Member Reviews

This is the third in the Rivers Community series and I think I liked it a bit better than Prescription for Love (book 2). Overall I've been enjoying the series - these are Rad books through and through and they hit all the right buttons. If you are a Rad fan - you'll know what I mean. If you haven't read her books, you'll enjoy the series and likely get hooked on the rest. Although they are technically medical romances - there's more than just the hospital and medical emergencies driving the story lines and they work quite well.

This time around, the focus isn't on one of the Rivers sisters but on one of the strong secondary characters from the first books. Glenn, an army veteran, has been the strong, competent and stoic PA in previous books and Rad pulls her character out in this one - fleshing her out and giving her dark and brooding character more development. She's a typical Rad heroine - dedicated, tortured and too noble for her own good. Enter Mari, a young woman who has just been hired to run a Physician Assistant training program at the hospital. Mari has her own secrets and tragedy in her backstory. The relationship between the two works particularly well - there's a nice build as the attraction builds. Definitely chemistry if only Glenn would allow herself to find some level of happiness. Around them, the rest of the Rivers are settling in and we get to see how things are progressing with the plots and subplots from the previous two books. I'm particularly fascinated with the subplot of Marji and Blake - I'm waiting for their book. :)

This is a great romance with all the hallmarks of a Radclyffe book - strong characters, simmering passion and explosive chemistry. Recommended.

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Mari and Glenn both have their inner demons they are struggling with and find solace with each other.  I enjoyed reading their character progression throughout the book and believed in their chemistry together as a couple.

This was exactly the type of pace I was looking for in Mari and Glenn's romance that I didn't get with the main couples of the previous two books of the series.  Sure they exchanged the typical 'I love you's' but I didn't think it was rushed at all.

I do feel that there is more to be told with their story and hope with the next few books that Radclyffe will include their story.

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It's a lot like the first one in story but worse. One of the lady loves the small town the other is from a big city and never thought she'd find herself leaving it. You have all the same players and nothing is new. Not unexpected and rather predictable, an emergency happens right at the beginning to get everyone impressed with the new person.

The story continues with the loner thinking she might take a chance while the other one isn't sure, so what happens well like most of her books one is hurt. Of course this makes the other one realize how short life is. I'm not sure if she can write a book where one of the parties isn't hurt or injured in some way.

I enjoy Radclyffe the books and her writing style. Would I reread it like ive done many of her other books, no it's not that interesting of a story. Even the characters, I didn't really like them or care about them. I found them predicable and boring.

If your tired of her books and hope she has written something a little different or really good, you will not like this book.
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An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I highly recommend reading the first two Rivers books before starting this one. You do not have to but will get a better sense of the River sisters and the journey of the hospital. This was probably my favorite of the series; I loved Glenn and Mari, they were amazing and even though they moved slow the book rushed by as they fell in love. This is a great romantic read; you will enjoy.

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Not my favorite of the three books currently in the series but I still liked it. A bit too short and too much divided attention between the other characters. Don't get me wrong I loved reading about them and by no means do I want less, I just wanted more of Glenn and Mariana (as in more pages added to the book) since this book is technically about them. Regardless, I love the tales Radclyffe weaves and I love knowing what I get because sometimes you are in it for the journey but happy ending is a must.

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There are authors that are masters of their given genre and Radclyffe is one of them. I have yet to be disappointed by any of her books or series. If you know what to expect and enjoy lesbian romances, this may be a book for your shelf.

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It's Glenn's turn.

Harper and Presley are on the verge of getting married. Flann and Abby are knee deep in family and future planning, and even Margie and Blake get a story line.

But mostly it's Glenn's turn to hopefully find love. Glenn is just starting her job in the ER as the director of a PA training program.

Mari is another of the PAs teaching the trainees. She has had quite a bad couple of years and so moved to New York and got her job at Rivers.

Of course, this is a romance book and so Mari and Glenn are very much drawn toward each other.

Both are very closed off and neither seems really ready for a relationship and both aren't even sure if they want one.

So there's definitely back and forth between the two women. Interspersed with the other stories of the Rivers' clan.

I did also think that the Carrie twist was interesting.

Overall, though, it wasn't like the previous book in the series. There was some action at the end, but it sorta felt like filler. Like the book was standing still. Perhaps it was a bridge book. That would also explain why there were so many more hanging story lines than usual too.

Not a bad novel, but not my favourite Radclyffe either.

I got this galley via Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books.

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href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Love on Call (A Rivers Community Romance, #3)" src="" /></a><a href="">Love on Call</a> by <a href="">Radclyffe</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">3 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. No synopsis needed. This story revolves around Glenn and Mariana (Mari) and the "Rivers community". Not a bad romance but I felt I wanted more. I'm a huge fan of Ms. Radclyffe's work and this series but can only give 3 stars.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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