Member Reviews

Brilliant next in series. Full review as follows....

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Can I just say that Suzanne Wright although you make me wait so long, you have NEVER EVER disappointment me? Honestly, no one writes a shifter like you with these stories that just tug on my heart strings but at the same time it's filled with these funny moments, hot sex, and just some the best characters. I think that it takes a special kind of author to have readers drooling like your fans. Every time I finish one of their new books, I find myself rereading the entire series (well in this cases 2 series) just to get back to their awesome world that she’s created.

Ok enough fangirling… Force of Temptation, Jesse and Harley who I believe are the first cross-species and the first non-true mate pair we’ve met thus far. I have to say that I loved them both. I think Jesse reminds me a lot of Ryan - and so I wanted a fun-loving goofy kinda girl for him. Harley was definitely fun loving but not so goofy, she was strong, determined and so dalm vicious when she needed to be. Being a feline in a wolf pack is hard enough, but the backstory for these two is really tragic as well. But through it there is a strong bond. One that I think the author did a really great job of conveying to the public.

I think that these book’s social aspect was really different that some of the previous ones. Seeing how important family is and how people can form families anywhere. I think that the Mercury Pack’s band of misfits is expanding really well. I loved the way that the story unfolded. I’m sure that we are not done with seeing members of Harley’s family for sure, as they mix with the members of the Phoenix and Mercury Packs. I think

Another wonderful story in this series, I can’t wait for the next one.

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Okay so this is one of my fave authors and her books never fail to keep me glued to the pages, I've read and re read her books so many times Ive lost count and I love this series and how it keeps expanding with more people, and this one was no exception, loved it! I also really want to read about Dominic's story soon! keep them coming!

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This series of books has become somewhat repetitive and predictable, but overall, I enjoyed reading Force of Temptation.

The plot was a little lighter, with less gruesome aspects than in previous books, which I appreciated. I also liked the dynamic between the two main characters. I thought they were adorable together and I enjoyed their private scenes the most.

However, it felt extremely similar to all of the other books, the dialogue and plotlines were all very predictable and repetitive and I didn't feel surprised or particularly excited while reading the book. Even the sex scenes were basically a rinse and repeat of all of the previous books.

I enjoy this series, but it needs a spark, something new and fresh to liven it up because as it stands, it's difficult to recommend it to readers.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Mary Jo – ☆☆☆☆
This is the second book of the series and I admit I was a little lost at first, but that's only because it’s been a while since I read book one and the Phoenix Pack series.

Most of the shifter books deal with romance between either feline or canine species, with the rare book tackling a romance between species. This book handles that situation with great finesse.

We have Harley, who was raised in a very nontraditional pack. Not only that, she's a half-margay/half-human shifter. And has been terrorized by various packs and prides in the past. After her father went to prison and her mother imploded, Harley eventually ended up living with her human aunt, Tess. She doesn't trust anyone, except herself, as time has proven over and over again that trusting people only leads to more hurt.

Jesse is an enforcer with the Mercury Pack. He's been watching over Harley for the last three years and only from afar. His family was one of the ones that blamed her for his sister's downward spiral into drugs and alcohol. His entire pack blamed her and did their best to make her life miserable. It would have been worse if she had indeed been a member of his pack, and being in the nontraditional pride she was born into didn't offer anything in way of protection. When she sent to stay with her aunt, Jesse was relieved.

Now, Harley is in danger from The Extremists, believing that by killing her they would strike at the heart of the movement. The young seer in his pack had told Jesse of the danger and he decided it was time to bring his mate home.

The other thing this book did very well was tell the story of how two people who are true mates can be mated. Jesse's true mate had died during childhood and Harley had yet to find hers. Jesse firmly believed that Harley was his mate and would do everything in his power to help her see him as her mate.

The sub-plot in the book about the half-shifter who is trying to buy the pack's territory allows the other members of the pack to be showcased and also helps to forge the mating bond between Harley and Jesse.

Jordan – ☆☆☆
I've read most of Suzanne Wright's books from her Phoenix Pack series and the previous book from the Mercury Pack series, which meant I leapt at the chance to read Force of Temptation. Personally, I think that the Mercury Pack series is a little easier to follow if you're somewhat familiar with Wright's Phoenix Pack series because those character frequently cross over into the Mercury Pack books and it's a spin-off from that series, but not completely necessary. Totally worth a read if you haven't read any of the Phoenix Pack books before though!

This book focuses on one of the wolf shifters who is an enforcer, Jesse, from the Mercury Pack and a half human/margay shifter, Harley, that Jesse knew from his childhood. Harley had been living in the human world when anti-shifter extremists decide to target her. With Harley in danger, Jesse finally decides he's waited long enough for her. He shows up to offer the protection of his pack and hopefully convince her to stay for good.

Normally, I have no trouble diving right into Wright's shifter romances, but for some reason this one didn't hold my attention quite as well. However, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it and I'll definitely be looking for more from this author in the future! Also, I thought it was really interesting to read about a margay shifter and wolf shifter because I've never even heard of a margay. Plus, it's not too often you get a shifter romance between a wolf and feline shifter.

I liked it, but I just didn't love it as much as I hoped I would. Force of Temptation gets a 3.5 stars rating from me.

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Love this author and the book certainly didn't disappoint. It was difficult to put this book down and nice to visit once more with familiar characters, I'm going to be happy to recommend to friends and family

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Harley Vincent is resigned to life in the human world. Sure, being a margay shifter is half her nature, but life among humans gives her the freedom to roam and do as she pleases. That is, until anti-shifter extremists target her, putting her life in immediate danger.

When an old acquaintance and onetime fling, Jesse Dalton, shows up to offer the protection of his pack, Harley hesitates. She may have feelings for Jesse that go beyond their one-night stand, but life among shifters means giving over her independence to the needs of pack. Plus Mercury Pack has its own threat to face: a rich half-shifter is determined to claim their territory at any cost.

Jesse, who lost his true mate as a child, has wanted Harley since their night together, and he’s not letting her go again. They may not be destined for each other, but he knows she belongs to him and with his pack. Even if he can convince her to join him now, can he convince her to stay?

* * * * *

I just didn't just step back into the world of the Mercury Pack but dove in with both feet. It's a world like we know with the edition of the magic of the shifters. It is complete with good people who reach out to help others and evil people who try to destroy all that they don't and won't understand.

Harley is a dominant margay shifter who is accustomed to going her own way. She has made the decision to live in the human world because her experiences in the shifter world were nothing to write home about. That is until an extremist group decides to target her.

Jesse decided years ago that Harley would be his but he was willing to give her the time to come to him until her life was in danger. Now his protective instincts come to the fore and he brings her to his home.

I really enjoyed this book and the characters that make it real. The dialogue between Jesse and Harley, who are both dominant shifters, was amusing at times and poignant at others. The relationships between them and the rest of the pack deepen the story and provide humor at times.

Shifters are sexual beings and there is a lot of hot sex in this book which is really hot so I don't recommend this book to younger readers but I feel that any of my readers who like a good paranormal romance should add the FORCE OF TEMPTATION to their library.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

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***3.5 Stars***

Another winner from Suzanne Wright! I will read any character that she writes about in this shifter world. I love both the Mercury and Phoenix packs and am not ashamed to admit that I can never get enough of them!

As you've come to expect, you'll get a possessive Alpha male and a snarky and strong leading lady. Jesse and Harley did not disappoint. I loved them both.

I was worried that since Harley wasn't Jesse's true mate, I'd feel a bit jipped, but Suzanne Wright did a great job of explaining how these two fit and belong together. Unfortunately, that also ended up being a disappointment.

There was more explaining than feeling. I just didn't get that spark, that fire, between them. Their connection was tepid compared to the inferno of the other couples. I needed more of their history, more of the connection they formed when they were younger. Don't get me wrong, they were hot together, but I just didn't feel that extra oomph between them.

Also, it rubbed me the wrong way that there wasn't any real explanation as to why Harley was okay with giving up ever finding HER true mate. She wanted Jesse, she loved Jesse and ta da...that's it. I needed more.

The overall suspense plot wasn't the strongest in the series, but it was interesting enough. And naturally, I was gripping my kindle with a death grip at the big climactic fight scene! Man, can Suzanne Wright do a good fight scene!

Overall, this was a great addition to this series. Not my favorite, but an enjoyable read.

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I'm going with a 3.5.

It felt like the plot was pushed aside to fit in all the sex.

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***4 "You're my center!!!" stars***

This was the second book of the Mercury pack and another one wonderful story about Mrs. Wright's intriguing wolves...
We already known all these guys from both Mercury and Phoenix pack and we love them fiercely, so every new story is an awesome addition to this beautiful world full of shifters...
This story was a little bit different because it had to do with a wolf and a margay...
Strange combination, right??? But very irresistible and intriguing!!!

“I don’t play games, Harley, so I’ll tell you straight. I want you. In my bed. In my life. Where you belong.”

Harley has lots of things on her plate, nowdays!!!
She is half human, half a margay and her life wasn't the best... Her self had split up in two worlds that neither of them accepted her fully!!!
Now, she is living like a loner and she is playing her violin in human clubs, but unfortunately, the extremists are after her and the same goes for an insistent reporter who demands to find out more about her father and the secrets that he keeps...
A man is not in the picture at this moment, but her heart and mind never stopped thinking of Jesse, a wolf that she had lots of history with him...

"A guy who'd lost his true mate wasn't going to just sit back and take for granted that the female he intended to claim would be fine without him watching over her. And said female couldn't be in a relationship with him unless she took that into account and made some allowances."

Jesse is an enforcer in the Mercury pack... When he was still very young, he lost his true mate and from that moment he wasn't the same...
He changed and he was very hard to be around, especially for a woman... The only thing that is sparkling life inside of him is a little margay who is on his mind for very long time and Jesse is determined one day very soon to make her his...
And the opportunity is arriving very soon when Jesse is running to save Harley and he is offering her protection in his pack....

"We both want this. We’ve both wanted it for a long time. Really, it was inevitable. I’ll tell you how it’s going to work; I’ll claim you, you’ll claim me, you’ll come to trust the pack, you’ll settle here, we’ll imprint, and we can be fucking happy."
Harley could only stare at him. "You've got things all all planned out, huh?"

Now, Harley and Jesse are around each other all the time and the passion between them is so hard to be ignored, especially when Jesse is pushing her all the time to become his mate...
But Harley is scared to believe him because they have bad blood between them and his family would be against this match and not only that, but she is refusing to be the second choice in his life...
But Jesse is not the one to back down from what he really wants...

"I'm asking you to forsake your true mate. I'm asking you to step back into a world that let you down. I'm asking you to give me every part of you. And I'm asking you to accept every part of me-a lot of those parts are dark and broken."

So, what will happen between the two of them???
Will Jesse make her understand how he really feels about her, how he really felt for a long time before???
Will Harley let her fears go and allow to herself to live with Jesse???
And what about the new problem that the pack is facing???
What about the extremists that are after Harley and that damn reporter???
As you can understand, our heroes has lots of things to face...

“Home isn’t always a place, sweetheart. Home is something that anchors you, comforts you, and is a safe haven for you... Let me be that for you, Harley.”

I liked very much both Jesse and Harley...
Jesse was broody and moody, possessive as all those wolves and soooo sexy.... He had built strong walls around his heart but Harley is the only one who can wreck them... Harley was something special for him and he was refusing to back down on her and i liked his insistence...
Harley was a very tough nut to crack... She and her margay were absolutely awesome and bat shit crazy as well...
She was so damn stubborn, but i liked her character very much!!!
She and Jesse together were like a firework!!! Hot and sexy...

“No, you’re not my other half. You’re my center. No lie, baby. You brought me back from the dead, remember? Everything was dark and bleak and empty. My soul was in pieces. You changed that. I can’t be without my center, can I? I need that. And that’s you... It’ll always be you. Don’t ever, ever doubt that.” {Jesse}

“If you fuck me over I will claw your face right off your skull.” {Harley}

I also liked very much that we saw for once again our favorites wolves from both packs...
And damn, i really loved Shaya and her wonder about Willow's creepy quotes!!!
God, i was laughing so much, even though that it was kind of creepy....
I also loved both pups!!!!
And I can't wait for the next story....

***ARC generously provided via NetGalley for the exchange of an honest review***

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If you love paranormal Romance, do yourself a favor and read Suzanne Wright's multiple series out there. This was a great addition to the Mercury Pack series, and we got to see into the lives of other shifter-types. I CANNOT wait to read the next one! She is hands down my favorite author of this genre!

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Harley Vincent has been shunned by many of her kind and has decided to live with the humans instead of deal with their anger and rudeness. Although she has done her best to keep them in her past they continue to try and find her and hurt her every chance they get.

Jesse Dalton has wanted Harley for years and when she disappears after one night of passion he decides to give her a little space. But once he finds out someone is trying to hurt her all bets are off and he insists on getting Harley where she belongs...right by his side!

I voluntarily read this advanced reviewers copy of this book.

Harley was a great character she stood strong in the face of a lot of hatred and ignorance and still was filled with spunk and life. I loved Jesse because he was not afraid to stand by her side and fight not just for her but beside her to keep their foes at bay.

The only reason this book did not get 5 stars is because I felt that there was something that was discussed continuously and was completely blown out of proportion. It was annoying that Harley was blamed for something that had nothing to do with her and was sprouted by everyone like it was a valid concern. What I can say is good for you Suzanne for getting me to care enough to want to champion Harley so strongly but sorry I was kinda annoyed.

Overall a good book. I could find no faults in the writing or the story outside of what was mentioned above. I can't wait to see what else the Mercury Pack has in store!

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"Tell me who you belong to, Harley. Fucking tell me or I swear to God I’ll pull out and come all over you!”
With a resigned growl, she ground out, “I’m yours, you motherfucking, pushy bastard!”
“Never forget it.”

Oh wait…did you need more than that quote to convince you to read this book? Oh c’mon! *gives you a stink eye*
Sheesh. Fine. Demanding people.
Force of Temptation brings more of Suzanne Wright awesome. A sassy heroine, a badass possessive hero, the whole gang of awesome secondary characters that I’ve grown to love, and a whole lot of sexy times!
I’ll admit, I barely registered Jesse in the previous book but boy did he have my attention here. The man was possessive, protective, and exudes so much sexual potency I honestly broke a sweat reading.
Harley Vincent is exactly the sort of heroine I love to read about; strong, independent, and with one hell of a smart mouth on her. Being the daughter of the man currently serving a murder sentence and being suspected of being the mastermind behind The Movement makes her a bit of a persona non grata with shifters. Never truly having a pack of her own, she’s been living in the human world. She’s always liked Jesse. They grew up in the same pack, but she believed that he blamed her for his druggie sister’s death like the rest of his pack did. So she left and hasn’t seen him since. But when her life is in danger, Jesse is done with watching her from afar and waiting for her to be ready. He may have lost his true mate as a young boy, but he’s not about to let the woman he loves get away.
Full of humor, sexy times, great characters and all wrapped around a fantastic story that I enjoyed from beginning to finish.

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I really struggled with this one. I really wasn’t feeling Jesse and Harley. I think I am starting to feel like the couples are all the same and it’s not holding my interest.

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Another interesting and fun story in the series. I enjoyed Harley (with all her feistiness) and Jesse (even with his dominating ways) and the way they fought and laughed together and interacted with the other characters in both the Mercury and Phoenix Packs. And oh, the sexy-times. Phew! *fans self*
I received a copy of this book via NetGalley. My opinions are my own.

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~NetGalley provided the ARC.~

This is one of those highly anticipated books for me. I wasn't expecting it, but when I saw this on NetGalley, I lost my mind and requested it. I was actually shocked that they permitted me to read view this book.

Force of Temptation, is about a wolf that lost his true mate when they were a child and a love that is so strong, that Jesse did everything in his power to be with Harley. A love this strong is so rare in our reality that I truly appreciated how this was written.

I am not sure how to put into words how this book affected me. But I can say it gave me one heck of a reason to believe that there is true love.

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I loved Jesse and Harley! I greatly enjoyed the insight into Jesse's character, I was intrigued by him in previous books. And Harley was just so wonderful and cat-like. The story was excellent and I was delighted to see some if my favorites from previous books again. I can't wait to see what's next for this series.

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