Member Reviews

Packed with unexpected twists and turns, this thriller will keep readers on the edge of their seats, continually engaged in guessing.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review the advance copy of this book.

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After escaping a serial killer in her teens, Beth became an fbi profiler to try to assuage her guilt for surviving when her foster sister - and many others- didn't. Despite losing her memory of the attack, she is unsure that the man convicted was the actual perpetrator. She has spent the last 20 years glancing over her shoulder, certain that he is right behind her.
When a mass grave is unearthed in a town near where she grew up, Beth insists on being included in the investigation - if this is the work of the same killer, she wants to be the one to catch him.

There were several red herrings leaving me guessing who the killer(s) were and an entirely unexpected twist at the end.

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Fabulous murder/mystery very well written and it kept me guessing. I didn't figure out who the killer was at all... 😎

As to the romance, well that was pretty underwhelming. I knew it would be though, as it was the same in the previous 2 books in this series. (They all stand alone). The H/h were together almost 100% of the book, but I didn't really feel too much of a romantic connection between them and there was one steamy'ish' scene near the end.

However, I read this for the mystery, not the romance. I listened mostly to the audio version which was, thanks to KU, included with the eBook for free. I will say that the narrator was very good and I loved they way he performed the characters. I will be reading more from this author. My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the e-ARC

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After reading all the bullymances lately, I find myself getting stuck in a rut so I like to read my mystery novels to pump up my excitement levels back up that way I can be excited about reading. All the Dead Girls start years back when two foster girls decided in order to protect themselves that they would run away from home. As they were traveling along the road, they were picked up by a truck. The girls trusted the people in the truck, however life wasn't going to be favorable to them. That night only one of them left alive and the other killed. Now eighteen years later, a storm has hit Graveyard Falls and uncovered a mass gravesite with bones. One set of those bones matched Sunny - the foster girl who never came home. Enter in Agent Beth Fields with the FBI, she has been called in to help with the case as she was the one who escaped. As the victims are identified and the list gets longer, it is now up tp Agent Fields and the team in Graveyard Falls to discover who the killer is as new bodies start appearing. For the local sheriff this case is also very personal as his father when Sunny and JJ disappeared was arrested yet he has proclaimed his innocence over the years. He also feels guilty as he was the one who was supposed to that night pick JJ and Sunny and ended up without his car that night, so missed the girls. If you love mystery novels and love ones with multiple serial killers, murder and secrets, the check out Book#3 in the Graveyard Series - All the Dead Girls by Rita Herron.

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I wanted to love this book but there were to many parts/sections where the writing made no sense and was predictable. It was hard to finish.

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All the dead girls by Rita Herron.
Agent Beth Fields was taken when she and her friend ran away from her foster family but they were kidnapped. Beth was found and had to change her identity. After a storm hit the town a graveyard of bones was found. Can they find the killer before another child disappears?
A fantastic read. A twist within a twist. I certainly didn't see that coming. I loved Beth and Ian. The killer wasn't who I thought it was. 5*.

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I did not realize this was the third in the series, so I will be going back to read the first two., I enjoyed both the story and the characters. A great read! I will definitely be on the lookout for this author in the future.

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FBI agent Beth Fields comes to Graveyard Falls when skeleton girls in white dresses are found. She believes it is the work of a serial killer from long ago. So long that when she was younger, her and a friend were kidnapped. She made it out, but her friend didn't survive. Someone was blamed and convicted, but Beth doesn't believe it was the right person. Graveyard Falls' sheriff Ian Kimball is the stepson of the convicted man, and he is still trying to help clear his name. With the help of Beth they can catch the right killer. But not so easy working together. They don't trust one another, also they can't get over the past and under all that dislike, mistrust, they are attracted to each other.

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I didn't realize this was book 3 in a series when I started reading. It does refer back to the cases solver in the previous books, but each book can be ready as a stand alone. It's a pretty standard romantic suspense novel, but the author still kept you guessing. Although I did guess the unsub early in the story, the author threw me off with other tantalizing clues. I enjoyed the story enough to read the other two books in the series.

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I LOVE Rita!!! I really enjoyed this series and can't wait to see what's next.

Her characters are unforgettable!!! Twists and turns abound, plenty of suspense, and just the right amount of romance.

If you haven't read any of Rita's books you owe it yourself to give her a try.

I received an arc from NetGalley and Montlake Romance for an honest review.

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2.5☆ for All The Dead Girls by Rita Herron.

Firstly I need to qualify that in parts the writing was really good, it was fast paced and kept me guessing. But, it was only in parts.

There were so many things wrong with this book that it almost defies belief that it was ever published.

Firstly 2 people who are connected with each other, a victim, and the convicted killer ( escaped) are allowed to work the case.

Then the way the case is worked bears no relation to basic protocol. Evidence is handled. And that is only one minor indiscretion amongst many.

The writing is full of cliches.

And stereotypes - like the gum chewing waitress, and the bright kids at school are all wierd outcasts, not to mention wierd looking.

Dialogue is frequently stilted and unrealistic. What teenager is going to call and abductor/killer 'the bad man'?

The characters are mostly superficial.

And then there is the very predictable cheesy romantic thread with its gratuitous sex scene.

And the unrealistic escape where a character jumps over a cliff face onto a ledge that is obscured from the villian's view by an overhang. WHAT??????

Plenty of people have enjoyed this book. I am not one of them. Another series I won't be following.

Thank you to Montlake Romance via Netgalley for providing a digital copy of All the Dead Girls by Rita Herron for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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Beth Fields has returned to her hometown where, as a 15 year old named JJ, she ran away from an abusive foster home with her young friend only to be kidnapped by a madman. She watched the murder of her friend but cannot remember the kidnapper/murderer. She changed her name and became an FBI agent to help exploited children. After a storm at her hometown of Graveyard Falls, several bodies of young girls are uncovered; each girl is dressed in white and holding a candle. The town's sheriff, Ian Kimble, is the son of the man who went to prison for JJ's abduction and other crimes against girls, but Ian always maintained his innocence. When Ian recognizes Beth (JJ) there is an instant attraction. Can they overcome all their history and will Beth recover her memory in time to catch the murderer who has been killing for years and years? Will he come for her again? I enjoyed this book and didn't realize it was the third in a series as it can easily be read on its own. I will go back and read the earlier books. Thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy in exchange for a fair review.

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This is the third book in the Graveyard series, and I have not read the first books. I still don't think I lost a lot of references to the previous books, but perhaps it would help to better understand the book?
The book was very entertaining and recommended without a doubt!

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I really enjoyed this addition to the Graveyard Falls series. I liked the characters of Beth and Ian and enjoyed watching their relationship develop. I thought it had a good balance of romance and suspense and I look forward to seeing where this series will take us next.

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I really enjoyed this mystery right from the start. I liked the main characters who were both going by aliases because of their past involvement with this current serial killer case and I liked that there were no shortage of suspects. The romance factor just enhanced the story for both characters. I had no idea that this was the 3rd book in a series, it was a really good stand alone story. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

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Forgettable characters and plots that simply didn't pull me in. I didn't care about the villain, the victims, the suspense, the main characters and their supposed "romance", the villain's motive...I didn't care about any of it.

It started so slow, it was a chore getting through the first couple of chapters, and despite hating not finishing things, I have to draw the line somewhere. When reading becomes a chore instead of an enjoyment, you're in trouble.

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Another hit in the Graveyard Falls series! Book three has added even more depth to an already stellar series. This book can be read without having read the previous titles, but they are all so good maybe you should give them a try. I will definitely be on the lookout for more by this author.

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