Member Reviews

How is this the first book I've read by Ronie Kendig?!?! I have a couple of her books on my kindle and I've read a ton of good reviews for her books but somehow I just haven't connected and read one myself. I'm so glad I have now rectified that mistake! And now that I've been introduced to the world of Ronie Kendig, I'm never going back. How happy that I have so many books to look forward to. 😃

This book! Fast paced, action packed, full on, from beginning to end. Sometimes a girl just needs to sit on the edge of her seat for a whole book, you know? I really loved the alternating points of view so I really got to know the inner workings of both main characters. It helped me connect and feel the passion behind their decisions- for better or for worse.

I have to say that for the first third of the book I had a hard time with all the characters introduced. It was hard to keep them straight and remember who was who. There were SO many characters! Eventually I caught on though and they became more familiar to me. It's so much easier to fall into a book when you don't have to constantly think about who is who.

There is so much going on in this book plot wise. Yes, there is this overarching story about the "book" and the storms, but there are also smaller mysteries going on with different characters. It definitely kept my mind spinning and thinking! This is the beginning of a series and this book did not have much resolution. A little tiny bit. Now I am left waiting and wondering until the next book comes out. It kind of makes me glad that I can go back to past books and read through them all without waiting. The perk of coming in late to the game, I guess. Waiting is so hard.

Content: violence, death, peril, abuse, mention of repeat rapes with no details. Kissing.

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This is the first book in a new series by Ronie Kendig and boy was it a page turner. I'm not usually one to read military thrillers, but Ronie Kendig is a master at writing this genre in a way that keeps me captivated until the very end. There is a large cast of diverse character's, that were a tad difficult to keep straight at first, but all unique and interesting. This is an adrenaline laced, suspense filled, intense thriller. A MUST READ... Honestly. There is so much that I loved about this book and I am eagerly waiting for the next in this series to come out.

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If you are looking for a fast paced read full of interesting characters then this is one you will want in your "To Be Read" pile. This new Series is about a team trying to locate The Book of Wars. Yes, I did have to look it up in the Bible! In Numbers 21:14 it talks about a book of war of the Lord.

I had a hard time putting this book down! It's one of those books that you just can't stop thinking about when you aren't reading it because it is that interesting and good! Enjoy!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley on behalf of the Publisher and was under no obligation to post a favorable review.

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Kendig has done it again! As the first book in her new series “The Book of Wars”, Storm Rising seta the pace for a new adventure featuring some beloved characters. All I can say is hang on because it is going to be a wild ride.

As usual the characters in Storm Rising are real and gritty. They work hard, play hard and love hard. Their emotions come across as believable , lending credibility and authenticity to them and the storyline.

I respect and appreciate how Ms. Kendig is not afraid to add in topics that are usually avoided or skimmed over in other Christian books.

Leif and Iskra are some of my favorite characters (right up their with Tox and Haven) and I can not wait to see where this series takes them. However my favorite character of this book and who I really felt for was Mercy. I am loving her character and also can wait to see where she goes and how she grows as a character in the future.

I can hardly wait for book two and the continuation of the story! So many questions I still need answers too and things that need resolution!

I was given a copy of this book by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.

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Ronie Kendig is back and better than ever with her first book in her newest series. Storm Rising is amazing. It is, quite literally, a storm rising and the readers need to hang on for the turbulence it’s going to cause.

Blended with the perfect amount of thrilling suspense, Leif Metcalfe gets his story, as he has to lead his team on a wild roller coaster ride of finding a piece of history….all before it falls into the wrong hands for good. Along the way, Leif learns to lean on people and his faith is tested. Add to the story, a touch of romance for Leif and Iskra (let me tell you, she is my favorite character and I absolutely loved her interactions with Leif!).

This book is filled with so much action, so much love, so much hope and intrigue. It is one for my keeper shelf for sure. If you want a wonderfully written novel filled with characters that will make you feel all the emotions you could possibly feel, then grab this perfectly chiseled 4 star worthy novel from the master of Military Romantic Suspense novels.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

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Look out world, because Leif Metcalfe and a BRAND NEW Ronie Kendig team of ultra-awesome heroes just hit the scene!

When you read something as spell-binding and utterly fascinating as the Tox Files, you have to wonder if the “sequel series” will live up to its predecessor...

And while I can’t help but stick with Tox as my fave (because TOX!!), Storm Rising is a magnificent powerhouse of a book that totally drew me in and became a MUST-HAVE for 2019...

Let me tell you why...

The CHARACTERS, y’all!

After meeting Leif in the Tox Files, I could NOT wait to read more about this fascinating character! And while Leif maintains some of his characteristic snarky humor (can I say that I laughed waaay to hard at some of those jokes!? 😂), I appreciated a more “mature” Leif navigating a wild world and coming into his own as the leader of a new team of world-savers!

Also, the interactions between him and Iskra “Viorica” were wild and enthralling—both characters are powerhouses and breathtaking to follow!

Iskra was a unique character—really! In a world with so many cookie-cutter MC’s, I feel like her background, skills, and mindset were something new and powerful in this story. Iskra is a broken individual with some serious trust issues and a world of anguish and struggle to overcome, but maybe freedom for her isn’t completely impossible after all...

The themes, characters, scenes, and mystery in this incredible story all combine to create a thrilling ride—one that sticks with you and demands attention! One that demands you read the next book immediately!! Because there is still so much to discover in this new world that Leif, Iskra, and the team find themselves wading into.

And while I could continue to tell you all the incredible parts of this mega-enthralling story, I will stop here with one simple note of advice...

READ STORM RISING!!’re welcome! 😉

There are definitely some more mature, real-life scenarios mentioned in this book, including assault, rape, etc...
I also found that in this book the author tended to give the characters some more “realistic characteristics.” I.E. there are multiple almost-curses and some slightly more crude speech than most CF
The characters are warriors and assasins, so violence is also a key part throughout the story.
Also, as I noted another reviewer mentioned, please do remember that this is a fictional work, and keep that in mind as the author uses creative license with historical and Biblical artifacts throughout both the Tox Files, and into this series.

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Simply excellent! I have been a Kendig fan for a long time and have read most of her books, but this one is up there as a favorite for sure!

I enjoyed her last series immensely and was curious what direction she would take with this new series. I am so glad it is similar to the Tox Files and yet very different too. I love Leif and who he is as a character! Certain things about him (without spoilers) make me like him even more! But I think he is a great next leading man! Despite the fact we miss Tox, Leif is just right for this series!

I also really liked the scope and creativity of the plot, locations, and team! There were a few times when the team (which encompasses many characters) got a little muddy for me, but you can see the necessity for each member and I can’t wait to see what they get up to next!!!

If you enjoy suspense with a military vibe to it - and don’t forget the romance- you’re gong to love this new series! There is some violence, but it fits within the story and is not described with gory detail. The writing is excellent (as always) and the plot will keep you turning pages late into the night!


I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher but was under no obligation to post a review. I do so of my own desire and the opinions expressed here are my own.

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Storm Rising is my first book by Kendig and what a book it is. From the first page it is packed with breath taking action. I could never do justice to this thrilling military novel with my review. It is so filled with suspense and the characters are so intense……Looking for an ancient book that no one is sure exists, but it must for so many are willing to risk their lives to obtain it. What is in this ancient book that so many are willing to kill for it? Rumored to be A Book Of Wars from the same era as the Old Testament book of Numbers. There is so much in this book, suspense, unnatural storms, lots of high tech, loyalty among team members, espionage, brutality and of course romance……….I received a copy of this book from the publisher and voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and comments are my honest opinion

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Ronie Kendig has been an author I have wanted to try for a very long time. My hubby has enjoyed several books by her as well as a lot of my reader friends. So I was extremely excited to finally read one of her books! This book started off with a bang and didn't let up throughout. It is a thrill ride from start to finish! Ronie's writing style was good and I enjoyed the banter and lighter moments in the book. The book was a little heavy for my tastes and the body count got to me. That being said, I will continue in this series because I do want to know what happens next, and I intend to check out some of her earlier books-especially the A Breed Apart series which looks awesome!

I received this book from the publisher and was not required to post a positive review. All thoughts are my own.

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This is the first book of Ronie Kendig's that I have read. I felt a little lost at first like I was missing parts of the story. In reading other reviews they state that this book has characters from other series. That may have helped during the first part of the story but it did not stop me from getting engaged and following along well later.

This book had many elements that I enjoy. I enjoy a good action/adventure. This book had that and more. I loved the biblical day references and the fictional "Book of Wars". There was romance, super-soldiers, assassins, and redemption. This will not be the last book of the author's that I read.

This book pulled me in and kept me reading. I wanted to see how it would play out. Would Leif be able to pull his team through a stormy sea, tread through a minefield, or save the day and the child?

I received a complimentary copy of the book. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. This book does contain violence. It is set during a war, a war between good and evil.

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I’ve compared Ronie Kendig’s style and stories to fav movies (like Act of Valor and the A-Team). Storm Rising gets a little more Bourne and Indiana Jones-esque, with some other globe-trotting spy stuff thrown in! Fans of paramilitary thrillers and suspense will love this introduction to a series and in the modern world where history influences current events more than the characters anticipate.

For Leif’s whole team, the stakes are high and the adrenaline-laced action sequences are plenty. Just when you think Leif and the team are getting a break, a twist or adversary comes out of nowhere to change the game. A light humor and typical snarky banter are still present, just as I hoped. Along with a tiny start of a romantic relationship in the pauses of the gunfire and chase scenes. 🙂

Fans of Kendig’s recent “Tox Files” series will delight over familiar faces. We readers get a “look behind the curtain” to just what drives Leif, and it’s eye-opening. His dichotomous strength and fallibility, along with his skillset, combine to make him one heroic and enigmatic character.

And Iskra (the operative)! What a mystery, still, after “the end”. I really had fun reading the unfolding of her character, what motivates her and the secrets she was keeping. This thrill ride is just the start, I think, of the epic and mind-bending mission in store for this gang!

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy. This is my honest review.

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Claimed to contain invaluable secrets, the Book of Wars vanished to history, but intel indicates it has reemerged and some will stop at nothing to recover the ancient text. With a past that nearly cost him his career, not to mention his life, former Navy SEAL, Leif Metcalfe, finally leads his own team. Their first mission — retrieve the coveted book before it falls into the wrong hands. Determined to prove he isn’t a washed-out asset, Leif embraces the task only to have it fail when a Bulgarian operative, “Viorica,” steals the book before his very eyes.

Iskra “Viorica” Todorova pursues one goal — freedom — and the Book of Wars just might be the way to achieve it. When storms break out across the globe, threatening thousands of lives, Iskra discovers that the centuries-old book sits at the center of a greater plot. An unexpected twist of events forces Iskra to form a tentative alliance with Leif, but old habits die hard and trust has never come easy.

The first installment in Ronie Kendig’s new series lands with a resounding boom. Jason Bourne meets Splinter Cell meets my second favorite NCIS episode (Corporal Punishment) in Storm Rising, making it an instant hit in my book.

Delivering some of her strongest writing yet, Kendig crafted settings that rose as vividly as the storm-induced waves. The crackling electricity, the rain-soaked earth, and the jagged cliffs toyed so deeply with my senses that I could have stood in the middle of them and the effect would have been the same.

The author infuses the characters with the perfect balance of brokenness and strength, ensuring that readers root for them even as they make wrong choices and at times appear the villain. Iskra’s past is not for the faint of heart.

Without hesitation, I strongly recommend Storm Rising to military suspense fans. The Book of Wars is well on its way to surpassing The Tox Files for me. (Though Ram will forever hold my heart!) While book one comes to a satisfying close, readers should be aware that this series contains an overarching thread and questions that will be answered in future installments.

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Storm Rising
by Ronie Kendig

Bethany House

Bethany House Publishers


Pub Date 02 Jul 2019

I am reviewing a copy Storm Rising through Bethany House Publishers and Netgalley:

The Book of the wars was mentioned in the pages of the Septuagit But was lost to history. But the Book of the Wars has resurfaced its pages hold secrets and dangers never before seen on eart.

Leif Metcalfe is a former Navy Seal who has been given the task to capture the ancient text. Leif has finally been given command of his own team. Their best efforts are thwarted when a notorious Bulgarian Operative Known as Viorica snatches the volume right out from under them.

Iskra Todorova aka “Viorica” is determined to use the book to secure the thing that matters most--freedom. A series of strange storms foretold in the book threaten crops and lives worldwide leaving Iskra having form an uneasy alliance to thwart impending disaster. However, the truth hidden in two-
thousand-year-old text could unleash the storm causing their destruction.

If you are looking for a powerful action packed novel I’d highly recommend Storm Rising!

Five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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I have so many thoughts for this book! And then my mind is blank trying to figure out what to say about it. I’ve been a fan of Ronie Kendig’s books for years - she actually is the first to really get me hooked on military novels - and was so stoked for this book! I’ve yet to be disappointed by any of her books and this one is certainly not the exception. I was on the proverbial edge of my seat the entire story and only put it down under duress (otherwise known as work) or sleep deprivation.
As always, Ms. Kendig kept the suspense and action going from beginning to end. I often felt as though I was there with the team, racing against the “bad guys” and the clock. I loved getting to know this newly formed team of characters, though some of them are familiar from previous stories. I so enjoyed the banter and general aggravation they use to nudge one another along, as well as Leif’s jokes! I tend to try not to play favorites with a group of characters like this one, but there are definitely had a couple that I couldn’t resist. Like the one with a thing for superhero references . . . . One of my favorite things about all of Kendig’s books is how she’s able to switch the story around from several different perspectives without my getting lost or the story losing momentum. I find it allows me to get to know more of the team than just the two or three characters that tend to have the leading roles in the story.
I also loved the historical aspects of the book and am now immensely curious about the Book of Wars, because I’m nerdy like that. I appreciate that this story isn’t just one military op after another, but rather there’s a couple different mysteries going on as well, which I’m hoping will continue to be pursued in the next book. Speaking of, the cliffhanger here definitely has me incredibly impatient for “Kings Falling”! Which means I’ll probably just be rereading all of Ms. Kendig’s books until March 2020, when it’s slated to hit stores.
Overall, I would highly recommend this book if you enjoy edge of your seat suspense with some Tomb-Raider-meets-Indiana-Jones-and-probably-some-other-analogy-that-better-suits antiquity action.

*My thanks to the author and publisher for my copy of this book! I was not required to write a review, positive or otherwise, and have not been compensated for it in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This book has everything you need: mystery, action, a hint of the fantastic, and romance all rolled up in a suspense that will keep you up late into the night. I love when I can relate with the main characters and this book makes them feel like friends. Ronie Kendig uses the good and the flawed aspects of the characters personalities to make the book that much more believable and enjoyable. Loved the character development, both individually and inter-relational. The action is a heart pounding ride through the entire book, leaving you wanting more. I can't wait for the next book, I need more of the story! I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.

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While this book was fast paced and interesting, I have to admit to feeling a little lost when Leif puts together his team, since I haven't read many of Ronie's other books. Not knowing the history of his team (now Leif) puts the reader at a severe disadvantage. This book is also the first in the series, so be prepared that the story isn't concluded, but is set up for the next one. That said, I thought that the premise was interesting and I enjoyed the pace of the action. Leif has a hidden past, missing 6 months that even he can't remember, which may be tied to the bigger picture. Iskra is a complex character who wants nothing more than to be free from the evil that has controlled her life. I look forward to reading the rest of the series!
I received this book from Bethany House. This is my honest review and is in no way influenced by receiving a complimentary copy.

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*CAUTION: May contain some spoilers (very mild)*

Genre : Christian Fiction/suspense/Action/Romance
My rating: 4.5 stars!
Language: Clean (however, there is the use of "bull". Personally, I do not find it a swear word, but I know some do)
Age Range: 16+
Content: There is talk of sexual activities and insinuations (mild-medium). Which is why I would say maybe 16 years on up. There is some heavy stuff there. There is some talk of rape and abuse, which for some who are sensitive to those things, should be aware of.
Favorite Character: Leaf!! Oh yeah, the main character all the way. I also like Mercy, because she is a Marvel Nerd, and I'm a Marvel Nerd, so I connected well to her :).

I love it! This was a little different from the Tox Files (which I adore!), but this is still a fascinating book. Great start to a new series and I'm excited to read the next one which comes out in 2020!

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.

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When Ronie Kendig wrote the last installment in her Tox Files series, I was so sad to see the end. I grew to love those characters and looked forward to each new adventure. So, when I found that she has begun a new spin-off series, The Book of the Wars, starring Leif “Runt” Metcalfe from the Tox Files, I was so excited!
And the first book, Storm Rising, definitely did not disappoint. Packed with just as much tension, adventure, and excitement as the Tox Files books, and filled with both new and familiar characters, Storm Rising, snagged my attention right away and did not let go until the final page. And actually, I seriously wished the book was longer, because I wasn’t ready for the action to end.
I would definitely recommend you read the Tox Files before jumping into The Book of the Wars series, mainly because they are fantastic books, but also because they will help you be more familiar with some of the characters and situations. However, if you want to jump right in, I am sure that you will enjoy this non-stop ride with Runt and his new team of military and communications specialists.
Storm Rising is one I’d highly recommend!
Many thanks to Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley for the digital ARC of this novel for review purposes. I was not required to give a positive review. All opinions are my very own!

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Storm Rising by Ronie Kendig 3/5 ⭐️

Thank you to Bethany House for the free review copy. All opinions are my own.

This book was totally out of my reading comfort zone. I have never read war fiction, so when I was offered the chance to review this book, I decided to take it and push myself to read outside of my normal genres.

I think that Kendig is an amazing writer. She was able to create this whole fictional world that I found to be believable. I was amazed with what she came up with and found myself engrossed in the lives of all of the characters in the book.

Where I struggled, though, was with keeping all of the characters and their subplots straight. Even at the end of the book, I was unsure about who some of the people on the team were and what their connection was that had them get on the team. I think that this is all on me though as a reader, and of no fault of Kendig. I had a lot to process while reading this book because of the newness of this genre.

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Storm Rising, book one of the Book of the Wars, was just an okay read for me. I give it three stars.

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