Member Reviews

A great series that will take you into the heart of a beautiful world filled with demons, dragons, and warriors... I highly recommend this stunning series. Characters are superbly written and the setting is easy to picture. If you love books by Mercedes Lackey or Zimmer, these will surely add to your favorite list.

“In truth, I doubt I'd notice if a herd of giant Irish elk stomped through the entire chamber when I'm in the act of lovin' you, Lainna!”
The Chieftain’s Daughter is the wonderful third installment in Leigh Ann Edwards’ The Irish Witch series set in sixteenth century Ireland. The series blends amazing characters in an ageless romance embedded in a dangerous contest of good versus evil. I can’t get enough of the author’s interweaving of history, magic, legend, mythology, and an epic steamy romance.
This episode picks up right where the previous book, The Witch’s Daughter, left off with the ongoing saga of Irish witch Alainn and swarthy noble Killian, our heroine and hero. Alain’s powers continue to increase as she becomes more adept at tapping into what she can do. At the same time, the dark are gaining prominence and targeting Alain. As this segment opens, Alain is stuck in another realm separated from Killian. She and Killian are battling human and supernatural forces to be together. Seriously, you won’t want to put it down! It’s a page-turner, for sure!
Following please find a few of my favorite quotes from The Chieftain’s Daughter:
“Our place is here, our time is now!" Killian firmly declared.”
“I am a contradictory creature, I think," Alainn continued, "for the witch and druid in me can create fire, the fairy in me is drawn to it yet cannot tolerate it, and the woman is in a constant state of torrid fire within me whenever I think of my strikingly virile husband.”
“I've no plans to couple with anyone other than my new bride for the next century or so, and it feels as though it's takin' a century to get to it!”
This series will consist of seven books with four having been released so far. I inhaled all four in less than three days and am anxiously waiting for the fifth which is releasing January 2018! This is a series you should read in order. The books are engrossing reads and you won’t want to miss one enchanting moment. Do yourself a favor, start from the beginning and read it sequentially. You won’t be sorry!
The series is beautifully written and edited. The story is well-plotted, gripping, heartwarming, and highly entertaining. There’s a cliffhanger ending, but, since the next book is already available, it’s not a big deal. Just know that you will want to have the next installment ready to go! If you enjoy addictive historical fairytale romances featuring witches, a swoony hero, and rising dark forces, I’d highly recommend that you check out The Irish Witch series!

Alainn and Killian’s historical and magical saga continues pretty much where we left of in The Witch’s Daughter. I have enjoyed my time in this series and with these characters. While Alainn’s magical abilities are still growing, and not always exactly as she intends there is no doubt that she is growing in confidence and strength. She is already a power to be reckoned with, and it will be interesting to see how far she goes over time. The love between Killian and Alainn can be felt flowing from the page. And the hatred from the villain(s) is scorching as well.
Without giving anything away, I hope, The Chieftain’s Daughter will deliver some twists and turns you may not have anticipated, as well as even more danger to our couple. Going this far back into history is always fascinating to me, and when you add in the magical, mystical elements then I’m hooked for the entire ride. In a story that never leaves much time to pause and get lost in the quiet moments, this is a romance that is full of human emotions, and magical touches that only add to the drama and the end results. However, this is not a series you can (or should) pick up midstream for each book’s information and actions flow into the next. Definitely a series of books that should be read in order. I had fun in this realm and if you love Historical, or Paranormal Romance, then you should feel right at home with this series.
*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

After trying to read the first one, I don't think I'm going to read the rest of the series. It's not my cup of tea.

I am really enjoying this series. It's a bit more romance based than I normally read, but it works for this series. It's not trying to pretend that it's about so much more, even though there is another plot that is connected to the romance. It's just done well, this is how to weave a romance through the rest of the plot, without the romance getting annoying and start to feel shoehorned into the story.
Alainn, a name I can never remember how to pronounce even though it's been mentioned more than once, is a really nice character. For a character that has magic, she is one of the more realistic characters in a romance series that I have read. Her goals are relatable, her motivations make sense, she's a great character because she isn't emotionless. She is, in a way, what people mean when they say they want a "strong female character." She isn't physically strong, but she is strong in her resolve. She cares deeply for others, even those who have wronged her. A character doesn't need to be emotionless and physically strong to be a strong character.
Killian, he's mostly a typical male love interest. His overbearingness, while still annoying to read, is historically accurate for the times. I like his character, but other than what he feels for Alainn, I haven't seen much to his character. Which is a shame, I feel that there could have been a little more done with his character. Give him a connection to this big mystery and ancient power. But so far, he's a pretty typical character.
The overall plot of this book was a bit all over the place in my opinion. And there were about three chapters near the middle that not a whole lot was going on in. It was three chapters of Alainn and Killian in a fairy glade, making love and arguing. It slowed the book down a lot, I don't think all three chapters were needed because I didn't feel like it really added anything to the story. We already knew they were in love with each other, and everybody knows what people do on their Honeymoon.
After they got back from a Honeymoon that in the book seemed much longer than it ended up actually being, this goes back to why I didn't think it needed to be that long, the story picked up a lot. And I really enjoyed how things wrapped up in this book. It took me longer than I wanted to finish this book because life got in the way, but I am really looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

The continuing saga of witch Alainn and Chieftain Killian's love affair, surrounded by a fantasy 16th C Ireland and spells and curses. These books have been perfect for mainlining while I have had other things going on as they don't require too much effort, providing light entertainment. Very enjoyable.

This magical Irish Witch Series continues to be one of mystery, suspense, danger, and romance. The Chieftain's Daughter is book three with Alainn and Killian together after forces have worked to keep them apart in the first two books. Just when you think all is known more secrets are revealed. Leigh Ann Edwards has woven a world that brings fairies, witches and other mystical beings (some dark demonic) into Ireland’s 16th Century. The setting is detailed, vivid and quite believable.
The intricate saga continues to have plots and counterplots. The characters are unforgettable, ones that you will remember years after reading the books. I suggested in an earlier book review to read this series in order. More than ever, I again suggest this. While life has changed from the first book for Alainn, the books all tie together. I also highly recommend this series by a fresh new voice in the fantasy genre.
An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley.

This novel was a book continuation to the first two novels in the series. It continues Allain and Killian's journey. Allain is discovering more about her abilities and what fate has in store for her. Allian and Killian have secretly married. Allain is the granddaughter of the O"Rourke clan, but there is no proof. The Chieftain O'Brien will not accept Allain until proof is shown, which keeps the curse still in effect. Killian and Allain send some time together as a married couple, but have to return due to the challenges issed by Killian against his uncle. Allain and Killian argue much with each other and Allain still has some insecurities, but their love is strong. However, there is still much evil around them that wants Allain's powers. Killian and other members of the O"Rourke and O'Brien clans have been protecting Allain from the chieftan and the priest who has his ear. As they search for evidence of Allain's identity, the evil forces become more determined to stop them. Killian must make a choice when confronted with what has been done to Allain and live with the repercussions of his choices. Allain and Killian will do everything in their power to protect the ones they love, especially their unborn child. When Allain is gravely hurt, will this event be what ends the curse or solidifies it?