Member Reviews

It was a quick, quick, read, I'll give it that. The information was interesting, but the writing a little stiff.....

Short and sweet - this book gives an easy to understand description of a meditation which, it cliams, can help you to lose weight.
I'm not so sure about the weightloss benefits, but it IS a nice wee meditation, thoroughly explained, with a nice little introduction.
3 stars
Thank you to netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review #netgalley #eatrestgetthin

Fascinating book about how to use rest and meditation to lose weight. My only real complaint is that the description of the way the meditation is supposed to feel in one's body is there, but there is insufficient instructions about how to get your body to start vibrating in the way described.

This title had a compilation of information I'd seen in other places, but enjoyed seeing again. I have patrons who request titles dealing not only with weight loss, but with holistic approaches. I found this title to be sound and will be recommending it to many.

In this very quick read, a psychiatrist shares some insights he was given on a trip to Nepal that he states will help with weight loss, sleep, and energy. He provides a very simple meditation technique that he says monks there used to help them lose weight after teaching in the West. The author also states this simple meditation helps clear the mind (helping depression) as well as aid sleep. He goes on to explain why he thinks this works from a more Western perspective. He also spends some time talking about the aura and other ways to raise and unblock energy besides the meditation he recommends.
While not much is given in the way of true research, the idea for the main meditation is so straightforward that there's no harm in giving it a try. As I have issues with sleep as well, I might be giving this a try!

The most positive thing I can say about this book is that it's short. Meditation is indeed beneficial for many things but the claims made in this book are unsubstantiated and in most part unbelievable. Used in conjunction with other healthy practices, meditation can make a positive contribution to weight loss. The book would be far more palatable if this was acknowledged and built upon. As it stands, the book is misleading and I wouldn't recommend it.

This is a short, simple, concise book about a way to let go of excess weight using an ancient vibrational meditation technique. I have not tried it yet but I will. For me, the book would have been better if it included a link to an guided meditation that talked me slowly thru the process as just from the directions alone, I am not sure I can do it.
Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I had heard about the many benefits of meditation, but had not investigated much.. This provided detailed information on WHAT to concentrate on above and beyond the traditional meditation. The book is a little light on research and proof if that is important to you, but I can see where it makes sense. I am more than willing to try these out for a time and see if it helps with any of the conditions it lists. A nice easy read, with a lot of potential to help people out.