the title, and the name of the bar. I don't know if it was intentional, but the name Aces & Eights is awesome considering the 'dead man's hand' was named after a wild west law man who was also known to be a spy. Since the Gentry's are actually undercover FBI agents, the name really is a stroke of brilliance. Although this is book one of three, there is no cliffhanger and it completely stands alone.

As is her forte, Ms. Owens has once again written a fabulous book about really well-written characters – both the good guys and the bad guys, and with incredible chemistry between the main two characters. I finished this book in two sittings because once I started reading it, I needed to know how it ended and I was so into it that I didn't allow myself to get distracted by anything around me.

Alex Gentry was swoon-worthy, and everything that I want in a male romance novel character. A lot of times in romance novels, FBI agents/cops act like absolute swaggering jerks under the guise of being what the genre pretends is an “alpha male”. Although Alex was extremely confident, a little hot-headed, and a smidge cocky, he was never even remotely close to being unlikable – not even when he was undercover and interacting with the dregs of humanity. He was just a flat out good guy who was trying to do the right thing, and trying to protect someone that he cared about. I really loved that about him. Granted, he was keeping secrets and not being 100% truthful, but he was doing so with the absolute best of intentions and with a tremendous amount of guilt, so forgiving him was a no-brainer for me - even before his absolutely adorable gestures of apology.

Madison was a nice combination of a strong woman who was also incredibly vulnerable because of her unfailing love for her mother. Although there were times that I wanted to shake her for being too complacent, I also understood her need to keep her mother from falling apart. One of my favorite parts of this whole book was (slight SPOILERS to the end of this paragraph only) when she went 'Grasshopper' on Ramon. I was so hoping that she'd get a chance to do that, so when it happened, I wanted to fist pump for her. Also, the scene in the kitchen while Alex made breakfast made me want to cry, it was so beautiful.

Along with the love story between Alex and Madison and the really interesting action story line, the secondary characters that we were supposed to like were fabulous. The ones we weren't supposed to like were so creepy and awful that I wasn't at all sad about their fates. Ramon and Trina, specifically. Every time those two were even mentioned, my skin crawled, which is a testament to Ms. Owen's talent for nailing characterization. And the 'good guys' were GREAT. I adored the Gentry boys who were both funny and entertaining in their own ways, and I am looking forward to learning more about them. I am especially anxious for Court and Lauren's book, but judging by the little glimpses of Nate we got, I think that Nate will be the wild card (pun intended) in the group. I can't wait for the rest of this series.

That epilogue, though. It was not at all what I was expecting and I NEED to know more. It is going to be a long wait for the next book to be released.

If you like a story with action and intrigue wrapped around a really sweet love story about two people who belong together, you should give this one a read – you won't be sorry.

I requested a copy of this book from NetGalley. I was under no obligation to review it, but did so because I very much enjoyed the book.

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The first in the new series Aces and Eights by Ms. Owen. I have previously read her K2 series which were great. Alex is a undercover FBI agent trying to break into the Alonzo criminal family organization. While hanging out with the son Ramon Alonzo he comes across Ramon's beautiful cousin Maddie who Ramon has a sick obsession with. He defends her against Ramon coming on to her. Although he knows it is not fair to get involved with her being he is investigating her family he is drawn to her and starts a relationship. Alex has two older brothers Nate and Court( I am sure books of there's will be coming soon) and they all own a biker bar which is a form of cover for their FBI work. This book had it all some mystery action and of course romance. Reviews on goodreads and amazon.

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I was given an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest and independent review.
Three undercover FBI agents who are brothers posing as the owners of a bar for bikers. Hot and sexy they are involved in a case involving drugs and money laundering.
Alex, one of the brothers, is attracted to the cousin of one of the drug barons called Madison. Their friendship and developing romance is passionate and nice to read but can the secrets Alex is keeping ruin it all. A well written story with passion, love, crime and action, reminiscent of Sandra Brown's books. I hope there is another book soon in this series.

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********** If any book deserved a medal for being riveting, this would be it!
A spellbinding, riveting, enthralling read. Breathtaking in its depth and plots. Mysterious, crime, passion, love, romance, and life! Each page motivated me to read faster. I was spellbound within the story. I had no choice but to read on. This is not a normal genre for me, however, this author will be on my top lists to read from now on. A compelling novel that has every element of a fantastic read that you could ever want! Characters that seem real captivating you and your attention. No part of this novel is so so. It is all to be experienced. I started reading this morning, January 12, 2017. I could not stop reading. I finished the book in record time and hated that I did not have the others in the series! I was given this book in return for an honest review. My review is based solely upon my own opinion of the works I have read. BUY this book, you will not regret it! It is definitely a keeper. I was given this book by NetGalley in return for an honest review. Anna Swedenmom

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OMG, words can not express how much I loved this book. The idea of the series is perfect. Three brothers all beat down by their father. Grow up to be exceptional men who all become FBI agents. Then they go undercover together. What could be more perfect then your brothers having you back? Maybe the perfect woman. Madison is so easy going that you can't help but fall in love with her. Her family is a problem though.

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