Member Reviews

I'm going through the books I requested pre-2018 when I stopped blogging to clean up my NetGalley TBR and this was on the list. I don't think it's a book for me anymore and will not be reviewing at this time, but if I do read it, I will update this review. Thank you for the opportunity.

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What is this book? This was a book with a lot of nothing going on. The main conflict wasn't even that much of a conflict and the only thing that was in the way was Bella. Bella is one of the most un-likeable main characters I have ever read since she seemed to bring the men in her life misery.

I can forgive her lying to Roman when they were teenagers, but as adults, there wasn't really any real reason for them to be apart, it just didn't make sense. She made all the rules and the Ethan and Roman followed said rules, and then she gets mad at them for following said rules, like WTF Bella.

The flashback was also unnecessary since it did not add substance to the story. It was practically telling us the information we already knew and it just felt like a way for the author to extend the story more.

With that said, even with the poor story choices, the writing style of the author was very good. I kept reading the book even though absolutely nothing was happening all because the writing style was solid.

I also think that this book would have benefitted be a YA instead of an adult romance since the main characters acted like teenagers more than adults and it was really weird that the main reason they couldn't be together was because of her dad, even though I understand Italian family dynamics, it still felt wrong that the main conflict is a parent's disapproval.

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What a great story by Miranda Liasson about second chances with your first true love. I adored Roman from the beginning and it took me a while to warm up to Bella but she grew on me near the ending. The author does an amazing job of including their past by doing flashblacks of when they were teenagers and what they thought and felt back then. It allows the reader to understand what happened instead of a line or two mentioning their past.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was funny at times, sweet, romantic, clean and a tear or two was shed.
*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book*

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Can't Stop Loving You by Miranda Liasson is an incredible listen full of so many feels. The author wrote a captivating story that has characters that are endearing and relatable. I found myself rooting for the main couple. The humor the author added to the story was fantastic too! Amy McFadden was flawless performing this book. She brought the characters to life and had the right emotions in her voice. I read the ebook from Net Galley and loved it before listening to the book. Both are excellent.

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Arabella D’Angelo has dedicated herself to family, raising her little brother and appeasing her cranky father. She has also established herself as a psychologist and is ready to move from Mirror Lake and start fresh in Chicago.
But the best laid plans often go awry, and Bella's take a turn with the return of her first love, Roman Spikonos.
This offering has the charm and humor characteristic of Miranda Liasson's books. Get ready to have those heart strings tugged.

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If you feel like crying...this is your book
Awesome romantic story. Bella and Roman made me cry and made me laugh. A good balance.

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This was a beautiful romantic second chance romance. Twelve years have passed since Bella and Roman have seen each other. They thought they would be together forever when they were younger and an unfortunate set of circumstances led to them being torn apart. Bella's overprotective and overbearing father just cannot accept that the Greek boy next door wants his daughter. Roman was such a sweetheart, you can't help falling in love with him and I loved all his brothers and can't wait to read their stories too. This story had really great secondary characters that made you laugh, cry and feel. Great read and I would highly recommend. I recieved this ARC for my honest review.

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Miranda Liasson is a fairly new author for me but I have truly enjoyed her books I have read. This book is awesome! So enjoyed Bella and Roman's story. Love second chance stories and this one didn't disappoint! the characters are so relatable, you will cheer for them, want to yell at them to wake up and then get teary when they finally figure things out! Ms. Liasson's style of writing is very enjoyable, there's romance, conflict and humor! Can't wait to read more of her books! I voluntarily read an advanced ecopy for an honest review.

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This was my first book by Miranda Liasson, so I wasn’t sure what I expected. I am conflicted on my feelings regarding this book. My main complaint was that the story seemed to drag on and on. The premise and characters seemed promising and I was looking forward to reading about Bella and Roman. I just couldn’t get into it. It seemed that the characters just seemed to rehash the past over and over again. I will try another book by Ms Liasson due to so many other people have enjoyed her work.

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I love the cover! Second chance romance is one of my favorites. I enjoyed the fact that the couple had serious hurdles and never really gave up. Also, the family's intrusion made this an interesting read.

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I liked the story in general, however, I felt too much time was spent in the H and h's heads. They kept agonizing over the same thing over and over, so too much repeat. I also felt like Roman was a saint and therefore not realistic. I was happy with the ending.

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I read the book but I didn't love the story I found it bit slow in places

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Love this series and this is a great addition! Roman is awesome, strong, good looking, just amazing! Roman and Bella's story is heartbreaking but it makes their happily ever after that much more satisfying. I look forward to reading more from this fabulous series!!

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I really enjoyed the book, it has everything I love in a novel from start to finish. I can’t wait to read what the author has planned next!

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This is a new author to me. I have not read her other books . . . Yet! I have already added her other books to my TBR pile.

This book pulled me in from the very beginning and held my interest to the end. The characters are believable. I found myself wishing that I could meet Bella and her family. I think we would be friends. .

Bella and Roman dated in high school and parted under tragic circumstances. Many of us know people with similar stories. Bella is part of a large, loving Italian family full of matchmakers . . . Can you say dysfunctional? What family doesn't fit that description? Everyone is trying to marry her off. They try to fix Bella up with various people, even one man that she avoided in high school (And he hasn't gotten better with age!), but her heart has never forgotten Roman, her first love.

When she returns to her home town, Mirror Lake, Connecticut, for a family wedding and literally "bumps into" Roman, she knows that her feelings for him haven't changed and she will never be able to forget him. Though she has moved on with her life, she finds herself wishing things could have been different. Can Bella and Roman find their way back to each other? You will have to read the book to find out. I highly recommend it.

Now I'm off to read my next Miranda Liasson book! I'm anxious to meet the rest of the people who live in the quaint little town of Mirror Lake, Connecticut.

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I really enjoyed Can't Stop Loving You. It is a story that will give you hope about young love and second chances. I especially liked the line "The painful past can heal and can even open up into a life you'd never dared to dream of." Miranda Liasson pulls you into this love story. You will feel hopeful, and discouraged as Bella and Roman try to come to terms with their past and how it has affected their future together. At times you will want to cry with the main characters too. I can guarantee that you will not want to put this book down until you have read to the end! I received an advance copy of this book but I freely chose to review the book.

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Can't Stop Loving You was a quick read that I enjoyed, but ultimately didn't love due to my lack of interest in the main couple.

Bella and Roman dated in their senior year of high school and parted ways not on the best of terms. Twelve years later, Roman returns to town to take over running his grandparents' orchard which happens to be located directly next to Bella's family's garden-center business. Roman and Bella attempt to move forward and be friends despite their past, but they run into many obstacles along the way.

At the start of Can't Stop Loving You, I really liked Bella and Roman together. The two had great chemistry and there was some excellent bantering. Plus, I'm a sucker for second chance at love romances and things seemed to be moving in the right direction for me to love this story. Sadly as the story went on, my interest in them as a couple lessened. Unfortunately part of what was to blame was the flashback chapters the author used to show what happened to them twelve years ago. I felt these chapters didn't help the story and feel like there could have been a better way to give us the same information. Also, I feel like a lot of their problems as a couple could have been resolved if they would have actually talked to each other.

I did enjoy the small town setting of Mirror Lake, Connecticut. Small town romances tend to be some of my favorites, so that was definitely an enjoyable aspect. I also really liked the senior therapy group Bella held at her practice. The group of older women were hilarious and just the type of busy bodies you'd expect in a small town. I also liked the string of terrible blind dates Bella was set-up for by her friends and family. Those did provide some nice comedic moments.

While I didn't love Can't Stop Loving You due to my lack of interest in the main couple, I'd still recommend it to people who like second chance at love romances or small town romances as those aspects I did enjoy.

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This review is from: Can't Stop Loving You (Kindle Edition)
Miranda Liasson is a new author to me. I loved this book. It was about Roman and Bella and their second chance of romance and love. Roman is the perfect guy any woman would want. He is smart, sexy, loyal and has a heart that is big enough for him to love the person he wants.

I really enjoyed their journey together as they rode through the usual angst of secrets and trying to put their past behind them. This book had its rise and falls like all good books should have and I loved it from the first chapter and have read it a few times since. I was really immersed in their totally believable story that could be happening somewhere in the world. I was routing for both of them that they would find their HEA.

Well done Miranda on a truly exceptional book that has me rereading it again. A 5 star read. I voluntarily reviewed this book as an advance reader copy.

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Perfect second-chance romance! I adored Bella and Roman. This was a fantastic romance and these characters really had amazing chemistry. I can't wait to read more by this author!

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I wasn't aware that this was part of a wider series, but I'm not even sure that I would have enjoyed it any more if I had. It fell a little flat for me, and I never really felt the conflict between the leads. Enjoyable to read, just not quite what I was hoping for.

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