Member Reviews

TAKE ME BACK by Rosalind James. The story of Hallie and Jim - a second chance romance tale. Overall, I enjoyed the story but felt something was missing. I think it might have been Hallie - for someone that resented her past life, she was willing to give in to have it back, over her love. That was a bit annoying to me. I would have liked to have seen more of Mac and her interactions with Hallie too. I did enjoy the mystery and danger that was throughout the story. Not a bad read but was hoping for a bit more. (received ARC from NetGalley for honest review)

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In Take Me Back, the fourth installment of Rosalind James' Paradise Idaho series, Hallie Cavanaugh returns to her hometown after inheriting a fortune from her late father. But the inheritance comes with a catch: she must spend six months in Paradise without rekindling her romance with deputy sheriff Jim Lawson, who broke her heart fourteen years ago.

James weaves a captivating story of love, second chances, and the struggle for independence. As Hallie and Jim navigate their undeniable chemistry, their rediscovered passion is tested by the weight of their past and the storm of uncovered secrets that threaten their future.

Set against the picturesque backdrop of Paradise, Idaho, this heartwarming tale explores the power of forgiveness and the strength of love in the face of life's challenges. With vivid storytelling and well-developed characters, Rosalind James delivers another memorable addition to the Paradise Idaho series.

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Take Me back is the 4th book set in Paradise, Idaho, Rosalind James' romance/suspense series. If you are familiar with Paradise, you will know some of the characters mentioned and the town itself. A university town in Idaho, Paradise is full of charming characters, and some not so. The suspense in the story is part of the appeal of this book, with the romance overriding any scary stuff!! (Just in case the suspense is warning you off a bit!) Of course, the major attraction of Take Me back is Ms James storytelling, the developed storyline and characters and the masterful way she keeps you guessing. Plus it's got Jim and Hallie as the main characters and they do steal the show!
Hallie Cavanaugh comes back to Paradise, the town she grew up in, after a long absence. Her father has died in somewhat suspicious circumstances, and has also left her an inheritance. A mighty big inheritance, with the condition she stays clear of former love Jim Lawson for a period of 6 months. How hard can that be right? Well, with the chemistry between these two, is Hallie fighting a losing battle? Jim is now a single father and deputy sheriff in Paradise after a stint away in the Army. He's seen a thing or two in his time, but has never forgotten Hallie Cavanaugh and their one night together. Can he stay away from Hallie and also figure out who killed her father? Add in a half-brother Hallie had no idea about, and a town full of could-be suspects, Rosalind James keeps us guessing with her twists and turns and her superb storytelling that readers new and old have come to love.
Take Me back is a standalone book within the Paradise series and is a story of romantic suspense, with a whole lot of love, loyalty, hope and of course Ms James trademark sexy and steamy scenes! i just loved it, the perfect mix of it all!

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I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one that this author writes. The storyline was simple, enjoyable, and entertaining.

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Take me Back is book four in the suspense series Paradise Idaho and I have to say book four is as good as the previous books in the series.
Hallie Cavanaugh left Paradise years ago and the only thing that has her coming back to her hometown is her fathers funeral. Henry Cavanaugh was the richest and most hated man in town, he had done some dispicable things in his life and even after death he was trying to control his daughters life by stipulating in his will she will not inherit his million dollar fortune unless she spends 6 months in the family home and does not have a sexual relationship with Jim Lawson.
Jim Lawson was a bad boy growing up but he has turned his life around and is now a cop that is bringing up his daughter single handed after losing his wife. Hallie and Jim have history and when Hallie arrives back in town all those old feelings start taking over.
This is a great romantic suspense novel and I have to say Rosalind James does an amazing job with this series, it has just the right amount of mystery and drama mixed with love and romance to draw you in from the first chapter, I love the characters and I love the twists and turns.
Another great read from a great author

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Rosalind James has never let me down, and the streak continues! I loved this book! Hallie and Jim were such a great couple. I absolutely loved the suspense in this book, too. So often, books of this genre fall into the same trap, where there’s not much substance to the storyline. Adding the element of a murder and the whodunit plot line really made this book one I couldn’t put down. The interplay between all the characters was so well-done. It really did seem at times like any of the peripheral characters could have been the killer, and the subtleties of their personalities completely fed into that feeling. As for the H/h, Jim and Hallie seemed very well-rounded and real to me. The second chance trope is generally not my favorite, and I usually avoid it, but it was Rosalind James 🤷‍♀️ Take Me Back was also more emotional than I had anticipated. The trauma in both leads’ past was tangible, and the author did a great job of leading the reader to support the growth between them. The evilness of the antagonists is truly believable as well. Emotional abuse is so, so traumatic and the author PERFECTLY showed how that affects an adult who was subject to such abuse. I would wholly recommend this book to anyone!

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Take Me Back is book 4 in the Paradise, Idaho series. Hallie Cavanaugh and Jim Lawson have known each other since they were teenagers. Hallie’s father has since died and Jim is a sheriff whom is investigating the death. Was it murder or accident? Also Hallie is being threatened. by the killer. FYI, Hallie’s dad was a millionaire and Hallie can’t have the money and Jim. Henry, a controlling man in life, as well as from the grave. There are lotsa twists in this book and I was shocked at the outcome. I loved how Rosalind ended the story.. There are plenty of sexy, steamy scenes in this book.
We also get to meet up with some of my favorite characters from the 3 other books in this series. I like knowing about their lives.
I recommend this book as well EVERY other book written by Rosalind James!

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Take My Back has left me in complete awe and utter appreciation of Rosalind James! This book is pure heart and unabashed hope made stronger and fiercer through hardships and danger. Nothing is better or stronger than the ties of family, and this story lays out how those bonds are formed both with blood and by choice. The precious pages of this book show us all of the wonderful and painful parts of lust melding into pure love. Every step in between on this fabulous journey will delight and fascinate you as walk this path with the incredible characters you discover along the way. Sit back, relax, and hold on tight because you will lose your mind, your heart, and your very soul on this unforgettable adventure!

Hallie had to learn that things in life are better when they are tender and full of passion rather than harsh and painfully cold. When life took everything and more from her, she fled at the first opportunity that came her way. She hated to leave behind those she loved, but she was sure there would be nothing left of her after being constantly put down and pounded into the very ground. When a family tragedy calls her home, she decides to face her past and come home. Jim can’t put into words the revelation and feelings that rush through him at finally seeing Hallie after so many years apart. His life is already set in stone, so he knows nothing can come of it, but his heart hasn’t received that memo nor will it accept it. Since there are still ties that bind Hallie to his family, he knows he can’t hide from her, and he finds that he doesn’t want to. Will the past rear its hideous head and crush the secret dreams and hopes that Hallie and Jim still cling to in the darkest recesses of their heart, or will the soft life and strength of hope lead them onto a rugged path that will guide then safely to the other side?

I can sympathize with Hallie a lot in my own life, and I know how wonderful people like her best friend and Jim were in her life. They brought with them a light like nothing else when they walked into her world. They surrounded her with love, power, comfort, and peace that only pure love can imbue. Her world was small but precious and she lost so much until she returned home. Facing your choices and their consequences is the hardest thing you can every do, but when those choices were out of your hands, that makes the outcome so much darker and harder to deal with. Thankfully, when loves comes into your life so does hope which can help you conquer your fears, your unknown future, and anything else that comes your way. Never stop hoping and never stop living!

This is the first book that I have read by Rosalind James, and I fell so hard in love with every part of it. It was a tough story to hold onto and yet it was overflowing with so much possibility. I loved that dichotomy! It literally took my breath away! The characters were incredible, and the wonderful storyline held me captive until the very end. I can’t wait to read another of her books, and I hope that you will not miss out on what a fantastic writer she is!

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I really enjoyed this book. I appreciated that although there was initial confusion, anger, and mistrust between Jim and Hallie, it didn't take the entire book to clear up the misunderstanding.

I wavered back and forth about the killer. One minute I was sure, and then I was not. The book is full of twists, turns, and surprises.

Hallie's father was a truly evil man. I believe the only way she was able to find her strength after returning to Paradise initially, was because she had been away from him for years, and she had the support of her best friend.

Interwoven throughout the tale of suspense is still a story of family, friendship, love, and loyalty. You also get a great romance with Jim and Hallie, and a few steamy scenes. Even the steamy scenes have you a little on edge. Cal, Luke, Travis, and Rochelle from previous books also make an appearance.

For me, this was absolutely a winner. I was fully engrossed from the beginning and honestly just read straight through to the end. Yes, I did not finish until the wee hours of the morning. Luckily I had the day off. I definitely recommend this book.

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This was not my first Rosalind James book and it certiantly will not be my last. Ms. James entwines a story that speaks to readers. I highly recommend this book and any book written by Ms. James.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

I love the paradise series and this was my favourite out of the 4 so far. Hallie has returned to paradise after the death of her father and comes face to face with her ex sweetheart, Jim. Under the conditions of the will can they keep their hands off each other and can Jim protect Hallie while her life is in danger.

Brilliant read and I had the killers identity set in my mind but no I was wrong!

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A little back-in-the-day history between characters, a mystery and some sizzling love happenings all come together to bring this latest story of Paradise, Idaho to life on the pages. Watching the hero and heroine find their way again plus the suspense they get into along the way keeps the reader needing to know what's next , turning the pages to another Paradise Happily Ever After. Yet another stellar Rosalind James story!

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Hallie and Jim knew each other as teenagers and in fact it was Jim who was Hallie's "first". Through her father's tyrannical efforts, they were separated when Hallie went off to college. Fast forward to the present and Hallie is back for the reading of her father's will when family secrets are exposed and her father is back to his dictatorial methods, even in death, working to keep Jim and Hallie apart. Add in a half brother and a mystery - her father died under suspicious circumstances and the killer is now after Hallie. Jim, Paradise PD sets out to protect her and find out the identity of the killer. Once started, I couldn't put it down. Several twists and turns and I went back and forth on who the killer would be. A solid 4th book in the Paradise ID series from Rosalind James.

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Unfortunately, having read some of the author's previous novels which I enjoyed, I thought I was in for a treat with this one. How wrong I was. This book just didn't do it for me. I started quickly skimming through fast so I could just reach the freaking end. Talk about a long, boring and overly descriptive story. I couldn't connect with any of the characters and the whole scenario of the heroine and hero not talking for years, that she's mad with him, was ridiculous. I also didn't enjoy the way it was written when it came to the killer. It was the killer did this, the killer did that, the killer couldn't believe this or that, etc. If the author was trying for suspense here it didn't work with me. But hey, just because I didn't like it doesn't mean you will too.

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Hallie Cavanaugh’s late father just left her millions of reasons to stay away from Jim Lawson, deputy sheriff of Paradise, Idaho, and the man who broke her heart fourteen years ago. Hallie has worked hard for independence, but she can’t dismiss a massive inheritance, even if she has to follow her father’s manipulative terms to get it. How hard can it be to spend six months back in Paradise—and not sleep with her old flame?

Former Army Ranger Jim just wants to do his job, raise his daughter…and resist the gorgeous, redheaded reminder of his bad-boy past. Their one unforgettably hot night together had major consequences, and now there’s a fortune and a family legacy at stake. But when Hallie is threatened amid a storm of uncovered secrets and conflicted loyalties, protecting her becomes more than a duty: it’s a deeply personal fight Jim’s heart won’t let him lose

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Hallie Cavanaugh’s late father just left her millions of reasons to stay away from Jim Lawson, deputy sheriff of Paradise, Idaho, and the man who broke her heart fourteen years ago. Hallie has worked hard for independence, but she can’t dismiss a massive inheritance, even if she has to follow her father’s manipulative terms to get it. How hard can it be to spend six months back in Paradise—and not sleep with her old flame?

Former Army Ranger Jim just wants to do his job, raise his daughter…and resist the gorgeous, redheaded reminder of his bad-boy past. Their one unforgettably hot night together had major consequences, and now there’s a fortune and a family legacy at stake. But when Hallie is threatened amid a storm of uncovered secrets and conflicted loyalties, protecting her becomes more than a duty: it’s a deeply personal fight Jim’s heart won’t let him lose.

* * * * *

I really liked the characters in this book. They are all so realistic with their faults and strengths that they almost jump right off the pages. Hallie is a really good person which is a testament to her strength of will since her mother was absent even when she was right there and her father was a real piece of work. Jim has grown into a wonderful man who is open to learn from his experiences.

The unfortunate part is that someone is determined to see that Hallie doesn't meet the requirements of her father's will and won't stop at anything to ensure her failure. It made for a great story to see how Hallie, Jim and their friends work together to ensure her safety and to ensure that she is able to inherit the money her father left to her.

I really enjoyed this book. The villain in this story really worked behind the scenes up until the very end which made for a surprising finish. I think that my readers who enjoy a contemporary romance with a bit of danger tossed in would really like this book.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

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Henry Cavanaugh was the richest and most hated man in town, he was a despicable human being and while no one will miss him the question remains who killed him?

I really liked the characters, there weren't too many suspicious characters, which was better. The flashbacks are important for the story, to get to know the character's past, but they aren't so long that you lose what you were reading before the flashback. I really enjoyed the three different points of view.

As a little girl I adored to read Agatha Christies Hercule Poirot. I have to say this book can measure with those books.
Thumbs up 👍👍

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This is book 4 in the Paradise Idaho series. They can be read as a standalone. I've read and loved bks 1,2 & 3.
I love this author. I've had this ARC on my kindle. Like a present. A guaranteed good read. Ms James' books are a little longer than the average ebook out there now. I saved this for my vacation. I wanted to take my time reading this-and I did.
3rd person POV. alternating between the h, Hallie, the H Jim, and occasionally "the Killer".
The opening scene in chapter One "Last Round" has Henry Cavanaugh (a total rat bastard to the max) and the killer in a stand off.
In an ultimate twist of irony, Henry dies while the unknown person is there in Henry's home. It's a chilling way to start a romance book!
The Identity of "the Killer" is never revealed-until the last chapter. Very subtle clues are dropped, but are so vague that I changed my mind a little beyond the 55% mark. I did guess correctly, but I was gripped in the suspense of what would happen next.
This is NOT a quick read. There is a great love story between Jim Lawson and Hallie Cavanaugh, but the suspense thread runs through the entire story. There is SO much to this book. Jim and Hallie's families become linked in unexpected ways. The blurb says that there are secrets revealed- a little at a time, almost in a soap opera style.
Hallie left Paradise, ID to go to college in Seattle. She was gone for 14 years- after so much cruelty from her father. Her dad Henry had such a grip on her and on the town. He was very rich and powerful. He told Hallie that he was disowning her when she left town.
I'm surprise that someone hadn't tried to kill him before.
Hallie comes back to Paradise for her dad'a funeral. She's ordered to attend as a condition of the will.
Hallie and Jim have an awkward meet cute on her way into town.
Fourteen years. That's a loong time. Hallie was 17 y/o, Jim was 19. Spark's still there. Hmm.
Yeah, Jim, now the sheriff. Hallie, no longer under dad's thumb. Or is she?
Terms of the will have Henry's reach beyond the grave.
Hallie is no longer the meek and kowtowed daughter. She's independent, an inner city High school teacher. Determined to out-smart her dad's manipulation (and stipulations) in his iron-clad will.

The supporting characters were great:
Mac, Jim's 11 y/o daughter (Jim was married and widowed during the 14 years that Hallie was gone);
Viicki, Jim's mom. She could have been been cliched with 3 kids w/ no dads around. She's matured from the hard knocks in life; she has a young teenage son, Cole. Big secrets revealed about him.
Anthea, Jim's sister and Hallie's best friend. Anthea is married with 2 kids, and the most steady of all the characters.

Hallie and Jim spend most of the book fighting their attraction while Hallie has to follow the mandates of her dad's will.
Hallie does have to deal with Jim's late wife's shadow. They deal with it in the open and it gets them both moving forward in their own relationship. Hallie and Jim's chemistry is hot. They have to keep it secret while Jim and Hallie try to figure out who is trying to get rid of her.
There's a slow burn, but the build up is very good. Nothing but challenges.
Hallie's been on her own. Jim is used to being in charge.
I'm taking .05 of a star off for a little slow up in the middle.
Another .05 off for the long separation. Jim and Hallie started new as adults. I loved how they both admitted how it went so wrong when they were teens. Henry was so cruel. There were so many people that suffered because of him. Hallie spent a lot of her time making up for him. I loved that she thought for herself and was such a kind person. I loved this and highly recommend it. Complete standalone & HEA.
*A brief request: I wish that Ms James would number her chapters.

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This book has it all: romance, mistery and murder. Although at first, I thought it was kind of long (almost 500 pages, ouch!), now I can assure that it was perfect. In every sense.
I really liked the characters, there weren't too many "suspicious" characters, which was better. The flashbacks are important for the story, to get to know the character's past, but they aren't so long that you lose what you were reading before the flashback. I really enjoyed the three different points of view.
And the end... totally unexpected.

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Paradise, Idaho is a great series. Take Me Back can be read as a standalone but I encourage you to read them all. Rosalind James introduces us to Paradise, Idaho and all the people who live there.

Take Me Back is the story of Jim Lawson the deputy sheriff and Hallie Cavanaugh, the daughter of Henry Cavanaugh, the richest and most hated man in town. Hallie is back in Paradise to bury her father and then she is going back to her life far away from the small town she grew up in. Jim and
Hallie have a history and even though they have moved on with their lives, they can’t help but want to clear up unfinished business.

Take Me Back includes murder, mystery, secrets and misunderstandings between lovers and conditions to an inheritance that are hard to resist. The supporting characters are always a hit with me. The turns in narration this book took was a special treat. I can always count on Rosalind James stories to add to the intrigue and mystery of her stories in this series. The romance was phenomenal.

This series is unlike her other two series and I love how versatile and the talent in the writing we witness with each book.

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