Member Reviews

This is a really cute book with good stories and a funny picture to go with each one. I don't think someone who has just broken up with someone would want to read bad breakup stories, but I've never really broken up with anyone. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the time I spent reading this book, even if it is a short read due to the pictures accompanying each story. Would I buy it with actual money?

I kept thinking of scenarios where this would be an appropriate gift for anyone I knew, and even if they had just been broken up with they could just go on the whisper app for these kind of confessions. Or tumblr. Instagram, even.

The only thing making this book different from the free content on the internet are the pictures that go along with each story. So what it comes down to is this: Is the art in this book worth thirteen dollars?

My answer is: no, perhaps not. But if it becomes available on kindle to buy for a few dollars, it'd be worth a buy.

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Stories about how people broke up or were broken up with, obviously not edited, with the author including drawings to punctuate the story. That’s it. It’s like one of those Facebook links that take you to Reddit or some such.
The funniest parts were before and after the main event, like the dedication: “To that one dude, for being such an inspirational dick.” And in the blurbs, “Oh my god, you have a book!” – Hilary’s Mom.
But does she really? Other than some drawings that only highlighted the story—without adding anything original—this was all stuff sent to her. But even the stories weren’t that great. The author states in the forward that she drew a doodle in response to her own breakup, and it made her laugh and feel better; great thought, but I didn’t find much that was funny here. Sure, there were a few laughable instances, but most were either sad or simply mean.

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This book is really entertaining to read! It's not a laugh out loud or hilarious, but it's really entertaining reading other's people experience! I also really like the illustrations, so simple yet perfectly captures the story related to it.

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Thanks, NetGalley for sharing this title.
So. This book.
It falls into that limbo of this-is-the-absolutely-right-book for someone else. That someone just wasn't me.That being said, I think it could be fabulously cathartic for that person who is, right now in a gut-wrenching breakup. They would have a great time laughing at what stinkers exes can be. It's good to know you're not alone.

Hilary Campbell collected a TON of stories about dirtbag breakups, and drew cute/funny cartoons to go with them...she did a really good job, it's just going to have that limited appeal due to the "this is where I am right now" factor.

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I had an early morning bus journey and wanted something super light to read. The stories themselves range between hilarious to merely tragic and some of them made my stomach curl in embarrassment and shame. We all have a bad breakup story and the collaborative nature of the book is good- different perspectives and stories, from the simple two line deal to longer paragraphs. The images do add a little joy to the stories but don't really interpret much or add to the humour of the stories themselves.

This was worth a half hour of reading time and I did get some enjoyment from it, but I wouldn't recommend it too heavily- it's funny, but it's very short and reads more like a series of one liners than anything else. On the whole it reminded me of the 'embarrassing letters' section of magazines I read when I was a teenager.

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This book is strangely hilarious. I love that these are all true stories, I love the artwork that goes with each story and I love that this book has made me realise that not everything is as bad as it seems at the time. I fell in love with this book right away and I'm actually going to go buy my own copy now because I love it so much.

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I really enjoyed this collection of break-up stories and comics inspired by them. It's an easy-read, it's enjoyable, and there are a lot of laugh-out-loud moments.
The artwork featured is simple but oh-so cute, and I really loved the handwritten style font used throughout, it made it feel really realistic.
This was a perfect read for a lazy Sunday afternoon. If you're looking for the next graphic novel, or for a breath of fresh air in your reading format, give this one a shot.

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Hilarious but I recommended changing the format of the first letter to not be after the pictures. I constantly missed it and wondered where each story began and ended.

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This was definitely fun! I really appreciated being able to feel so connected to other people through their embarrassment and heartache and amusement. I'd definitely recommend this to my friends!

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THe formatting for the electronic copy was horrendous. The stories/art mediocre. Did not interest me even though I usually love those kind of stories.

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If you want a fun little dose of schadenfreude, this is the graphic novel for you. Less graphic novel and more "true confessions" about the worst breakups with playful artwork to emphasize each story. Another super-quick read, with plenty of "glad that wasn't me" giggles along the way.

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I enjoyed this book. It's so relatable and led me to reminense about the past as we all have terrible/funny break up stories. This book starts off saying the stories are made possible because people are terrible, which is such an accurate statement. Really enjoyed this quick read, would recommend.

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Actual rating: 2.5 stars.

This was okay. I needed a few laughs about break up's right now and although I did chuckle a bit, the stories didn't have me in stitches or cringing as I hoped they would. Does that make me a bad person? I don't wish a bad break up on anyone but I just really needed the humor and didn't get a whole lot of that, unfortunately.

Not sure if it's just odd formatting on my tablet but I struggled to distinguish one story from the next. There were no titles and they just blurred into each other. I also found that the first letter was on a different line to the rest of the text, which made reading a touch uncomfortable.

The illustrations weren't that funny either, sadley, so although it was a bit funny, it fell ultimately flat for me. One story's illustration was inaccurate with the actual story, like it wasn't read properly before being drawn up. In saying that, it was a quick read, so I don't feel like I've wasted my time.

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I read through this book in about 30 minutes after finishing an essay in class and was waiting for everyone else to finish.

It was enjoyable enough, a short, pretty funny read.

The illustrations are well done and the funniest part of the book.

But several of the submissions feel flat, or were too similar to be repetitively funny. Others were very funny, but with the writing styles and lengths inconsistent, and all the stories being straight, probably unedited submissions from others, it felt like you should get more from a book you buy.

It was pretty funny, and I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the best.

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Short, funny, sad, and entertaining. I can relate to this book and that's why I like it. If you’ve just been dumped, read this book. It will make you laugh a little bit.

Thank you to Netgalley for opportunity to read this book.

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Cute, not much to it though. I'd definitely consider adding a lot more stories.

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This book was hilarious! I truly enjoyed it. Most of us at one time or another experience a break-up. This book has the stories of some of the worst or funniest ways to break up with someone. The pictures were cute, too. This was a fast read, and fun to read. Just read it!

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Short but very funny book on breakups. Who can't relate at sometime or another. If you want some tips(Ha) or just want to relate to others in the same situation, this book is for you. Great little book!

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

Haha, absolutely brilliant book of breaking up stories. Short ones, longer ones, and all couples with illustrations. Recommended!

(Almost) everyone has been through it, breaking up. Some of the break ups go well, and some... well, I would say read this book. I had a great time reading this one. With some I was nodding along, I knew the feeling of the person. And some break ups... well, it was a bit hard to believe some really happened. Some were quite a bit messed up. Poor people who had to go through this.:(
But most of them were just hilarious to read, I even read a few out loud to my boyfriend who also was laughing at the silliness.

Yes, break ups are painful, but the author really did a great job to make them more fun, and hilarious, to alleviate the pain.

I loved that the break up stories varied in size. Some were short, just a few sentences, but some took a few pages! I am not sure if I would have enjoyed the book the same way had all the stories been long. And some stories just work better as short.

Then added with the break up stories we also have illustrations. Each of them was great and made me laugh even harder. The illustrations are a bit simple, but I didn't mind that at all. It fitted with the book perfectly.

Plus points go to the title!

So, all in all, I would recommend this one, and I hope that the author will be bringing out more of these books. I will definitely read them if she does!

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