Member Reviews

This series is now one of my favourite to read and re-read. Would definitely recommend to other people. Love all the cooky, crazy and entertaining characters from this world.

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3.5 stars
I really love this series and the characters and their relationships, but I am starting to get a little tired of the formula of "tough girl, rude pack members, and then they all fall in love with her due to some heroic action or snarky comment she makes". Don't get me wrong while it is the same story line repackaged with a different heroine and hero it is still enjoyable just slightly predictable and a tad boring. What really works for me is that in each story we get a different exciting conflict and villain.
But what is really starting to get on my last nerve is how rude and nasty the pack is against new comers. I understand that these people are supposed to be a small close knit group but it doesn't give them the right to act like complete assholes because they are hesitant of new people. And it's also insulting to their pack member because they are essentially saying that they don't trust their judgement and that they would be willing to bring someone damaging around everyone just to bust a nut. It's rude all the way around and it annoys me that everyone gets forgiven so easily.

What I really enjoyed was the different type of shifter Harley was. I found that very refreshing and new. I also liked that it was shown how it was difficult for her to transition into a pak setting since going so long without being in one, (well she actually hasn't ever been in one considering how shitty her pride was). I also liked that Harley and Jesse weren't true mates. It was a different dynamic that we haven't really gotten to dive into for a main character couple, and I really liked it.

Another thing that was really fun was while reading we were getting hints of Tao's story which I can't wait for! And there is a backstory for Eli that kept getting hinted at but not talked about, and I am really intrigued about what is going to happen with that story line.

Overall while I enjoyed the story and the couple. But I really want a new plot and character formula for the next one of the series.

Sent by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved the premise of this book by this well known Author - shifter books are a genre I love

That being said whilst the storyline was entertaining I found the sex scenes off putting - they
were too graphic and took away from the central point of the book .
So sadly this is a book that , overall , I did not enjoy - but I will try other books by the Author
in the future

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book is awesome. Bravo to a her successful Mercury pack book.

Jesse is intense. More intense than we ever knew him to be from previous books. Jesse's been keeping a secret for years. While his true mate is dead..he has found another and has been keeping her a secret for years. That doesn't mean he hasn't been protecting her from afar. He's been keeping tabs on Harley Vincent for years and she doesn't know it. He's been waiting for the right time to claim her..Looks like that time is now.

Harley Vincent is a woman stuck between two worlds. Her human world where spends most her life and her shifter world, where she constantly has to fight against not only extremists, but other shifters as well. So far she's been doing fine on her own, but once she finds out their is a real threat to her life, in walks a blast from the past. One she can't seem to shake, even if she wanted to..which she doesn't. Can she let Jesse in knowing she may come between him and his pack, him and his family, or knowing she may bring danger to the pack?

I loved this book. Jesse was so dark and intense, but when it came to Harley, he was so protective and never questioned his need or want of her. When his pack seemed like they wouldn't welcome her, he made it clear that he would leave if necessary, but knew that they would come around. Harley was her own woman..sarcastic, vulnerable, and carrying the weight of having lived in the human world for years. She doesn't want to bring trouble to the Mercury pack, but leaving Jesse isn't an option. Besides, she's got mad skills of her own. Being the mate of an enforcer is good, but when you can handle a grown male wolf too, that's just icing on the cake.

As usual, Suzanne mixes, fun, hot sex, alpha male and female tendencies in a wonderful tale. You'll enjoy this next installment.

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This is a great read. Harley is a mess but such an interesting character. Being a Margay wild cat shifter gives her such a different personality. I love her attitude, snark and loyalty. I do have to say that the pool game was something else. The movie quotes were almost scare but truly funny at the same time. Highly recommend this one.

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This shifter story has intense relationship conflicts and graphic sex, including oral and anal.. There is so much conflict that I enjoyed the story less and less before I finished.
I'm not interested in reading more in this series.

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Force of Temptation is every yummy goodness I have come to expect with Suzanne Wright, this lady can write no wrong and this was just the icing on the fantastical cake of the shift world. I love a strong alpha man, but to have him use his neanderthal ways and sweeten it up a bit to melt the heart of a fiesta feline, well be-still-my-erotic-fantasy loving heart. Not to mention the cameos of the pack mates and allies that we have come to love, it’s a never ending adventure. One full of laughs, love, lust, fights and everything you need to keep the pages turning and the need for the next book alive. Totally recommended for my shifter loving friends.

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Ms. Wright quietly slips under the radar for me and I am not sure why. I devoured this book and loved it. Then I realized more than a year has gone by and I haven't written a review. For this, I apologize. Looking back at the books I have read by Ms. Wright, I have rated them consistently four stars. As I review over each book, I immediately remember the book and recall the well written plot and loveable characters. She should be an author read for me and I have added her to the auto buy and read category.

In this story, I loved the character Harley. She is under estimated. As a margay shifter, other ones, like wolf shifters tend to look down upon her. Because she shifts into a cute little pussy cat. Well, what resembles a little kitty cat complete with kitty cat antics. She drives the wolves crazy and it is nice to see a disrupt-er like Harley come through and shake the wolfie world a bit. The wolves do seem a bit stuffy. Harley is not without friends and defenders. That is what people need to remember.

What I liked about this story is that it was more than a second chance romance story. There is something going on and the different distractions does nothing to throw Harley off the scent. She still senses something fishy and helps the wolves with a situation that looked like a no-win one for them. Harley brings great value to the Mercury Pack even if she looks and acts like the odd man out. Ms. Wright's plot device of having an underdog help save the day is lovely. It gives a nice warm fuzzy as well as provides a different perspective than the usual alpha male to the rescue. After reading this story, I want to read all the others in this series and the original Phoenix series this one spun off from. Recommended to paranormal romance readers who enjoy complex plots, loveable characters and erotic heat.

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One more book that everybody else loved while I... just didn't. It took me four months to get through this!

I feel like all of Susanne Wright's heroes are identical - your typical domineering, over-protective and possessive alpha douche. The only way I can seem to deal with (and sometimes even appreciate) this kind of male lead is when paired with a strong heroine who gives as good as she gets. That's probably why I enjoyed Feral Sins so much (Taryn is still one of my all time-favorite female leads #girlcrush) while I pretty much disliked everything else I've tried by this author.

As for this one, despite both Harley and Jesse repeatedly telling me how independent and strong-minded she was, Harley was just too much of a pushover for my liking. I got so frustrated with how easily she would bend to Jesse's will all the time.

So I guess it's time to accept that Wright's books just aren't for me anymore. I can live with that.

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****ARC provided by via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.****

Force of Temptation by Suzanne Wright is book two in her series, The Mercury Pack. This is a spin-off from her series entitled The Phoenix Pack.
I have loved and adored this author’s PNR books right from the moment I dived into my first book by her. Ms. Wright pens funny and seriously sexy paranormal tales that are packed full of gorgeous alpha wolves who will do whatever it takes to claim what is theirs.
Great story!!!
If you are a Wright fan like me, you will love this book.

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4.5 stars

Another great look at the Mercury Pack. I love that they are close with the Pheoenix Pack and we get to see that interaction. I enjoyed seeing the other shifters in this one. What a spitfire Harley is! She will keep them all on their toes. And thanks for the info on Margays. who knew???

Jesse and Harley have a history but despite all of that, the are just perfect for each other. The Pack comes around and supports their own and it obviously means the world to Harley.

Great addition to the series! Looking forward to more for this Pack!

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Force of Temptation is the latest offering from Suzanne Wright and is book two in her Mercury Pack Series.

Packing a punch from the start to the very end. A story that had a feisty heroine, a hot alpha interlaced with action, steamy sexy time, humour and one that I really enjoyed from start to finish.

Would highly recommend to readers who enjoy paranormal romance.

**Arc provided courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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Ugh. I have this really big love hate thing with shifter books so I am not sure why I requested this one as i usually stay away from them.
I didnt read this book and dont know if i ever will read this book.


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I really liked this book. It wasn't about true mates as Jesse lost his when they were kids. I liked how even if they weren't true mates they were still committed to each other like they were. I can't wait to read the next book in this series. I'm curious as to who that will be.

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I love reading about the Phoenix and Mercury Pack. If you have not started reading this series yet, WHY NOT? What are you waiting for. Force of Temptation gives you enough of a back story to know what was going on so if your reading the books out of order you won't be lost. The story had a smooth flow and made a lot of sense. Just the right touch of romance. I am looking forward to the next Suzanne Wright book.

*ARC provided from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange if an honest review*

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Suzanne Wright never ceases to amaze me. I've read nearly every single book she has published and yet she still manages to surprise me and give me the book-and couple-I didn't know I wanted.

When I heard this was going to be about a couple that were not each other's true mates, I was very skeptical. The main reason I love werewolf romances is the element of true mates and knowing that there is that one person who is made for you and is your equal in every way. I was so scared that I wouldn't believe in this couple's relationship or feel that they were only second best to each other. Luckily Suzanne Wright perfectly alleviated my worries and had my belief in the couple from the first chapter.

Harley has been living in the human world, making a living as a musician and spending her time from hotel to hotel never really settling anywhere. Unfortunately, life hasn't been very easy on her and because of her who her father is she has been getting death threats sent to her for years, the kind that leave you visibly shaken and would honestly send me into hiding. But not Harley. She refuses to let anyone stop her from living her life.

Jesse is an enforcer at the Mercury Pack and while he lost his true mate at the young age of 11, he's known for a very long time that he wanted Harley to be his. They were childhood friends and were once in the same pack and while she left and they're lives went in different directions, that never stopped Jesse from keeping tabs on her or ever forgetting about her. He was merely waiting for the right time to bring her back to him, where she belongs. And once he realizes that she's being targeted by extremist, he refuses to wait a second longer.

Ok, first off I have to say that I love that Harley is a margay shifter. At first, I didn't know what those were so I had to look it up and then when I did...Oh. My. God. They are the cutest things ever!

It's no wonder that the members of the pack all wanted to pet her whenever she shifted; I would want to cuddle her too! Unfortunately for them, only one person is allowed to touch her (and he wouldn't have it any other way).

The plot was pretty interesting and had me wondering how they would resolve their problem with Hector without having serious repercussions. But it didn't overwhelm the story and I liked that the romance between Harley and Jesse was the central focus of the book. It was also really great to see the members of the pack and get to know them better and it really made me excited for more books in the series.

Just to be clear: Wright had me 100% invested in this couple's relationship and she really did pull off the whole "we may not be true mates but we are still perfect for one another" thing perfectly. They truly are made for one another and while I still had my little worries about Harley ever meeting her true mate one day, it didn't overshadow the fact that I knew they were perfect for each other. It was a a new thing for me and one I ended up enjoying, but still I will say I prefer for my couples to be true mates. I really love Harley and Jesse together but I don't think I'd want to read another book about an imprinted couple.

If you are a fan of Suzanne's books, this one will not disappoint. I urge you to give this book a try and if you've been holding it off because of the imprinting trust me when I say this book will surpass your expectation. I always think of her Phoenix Pack series as my favorite werewolf series but reading this book reminding me of how quickly these character (and the pack) are winning over my heart. A must read!

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DNF at 24%.

No, just NO.

I promised myself after my latest NetGalley binge that I would revisit old books which I had not yet reviewed and make a concerted effort to read at least another 20% before making a decision. I think that Suzanne Wright writes great storylines and others gave this good reviews so I tried again. Within two pages I KNEW why I stopped reading this.

Harley Vincent is a half margay half human shifter (I know, right, that's different) living in the human world. Her brother was horrifically murdered by Anti-shifter extremists and her father then systematically hunted down and terminated all those involved, for which he is in prison. Her father is widely believed to have founded The Movement, a shifter group that hunts down anti-shifter extremists, matching violence with violence.

Growing up Harley had spent time with her best friend Mia, a wolf shifter, and her brother Jesse. Harley has been in love with Jesse since they were children but his true mate, Mia's friend Torrie, drowned as a child. Jesse is now a member of the Mercury Pack. Jesse and Harley had a torrid one-night stand after Mia's memorial service three years ago but haven't met up since, although Jesse has been keeping tabs on Harley's whereabouts.

Jesse and Harley meet up again when a member of Jesse's pack has a premonition that someone is going to blow up Harley's car. Jesse offers Harley the protection of his pack.

So, intriguing right? There's a war between extremists on both sides, Harley's Dad may or may not be involved and there's bad blood between Harley, her former pride (who were party animals in the worst sense) and Jesse's former pack.

But then chapter 5. I made seven notes on my Kindle about chapter 5, all variations on "NO", "nasty" and "what a pig". Harley is a dominant female so 'of course' she needs to be dominated by Jesse. First off, he springs on her that he wants to mate her (even though she believes that she will always be a poor substitute for his true mate) and then says she can't have time to think about it, because she's had three years to think. Yeah, right, after a one-night stand fuelled by grief we all secretly believe that the one-night stand is our mate (well maybe Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction). He spends a lot of time gripping her throat, saying things like <blockquote>"Tell me you don't want this." He flexed his grip on her throat. "Tell me I'm not what you want. Say it and mean it."</blockquote>.

The sex is violent and frankly abusive, I don't care if she enjoys it, when he is <blockquote> ... hammering into her. Hard. Fast. Going deep enough to hurt.</blockquote>, that is wrong.

Here is another one (on the same page) <blockquote>"Who's in you, Harley? Who's fucking you, <i>owning</i> you, right now?" When she didn't answer, Jesse stopped midthrust and gave her ass a sharp slap. "Answer the fucking question.</blockquote>

I have to say, I am so far over the FSoG BDSM crap, its been done to death and I find it deeply unpleasant and offensive when written like this. I don't care if he's a shifter, you don't see animals playing these kinds of games.

It's a pity because I wanted to see where the plot would lead but I really could not face reading a single page more.

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I have to add a disclaimer that it took me so flipping long to read this book because I have the attention span of a rock. I kept getting sidetracked by this cuteness.

Seriously, how cute are margays?

Okay, I'm going to stay on track now.

I really enjoyed this book. It's classic Suzanne Wright. If you have a formula that works, stick to it! Sexy alpha shifters claiming mates, waging shifter wars, and being all around dominant bad-asses? Yes, sign me up for that yumminess! Please and Thank you!

The story focuses on Jesse, a Mercury pack wolf who falls for Harley Vincent, a margay shifter. The back story on these two is complex, heart-breaking, and very emotional. I really enjoyed learning more about Jesse. Harley's story is equally heart-breaking since these two share a tangled history.

There were several new characters introduced to the series that I'm really hoping to see more of. More Margays, please!

While I thoroughly enjoyed this story, I struggled just a bit with the claiming process. It was a little different in this book and took just a tad longer than I expected to all come together. I felt a little bad for both Harley and Jesse while they struggled to find their way and make their relationship stronger.

In the end things work out the way they're supposed too and I was a very happy camper! I highly recommend this book.

*ARC provided by publisher or author via NetGalley*

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Dark Instincts was the first book of Ms. Wright's that I read and I absolutely loved it! I I immediately knew that I would read her again in the future and I couldn't wait until that moment happened. It took awhile with my busy schedule, but once I had the opportunity to read Force of Temptation, I jumped on it. And it was just as wonderful as I was expecting it to be - I really just truly loved it! 

Harley is priceless - she's totally a cat shifter in mind, body, and spirit. She's quiet and has that whole "I don't give a crap" attitude about drama and she doesn't try to please or impress anyone. Harley is unapologetically her and it was fantastic! She's fierce, strong, protective, and just a total bada*s. I completely loved her - she's seriously amazeballs! 

And Jesse - whoo-wee - he is one hot, dominant alpha! He's so possessive of Harley and he has the whole growly-you're-mine thing down pat. He's determined and confident and refuses to let Harley go. You never have to question Jesse's devotion or how much he loves and cares about her. Jesse can be sweet and thoughtful and so protective too. He's totally my kind of guy and I positively loved him! 

I never wanted to stop reading Force of Temptation! It it was full of action, passion, steam, and life. It made me laugh, made me ache, and made me smile. It made my heart pound, my blood race, and kept me on the edge of seat at times. Force of Temptation was so amazing and it just makes me want to binge read Ms. Wright until I've read all her books! 

Force of Temptation is a standalone, it's told from Jesse and Harley's POV, and they do get their happy ending.

~ A Hopeless Romantic's Booklandia, 5 Stars

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I always get excited when I seen there is a new book written by Suzanne Wright. I always like the females in Ms Wright's books. They are strong and independent. She mixes danger, excitement, steam,and humor into great reads. Force of Temptation does not let you down. It has all the above and more. Harley a cat shifter and Jesse: a wolf shifter knew each other from their childhood. She always had a crush on him. Harley left to stay with her human relatives due to issues within her family/pack. Jesse always kept tract of her. They spent one night together and he knows that he wants to claim her. When extremist threaten her, Harley finds herself back in the shifter life. Jesse immediately claims her as his. Harley is not too sure. They go through jealousy and danger to get their happy ending. I loved both characters. Two dominant personalities that learn how to make it work. I can't wait ti read the next one.

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