Member Reviews

Charlie and Barry's story, is entertaining and sexy.

Charlie is a vet with a special skill, she's called to help with a wayward bear. The bear turns out to be Barry, a fun character but without his memory.

It's a fated mates style book, so not long till they're desperate to rip each others clothes off.

Enjoyable read.

3.5 stars

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I really wanted to like this one I really like shifter book but I just did not care for it. I found a hard time getting lost in to the story, I found myself not being able to focus or connecting with the characters.

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I would say - don't take this one seriously - just roll with it and read it for fun! The writing by itself is good, it's easy to understand and flows nicely. This is the first story I've read by this author and I'm interested in checking out her other books, as some have fabulous reviews and she's got a large back-list (plus they're in KU as well). My thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the e-ARC in return for my opinion. 2.5 stars.

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I love a good Milly Taiden book and have absolutely LOVED here paranormal dating agency series, but unfortunately Bearly in Control didn’t hit the mark, which is a mixture of shocking and sad.

This book seemed more geared to the new adult audience, rather than a middle-aged woman with an addiction to paranormal romance.

So with a heavy heart, it’s 2 stars from me

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Milly is truly branching out, I love everything she has written. I truly enjoy the banter between the characters.

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Too many puns, characters aren't well thought out, and sex scenes that defy logic. I will not be continuing with this series.

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Milly Taiden will always be a quick and entertaining read. Her writing is spunky and enjoyable to read.

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It was good! i like the world as well as the characters!

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2.5 Stars

Reviewed by Gemini

It’s very difficult to decide how to review Bearly in Control. On the one hand, it was funny, mysterious, and erotic. However, I’m not so sure that it was intended to be as funny as it was. In fact, funny may not be the best way to describe it. In all actually, it was more stupid than funny. Let me preface that by saying that I generally read books that are high in suspense and centered around murderers, serial killers, and all around sick people. That being said, I can use a little stupid every once in awhile.

In Bearly in Control a bear shifter with amnesia meets a veterinarian who can speak to animals. Sounds simple enough except that the bear shifter didn’t know that he could shift and the veterinarian is a member of a task force that just so happens to investigating a string of heists. This task force is made up of other paranormal beings, mostly shifters. I’m not even going to bother with names because it’s just not worth it. The investigators are keystone cops that couldn’t recognize a clue if it punched them in their face. There are also some other citizens in town that must be members of the Beverly Hillbillies. The hero and heroine hit it off immediately. They can’t wait to get in each other’s pants. If you like some dirty talking, this is the book for you. The sex scenes would make a porn star blush. Outside of that, there is nothing about Bearly in Control that is remotely believable. To add insult to injury, the book ends with a bunch of unanswered questions which I hate.

If you want a totally mindless read, then this is clearly the book for you. If you prefer to use a brain cell or two, steer clear of this one.

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Unfortunately, I DNFed this book in the first 15%. It just didn't grab my attention.

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I feel like I'm over this. The "mine" shifter romances that are canned. I was confused at times about some of the characters, where a stand alone, or even a series, shouldn't make you feel that way.

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A fun new series from Milly Taiden. Some mystery, a little bit of suspense, and some super sexy times this was a great read.
I really like Charli. She's sweet and funny, and has an interesting "power". Barry amused me. Him trying to figure out his bear was a lot of fun. Charli and him definitely steamed up the pages.
I can't wait to read more about Charli's team. The boys are a lot of fun and I'm definitely interested in getting their stories.
So another great start to what I can imagine to be another amazingly addictive series from Milly.

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Bearly in Control is filled with puns and 'dad jokes'. Its super cheesy and that might turn some people off! The insta-lust is very high between Charli and Barry. You have to be totally willing to just 'go with it' in terms of the plot. Its not realistic or believable at all; I know that bothers lots of people. However, if you overlook the cheesiness, the over the top attraction of the characters, and the incredulity of the plot, this book is one of those campy, enjoyable reads. I thought the some of the characters were a bit of a parody that bordered on offensive (the 'hick' farmers with their poor diction and vocabulary and stupid behavior) which was frustrating at times.
All that aside, I was able to enjoy the sheen ridiculousness that was Bearly in Control and have a good laugh and enjoy the steamy romance between the 2 characters!

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Great start to a new paranormal series!! Charli is a veterinarian, which makes sense because she can communicate with animals. She also is a new member of a covert group who investigate crimes involving shifters. When she's called out to a farm to look over a dead bear, the last thing Charli thought was that the bear was actually still alive or not really just a bear. She calmed the bear down enough to load it in a trailer to take it back to her office and once there, she goes to unload the bear only to find a hot man with no memory of who or what he is. Charli aptly and ironically decides to call him Barry until his memory comes back and together they set out to try and backtrack his steps in hopes of jarring his memory loose. Instead of finding answers all they seem to be doing is finding odd things that ask more questions. Bank robberies have been happening in the area and Barry worries that he might have something to do with them. It kind of a who done it story and even the person who might have been involved doesn't even know if he did it lol. Charli and Barry are mates but neither are free to solidify their mating until Barry's memory comes back and they can solve the mysteries going on around them. It's not a cliffhanger but it's left open ended for the next book in the series. I need to know what happens next!!!

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Being the first book I've ever read by Milly Taiden, and the first paranormal romance in quite a while, I wasn't impressed with BEARLY IN CONTROL. With its pretty cover and promising plot, this book would've been better if it was longer so the whole story, character developments and the breadcrumbs that were left for the upcoming books could've spread out more evenly. The way it was, everything felt very rushed. The meeting of the hero and heroine was rushed, their falling for each other was rushed-even considered by pnr standards- the action, the introduction of the rest of the characters were all rushed.

Apart from all this, one thing that really bothered me was the fact that the story had characters who worked in criminal justice system and yet failed to identify a clue that stared them right in the eye. As a reader-although I may be seen complaining about this but really I realized it's a plus- I think it's better if I discover something either after the characters tell me or about the same time as they do. It's not at all fun when I can see the detail from a mile away and yet wait chapter after chapter for the characters to catch up. Especially in a mystery.

BEARLY IN CONTROL seemed to me like it wasn't complete yet. I could've used more pages and less hurrying. I wish-and I can't believe I'm about to say this- that instead of some of the sexy times of the hero and the heroine, those pages would've been devoted to world building. The first book is always the most critical because you have to interest the reader into coming back for more. I know a lot of people might find series first books boring, but I actually love them because they give me a chance to carefully imagine the book world as I see fit, with the author's own descriptions. However, all this has failed in here.

I'm adding one spoonful of this story into my hodgepodge, and hope the coming books will straighten things out, because the mystery, if handled more carefully, might just be very interesting.

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There is a reason Milly Taiden is in my “Top 10 Favorite Paranormal-Shifter Authors”, and it’s not just because her shifter males are hunky yummiliciousness. They are sweet, kind, smart, and, when they find their mates, they love completely and absolutely. Also, her female heroines are not those somebody-save-me-I’m-so-weak whiny wimps. Her females are strong, smart, and can stand on their own, but they are so much better when they find their One and Only.
Milly Taiden’s new Shifters Undercover series, which starts with “Bearly in Control”, looks like it is going to be one of those series us shifter-lovers are going to love and want to hoard. *grin*

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What better way to escape the mundane of life than a paranormal romance? There isn’t one. Trust me, I’ve looked. Milly Taiden is one of my favorite paranormal romance writers. I couldn’t wait to get my grubby hands on Bearly in Control. Bonus! It’s the first book in a series. I liked how the story started – with a shifter who has amnesia and is confused about what a shifter even is. What the heck’s going on and where did that money come from?

I do love a good mystery and I don’t even mind if I know whodunit long before the characters in the book. Unfortunately, not only was the culprit obvious, but the detectives didn’t have a clue because they were bungling around. Bungling detectives can be fun, but these bunglers – combined with their juvenile sense of humor – didn’t really do it for me.

I really wanted to like Charli. A smart heroine with can communicate with animals? Sounds awesome. Except Charli was bungling around just as much as the other detectives. I couldn’t help but think – numerous times – how can a vet be that stupid?

I’m still a diehard Taiden fan. This book just didn’t do it for me.

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For vet and animal whisperer Charli Avers, talking to bears is all in a day’s work. But when she finds a man—a very sexy, very alpha man—where a bear ought to be, the wild comes close to home. Charli is drawn to this mysterious stranger. She wants to help him piece together the past he can’t remember—even if that means shedding her human misgivings and embracing her more carnal desires.

After shifting from bear to man, Barry believes he’s finally found his mate. Now he just needs to find himself. He doesn’t know much about the animal within him, but his human heart aches for Charli. She ignites his instincts to protect her from all danger—including their electric attraction.

The stakes climb as Charli investigates the mystery behind Barry’s memory loss and how it may relate to strange sightings and thefts in this little corner of Oregon. Without answers, she may lose Barry—and herself—to the wild side forever.

* * * * *

Technically I found BEARLY IN CONTROL to be well written and well edited. I didn't enjoy the book however because the characters just weren't realistic mainly the secondary characters. Charli is part of a shifter detective unit however the detectives seem be busier either moping or looking for their mates then actually solving crimes. It almost reminded me of an Abbott and Costello skit which really killed the book for me.

I do want to give the author kudos however for how well she points out that 'curvy girls' can be extremely sexy. And the sex itself is hot and well done. I just demand more from the plot and the other characters.

This is a paranormal romance that I would recommend my readers give a pass too though this is my own opinion. If you do check out this book and feel differently, please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

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Sadly I did not like this book. I have read some of Milly Taiden's books before and found them delightful., for this particular book that was not the case. It took me forever to finish. I normally don't have that problem with Ms. Taiden's other books. Charli, the heroine and a vet of the story, is able to connect with animals and ends helping out a bear who shifts into human after he had been shot. By two of the locals from town. Unbeknownst to the shifter he was not aware that he was even a bear shifter. The romance between the two was instant., but filled with lame jokes. Even though Barry, the bear shifter who was given that name because he couldn't recall his identity, kept having strong urges for Charli. The other characters involved were funny and I did like Devin and Russel. I found some of the story to be repititious and that the people of the agency couldn't figure out who the heist belonged to? How could Charli be part of the fellowship and can't figure out the stolen jewelry was part of the robbery? So I struggled to finish and I won't be continuing to read from this particular series. Thank you for the opportunity.

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Milly Taiden has done it again. I loved reading this book, and it was full of such mystery. Charli was an animal whisperer and Barry was a bear but didn't remember. I won't give away all of the secrets, but it was such a great read.

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