Member Reviews

I thought this book was a cute, enjoyable read. However, the picture book/board book market is huge and this book doesn't really distinguish itself from the rest. I can see a large library system buying a couple copies, but it's not a must-have.

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Before reading this book, I'd never heard of Mildred Lisette Norman, someone very worthy of being talked and read about.

Norman was VERY anti-war and also very determined to spread the message of peace that she changed her name to "Peace Pilgrim" and embarked on a stunning journey on foot from the East Coast to the West Coast to spread peace to any and all who would listen.

She began her first pilgrimage in 1953 at the age of 44, striving towards the path of being a peace activist.

She had lived through WW2 and had opposed the Korean War, the Cold War and the Vietnam war.
She really and truly considered war to be the absolute greatest evil.

I loved the illustrations in this and am very grateful I took the time to read about her.

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This is a story about a women who walked through complete American continent to spread message of peace. She travelled and met varied people and ask them all to come together to do the same. She left whole life of hers and start this journey. She even died while she was one of her such walk.
Well, I really do not understand the concept of these people who rather than doing something useful waste their life in such nonsensical acts. They could have done something on real ground by changing someone's life if not of all or many but instead they chose to waste time that influence no one after them. Legacy is not something to be died along but to be carried further even after them.

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How many miles can a person walk for peace?
Very interesting, I just heard about Peace Pilgrim from reading this book. The pictures are very captivating, and this book introduced me to peace figures that I didn't know before. Salute to Grandma Peace Pilgrim.

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I have never heard the story of the Peace Pilgrim, but what an inspiration she is. She walked across the USA in order to spread her message of peace. A great book for readers both young and old.

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This is one of the main reasons I totally love children’s nonfiction; discovering people, places, and things I had not known of earlier at all! Walking Toward Peace is beautifully illustrated and works wonderfully for its target audience as well as older audiences too. The book tells the story of the woman known as Peace Pilgrim, with emphasis on her pilgrimages across the nation. Her goal was to spread peace. Truly inspirational and impactful. I am reading more about her and amazed I had no idea about her before this book.

Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for the digital review copy of this book.

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Walking toward Peace by Kathleen Krull is a children's book about a real woman who walked across the US seven times between the 1950's and 80's. Calling her brave woman in 2022 and telling her story to children - I'm not really sure! It's an impossible task for children let alone adults in today's day and time to rely on strangers' kindnesses and simply just....walk. Sure, her cause, mission and dedication were admirable and inspiring, but I'm just not sure if this format of the story worked for me (or any children in my life). Some suggested activities at the end for children might have been a great add-on. Annie Bowler's illustrations were fantastic.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. #NetGalley #WalkingtowardPeace

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I am a pilgrim, a wanderer. I shall remain a wanderer until
mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until I am given
shelter and fasting until I am given food.

— Peace Pilgrim

The more I read, the more I realise how limited my knowledge is! I didn't know about Peace Pilgrim before picking up this book. She is such an inspiring, lovely soul who deserves to be heard and acknowledged fior her unique protest.

Thank you so much Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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Walking Toward Peace is a biography of the Peace Pilgrim who walked thousands and thousands of miles to spread the message of peace.

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Walking toward peace tells the story of Peace Pilgrim, a woman who decided to give up everything and just... walk for peace. I honestly had never even heard of her and I feel like this book was a very good introduction to her character and mission. The one thing I did not like that much is that her personality is more told than shown: how was she? what did she think about othe social issues? Peace Pilgrim, according to this book, doesn't really seem like a complex character, but a rather plain one. I also understand that it's a very short story and it's intented to be read by children, so I'm not really going to complain about the depth of the characters, but I just wished it dived a little deeper into her psychology, because I find her life fascinating.

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This was fantastic. I didn't know about her and now I am so glad that Peace Pilgrim has crossed my radar. This is a great book to share with anyone of any age as we all should give peace a chance and remember where we all come from and the power we possess when we know what we want to achieve. This was such a great learning opportunity, but also a great perseverance learning opportunity. I also loved how colorful this was!

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WALKING TOWARD PEACE is a heartwarming and inspiring true story that makes the reader think about how to add good into society. This picture book biography is great for Kindergarten through 2nd or 3rd grade readers. Peace Pilgrim’s story is told with a simple narrative, but utilizes great rare words for younger readers to grow their vocabulary and confronts children with thinking deeper about history and the concept of peace. On top of that, Annie Bowler’s illustrations are beautiful and add to Krull’s words.

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What a beautiful book. The colours and illustrations really made this book a joy to read. This is a lovely book to start a discussion about material things versus what's really important in life. It gets you to think about if we looked back over our life in the future, what have we really achieved? It shows how people's kindness helped her achieve her goal: to promote peace. In terms of using this book in Education, it would be a wonderful resource to use in Geography; mapping all the places she visited. In maths, a discussion could be made around measurements and distance. In Ethics, there are a multitude of lessons to be learned from her selflessness and the kindness of strangers.

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Peace Pilgrim was a dear, sweet, wise woman with an aura of deep compassion. This book helps to spread her very important message of love for all life.
Thanks to Net Gallery for Letting me Read About this Wonderful Lady.

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"Walking Toward Peace" tells the inspiring story of Mildred Lisette Norman (Peace Pilgrim). It's a great little book and a wonderful story for both adults and kids to enjoy.

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Not only did Peace Pilgrim walk for longer than most of the children who will have this story read to them have been alive, but she walked for longer than most of the parent and teacher READERS have been alive. The book is vague on dates and ages, which might have helped illustrate how impressive the journey was. She began her walk at age 44, averaging 25 miles a day, and going for 28 years.

We see Pilgrim age a bit as the book goes on, though it's subtle, given the time range, but I certainly would have liked to see more indicators of era.

Certainly a good choice for anti-war parents, but also a good general book about activism.

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Peace Pilgrim realised in her thirties that she wasn't doing enough for others or herself; her mark on the world would be minimal. Impacted by the events of World War II and inspired to achieve more, she embarked on training herself the relevant skills she'd need so that, aged forty-nine, she could undertake her first pilgrimage- walking across The United States of America. Everywhere she visited, she talked to people about peace and shared her message.

Each page features Bowler's illustrations using a soft colour palette conveying Pilgrim's calm intentions. There are recurring motifs throughout that help to tie the narrative together.

There is a decent amount of text on each page, raising the target audience of the story but all of it is well-placed to aid young readers. It uses a simple tone that clearly explains the life of Pilgrim.

Crucially, however, the book lacks a sufficient explanation of the concept of peace. What does it look like? How is it achieved? What can individuals do to create it? This is important for children as it's critical to understanding the scale of Pilgrim's mission and its significance.

This book and its message would be ideal for use in educational settings as an aid to discussions regarding one's place and role in society and how to consider others. The further information given at the end is useful for parents and teachers wishing to know more. For both of these, it would also make a nice shared read.

The topic and writing style make this ideal for reading to five to ten-year-olds. From the vocabulary used and how much of it is phonetically decodable, a child would be about eight years old to read this independently or with minimal support.

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For twenty-eight years she walked and talked of peace all over the 50 states of the US and even into Canada and Mexico. She had lived through the 1918 influenza, World Wars 1 and 2. At 44 she gave up everything she had, including her name and walked tirelessly to spread the need to cease all wars and became a peace activist and spiritual teacher until her death in an auto accident at age 72. Amazing!
Illustrator Annie Bowler fills the pages with simple artistry which adds to the impact of this woman's biography. All libraries need this book so we can all remember her and her message.
I requested and received a free temporary e-book on Adobe Digital Editions from Flyaway Books via NetGalley. Thank you!

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There once was a woman who decided to give up all her worldly belongings, including her name, to walk the country spreading kindness and friendship. She would become known as Peace Pilgrim. She started her journey in California, walked all the way to the East Coast, and returned only to start all over again. With a beginning goal of twenty-five thousand miles, Peace Pilgrim beat that and went on to walk and spread good cheer for twenty-eight years, meeting and keeping many new friends along the way!

Walking Toward Peace is a beautifully illustrated children's biography that highlights the personal journey of the woman known as Peace Pilgrim, sharing her long treks across the United States. Spreading peace wherever she went, Peace Pilgrim made a big impact on those she met and became friends with many who would go on to follow in her footsteps.

This children's biography features a unique and inspiring woman who found a way to make a difference in the world, travel to new places, and meet tons of new people while doing it. This would be a fantastic addition to anyone looking for more books about peacemakers!

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I had never heard of the Peace Pilgrim until reading "Walking toward Peace". I did some research after reading and I'm amazed at this remarkable woman. I can't imagine being as strong and determined as her. She was working for peace until her final moments in this world and she inspired so many people. I really enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it. I love how this book can teach children to go for their dreams no matter how hard it might seem.

Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book for free. All opinions are my own.

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