Member Reviews

Really enjoyed this book. First things first this is book two and if you want to read this book I'd recommend you lovely readers check out this previous one first. I did end up jumping into this book not knowing about the previous book not sure if it was one of those stand alone but don't do that, read the previous one first. After reading the first, it was easier to follow what was going on in this great book. I'm not one for books with time travel is but this year I've been trying to branch out and find new books and this book definitely fit into the category of something I wouldn't read. Its hard to say why I enjoyed this book being that I don't want to spoil it for why this book is fantastic but trust me when I say you are going to want to get your hands on this book but read the first one of course.

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It has been six months since the Aether Corporation sent Team Delta into the Future with a mission to bring back information on technology. Six months since the team discovered that, upon their return, they’d all be killed by one of their own. And six months since Elena Martinez stopped the real murderer and saved herself plus two other members of her team, while unfortunately losing two.

Elena is not dealing with the present very well. On the surface her life seems perfect: she’s going to school, living in her own apartment, and in a steady relationship with Adam. But inside, she’s still dealing with what happened six months ago. She’s filled with guilt over the loss of her two friends, and she’s still horrified at the murder she had to commit to keep the rest of them alive. She’s just waiting for Adam to leave her–like everyone else in her life—so she pushes him away. Plus, Aether has been keeping tabs on the three survivors, and Elena can’t figure out why.

Well, as it soon comes out, Aether needs the remaining team to head back to the future in order to save another team gone missing. Once there Elena, Adam, and Chris discover there’s more going on than a simple extraction of missing persons. This time around, the team discovers just how much their actions (or inactions) can affect the world.

Future Threat hit its stride as far as tackling the whole time-travel concept. It expanded so much on what was started in Future Shock and added so many layers and possibilities. I would say none of the concepts were completely shocking but the way Elizabeth Briggs presents the timeline is clear and easily accessible to those who are maybe less familiar with time-travel reading.

The feeling of the ticking clock is amped up in Future Threat as the group has less time to find the other team. In the first book, they were in the future for 24 hours. Here there’s only a hand-full, so this limited time frame really drives the story forward and makes it easy to read through very quickly.

I’d say the only issue I had was, unfortunately, with Elena. Who, when not being the smart-thinking woman we know her to be, was berating herself for having failed everyone by not being able to predict the future (ha ha). I grew tired of it very quickly. And the fact that this causes her to push Adam away kept me from being able to care about their relationship, which is a problem because a lot in the story revolves around their relationship.

As stated above, I really liked the way Elizabeth Briggs handles the future timeline. Expanding upon this is the idea/message that all of our actions have reactions or consequences. The smallest change in one timeline can have a major effect on another. I loved that these ideas were introduced in this book and I look forward to seeing how these are further built upon in the last installment in the trilogy. I loved that this story has a clear ending, no cliffhangers, but you can definitely see where the conflicts might crop up next.

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You know when you get to spend time with a friend that you haven't seen in a while? And you wonder what things will be like since the last time you saw them? But you know that no matter what's changed in either of your lives, you're unbelievably excited to be reunited with them because you still care so much about them? Yeah. That's pretty much what it was like to open up Future Threat and see Elena's name on the first page.

Still reeling from the events of Future Shock, in which they lost two of their original team members and nearly their own lives, Elena and Adam are trying to adjust to a somewhat normal life. But Elena can't ignore the feeling that someone (namely Aether) is keeping tabs on her, and the black car that's been following them around for the last six months doesn't exactly help those feelings. Not to mention she's been suffering from severe PTSD ever since what happened during their last encounter with Aether. Factor in that, despite Adam being the perfect boyfriend, she can't seem to stop pushing him and anyone else away; and Elena truly feels like even after Aether is supposedly out of their lives, hers is still falling apart. And she feels as though she's to blame.

The action and intensity in Future Threat completely lived up to, if not surpassed, that of Future Shock, which is no easy feat for a sequel to such an incredible book. It seemed like our group of teenagers truly couldn't win in this one; and that no matter what they did, they were destined to lose someone. I don't want to give away too much about this book, since it's a sequel; but I will say that I was incredibly happy with the way certain things turned out, although there are of course other heart-breaking things I wish could have been avoided.

All in all, Future Threat was a fantastic sequel; and diving back into this world with Elena, Adam, and Chris was exactly like catching up with that old friend and knowing that, no matter how different things are, they're still the same wonderful person you fell in love with the first time around. Also still the same were the vivid writing, stunning detail, and elaborate world-building. This series has become one of my favorites, as has this author. I can't wait to dive back in with Future Lost in 2018 and see where Elizabeth Briggs takes me and this amazing group of characters next.

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A VERY good sequel to the original - the original didn't leave me all that warm, but this more than makes up for it. With the characters now established I felt much more involved, and the action took me through. It was also, strangely, more heartfelt and I enjoyed the difference with Elena and how much she'd grown. Good read!

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As soon as I realized that Rockstar Book Tours was hosting a blog tour of Future Threat by Elizabeth Briggs, I knew I had to take part based on how much I enjoyed last year's Future Shock, book one in the series. I'm tickled that I got the opportunity to read this ARC of Future Threat via NetGalley for this blog tour - and it didn't let me down at

Elena, Adam, and Chris are dealing the best they can with the aftermath of their last Aether mission six months ago. As far as they're concerned they're done with Aether and time travel, but Aether isn't done with them. They're forcibly recruited to rescue the missing members of another Aether time travel team. When they arrive thirty years in the future, it's much different and more advanced than the future they remember due to Aether reverse engineering tech brought back by the other time travel team. Unfortunately, the rescue mission goes south and they have to go back to the future again to try to make things right. They quickly realize that the future they go back to is different yet again with an all new set of consequences. If they want to save lives, they're going to have to master a steep learning curve.

Future Threat ups the stakes in some of the coolest ways from it's predecessor - in everything from the consequences to the gadgets. Just in case you've forgotten anything from book one, the author gives us a concise recap via our narrator, Elena, and we learn just how much her previous time travel experience has affected her life. We see how her relationship with Adam has developed as well as her friendship with Chris, her survivor's guilt, and her determination to make the most of whatever the future may throw at her. I particularly enjoyed seeing just how far our core cast has come since they were first introduced. As much as I liked getting to know more about Elena and Adam, I was hoping that we would get to know Chris just a little more. A good chunk of the story revolves around him after all.

If you've followed my blog at all, you'll know that time travel is one of my favorite things, but it can be tricky to do right. Luckily, the time travel here is done well. It gets pretty complex in this installment yet for the most part it isn't too difficult to keep up with what's going on at any given time. That being said, sometimes the story does feel a little overstuffed with all of the goings-on. I particularly enjoyed seeing the differences between all of the possible futures that our cast visits. It's fascinating to see what has stayed the same and what has changed. Trying to work out what caused these changes is certainly interesting to consider as a part of the mystery. My favorite returning future character has to be Wombat, but of course he's a bit different than how Elena and company remember him.

Overall, I highly recommend the Future Shock series by Elizabeth Briggs, especially if you enjoy Back to the Future (particularly Part II in this case) and Doctor Who. It has so much to like from time-travel thrills, diverse characters, an intriguing mystery, a dash of romance, plenty of fast-paced action, and mind-bending twists. Book three, Future Lost, can not come soon enough! How am I supposed to wait until 2018 to see what happens next after that final turn?

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I was very excited about Future Threat, because the first book was so much fun! Well, this sequel is good, but it was missing connection for me. Elena, Adam, and Chris have been going about their lives for the past six months. It hasn't been easy, particularly because Elena is suffering from PTSD and her eidetic memory is making the flashbacks worse. But then Aether Corp sucks them back in. They swear this will be the last time that they send the teens into the future, but when things go wrong, Elena finds herself begging to be sent back again.

Where Future Threat lost me was the reasoning behind the plot. Elena and Company are being sent thirty years into the future to recover another group of teens who were sent to the future but didn't come back. That's all well and good, but their only reason for going was to get Aether Corp to agree to stay out of their lives forever. Once there, their main objective is to get one of the scientists' son back, but like I said, things go wrong. They come back to the present and then want to go back again to rescue Ken and *beep*. Who the heck is Ken? I don't really know Ken or care, and why should they risk their lives for him? Then they also have to rescue some other new character that I didn't care about. I was given no reason to care about why Elena was risking her life and her future.

There is a lot more time travel in Future Threat, and we get to see multiple different futures. But like I said, I wasn't given a reason to care. Elena and everyone had their reasons for going back the first time, but after that, it felt just like a way to keep the time travel aspect going. It does end on a cliffhanger though, and I want to know what comes next!

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My coworker had to go home for something in the middle of the work day. I looked up from my book a little while late and asked him, “Haven’t you gone yet?” Suffice to say, Future Threat is really good and I really, really lost track of time.

In Future Threat, a corporation called Aether, has come back into Elena’s life. They need her and her friends’ help and they’re not asking. After the 3 of them are drugged and locked in the accelerator (aka time machine) Victor Sharp, CEO of Aether, gives them their assignment: find and bring back the members of the Aether’s new time travelling team. They missed their return window and are lost 30 years in the future. Something goes terribly wrong, though. Now Chris is dead and his friends must return to the future again if they want to stop it from happening… if they can figure out what happened.

It’s easy to root for Elena and her teammates. Even as their actions appear to make the future more and more bleak, they keep going back to save their soon-to-be-father friend’s life. And if they can save Chris, they’ll also save his son’s, girlfriend’s, Alex’s and Elena’s futures from serious unpleasantness. Not to mention, you know, maybe significantly improving society.

I haven’t read the prequel, Future Shock, but the author fills you in enough to know what Elena and her friends have been through already. It also helps that Elizabeth Briggs gives readers a rundown of future technologies that Elena came across before.

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If you know me you know my love for all things time travel and parallel life. I’m a sucker for stories where you get to see the future or what life could have been my making a change. To me these two things really go hand in hand. If someone travels into the future they are now creating a parallel life where this happens and that will change things. It is an endless loop of mind games and questions. And the newest book in the Future Shock trilogy, Future Threat, does just that.

Future Threat takes place 6 months after the end of Future Shock. Elena, Adam and Chris are trying to get back to their normal lives after everything that happened to them and what the Aether Corporation have done to them. But getting back to normal is easier said than done. Each of them struggle with what happened and with the memories they can’t forget, especially Elena. Prepared to never think about Aether or time travel again the 3 of them are once again approached by the company needing their help. Reluctantly the 3 of them travel 30 years into the future to help bring back another team of time travelers. While they are there things don’t go as planned and soon they all find themselves fighting to find a way to fix a future that they could lose forever.

I will say that I found Future Threat predictable. Not in a bad way. I mean I knew how it was all going to go down almost immediately, but I still was on the end of my seat trying to figure out if I was actually wrong or not. I was 100% entertained and interested the whole time. Part of that interest was because of all the parallel worlds that were formed because of changes. I honestly couldn’t stop thinking about them and how each choice these teens made in the future would essentially effect not only the past but the future from that past, if that makes sense. I was fascinated by how things changed so easily from visit to visit and was curious what it would all mean to the main couple, Adam and Elena.

Oh Adam and Elena. Elena killed me in this book. She refused to get out of her own way and I wanted to shake her. Actually I wanted to shake Adam too because it was so obvious what she was doing and he ignored it. They definitely frustrated me. But I also really liked there story and how even when they were being weird with each other they still had each other’s back. That is really important to who they are as characters and I was happy that was still the case. I also really liked how they responded differently to things they saw in their futures and wanted to work to make it all happened.

In the end I really liked this installment of the story. I liked where the characters went and how they changed and learned. And I loved the time travel aspect. The end was a little too cliff hangery for my liking, but just all the more reason to look forward to book 3. Final thought…thumbs up.

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Future Threat takes up six months after Future Shock ends. Elena and Adam are together, at least as much as Elena can be with her survivors guilt and PTSD from the results of their last trip into the future. They are trying to get on with their lives after Aether Corp. messed with their future. One day Aether comes calling and asks Elena, Adam and Chris back to run some tests. They end up being drugged and forced to go back into the future to rescue another team that had not come back from their most recent mission. Forced, they strike a bargain. We’ll do this if you’ll leave us alone forever. Little do they know that bargain or not, their lives are in danger and it’s up to them to make sure they all come out of this mission alive.

This novel starts off quickly, and even though it had been quite a few months since I had read Future Shock, I very easily got swept back into this time traveler plot. Elena felt a lot of guilt over her previous teammates not returning to their own time. That guilt messed with her head during this entire novel, and it was overplayed just a touch. Don’t get me wrong, Elena is a strong, very likable character, but I felt that she hadn’t learned anything about trusting people, Adam particularly. I mean, what did he have to do? He already proved himself to her in Future Shock. I would’ve liked to see that relationship had progressed a little more. However, the tension between those two characters was a huge plot point and actually reached its conclusion in this book.

I loved the different glimpses into Elena and Adams future we were given. At one point Elena runs into herself and is told that she had to work really hard for any happiness she had. That lesson resonated, and was a pivotal moment in this book. It’s hard to remember what it was like when I was eighteen, but patience and hard work is not usually a virtue of the young, and Elena didn’t believe in herself, so it was nice the older, future Elena gave her that push in the right direction. I think this may just be a two book series because all of the characters loose ends were tied in a pretty bow. It would be kind of nice to see which future Elena and Adam end up with, so maybe this authors could give us a Future HEA?

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I really wasn't sure if I was going to like this book or not. Reading book one was ok but it wasn't really high on my OMG you have to read this list. It was a mediocre scifi that ended well. Well I am sad to say that I think personally they should have left the story alone. This one picks up six months after the events of book one. Where now our survivors are tossed back into the future to fix things. This time I had issues with our main characters. Elena kept wondering about Adam and Adam kept professing his love for her. It all just because a really weird story. The scifi aspect was there but again on the back burner. I think that after the events of book one these two should have had their crap together. Knowing they could trust each other without a doubt in their minds.

The side characters were also more in the background and we just really don't get to know them like we did with the teens in book one. This really just felt like a mash up of trying to get the right formula so everyone would be ok and alive etc. And it really fell short. I wish this would have been at least up to par with what book one gave us but this one fell far from that bar.

Im sad to say that I will not be continuing this series.

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This book is just as good as the first one! Im very glad I picked up the first book out of curiosity 😀

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I saw this book on NetGalley and thought it sounded unique and interesting. Before reading Future Threat, I got the first book from the library. I read both books in three days and really enjoyed them both. It is a very interesting take on time travel and the ripples that only a few lives can make on the future.

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I really wanted to love Future Threat. I loved the first in this series. It was new, it was unique. It was awesome.

Future Threat was a really intense read, but it fell a little short for me. They had to go back to the future numerous times. I was frustrated with them! I was like, no! don’t do it. I felt like every time they were going to mess something else up. But something that Briggs did that was pretty great was the mystery behind what was happening. I honestly, never would have guessed and I didn’t.

I love these characters. But Elena was driving me nuts lol. Adam is super in love with her, everything about her but she kept pushing and pushing her away. I just wanted to slap some sense into her and different points in the story. Future Threat is an enjoyable read, despite all of that.

Like I said before, Future Threat is intense, it’s nail biting. I couldn’t turn the page quick enough. But I didn’t connect with the story the way I did with the first. Overall, I give this Four Boundless Stars.

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As with many time-travel stories, the back-and-forth of the plot lines was a little confusing at times. Still, I like how the MC remained strong and determined to do what she felt was right throughout all of them. I also like how the many threads were tied up by the end -- I thought it was clever and intriguing how everything was woven together. I think my favorite part was the combination of Elena's fierce independence and vulnerability paired with Adam's sweet love and loyalty.

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