Member Reviews

A good presentation of upcoming titles to get ready to read. The choices were varied but still limited to more popular titiles.

Buzz Books are always a great way to get a sneak peak into what I can expect that year from publishers - most notably the romance list! I love to see what I have to look forward to.

Love this collection. It's been a while since i got a buzz book monthly and when i saw this on my shelf it brought back beautiful memories. Thank you

I can't really review this as it's a review of books coming out. I love reading romance and I'm excited about the ones coming out soon.

This was a fun look at upcoming books. I’m definitely now interested in purchasing these books. It’s very nice to get a preview of authors you have not previously read.

What a great teaser for SO SO many new books coming soon! Several excerpts also included a link to be able to download the full galley on NetGalley. What a treat!!

I never have anything bad to say about these books because it gives you a sneak peek into upcoming releases. There is always a good mix of authors being featured along with release dates. Being able to read excepts definitely gives it another element because there have been books I wasn't sure about buying and then having those few chapters ended up selling me on the book.
I love these because most of the time I discover a book coming out that I didn't know about at first or some hidden gems. It's a great resource to keep you updated on upcoming books.

I always look forward to viewing forthcoming titles because the thrill and anticipation are such a rush. New books are a huge part of my life and I appreciate being able to read and review advance reader copies. It is a privilege to read books and share my love of them with others.

You get the chance to read the excerpts of books that you might never find yourself. Showcases new and established authors & is a great way to find new authors in various romance genres;

a good way to see what is coming... this was my first experience with this type of presentation... thank you for the opportunity.

Mainly got this for the sneak peak of Shelley Laurenston's book,but lots of good excerpts. A great way to check out upcoming books and see if you connect with a writer's style.

I didn't enjoy the excerpts in this installment as much as the 2017 excerpts.
Things to specifically mention:
1. Time Bridge: Cassie by Annie Becker (ONE star)
I don't like Cassie as a person. What waitress decides to record a customer's conversation just because they think the conversation is interesting? It is a moral offense as well as illegal to record someone without their knowledge. I just can't like her after that.
2. Tempt Me With Diamonds by Jane Feather (FOUR stars)
This books seems like a title I would normally pick up. I love me a good historical marriage of convenience and the reasons for it were interesting and the writing was good.
3. Intercepted by Alexa Martin (FOUR stars)
Sports romances aren't really my thing, but the writing in this one was good and drew me in and made me wonder how things were going to play out in this apparent love triangle.
4. Their Perfect Melody by Priscilla Olieras (FIVE stars)
I don't know what it was about these two characters, but I loved them together in just one chapter. Victims advocate Lili Fernandez and police officer Diego Reyes have different ideas of how to help victims, and it causes sparks of challenge between each other from the start. Planning on picking this title up and hoping to witness them find a common ground to help victims together.
5. The Rancher by Kate Pearce (FOUR stars)
I get the impression that this isn't the first book in the series (considering other couples mentioned), but I liked the characters and writing style. (I was right. I looked it up, it's book 6.) If I eventually pick up this book though it will likely be if I read the first 5 books in the series first (I'm just like that)
6. Say You're Sorry by Kate Rose (FOUR stars)
I read another Kate Rose excerpt in the previous installment of this title and all I can say is, "Why haven't I read one of her books yet?? Her writing style draws you in, the story is compelling, and I want to know what happens! I plan on picking up some of her books for sure now.
All other excerpts were average at best and I gave them individually 2-3 stars.

So many great books to add to my TBR! I love these previews. It's a great way to get introduced to the new books that will be coming out soon!

Great way to get a glimpse of author’s writing style. I got this because I love all books by Karen Rose.

Very usefull to discover blurbs and excerpts from authors I may not buy only from descriptions or quotations.
Has a Judith McNaught exercpt I rushed for !

I didn't think this needed a review. But, to be honest, upon opening it, it was not what I expected.

This was a great way to sample books and get a taste of some new romances out there! With these Buzz Books you get to read a few chapters of an up and coming book to see if it sparks your interest. It is a great way to get exposure to books that you may not have read otherwise.

I really enjoy all the Buzz Book releases because I believe it opens me up to new titles and authors that I might not have looked at. This Buzz Book focuses on Romances, from historical to contemporary with all sorts of genres (superhero, cowboy, mystery, fantasy, etc).
There are fourteen excerpts from a variety of authors/publishers so there's a good chance that at least one book will grab your fancy. Also included is a publishing preview that lists some other books coming out with some short descriptions.

I loved reading about all theses upcoming novels. I like how it is all out together to take the guesswork out is things.

This book taught me what I like about contemporary romance and what I didn't. Because I wasn't expecting excerpts, it also taught me to read a blurb better before requesting a book.