Member Reviews

Love this collection of illustrated break-up stories. Be prepared to feel some schadenfreude and remember your own less-than-ideal break-ups.

A really funny and somewhat bittersweet collection of break up stories. Points of view of both those who have done the breaking up and those who have been broken up with. It´s a quick read but definitely entertaining. I definitely enjoyed it.

First of all, I do think that it's kind of misleading to label this as a graphic novel or comic book. There are comics, but they're more like illustrations to accompany the stories. The comics are cute, and do add to the book, but the appeal comes from the stories themselves, while the comics are an accompaniment.
This book was fairly simple, but it did what it set out to do. I enjoyed reading the stories of breakups (mostly not very good ones), submitted by regular people. Some were funny, some made me cringe, and some were relatable. It's a quick read and enjoyable for anyone looking for something light and funny.
Something I appreciated was that when people were featured in the comics, there was diversity in terms of the racial and sexual identities represented. This should not be a big deal, but oftentimes artists (especially white artists) default to only representing straight white folks, so the diversity was refreshing. However, I did notice that in a few stories where the man was in the wrong or even flat-out violent, the man depicted in the comics was drawn as a black man; I'm assuming that this was unintentional, but it gave me pause to realize that in the stories where the man was the aggressor, the illustration was that of a man of color, especially since men of color are often stereotyped as violent and sexually/physically aggressive. I'm assuming it was not the author's intention to play into that stereotype, but that is another facet to consider when intentionally including diversity in your art; you not only need to make sure you represent folks from different backgrounds, but also need to consider how you are representing them and if it plays into any harmful stereotypes.

The book is like tiny anecdotes of breakup stories. While some are funny and hilarious some just didn't need to be there. The book is almost weird to me because it could have easily been a series of tweets. The illustrations too were lacking in creativity. I'm sure there was massive effort put into this book, but it did nothing for me.
The stories are like little snippets of life only they are slightly boring.
I got this book from NetGallery in exchange for a free review!

This was a truly hilarious description of the myriad of incredible ways people have broken off their relationships. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope there is a second volume coming. Well done indeed, Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell. Highly recommended.
My thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for my honest review.

I like the idea but it was overall underwhelming. Boring stories or stories that don't feel that new. It's probably a funny book to get someone that is having a hard breakup but other than that I don't see much purpose.

This was a light-hearted funny read, easy to read in one go! I did enjoy the cartoons and doodles as well. There were some stories that I was kind of meh about, and there is some fat/slut-shaming, but I do understand that these are public submissions and it was interesting to see these different stories from different perspectives. Overall it was still quite a nice read and it's perfect for when you're in the mood for an easy humorous book.

@NetGalley #partner
Thanks to #NetGalley for the review copy of Breaking Up Is Hard To Do.... All opinions are my own.
This book was a fun collection of break up stories. Some of them were pretty off the wall and made me laugh. Others were shocking. Almost every story got a reaction out of me.
This is a good book if you're looking for something quick and humorous. It's almost like reading something out of a magazine.
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It’s rare when I pick up books for their titles but this one’s lucky to be in that list. I picked this up expecting gut-clutching funny stories and while it didn’t completely disappoint, it didn’t fully meet my expectations. The biggest asset of this book are the illustrations accompanying the incidenta. They’re a mixture of sarcastic, realistic, and honest take on the stories that these once-heart-broken people have recounted.
This is a laid-back non-fictional collection that comprises of different personalities using different ways to break up with someone. And like any non-fiction compilation, some stories might resonate with someone while some would be absolutely eye-roll worthy. Which is the reason I gave it the mid-rating. It has a great opening line, by the way--"To that one dude, for being such an inspirational dick."
So while I wouldn’t strongly recommend this, I would definitely recommend trying this book. It’s a short read so you won’t be investing a lot of precious time and if you’re in a bad mood (particularly after a break up or after being dumped) this can be just the mood spinner!

This graphic novel slash anecdote collection is in no way a breathtaking or ground-shaking read. It's an entertaining collection of breakup stories, which we all know can be a horrible affair, but with a humorous twist. The stories are accompanied by little sketches and drawings portraying the awkward or "no he didn't!"-moments of the breakups. Author Campbell herself found the action of seeing a sad situation in a funny/sarcastic light cathartic and made this collection to relieve some of the pain of other heartbroken people out there. Like I said, I didn't find this extraordinary in any way but it's an entertaining read and some of these breakup situations were unbelievable, I mean, there was a girl who got a Gameboy thrown in her face (what?!) and another who was dumped for not being latino (come again?!). If you're looking for a quick and quirky read in between books or to cure a reading slump, go for it!
Thank you NetGalley for providing a copy of this title!

You ever read those articles on Facebook that are like "10 People Describe BLANK SITUATION"
This is like that, but with some pretty cool art work.
It's always interesting to read things like silly reasons one person broke up with another over.

This is a light, laugh-inducing read about other peoples breakups. The snippets will make you laugh, and the illustrations will make you smile. The only drawback I can see that the compilation isn't long enough (I read through this in less than 10 minutes).

Meh. I thought the concept was interesting and was looking forward to having some fun with break up stories... but it was all just meh. Some of the stories were crazy, but nothing made me laugh, or even smile, while reading them. It was all just sad and bothersome tales. I guess I was just looking for either some chicken soup level of meaning, or more fun, funny, laugh out loud art and stories. My expectation may have let me down, but again, the best word I have for it all is meh.

It is quite fun reading composed of different types of breakups. It didn't take so long to read the whole book. It is a perfect book for such moments when you are in a book slump, or got out of a relationship within a few months. If you are looking for something light and to cheer you up, this book is good for you!

Believe me. This brought a smile to my face, as much as it made me reassess how I am as a person in love. Once in a while, we face a situation like this, and this books talks about the topic in the most creative way possible. It's a fun read!

Unfortunately I wasn't terribly impressed by this collection. I really wanted to like it, but many of the stories were just too short - I'd have preferred a follow-up of some sort to a lot of them.
The illustrations were well done, but offered nothing new to the story. However, this was more the fault of mistaken expectations rather than anything else. I'd somehow gotten the impression that they'd be comic strip representations of the stories told, which wasn't the case at all. They complimented the story but couldn't stand on their own.
Not a bad book, but not one I'm all that likely to reread either.

I feel like this is not the book for a happily married person to read LOL. But I definitely would have enjoyed it in my undergrad days when I was going through some breakups - and it was a little nice to see one of my experiences represented here (I'm not alone! Why are guys so awful??)
My bigger issue with the book, though, was that I was expecting a graphic novel - I was expecting the breakups to be fully fleshed out in cartoon form, not stories on one page with a very basic illustration on the next. I felt like the stories told it all, and the illustrations added nothing to the point. I just was expecting the cartoons to tell the whole story.
Also, there were a few continuity errors - for instance, the story about the dad driving the boyfriend to a visit, and having to drive him back home after the breakup clearly says it was the (now ex-) boyfriend who wrecked the car, but the illustration said it was the dad. In other instances the cartoons may have said "him" instead of "her" (perhaps nitpicky, but glaring).

Very graphical and original. The author turns find out the funny and the bright side of this hard subject.

I received a free digital copy of this book from Netgalley for an honest review.
Some of the stories were amusing, while some were absolutely awful. Maybe I misunderstood what it was supposed to be? Or maybe I was expecting too much from the book.
There wasn't much space between stories so there were points when one story started and I hadn't realized it was separate so it didn't make sense. The comics placed with the stories were okay. Overall, it was an alright book.

This was incredibly real and enjoyable to read. Break ups can be some of the worst experiences of someone’s life. This book gives a take on the most light hearted and heart breaking break ups, in short summaries. I loved reading this.