Member Reviews

I really liked the first book in this series, and this one didn't disappoint either. I always love a good friends to lovers book, so reading this was my pleasure.

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I have loved everything that I have read by Erin Nicholas and Tangled Up is no exception! Such an amazing read! I couldn’t recommend this book more!

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great read awesome writing i really enjoyed this author and this book i would reccomend to other for sure

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Oh my! A kiss can change everything if you let it. Bree and Max are adrenaline junkies and best friends and their home town has suffered a tornado and working closely on cleanup is causing all sorts of tangled up feelings. Max has been in love for a long time but Bree wants to keep things as is...Who will win this battle? This was a great followup in this series but could be read as a standalone if you wanted to and not be lost at all. Max and Bree are a great couple and all the secondary characters are perfection! Love this town!

Definitely a recommended read!

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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Review: Nicholas is one of my go to authors for contemporary romances and she didn’t disappoint with Tangled Up, book two in her Taking Chances series. Although I haven’t yet read book one, Twisted Up, I got to know the characters and their relationships. I hope to read Twisted Up soon in order to get the back story.

Tangled Up had a lot of emotions since tornadoes are front and center with the number of times Chance, Nebraska gets hit by them. There is an emergency preparedness team that tracks and follows the storms and deals with the aftermath of the damage and destruction. Max is a storm chaser but wears many different hats. He currently lives in Oklahoma City but comes home once a month to see his family and his best friend, Bree. They have been friends for a lifetime but when they dipped their toes into the romance pool and tried to date when they were seventeen they felt they couldn’t be what the other needed or wanted so went back to being friends. Bree is an adventure enthusiast, the riskier the better and she and Max take adrenaline raising trips together once a year. She finds life boring unless she’s off on an adventure even though she’s a cop. Their chemistry is off the charts but neither is on the same page as the other even when they have conversations about their thoughts and feelings. I sometimes felt I was at a tennis match watching the ball get tossed back and forth to each other. Everyone around them can see what’s between them except for the two of them. Their conversations seemed real and I could feel their emotions whether at a high point or a low one.

This was a fast paced read with many characters woven throughout and several stories being told at the same time. There are family and friends, a small town with lots of community spirit, storms, destruction, fear, hurt, anger, injuries, tears, alpha males, laughter, happiness, camaraderie, twists and turns, romance, loving and love. There were some very steamy moments that were necessary for the flow of the story and didn’t detract from it at all. The vividness of the descriptions of the storms, the damage, the repairs and the gatherings made me feel that I was there. There is some closure and a happily ever after in the offing. I look forward to returning to Chance over and over again!

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On this occasion no review as it unfortunately didn't work for me.

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I'm a total sucker for a friends to lovers story. Loved that Tangled Up and Twisted Up storylines overlapped. I did love both Max and Bree, and that they were lifelong friends. But their romance was a very slow burn... slow as molasses and I don't know the plausibility of Max actually hiding his feelings for Bree for so many years!

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Bree was a cop and Max was in town for a couple days. There was at least two dozen of their old classmates also in town for their ten year HS reunion. Max had stopped by the farm on the way- Montgomery Farms- a huge operation that had been in his family for four generations. It was the biggest employer in Chance, Nebraska and the heart of the town’s economy. The farm was now up for sale. Chance was a tornado magnet. Bree’s best friend was the town’s fire chief and in charge of emergency management. Bree was Max’s favorite person to storm chase with and actually his favorite person to do most things with. Max had an old passion for storm chasing and had been storm chasing since he was a teen. Bree had started going with him about a year ago. This might be the last summer for storm chasing together as Bree was taking a job in Arizona as a skydiving instructor she was leaving in August a little more than two months away. Bree was a fast and furious type of girl. Bree was low maintenance and loved spontaneity. Max had known Bree for twenty five years. Max wanted to settle down with Bree but she seemed allergic to the idea. Max and Bree had dated in HS but then she broke up with him for being boring. Max had an instinct for storms. Then an F5 tornado sweeps through town and when it hits Max and Bree were in danger and took refuge in a ditch and some things happen while they are in the ditch and their relationship changes.But Max is afraid Bree will hurt him again. Max and Bree do finally realize they need each other and their feelings run much deeper than just friendship but Max knew Bree had to admit it.
I loved this story for many different reasons and I really don’t have any complaints for this story. The plot was great and this was well written as far as I am concerned. I had no problem about losing my attention throughout this whole book it grabbed me and kept me with the story until the very end, I loved Max and Bree together how their relationship was twenty five years long but at long last Bree finally knows what Max really means to her. I was cheering them on and that Bree would find she really loved Max and make sure he knew she wouldn’t hurt him again. This was fast paced which I also loved. I also loved how the town came together after the tornado and did what had to be done together as a town. The action in this story was great also. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this story and I highly recommend.

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Tangled Up is the second book in the Taking Chances series by Erin Nicholas but can be read as a stand alone.

This story focuses on 2 friends that finally give into the love they have for each other. The struggle for happily ever after comes because Max feels Bree is only interested in him for the excitement a new love brings & will soon tire of him.

Love this series & love how the author creates passionate & strong characters.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Once again Erin Nicholas brings us a small town romance filled with love, laughter, and friends. Of course, this small town has some drama. Namely it has seen more than its fair share of tornadoes. In the aftermath of the cleanup of yet another tornado, Bree and Max take their lifelong friendship to the next level. Or at least they try to. They both have hangups and neither is too sure about the other one. It will take some eye opening revelations for these two to finally come together.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this 2nd book in Nicholas' Taking Chances Series. I was so glad that all of the characters from the first book turned up in this one, and thought that Max and Bree made wonderful main characters. The ongoing storyline of the community of Chance, Nebraska, along with the one particular to Max and Bree, kept me interested and engaged.

Chance, Nebraska, has been the victim of several destructive tornadoes. The last one occurred when Max Grady happened to be visiting his hometown. Bree McDermott, police officer, and Max's best friend, is with him during the tornado, and their relationship takes an unexpected turn. Bree is an adrenaline junkie, and while Max realizes that he has feelings for her, he doesn't think she has it in her to settle down. As the two help to clean up the town after the tornado, they have to deal with their changing feelings and figure out what both of them desire in the future.

I loved the storm chaser aspect to this book, and thought that both Max and Bree were complicated, endearing characters. I'm very much looking forward to the next book of the series! Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing a copy of the book in return for an honest review.

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Max and Bree... ohhh what a crazy adventure you two were to read! This book, in every way, had me LITERALLY tangled up from beginning to end! They definitely did NOT make things easy for themselves. But, honestly, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way!

First off, I loooved that Tangled Up occurs on the same timeline of Twisted Up. It was fun to revisit the story line and be able to follow along with the sequence of events. It was also fun knowing what Jake and Avery were going through along side Bree and Max. :)

This book and these two characters were a freaking trip. They, like many other people, like to over complicate things and get in their own way. I loved being able to relate to Bree in so many ways. Not necessarily in the adventure and jumping out of planes way, but in the constantly moving, and restlessness she seemed to feel. That truly helped me connect with her and want her to finally have her HEA. Max is her steady, always there, friend. It just takes a tornado to really mix things up and open her eyes to who has always been right there by her side.

Tangled Up by Erin Nicholas was one of my favorites by her! I feel like at this point, she truly can do no wrong in my eyes as an author, and she has a lifelong reader from me!

BRAVO. I am thrilled to see what the story for Dillon and Kit will be and how that will all unfold. Impatiently waiting until then.

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This story started off interestedly but I was so put off by the continual dropping of f-bombs that I didn't finish it.

The story begins as a couple of friends, one of which is a weather watcher and tornado chaser and they are trying to outrun, or run into a tornado. They are both adrenaline junkies but they may have met their match.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Tangled Up is book #2 in Erin's Taking Chances Series which takes place in Chance, Nebraska. This is Max and Bree's story which centers around the time of an EF4 Tornado hits their town. Max and Bree have been best friends since they were little kids always doing daring stuff together and constantly on the go.
Max is a storm chaser and Bree is a local cop in her hometown. They are both very passionate characters and where max loves the job he does and is looking to maybe slow down and possibly settle down back in his hometown, Bree can't seem to spend long in any given profession - she always needs to be on the go and is even considering taking a job outside of Chance. Max seems to be the more romantic of the two, but Bree can be when she puts her mind to it.
I love nothing better than a friends-to-lovers romance and nobody writes them like Erin Nicholas does!! Erin really takes you on a whirlwind journey with these two as they try to find out if they can be more than just friends? or Let things stay the way they are? It is 100% an emotional read as these best friends realise that they don't actually know the other one as well as they thought and things aren't always how they seem.
Any fan of Erin Nicholas must read this!! It has Love, Laughter, Tears, some OH WOW moments and is a feel good all around read

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Tornado Romance

Nice romance about two adventurous friends, Max and Bree, realizing they want more than friendship. Bree and Max are adrenalin junkies who grew up together and see each other only for their adventures. Max has always loved Bree, but it takes longer for her to realize her feelings. I was at times frustrated with Bree who always seemed conflicted. After pushing through the first few chapters, she begins to get some good advice from friends to help her figure things out. They help Bree understand her own nature better and accept herself as normal, instead of feeling like she had to escape to some unknown challenge just to prove herself worthy to live to make up for the loss of her brother.

This was a nice fast-paced romance and an enjoyable read. Although I hadn’t read the first of the series, I only wish there had been an explanation for why Max’s family was selling their farm. It was described as the biggest employer in Chance and the heart of the town’s economy, so you don’t get a sense for why they’d be selling something so important.

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Engaging story with a somewhat incredulous plot, but lots of good character development. I especially appreciated the ways the characters grew individually and in their relationship with each other.

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I have always loved Erin Nicholas’ work so it pains me that Tangled Up fell a little flat for me. After much deliberation, I realized that the problem lies in that this is the second book in a three book series and this book basically takes place at the same time as the first book so I felt like I was re-reading a good portion of the first book during this one, the thing is I don’t know what she could have done to prevent that as still make each of these books be able to read as a standalone story. I liked this book, but I didn’t love it like I did the first one in this series and the rest of Ms. Nicholas’ other work. Given that this book takes place during and the weeks after an F5 tornado sweeps through the town, it is a bit chaotic which is too be expected but at times I felt like the romance had too many stops and starts and given the long standing friendship between this couple, I felt their communication skills should have been better, but I did enjoy watching them finally, finally figure out their feelings for one another and the fact they wanted to be together I just grew weary of their path to get there.

While I had some issues with Tangled Up, I still enjoyed the banter, the friendships, and the way the community pulled together to help one another and rebuild following the tornado. From the events in the book, it seems like the third book will take later in the timeline so I am very much looking forward to reading it.

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Tangled Up is the second book in the Taking Chances series which centers on the fictional town of Chance, NE which gets hit by tornadoes more often than anywhere else. It features Max and Bree (cousin and friend respectively) to the couple from book 1.

It took me a while to warm up to Max and Bree and I didn't get into the story until past the 1/3 mark. But my perseverance paid off and the rest of the book actually worked out well. There was a subtle but significant change in focus in the story that made it finally work for me. Initially there seemed to be a strong emotional imbalance but when they both seemed emotionally engaged (and yes, that took a while), it got a lot better.

Bree and Max have been best friends since childhood and both live out loud. Bree is best described as an adrenaline junkie - not born that way but made that way by how her parents raised her. It was an odd sort of thing to me but to each their own. Max is in love with Bree and has been for years. He loves doing wild and crazy things because it's how he gets to spend time with Bree. This dynamic is pretty difficult and it doesn't help that they dated briefly and she broke it off because he is "boring". Yes, that plays a huge role in the book.

Forced to team up to help the town after the latest twister, this is more of a Bree grows up and realizes some home truths kind of book. But Max also has to realize some truths himself so they both get nice character arcs.

I liked the book despite the struggle early on and once the character arcs fully began. But, for me, the best part of this book was the author's note at the end discussing the 1980 Grand Island tornado outbreak better known as The Night of the Twisters. I was alive then (but way too young to know about this) and so I went looking for some information. Of course, Grand Island is mentioned several times in the book so now it made sense. For more info on this, The Real Night of the Twisters and the Wikipedia page are good starting points. The photo and caption on the Wikipedia page especially really hit me. I was blown away (yes, pun intended) by the photos and stories and it certainly helped me to understand Chance just that much better.

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2.5 Stars. This book was just okay for me. I really wanted to like it and the plot of a book taking place after a tornado sounded really cool. In fact, the parts I liked the best were the ones surrounding the storms/tornado themselves. Unfortunately, neither Max nor Bree were characters I connected with and other than the "ditch scene" I never really felt the chemistry. Bree was just a "hot mess" throughout the book and that never really changed. I kept waiting for her to have some growth - she was more than willing to admit she had made some reckless decisions and was living her life to please her dad and for her dead brother but she never really moved past that. I liked Max at first and then he took a turn I wasn't crazy about. Bree is his best friend and instead of trying to help her come to a realization about her life he just throws out a lot of rules about their relationship. The romance just fell flat for me.

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Storm chaser Max Grady can already feel it: there’s a tornado coming to his hometown of Chance, Nebraska. Max is going after it, and the only person he wants by his side is police officer Bree McDermott, fellow adrenaline junkie, his best friend, and the woman Max has secretly been in love with for years. But when a close call with a tornado leaves them lip-locked, Max knows that the danger is only beginning.

Bree is always up for excitement. Her close and sexy encounter with Max is unlike anything she’s felt before, and she wants more. As they work together to help clean up Chance, the air between them crackles with sexual tension. But Bree has a tendency to look ahead to the next thrill, and Max knows it. Now they’re all tangled up as they chase the strongest force of nature on earth: love.

* * * * *

I fell in love with the town of Chance Nebraska and how the residents all pull together when another tornado hits the town when I was lucky enough to read the first book in this series, Twisted Up. This time around, I was lucky enough to learn more about Max & Bree's story which had been hinted at before.

Ms. Nicholas' strong point is definitely her characters. You can feel Max's longing for what he feels that he can never have. Bree's confusion about her changing feelings about her best friend come through clear. And you just fall in love with both of them and the town itself.

I do recommend TANGLED UP to any of my readers who enjoy a contemporary romance. In fact, I highly recommend reading the first book in this series TWISTED UP if you haven't had the opportunity to do so yet.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

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