Member Reviews

Better as a wen series than as a book, but a good compilation nonetheless.

A quick, fun read with some great illustrations. This is the perfect book to read in one sitting. A very interesting collection of break-ups, some of which shocked me and others made me laugh.

The illustrations were very cute and the breakup stories made me laugh. It's always good to know you aren't the only one who's had a bad relationship or breakup!

This is a collection of break-up stories, submitted by people who really experienced the break-ups, interspersed with cartoons by the author inspired by those stories. In some cases, the break-up story didn't really seem to merit inclusion, and in some cases the cartoon didn't seem to merit inclusion. There's potential here, but the book was pretty short and there was still a lot that could have been cut.

This book is a collection of funny break up stories told by various people. There are some absolutely hilarious ones, but there are also ones that I didn't find all that funny.
It is a good book to just relax and get some laughs. You can basically start from anywhere and won't miss out anything. You can also skip any story that didn't appeal to you.
All in all, funny little book that won't take much of your time.

A shortish book billed as a graphic book of humor. And, it's true that the font is comic sans (or some such other "funny" font), but otherwise, it's just a collection of crappy breakup stories with very few illustrations and the illustrations that there are are very minimal. Ultimately, these are mostly just mean stories and not very funny at all.

I am going to be honest, I requested this book only because of the title without knowing anything about it.
Best decision ever.
This book is a recollection of ugly break-up stories and definitely worth reading. I recommended it to some friends and one of them actually read it and loved it.
My conclusion: some crappy people can make a great book.
Kuddos to Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell for this piece!

I've read lists online similar to this book, so I was expecting something funny. a) The stories included in this book were mostly sad, and b) the drawings that went with them weren't funny. I read half the book and left it. Some of the stories were entertaining, but most were just awful. People really are terrible.

Although some of these snippets made me giggle, the fast majority barely cracked a smile. Illustrations were good though.

Published 10th Jan. 2017 by Animal Media Group LLC with illustrations by Hilary Campbell, this collection of simply illustrated awful break-up stories will make you wince and hopefully smile some. The author/illustrator's stated purpose (after declaring that people are straight up generally terrible) was that by sharing stories we share experiences and lessen the sadness and hopefully share some humor. The stories run the complete gamut from first grade playground dumpage to full on live-in-partner horribleness. There were many of these that made me groan out loud.
It's a simple and short book, full of shared misery. I can definitely see this as being a good 'Ben&Jerry's + friends TV binge watching + book' after a good friend gets dumped (and you knew the boyfriend was a complete idiot all along).
Three stars for art and concept. Definitely worth a look.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.

I love the title for this book. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, But You Could’ve Done Better instantly grabs you. Now, not knowing anything about the book beforehand I had my own ideas of what it would be about and let’s just say that it was nothing like my mind wanted it to be. I was, however, able to quickly move on from what I made up and latch on to what it is actually about.
Breaking Up Is Hard is a series of collected stories about breakups. Pretty evident as it is in the title. These are real stories that people have shared with Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell. Campbell has then made an illustration to accompany each story.
Here’s the thing… You don’t need any of the illustrations. I feel bad saying that, but it’s true. After about twenty stories I stopped looking at the art for a while. Later after realizing that the art was what I was supposed to be reviewing I went back and looked at it all again.
The art does capture the entire story in one image. I will say that Campbell does an incredible job of doing that as this ranges from easy to capture to quite difficult and abstract. The problem I had with it, is that all of the art is displayed after the fact because you need the context of the story to understand what you’re looking at. By then, you’ve already read the story though which is the most interesting part so seeing art after the fact is just that, after the fact.
Campbell’s style is also very simple and clean. There’s never a lot of detail, and it’s all pretty unattractive artwork. Listen, I look at comic books for a living, and so I see a lot of art, and I enjoy a range of styles and abilities, but Breaking Up is not a style I enjoyed once while reading it and re-reading it. Aside from the quality of the art itself, there was the coloring. The style picked was whole colors and what I can only imagine is some kind of computer paint program. If it were painted by hand, then it would drive me crazy that so much time was spent on it. The color never touches the edge of the art giving it a strange look. Thicker line work could have improved this, but it looked like an intentional choice and one that was ultimately distracting to look at over and over. That and a lot of the color schemes were just poorly picked and unpleasant to the eye.
The stories are interesting because it’s a bit like reading submitted tales in Reader’s Digest. You’re getting a voyeuristic look into someone’s life, and we’re all suckers for that. That’s what kept me reading, and that’s likely why everyone picking this up will continue reading. Sadly, the art doesn’t add anything to this book and ends up feeling more like filler than substance.

I expected this book to be funny and insightful at times, but got relatively normal, boring break up stories.

I never thought I'd enjoy the stupidty of other people's reason when it comes to breaking up. This is a fun light read book for those who needs a quick read or just read an emotionally draining novel. It's light, it's funny, and it's amusing. Plus there is a cool illustration that points out the highlight of each short stories.

This book is a short story collection of break up horror stories with illustrations. It was a quick read and while there were some funny stories, there were quite a few that shouldn't have made the cut. They were either too short, were sad/disturbing, or lacked substance. It's a very clever idea and was expecting a something that would make me laugh, but it fell short for me.

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do... But You Could've Done Better is a graphic novel full of break up stories with little cute cartoons. These stories are from high school kids to adults.
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do... But You Could've Done Better is such a funny, hilarious and amazing book. I really enjoyed reading all those break up stories and if there's going to be a part 2, I'll definitely read it! Some stories were so weird, like who would break up by saying that Jesus showed him that his girlfriend is a whore. Like, what?? And others were really sad.
Hilary Campbell is by the way amazing! She had an amazing dedication:
“To that one dude, for being such an inspirational dick.”
You go girl! I cannot wait to read more written by Hilary Campbell and highly recommend Breaking Up Is Hard To Do... But You Could've Done Better if you're looking for an easy and funny read!

This book masterfully reframes break ups in a way that turns heartbreak into laughter. It's totally relatable and fun to read!

I have been on a comic kick lately. I have been craving a good, funny comic. This looked like it was exactly what I needed. It sounded like it would be depressing, dark, and a laugh riot. I looked forward to the art since the author/artist was described as being pretty fantastic.
I did not enjoy this book. There were hardly any illustrations. It was just break up stories. It could have been a click bait article off Buzzfeed or a million other sites that are always on a Facebook feed. I read the book in less than twenty minutes and I laughed maybe twice. I am the type of person that gets told I laugh too much on a regular basis. I literally will cry from laughter over a dog dreaming and kicking. I chuckled.
I was just really let down. I wanted to love this book, but it it didn’t live up to any expectations I had. If there were more drawings or something to make it different than a click bait article, then I could rate it higher. As it stands, I feel like I wasted twenty minutes reading it.

You could have done better. A little more time in editing could be a huge benefit. The premise of this book sounded really entertaining. It fell short of the mark, in my opinion. I think it has the bones for a fun story, but isn't quite there yet. There were some cute stories, and even some horrific stories that could have been great if fleshed out more. But so many missed the mark. Each snippet seemed more like the outline of a chapter.

This book is a great read on different ways people have been dumped which I thought was hilarious and sometimes a bit sad for the dumpee . The drawings on each page add an extra sad depth to the article and really finishes the book off.

Some cute, short narratives about the ways that various relationships ended (badly). The stories are accompanied by brief, one-panel comics - sometimes very relevant and amusing, other times not so much. A good coffee-table sort of book for anyone who's recently been through a heartbreak and needs a laugh.