Member Reviews

A book I listened to on audio and what a great experience to spend commutes to and from work listening to empowering words about females taking their place at work and "owning it." I read this at a time when work was at a slump and my favorite chapter was the one on "courageous conversations" where she highlighted all sorts of conversations that women may have to have at the workplace so they can make sure that they have the life they want and they need.

The one regret I have is that the author only read the introductory chapter and a narrator did the rest. I would have preferred hearing her inflections and hear her intentions when she read it. I really prefer when an author reads their own work.

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This was an amazing protrayl of women in the work place and covered more of what I was looking for when I read "Lean In." Sallie covers every from taking control of your career to taking control of the board room (and everything in between). I love her discussion of attempting to balance her home and personal life and the real struggles that came with both. I also appreciated how she did not shy away from or try to cover up her firings. Instead, she chose to embrace them and show how they've made her stronger.

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One of those books every woman should read!

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