Member Reviews

If you've ever broken up with someone then this is the book for you! The hilarious (and sometimes cringy) stories are paired with hand drawn pictures relating to the story. I honestly wasn't to sure if I'd like this one but once I got started I flew through it. I really wanted to read more terrible stories and see more drawings. I'm really hoping there will be more books like this in the future, they're great! I would recommend this book if you like to read cringy breakup stories, this will be right up your alley!

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This is a very quick and easy read, I finished it in around 20 minutes - if you need something swift for a lunch break or before bed then this might be for you. It is worth noting that on Kindle the graphics/drawings sometimes appear somewhat randomly and break up the story (I do not know if this will happen on devices other than the Kindle).

Less than 20% of the way in and two of the stories have (negatively) referred to someone's weight, this is really disappointing to me. While I am aware that they are candid stories that were written by real people I think this unecessary level of fat/body shaming in any form of media is damaging and should have been edited out/removed.

An interesting concept but unfortunately it fell in to the classic trope of men who break up with women are d*cks but women who break up with men are crazy, there was a clear difference between the two "types" of break up and added to the body shaming mentioned above do not work well with me.

However, I will end this review with a line from the introduction that I can relate to completely, "but in the meantime at least there is always more toast."

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Overall it is hilarious. Some of the stories in the first few pages are funny but then I get bored. I like the illustration. It is cute

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This his book was hilarious and surprisingly, made me feel better. To me, this is a weird kind of self-help book. It was a light read, the stores were funny but overall I was surprised to see how relationships can go wrong, with so many people.
I don't know why but I feel good and relieved after reading this. The book comes with bite-sized real-life breakup stories accompanied by cartoons. The cartoons are the fun part. Thanks to the writer for writing this book. Really lucky to receive the arc from NetGalley.

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It was a fun and easy read, with a bunch of stories that made me giggle a bit.
It isn't a book I will ever read again, but it was enjoyable.

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'Breaking Up is Hard To Do...But You Could've Done Better' by Hilary Campbell is a collection of terrible breakup stories that some illustrations have been added to.

Breaking up is never easy, and things can go really wrong. This collection tells stories of how wrong it can go sometimes. Break ups where a Game Boy is thrown at someone, or someone is dumped but then dates a very similar girl are thankfully not common, but bad things do happen to people during breakups.

This book is darkly humorous, and the stories are so bizarre. Perhaps there is comfort in numbers, so having something like this to read at a bad time might help the reader feel better. The illustrations are cute and help to show sometimes how weird things can look or sound.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Animal Media Group and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

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I received this arc from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

In this book, Hilary Campbell documents and illustrates various anonymous breakups. While some are poignant, most are humorous. Some stories are a few sentences, while others are over a page. Considering readers will find joy in the suprise of the stories, I won’t elaborate on any of the tales, but the Harry Potter breakup was my favorite.
My only complaint is that I wish the book was longer, since I greatly enjoyed the stories and illustrations.
I recommend this book to anyone looking for a quick laugh.

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I found the stories to be really interesting and would have read a longer book of break up stories. I didn't particularly find the illustrations brought a lot to the stories but I did not think they were a distraction and they were pretty good. It was a quick, fun read.

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I loved the idea and set up of this book. I swung back and forth to funny and OMG what the heck? The art was good but ill-placed. It didn't fit in some places. While some parts were chuckle-worthy some were cringe-worthy.

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I am a big fan of overheard stories that are being shared on social media platforms and I was not disappointed by this book. It is a very light read to take your mind of whatever is keeping you busy and I read it at one sitting. The drawings accompanying the stories were mildly funny but not the highlight to be honest, I read this book solely for the stories.

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Most of the stories were funny and I loved the pictures at the end (it made it 2x funnier) but some of the material was average and could have been much more humorous if that was the author’s intention. Also, I thought the stories could have been a bit more organized in the order they came in.

Thanks Netgalley and publishers for allowing me to read for a review.

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Super entertaining read. A collection of break up stories sent in from a bunch of different people anonymously, and Hilary Campbell drew comics to illustrate each story which in my opinion was the best part. I chuckled quite a bit. Some stories brought back memories of personal experiences and some stories I was left thinking WTF!

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Received a digital ARC of this book via NetGalley.

A quick read that I thought would be funny. There were a few that tickled me. I’m so glad that I never had to experience any break-ups like these people.

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Was shocked how short this book was. I was done in literally 30 min from start to finish. This was just OK. This is a collection of anonymously submitted break up stories that were. Some were recent, in others people remembered break ups from when they were 8 or in middle school. The stories did not make me laugh. I was mostly rolling my eyes at either how badly a story was written or at the ridiculous situations and relationships that people put themselves into. Drawings were nice, but they were way too obvious. I wanted a little more from both the stories and the drawings.

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This book was great!! For anyone that has ever been dumped or dumped someone else in a ridiculous way, you need to read this book.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Cute, simple, funny, a very quick read. I enjoyed the hour I spent reading it, but I felt like it could have gone further with different styles of drawings and narratives.

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Disclaimer: I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

We read break up stories and they make us sad but this one is the opposite. I do not know whether is this because the stories are really funny or the situation is so absurd that laughing is the only thing you can do. The doodles were connected to the stories and make the, more humorous and light. The weird break up stories will make you think that people really are horrible sometimes. Some of the stories will make you shake your head and will make you ask, "What?!?" (yep, like the minion meme).

I read the book in an hour. I received the e-book in a Kindle format and it's not formatted yet as it was published. The title is fitting because the stories told and illustrated could have been handled better. I like that the book is unique in a sense. Also, the published stories are not restricted to heterosexual relationships but there are LGBT+ stories, as well.

All in all, I like the book. I recommend it to people who would like a few laughs at the absurdity of some break up stories, who would like to cheer themselves up after a disastrous break up and would like to feel that they are not alone.

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This is a really funny collection of short breakup stories, and I liked it a lot. A breakup is generally painful, sad, and sometimes a mess, whether you’re dumping someone or you’re the one being dumped by your (now ex-)significant other, but the author manages to make you laugh all the way through her book, starting with the dedication, in which she writes :

To that one dude, for being such an inspirational dick.

From « the guy who throws his gameboy at his ex when she dumps him » to « the one that demands she give him back the underwear he got her as a gift », all 100 pages of breakup drama have their own cute little illustration, and even though some of those don’t add a lot to the story in itself, they do add to the humor in the harsher breakups.

All those stories come from different people, which explains the slightly different tones between the various texts, but the drawings serve a double purpose here, and help the author give to this collection a feeling of consistency.

A critic could be made that the premise of the book is a pretty simple one, and that it doesn’t require much effort (or time) to read it, but if you’re looking for something light and fun to read on a sad, rainy day, this is the book you want !

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I was drawn to this book because of the concept of emotions and the catharsis of drawing and writing is extremely relatable. I was looking into adding this book for our graphic medicine collection to reflect mental health and relationships through the medium of comics and graphic novels. I was drawn in right from the introduction as Hilary shared a bit of herself with the reader. Each of the stories were either entertaining or sad but otherwise didn't inspire me to want to read more. Even though this is a book that features stories from multiple people, you wouldn't know it by looking at all. All the stories are in the same font and all the drawings look like they are done in the same juvenile doodle style. There would be better flow if each story had distinguishing physical characteristics to set them apart from the others. This is just a collection of break-up stories...and I think it can do better.

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With colorful, funny and cute drawings we have "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do... But Yo Could've Done Better."

Who haven't went through that bad break up you don't even want to talk about, or those horrible ones that while not funny on that moment, as the time passes you see the fun and the slightly better perspective you have now. This is what we have with this book. People's break up stories, from how they broke up or tried to break up with their significant others (from back in middle school to college and adult life) and how they were dumped. Mixed with art from Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell!

Nicely done and a easy read.

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