Member Reviews

I don’t think I can find any more adjectives to describe Kendig’s writing. It’s an adrenaline-packed joy to read her intricate plots with a whisper of romance.

This story brings into focus Leif Metcalfe, younger brother of Canyon (whom we met in Wolfsbane), and Iskra, an enigma. Both are written with such depth and heart; I knew I would fall in love with these characters, but even a week after finishing the book, I still find myself thinking of them—something that doesn’t happen to me often—and anxious for the next installment. Adding to the story of an ancient book is a series of storms wreaking havoc, skimming alongside reality in a way that truly only Kendig can do, and a curious mystery effecting the hero himself.

Added bonus: I had to Google “Book of Wars,” the central artifact of this series because I didn’t remember reading about it in the Bible. But sure enough, there it is in Numbers 21:14-15. How Kendig is able to surround a series around an obscure book mentioned in only one very short passage speaks to her incredible talent.

Again, seriously, you NEED to read this book. If you’ve never read a Kendig novel before, GET THEE TO THE BOOKSTORE! I’ve read every single one of her books, and will continue to do so until she no longer pens another word (and she better not stop, or I’ll die).

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.

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This book was amazing, and I cannot wait to read the next one. I will admit that this is not my usual genre for reading, so it always takes me a few chapters to get used to some of the military lingo, but once you get into them, Ronie Kendig's books are hard to put down. Kendig is a masterful story weaver.

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I loved reading Storm Rising

Mentioned in the pages of the Septuagint but lost to history, the Book of the Wars has resurfaced, and its pages hold secrets--and dangers--never before seen on earth.

Tasked with capturing the ancient text, former Navy SEAL Leif Metcalfe is finally given command of his own team. But their best efforts are ruined when a notorious Bulgarian operative known as "Viorica" snatches the volume right out from under them.

Iskra "Viorica" Todorova is determined to use the book to secure the thing that matters most--freedom. But a series of strange storms erupt around the globe and the coming dangers foretold in the text threaten crops, lives--entire nations. Though both are haunted by secrets of the past and neither trusts the other, Leif and Iskra must form an uneasy alliance to thwart impending disaster. However, the truth hidden in two-
thousand-year-old words could unleash the storm of their own destruction.

The characters were well-crafted and the book was hard to put down. Looking forward to reading more by this author.

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This is an incredible adrenaline rush inducing book!

I think that there are equal parts Action/Adventure and Military Thriller packed into this wonderful story. I was completely sucked into it from the very beginning. The cast of characters are great. The author did an awesome job of developing them and making these hard core people vulnerable and easy to connect with.

The plot of the story had my heart pounding multiple times. I was terrified that some of my favorite characters wouldn’t survive the dangerous situations that they sent into. The level of details that were given as to how they proceeded and reacted were fantastic. I can’t wait to read the rest of this series. Our heroes aren’t out of danger yet.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher, through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All of the opinions expressed are my own.

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Ronie Kendig's books are billed as "Rapid Fire Fiction," and Storm Rising fits that bill to a tee!

The ancient text, The Book of the Wars, has been a rumor for centuries, so when former Navy SEAL Leif "Runt" Metcalfe is tasked with retrieving it, he thinks he's chasing a fable. When he arrives at the location he's given, he discovers that someone else has narrowly beat him to it. Finding out that the other operative is none other than Viorika, a Bulgarian with seemingly no conscience, Runt sets his sights on capturing her.

Iskra "Viorika" Teodorova is essentially a slave. Her owner punishes disobedience by raping and torturing her. She sees her latest mission as a way to finally gain her freedom, but her captor maintains his control by holding a child captive unless she complies. Can the American help her, or is her only way out somewhere else? Can she save herself, and Basara?

I listened to this one through audio books, and I could almost see it happening. Scary, scary stuff here, but completely believable. The first half of this book is one escape-by-the-skin-of-their-teeth after another. Even what seems to be safety isn't safe. Honestly, I had to listen in short bursts because it was that intense!

As always, Ronie Kendig delivers a high energy, explosive action story that will keep readers flying through the pages. Her military knowledge is amazing to me, and I definitely recommend (pretty much everything she writes!)

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DNF. This is one I was excited about due to all the 5-star reviews from reviewers I respect and trust. Sadly, I found it boring, rambling, and way too many characters that I honestly could not keep track of. This was my first Ronie Kendig book so maybe it would help reading some of the other books that feature some of these characters. Was hoping this was a series to sink my teeth into but unfortunately was not the case.

I received this book free from Netgalley and publisher Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.

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When you take Robert Langdon, add Captain America (and maybe a bit of Wolverine), include a bit of Stargate (minus the gods) get a Storm. Seriously, this book has it all: action, adventure, historical intrigue, a touch of romance, and a dynamic between its two main heroes that just makes you wish you were a part of the team! Ronie Kendig ups her ante with every new release, and this one is no different. A must read for your summer!

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WOW! WOW! WOW! I actually thought I had reviewed this incredible story before but apparently I didn't? Suffice it to say I LOVED this book. First, if you have not read The Tox Files I would highly suggest reading that series first. Some of the characters from The Tox Files are integral parts of Storm Rising. I LOVED Storm Rising! Leif Metcalfe, returns and is leading his own team. He was selected to lead this team due to his specific set of skills. Skills he doesn't even understand. Skills he is going to need to get the Book of Wars and keep his team safe. And of course, he and his team are not the only ones after the book. Multiple players are looking for it in this potentially deadly game. And the most deadly one? An assassin known for her black soul.
Storm Rising kept me engaged and thoroughly engrossed for the entire read! Ronie Kendig does it again, providing a story that draws you in and leaves you wanting more. So many threads of various characters histories and intentions are pulled causing you to keep reading because you "have to know". Did I already mention I am really ready for book 2?

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Nail-biting suspense, drama, and heroism all rolled into one. What else can you expect when you combine assassins, super soldiers, and imminent threat to the world?
Lief and Iskra complement each other, but they're also so volitale the reader had no lack of suspense. Just when you think they might finally make headway and trust each other, a major storm blows them apart.
Ronie Kendig created a host of characters who are raw, vulnerable, and achingly realistic.
There are some violent moments in the story. Nothing that made me stop reading, but Iskra has been tormented and forced into this life and will fight to the death for freedom. I loved the overreaching impact Lief has on her and the way they unwittingly for together as a team.
Can't wait to read the next book as this one does end on a small cliffhanger, but many objectives were resolved and the level of detail and attention given to the story is phenomenal.
I received a cope of this book from the publisher via netgalley. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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Yes! I’m here for this.

Storm Rising starts a new series for Ronie Kendig, The Book of the Wars, and delivers everything I hoped to find when picking up one of her books. Thrilling suspense and ancient artifacts, superb team dynamics and touches of romance, intensity, creativity, and on-the-edge-of-your-seat drama—it’s everything.

I’m even more of a Kendig fan now. I cannot wait to catch up with Leif and the team again in Kings Falling. In the meantime, I highly recommend Storm Rising—it’s a story to experience.

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Excellent start to a new series. Intense and action packed, Storm Rising was an exciting, heart-pounding, non-stop thrill ride that never slowed down. It's Kendig at her finest. The action starts right at the beginning and doesn't let up. Another great book by Ronie Kendig

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Wow. Ronie Kendig is an amazing author *claps*.
I'm just so shocked at the amount of skill she has to weave such a beautiful story of adventure, love, and faith.
So, so good.
Ronie hooks you from the very first page and doesn't let you go. You'll be reading this in one sitting (hehe I know I did)
The book does touch on some sensitive subjects, yet Ronie does an amazing job portraying them without giving much detail.
The characters were also so good! They had a great growth throughout the book, and the ending was satisfying but at the same time left you with a major book hangover 😂😭❤️.
Plot-wise, perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect.
This is my first Navy book, and I must say, I loved it so much.
Will, I read the next in the series? Oh yes. 100%. Storm Rising really exceeded my expectations.

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This was a very interesting read. Fast paced, full of adventure, mystery, suspense…

I haven’t read from Ronie Kendig before and she had me on the edge of my seat!

Iskra’s character is complex. I loved how this character was developed, and her motivation for finding the Book of Wars was more than it seemed.

You’ll feel frustrated with Iskra, feel compassion for Iskra, you’ll probably want Leif to run from Iskra… and then you’ll want Leif to save Iskra. Before or after Iskra fights Leif or is it before/after she saves him? I’m still not sure what I think, so I guess I’ll have to see where book two takes them. I still don’t trust Iskra, no doubt Leif doesn’t either.

I think what I loved the most about Ronie’s writing in this book was her descriptions. I could really see the scenes, feel the action & tension. Ronie really has a way of painting a picture with her words. For this reason alone I would read more of her books.

This story will leave you wondering what book 2 holds. I give Storm Rising a 4.5. Be sure to pick up this book for yourself or your action loving book reading loved one!

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Good start to a series. Took me a while to get into it just cause it seemed slow to start (not action wise). There were a lot of characters thrown at you at the very beginning and it was hard to keep them all straight or feel connected with them. Once I was halfway through tho, I was hooked. Can’t wait to read the next one in the series

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I totally enjoyed this intense, complex suspense. My rating 4.5.

Navy SEAL Leif is trying to recoup from team losses and memory losses when he is put in charge of a new team, full of old friends. Each team member brings the best of covert skills to the mission which is to locate and retrieve the mysterious Book of Wars. The team isn’t the only one after the book as at least two other players are a step ahead.

Just as Leif closes in on the book it is snatched from his hands by a notorious female operative, known as Viorica. Viorica, who is Iskra, has been directed by her ‘master/handler’ to bring the book to him. She is determined to get the book to trade for her freedom and something more.

Leif knows he shouldn’t trust this ruthless woman, but he sees something deep in her eyes that draws out a protective streak. Iskra doesn’t trust anyone but herself. But as Leif and Iskra face off several times, she begins to wonder if she can trust him and his team to win her freedom. Neither is quite sure of their footing when they are forced together by outside circumstances.

There are strange storms interfering in the team’s actions and Iskra can shed some light on that. She also has more information about the book which she is reluctant to share. It is clear they have some joint enemies to face if they want to protect many from a devious attempt to control nations.

I really enjoy the complex characters and situations that Kendig creates. The characters are deep, intense and flawed. The other team members have relationship dynamics going on which are probably part of future stories. The situations are fast-paced and tense. I like that the intense action doesn't require any bad language. The plot has a Christian foundation involved with the Book of Wars and is gently reflected in comments of faith from some of the characters. The plot may include fictional missions, but it reveals interesting covert tools that make me wonder what tools are real and in use by governments and individuals (very wealthy individuals).

My only (repeated) complaint with Ms. Kendig’s work is she tends to use multiple names for her characters: first name, last name, and a nickname or code name. I haven’t figured out the pattern for use if there is one. Sometimes it causes me to pause to make sure I have the right person in the right situation. Other than that, I enjoy the suspense ride even when the story finishes at a point that leaves issues open for the next book. I recommend this to readers who like intense romantic suspense.

Source: 2019 NetGalley.

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This is book one in the Book of Wars series. You will want to read this book for sure before you read any more in the series. Ronie Kendig does an amazing job at keeping you interested in her books, her books are not what I would call an easy or light read. You will need to pay attention and at times you will still be a little lost. Kendig keeps you wanting more, if you love a cliff hanger and books were one must be read first then the next one to get the full story then you will love her books. They are full of suspense, action, mystery, loyalty, friendships, some romance, military and so much more. I look forward to book two. I loved the camaraderie between the team, the humor (superheroes) and mystery.

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It starts with suspense, but then the multiple characters confused me, especially because some had more than one name or nickname. Once I got them all straight, I enjoyed it more. There's no doubt this is one of the most suspenseful plots I've read all year with a lot of advanced technology and pursuits that had me squirming to the end. If I hadn't the need to be flipping back pages to check out names, I'd have given this five stars. But it totally is at least a 4+.

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Wow. I knew I wanted to read Leif's story, but Kendig managed to put it on a whole other level. In the start of an exhilarating new series, my attention was captured from the start and never let up throughout the whole book. Not even for a second. Jam packed with action, readers will not be able to tear themselves away from the story. It's intense, thrilling, scary, and yes even swoony. Leif is my favorite character from Kendig, ever. There's just something about him, even with his missing memories, that make him so attractive. **sigh**

Let's talk about Iskra for a moment. What a cool character. Okay yes, her circumstances are horrendous. In fact, I cannot even imagine having to go through all the stuff she has been through in her life. But even in that she was able to fight. She held her head high and kept going. And y'all, she can pack quite a punch! She doesn't even allow you to feel pity for her - she just wants you on her side. Throughout the book you see little moments of vulnerability, and those are the times I liked best. For both her and Leif.

Ronie Kendig has been on my radar for quite awhile now, and rightly so. How she is able to get so much energy inside of her books just boggles my mind. There are some things in this book that hint to what's ahead for this series and I can honestly say that I cannot wait to see what's next. I know it's going to be more danger, more action, and more swoony moments that are sure to bring a smile to this reader's face!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Wow, wow and wow.! What to say about this book? Well-written by a superb author; exciting; great characters; just can’t turn pages fast enough. Readers who love the Christian suspense genre will LOVE this book.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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The past and future are entirely intertwined....

I've never read a Ronie Kendig book before. There, I said it. Don't shoot me. I'm not exactly sure why I hadn't read one. I mean, I've heard a lot of good stuff about them. But, for some reason I just didn't. Until now. I have no clue why Storm Rising was the one to catch my attention, but, it did.

I went into Storm Rising not knowing what to expect. I mean, I did know that Ronie Kendig did several series about elite military types but that was it. What a got was an international thriller with apocalyptic repercussions that was slightly reminiscent of a Ted Dekker book.

While I can't say that I'm a diehard fan I can say that I will be looking forward to reading the next installment in The Book Of The Wars series. I found the idea behind the story, a book with the outcomes of past and future wars, to be quite fascinating. And, I'm curious where the search for said book will take our band of heroes....will Leif and Iskra finally find what they are each searching for...?

(I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)

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