Member Reviews

Oh, this was super delightful! I love the voice, the concept, and these five chapters did a wonderful job setting up the spicy romance to come. I can't wait to read the rest!

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I’m new to historical fiction, and I thought this would be a good entry point given that it’s also queer. I was compelled by the story and just HAD to purchase a complete copy to see how the story progresses. I don’t think I’m really built for historical fiction, but this story was interesting, compelling, and, again, queer.
I think the only thing that made it hard to read was the dialogue; I get it’s historical fiction, and i’m not an expert in historical dialogue, but i felt like it shifted between being more modern and historical randomly throughout.

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“The Gentleman’s Book of Vices” is a compelling story which takes place in the 1800s. It’s a queer historical fiction, and has many romcom-like elements.

The storyline and the plot itself is very interesting, and I would love to know how the rest of the story turns out! The characters are interesting and hopefully we will get to know more about their backgrounds later on in the book. It was also a joy to read a more lighthearted historical queer fiction book.

The main constructive feedback I have is the language in some of the dialogues. While the language of the descriptions generally has a more “historic” feel, the dialogues seem almost too modern. Slang such as “man” and “wifey” doesn’t really give off 1800s vibes. Even if those slangs are used in the 1800s, it throws the reader off a bit too much. I understand that the book is supposed to be kind of romcom, but it would be a bit better language-wise if the author stuck to a more consistent style of writing when it comes to descriptions and dialogue. I do however appreciate the humor a lot!

All in all, I think that the book is quite compelling and has a solid plot line going on. Since I’ve only been provided 5 chapters, I can’t comment more than this. I wish the bestest luck for the author with the publishing of this book!

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I truly enjoyed the first 5 chapters and am looking forward to continuing! I purchased a physical copy so I can find out what happens between Miles & Charlie. Thanks for the sneak peek!

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NOTE. The text provided for review was only the first 5 chapters; thus that is what is covered here. Also note I assume you’ve read the provided book blurb before proceeding to reviews.

The setting (timeframe, city, segment of society) was immediately presented, with interesting characters and scenario immediately at the beginning of the book. The initial premise (the inciting incident) was also quickly established.

The two (I presume) main characters and a small group of likely secondaries were well portrayed so we could begin to project how things might progress, and complications which may ensue. (I assume the author will prove us wrong, and surprise us with different plot turns, as the beginning was well written and therefore I assume it won’t be all that predictable).

The two main characters were given plenty of plausible backstory and we can sympathize with their challenges to live their lives with a degree of authenticity in spite of the social mores – and laws – in their time and place. They are clearly presented as decent people who don’t want to cause unnecessary harm to others despite the social strictures. They are also drawn as intelligent and quick on their feet, mentally.

That’s as far as I got. Well-characterized, well-written, draws the reader into their challenges . . . . I assume it continues at least as well as it began, or improves. I can’t give it 5 stars without reading the whole book, but I give it a solid 4 stars.

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This is just a preview, so my overall feelings about the book could be different…. But wow did this start quickly. Immediately, readers are thrown into this historical setting with little to no description. From there, it is very dialogue heavy, so I felt like I couldn’t get a full read on the scene. While I’ve heard about this book a few times and love historical fiction romances, this might not be the one for me. It’s too fast-paced and leaves a lot of gaps in the narrative for me.

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This is going to be great! I was immediately engaged by the story and the characters and I am so looking forward to reading the rest of the book.

Compelling start, intriguing story line, engaging characters. Can't wait to read the rest.

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I received a copy of this sneak peek through Netgalley. This is my honest review.

This book starts out running. We are immediately treated to a Victorian (?) bar scene with drag queens and rooms you can rent by the hour, which is all well and good, but considering the fact that a person could be arrested for engaging in sodomy, I wonder how the bar was not the scene of constant raids. Like did they not know what went on there? Or were they paid off to leave it alone? I got no answers to those questions from the brief glimpse I got, and I doubt I'd get the answers by reading the whole book because I'm pretty sure that's not the real focus of the story, but where I'm still working on wrapping my mind around the reality of life for gay men back then, I have questions!

We are quickly informed that Charlie is marrying a beard, and his relationship with Alma is one I really want to see more of, honestly. Is he marrying her for the wrong reasons? By today's standards an emphatic yes. But dude picked a woman who seems to be terrorized by her mother as never being good enough for anything, and she's just so beat down by that, and from what little I saw, it seems like all he wants to do is literally whatever he can that will make Alma smile. He had a whole ass cake tasting before those were fashionable because he knew it would make Alma happy. I know their relationship isn't going to be the primary focus of this book, but I'm still here for it because a part of me wants both relationships to happen for Alma's sake.

There is so much I can imagine happening in this book, and at the moment that's all I can do because I do not own a copy of it at this time. But there's a lot more I'd love to see from these characters so this is a book I will definitely be keeping in mind for future reading when I'm not trying to dig myself out of a Netgalley hole.

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I'd heard good things about this, but I'm thankful for this short chapter preview to confirm that this book is not for me and that I would not enjoy the full thing. The writing style is a bit too crass for my tastes, and I can see why others would like the humor, but it unfortunately isn't for me.

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I enjoyed the sample very much. Fun characters with a secret author and an admiring fan. Off the wall story. Who could ask for more?

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The preview of The Gentleman’s Book of Vices was entertaining and daring. I think Jess Everlee has created a unique love story featuring two gents at a time when this behavior was not accepted. I find Charlie to be great good fun. I’m intrigued to read the entire book. Thank you for this five chapter preview. Much like the wedding cakes in the story, this book sampler was tasty.

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The writing here moves you along at a nice clip. The pace is pleasantly fast. However, there are points when you know you're deliberately not being given all the background (Jo) and if a gap from the first chapter isn't filled in during the first five, my guess is that it's not going to be in this book.

I personally found Miles an appealing and sympathetic character, but Charlie was harder like, as he seemed self-centered. Charlie mentioning that he "duped" Alma was disappointing, as they could have been described as arriving at their situation by mutual agreement.

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omg this was amazing!! love the character development, i am very intrigued by the setting and plot!!

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I am obsessed okay. This is so so good!!
A forbidden, secret, grumpyXsunshine book set in a historical era... I can't even... just so so perfect. I need the rest of the book asap.
Generic appreciation aside, this book is literally giving us a romance between an aristocrat and a man who writes some really spicy books on the down low...
Recipe for perfection, executed brilliantly. Kudos to the writer!

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The Gentleman's Book of Vices - PREVIEW
Read Chapters 1-5!
by Jess Everlee

Five chapters was enough to introduce the main characters and give a hint of what might happen as the book progresses. We meet Charlie in a pub-men’s club catering to those with proclivities a bit different from the mainstream. A name is given to Charlie that will allow him to collect an autograph he desires to have written in a rather lusty novel. Next is the meet-cute between Charlie and author, Miles. And finally, a scene with the bride-to-be, her mother, Charlie, cakes and wines to taste, and an unexpected showing of Miles at the event. I have no idea how the story but was intrigued by the setting, characters, and wondering what would happen after chapter five.

Thank you to NetGalley and Carina Adores for the ARC Preview – This is my honest review.

4 Stars

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While I only had an amuse-bouche of the first five chapters, my appetite is certainly whetted for the whole dinner. A little steamy, a little funny, a little wistful - these opening chapters had it all. I can already tell Charlie and Miles are two protagonists who are going to run away with my heart. Jess Everlee's writing easily transports the reader to late Victorian London and immerses them in this tale. I can't wait to get my hands on the full work!

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I genuinely cannot wait to read the rest of this novel. As a lover of historical romance, there is not nearly enough queer fiction in the genre. The first five chapters have me hooked as I made an instant connection to these witty, charming characters. If this preview is any indication, this is going to be a marvelous read.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this fun preview!

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I didn’t expect to like this preview much as I’m not really into stories that are set back to previous times, but I really enjoyed it! The book started strong and the plot right off the bat instead of trying to set the scene for chapters on end. I think the plot is super interesting and something I never thought I’d read, but I will definitely be reading this as soon as it comes out!

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After reading just an excerpt of this story, I realized it wasn't for me. Not that the writing was poor or the storyline was foul, but it just wasn't my cup of tea! I am not necessarily a fan of historical fiction type of stories, so that combined with the romance was just outta left field and not in my normal wheelhouse of stories I would pick up. It was a great beginning of a story for those who like that sort of genre, and if I did, I'm sure I would have LOVED the story tremendously, but I just didn't. The story starts out in a club of sorts, but not a club in today's traditional sense. This was a speakeasy sort of club for gentlemen, and the way the protagonist described his "catch" or who he was perusing was a bit off-putting, as though people were just play things for him. Had there been more to the story, it might have led into something, but I'm not 100% sure on this! So, while this was a mega turn off for me personally, it didn't distract me from the storyline itself. The story progressed with the gentleman with a few vices, including some spicy scenes. I can only imagine how much more spicy the story gets as it progresses from here. Not a top of my list book, but I'm sure it will be a wonderful one at that!

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Well, the first five chapters were a blast! Witty, nice prose, intriguing plot, unique setting (what a delightful queer side of London!), Charlie is such a charming character, I love them being a bit jaded, a bit vulnerable, yet cheerfully sarcastic; meanwhile Miles seems to be the grumpy one in this sunshine x grumpy pairing. And chapter 5: after this cake tasting scene I am in a dire need of a cake ASAP preferably with a company of rough sommelier writing some serious smut!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange of honest review.

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