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Kept my attention. I enjoyed reading it once I got into it.

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A World Erased

A Grandson’s Search for His Family’s Holocaust Secrets
by Noah Lederman

Rowman & Littlefield

Rowman & Littlefield Trade
History, Nonfiction (Adult)

Pub Date 07 Feb 2017

I am voluntarily reviewing a copy of A World Erased through the publisher and Netgalley:

His Grandparents were survivors of the Holocaust, his Grandmother witnessed her family murdereded for the simple fact that they were Jews, and she felt helpless to stop the monsters.

He hears stories of his Grandfather who beat up on Nazi’s in a Warsaw Ghetto.

On December 30th 1999 while Noah is finishing out his studies he learns his Grandfather (Poppy) died just after finishing his first Semester at College.

Both his Grandmother and Grandfather had survived Auschwitz-Birkenau.

This is a story of survival, of determination and strength and a story of the pain the Holocaust has put onto families even a generation or two later, but more than that it is a story of strength.

I give A World Erased five out of five stars.

Happy Reading.

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I think you'll enjoy my review of A World Erased: A Grandson's Search for His Family's Holocaust Secrets.

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This is one of my favorite Holocaust books. The fact that the author's grandparents survive, but are unwilling to share much, make the story an interesting quest to connect the past to the present. I have no doubt that Noah will continue to love and honor the memory of his grandparents and their stories that he worked so hard to get them to share.

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A touching book by Noah Lederman and his search for the secrets of his family's holocaust experiences. It is poignant that the grandchild would be the one to keep these memories alive and to be a witness, bringing the stories to light in order that we and the world will never forget. Highly recommended.

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The story begins by telling us about a little Jewish girl in 1942 who ran away from her mother into a barn to save her life. She grabbed a chicken and said "Jesus help me!" to a Ukrainian soldier that was hunting Jewish people and who had just killed her mother.
The soldier told her to be careful with the chicken and that there were Jews around.
Noah is the grandson of this little girl, Hadasa, who survived the horrors of Auschwitz.
However Noah does not know very much about his Grandmother, Hadasa or his Grandfather, Leon's experience as concentration camp victims because they do not want to talk about it and they distract him when he asks about it.
Noah knows the name of his grandparents village, and street name and house number, but when he visits them in Poland he is told everything has been changed since the war. He finally is given the Shoah Foundation Tapes that were recorded by Steven Spielberg in which his grandparents give their graphic testimonies of crawling through gutters to deliver food, losing close family members and suffering deprivation in Auschwitz.
You will discover the truth about what it was like to be Noah, a close relative of a Holocaust survivor, and how he discovered the truth about his grandparents' past and what their lives were like before, during and after the Holocaust.

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This book was a really sad story but had something really beautiful behind it. Recounting his grandparents Holocaust experience is really difficult but a MUST read o history is always remembered. This is definitely a book that should be read by everyone.

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Untold stories of survival should be told to family, no matter how painful. Families need to understand the trials their families went through by surviving the holocaust, and how their stories bind families together.

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