Member Reviews

Book – The Wild Hunt
Author – Stephanie Rabig
Star rating - ★★★★★
No. of Pages – 42
Cover – Perfect for the story
POV – 3rd person, dual POV
Would I read it again – Yes.
Genre – LGBT, Paranormal, Contemporary
This was one brilliant little paranormal story that packed a punch in so few pages.
At the beginning, I couldn't believe how much of an ass Ethan was, to dump Carlos by ghosting him and allowing him to find out after days of panicking and concern. That's so low and despicable. I hated him right off the bat and loved Carlos for his concern, for being so innocently oblivious and naïve enough not to really understand what was happening.
Peter was interesting, but also a little more mysterious. We got to see a lot of Carlos' inner character in those first few pages, but Peter had the opposite life – a huge family to support him, where Carlos was a bit of a loner, and family history that kind of overrode his own personality for a while, for understandable reasons. It was nice to see a little more of him, as his character grew gradually throughout the story.
I loved the addition of flashbacks for Peter's aunt. There were just a few, but they were well placed and with just enough information to offer us a glimpse into the past and the effect those events had on the present. The way that it all unravelled was so well planned and plotted that I never felt shocked or surprised by the twists and turns of the story.
Overall, it's a really cute story with intrigue, magic and faith. It's a great exploration about healing, loss, friendship and the discrimination against LGBT people in the 70's. I loved how it unfolded slowly, yet without dragging the story, and still managed to fit so much story into so few pages.
Bravo! I'll be reading more of Stephanie Rabig from now on.
Favourite Quote
“Carlos had left the back passenger door open in case he needed to call out a warning, and he waved his arms, calling for them to hurry, feeling for all the world like Ian Malcolm lying in the back of the Jeep and hollering helplessly as the T. rex bore down on them.”