Member Reviews

Wow! Kendig is back with another explosive series! I can't stop reading this author's works. Each one is packed with action, amazing themes, fabulous characters and more. What's not to like?

Having already met Lief Metcalfe in Thirst of Steel, the third book in The Tox Files series, I was, of course, excited to see this character featured in the newest series. Lief is such a complex character, I think we might need more than three books to unravel him! Iskra Torodov plays opposite Lief, and while she is slightly more predictable, she is just as complex. We meet a lot of new characters in Storm Rising, but there is also the reappearance of characters from previous series, such as Canyon Metcalfe, Barclay Purcell, and Mercy Maddox.

From page one, the story captures your attention, and you are on a wild adrenaline ride until the end. With too many plot twists to count, I was left on the edge of my seat. Storm Rising explores some very intriguing themes, and while there were some sci-fi aspects that I wasn't a huge fan of, I still found the ideas intriguing.

Overall, if you are looking for a military thriller to take you on a wild ride with a tad of romance thrown in, definitely check out Storm Rising!

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Ronie Kendig has an amazing ability to make you feel the gamut of emotions whenever you read one of her stories! You know, at a minimum, you’re in for an absolutely creative, intense, action packed, unputdownable read! You will also get to meet characters that have incredible camaraderie, with absolutely perfect banter, that will have you laughing out loud!

I loved so many characters in this story, but I’ll just talk about my favorites or else this review will be way too long! Leif and Iskra - I love the complexity and the off the charts chemistry of their relationship! I can’t wait to read more about them, especially Leif and what happened to him in the past! Mercy, who I think is my all time favorite female character ever, makes me laugh pretty much every time she opens her mouth- except for that one statement she makes that basically wrecked me - again! (Can’t say it here- spoilers!) And then there is Lawe and Devine, another pair with some great chemistry! They really need a story of their own. I want to know all of their history together!! And, finally, Baddar, again, I think he needs a book of his own! What an intriguing character! I really want to know more about him and his past! And, I think he may match up beautifully with Mercy. And now, I kind of feel disloyal.

Another thing I loved about this story is the creativeness of the story line. Ronie Kendig takes cloud seeding, which is the process of combining different types of chemical agents with existing clouds to increase the chance of rainfall or snow- and the unknown Book of the Wars - briefly mentioned in Numbers 21- and turns them into an amazingly creative story- one you won’t soon forget and one that will make you be begging for book 2, Kings Falling, which comes out in April of 2020!

Ronie is a master at her craft. If you haven’t read one of her stories, you should! They are not to be missed!! I LOVED everything about this story! It is my favorite read of 2019 so far, and I’m sure it’ll be in my top 1 or 2 reads of the year. And the only reason I’m saying it might not be number 1 is because Ronie Kendig has another book coming out in December, Brand of Light!!! This story is in a class by itself!

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.

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If you are looking for a read that is high adrenaline, fueled by lots of action, and tons of secrets- then look no further than Storm Rising, which is the first of what garners to be a great action packed series.
Taken from a couple of verses from the Old Testament, there are several world powers that are looking for The Book of the Wars. I absolutely love it when authors pull out these verses from the Bible and can make a story around them. I never noticed this book before, not to say I haven’t read the verses before, but there are quite a few books mentioned in the Bible which I find fascinating.
Using the wonder of imagination, we have a very tight story with a team of secret soldiers looking for this book who come up against the best of the best and worst of the worst enemies. And there is some real baddies in here that think nothing of mass murder or anything else to get their way.
Our hero Leif Metcalfe is the team leader. He is a soldier who has been tasked with finding this book. He is also dealing with some secrets from his past that he can’t even remember. So as we go along with him, sometimes things will set him off and we as a reader are left holding our breath wondering just how dangerous and how far Leif will go.
Iskra, or her nickname Viorica, has not had a very nice life. The author does not shy away with how difficult life has been for this dangerous spy. Iskra is good at what she does and she has ulterior motives for wanting that book as well. When she and Leif meet there is definitely an undercurrent of something more between them than just enemies.
I enjoyed Leif’s team as well. We get to know them and a bit of their personal lives as well. What I really liked was how they all had each other’s backs. Which is very important as who can you really trust in this world where some want to control all- as in global control.
That ending-sublime. Looking forward to Kings Falling.
I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

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When I pick up a Ronie Kendig book, I know I’m going to be in for a wild, action-packed, fantastic ride, and Storm Rising was no exception! With fascinating, multi-layered, engaging characters and settings in diverse areas of the globe, this book drew me in with its nonstop action, precarious situations, and thrilling escapades. One of Kendig’s strengths is creating deep, complex, and well-developed characters, and Leif Metcalfe and Iskra Todorova are examples of her brilliant characterization. They are engaging and competent, intense and sometimes vulnerable, and I couldn’t help hoping for a happy ending for them.

It was a joy to see some familiar characters pop up from previous Ronie Kendig books. Their various personalities and strengths added to my enjoyment of the tale, and I loved the witty banter I can always expect between them. The action in this book is intense, and I often wondered how the author was going to get the team out of their predicament, but she always managed to do it in creative, imaginative ways.

If you enjoy mind-blowing action and suspense with lots of intrigue and spots of romance thrown in, this is the book for you. I’m excited to see what she has in store for the other books in this series.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher/NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Kendig blows my mind! Where do I even start? Just when I think I couldn’t enjoy her books more than I already do, she proves me wrong yet again. Storm Rising took my breath away. There were several times I couldn’t believe what I was reading and had no idea what could happen next. This book is a must read for anyone who likes being taken by surprise. Kendig is unlike any author I’ve read, and I can’t wait to see what she does next. If you’ve read any of her stories, you know exactly what I mean. Sometimes I have an issue with being able to predict exactly how a story is going to go. I love that it has never happened with any of the books I’ve read by Ronie Kendig.

I all too easily fell in love with Leif Metcalf. He is so unique in so many ways and I enjoyed every moment getting to know him even more. Iskra Todorova was so different than any heroine I could imagine, and I loved her for it. She was completely awesome, and yet not without heartbreaking issues of her own. Knowing Kendig, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and I can’t wait to dive in even deeper. I love how history is flawlessly mixed in with the present time. There is just the right amount of suspense to keep you awake until way past bed time. This book would be a perfect companion to take with you on a trip to the beach, park, or even just your living room couch. Don’t get mad at me if you find it impossible to focus on anything else though… who needs food when there’s reading to get done? I received a complimentary copy of this book and was in no way forced to post a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This book has it all. Tight pacing, an ensemble cast, and a love story in the making. Ronie Kendig is a master at the military thriller that also has heart. This book will thrill her previous readers and be a fantastic introduction to new to her readers.

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4.5 STARS!!!

Every time I pick up a Kendig book, my life goes on hold. Seriously. STORM RISING is pretty much non-stop action with catchy dialogue, which I love!!! My fixation with military TV shows (especially SEAL TEAM) helped me visualize this elite group of operatives and the mission they are involved in.

I will say that at first, I wasn’t a fan of Iskra as Leif’s nemesis at all. I felt kind of protective of him and didn’t want him paired with someone unworthy. I feel the same way about Clay and Stella on Seal Team ;-) BUT…I came to understand why the author chose Iskra; her particular strengths and vulnerabilities pair well with Leif, creating some intense moments as well as tender ones.

I feel like if I say I can’t wait for book two I’ll be wishing away a year of my life but, Y’all, I can’t wait for book two to come out!!! Needless to say, I liked the story. A lot. It’s filled with bold and valorous characters as well as the ones you’re going to be rooting for this team of amazing operators to take down.

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.

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This is a new favorite novel from one of my favorite authors!

I love, loved Ms. Kendig's Tox Files series, and this new one is just as good (or even better!).
It was great having some familiar faces show up in this story. Just like getting reacquainted with old friends.

I loved the main characters. Leif Metcalfe is quite the hero! And I quickly loved Iskra/Viorica and all her deep hurts because of all the traumatic things she's been forced to face in her life.

I enjoyed seeing how they went from barely tolerating each other to becoming friends to...well, I don't want to give the story away.... ;)

This mission is incredible. They are looking for a long-lost treasure, The Book of Wars mentioned in the Bible, in the book of Numbers.

I loved the danger. The intrigue. The racing-around-the-world-to-find-the-treasure aspect of this story.
Ronie Kendig is a master at spinning a story of this nature, and this is some of her finest writing yet!!

Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review, and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

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Five stars! "Totally wicked" describes it. Leif Metcalfe is assigned his own team to hunt down The Book of the Wars that is mentioned in the Bible. It supposedly tells of the wars past, present and wars to come. His team is in a race against time to retrieve it before it falls into the wrong hands and starts Armageddon. Lots of action and humor and a little bit of romance. Ronie Kendig has a hit series on her hands. I wish it was a movie!

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There is a Storm Rising in the Middle East that may indicate the End Times have arrived.

Iskra, aka Viorica, is a trained assassin tasked with retrieving an ancient text called the Book of Wars in Israel. So is ex-SEAL Leif and his team provided by the US government. Both need to work together to seize it from Rutger Hermanns, a ruthless German businessman and part-time archaeologist, who has snatched it from Israeli scientists.

The Book of Wars has some lethal secrets best kept away from foreign powers. The book is mentioned in the Bible as being prophetic by sharing information about future wars.

Storm Rising is a typical military thriller. It has an American team of misfits from various nations and religions. There is the usual romance, mysterious back stories, and good-natured joshing of fellow team members. The initial opposition is by a lone assassin, who must get the book to save her life after one too many screw-ups in the past. However, it soon becomes apparent that Leif may have to team with Iskra to prevent the German villain from using the book for his nefarious plan.

Storm Rising is about the fight between Christians and Muslims leading into Armageddon. Muslims are clearly the enemy. Jews aren’t even mentioned. Therefore, this book is recommended only for secular and Christian readers.

The plot was good but there is not much originality here. The characters are the best part. You definitely want the heroes to win. Plus the combat scenes were intense and set the reader right in the middle of the fight. Unfortunately, there are an overwhelming number of characters plus a cliffhanger ending, which I detest. It still earns 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 stars. It will be even higher if you are a fan of military or action thrillers.

Thanks to Bethany House and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I am amazed at how talented this author is. She is able to write a story that jumps off the pages and becomes real. You can feel yourself there as the team is in tunnels scrambling for their lives. Her knowledge about the Navy Seals, CIA and other agencies is evident in the details she provides.

Leif is everything you expect in a team leader. He is determined, powerful and never gives up. I loved that he was in charge and knew this was going to be an adventure with danger, intrigue and casualties. The action is non stop and brings chills as you read the enemy they face. I loved the military influence in the story and how technology became a factor in helping their their mission.

There is someone who doesn’t want Leif and his team to succeed and it makes for thrills and surprises throughout the story. There is a bit of romance in the book that is worth mentioning. It’s not the main focus of the story but it sure puts some things into perspective at times. I know the team has a very important task , but there is always time for a little romance to lighten up the intensity a bit.

This by far is the author’s best book with characters that are realistic and a thriller that takes us across the world into the far reaches of enemy territory. There is a continuous surge of danger and oh my the team does make me feel very protective in this crazy world we live in. I would definitely want Leif and his team to be front and center should any danger arise around us. I know they are just characters, but to me the author has made them so genuine and real, you can almost see them in the desert fighting. This is one story that has all the elements for a best seller. I am already anxiously awaiting the next book in this series.

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.

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I needed a seat belt for this ride! Ronie Kendig knows a thing or two about action and I have learned to expect a punch from the get-go. Hunky heroes, tragic assassins, unprecedented storms and hints of super soldiers? How does Kendig keep outdoing herself?

One of Kendig’s greatest strengths is her characters. Enter Leif “Runt” Metcalfe, a man missing six moths of his life and looking for some answers. A familiar face to those who have read The Tox Files, Leif more than holds his own as the leading man. I was wary of Iskra at first. I knew she had a lot going on under the surface, but she fought tooth and nail to keep her secrets. As the layers slowly unfolded though, my heart broke for her.

And the romance? The chemistry between Leif and Iskra nearly singed my eyelashes! They just get each other. There are some hints of other romances on the team as well and I am more than ready to dive into these relationships.

If you’re ready for a high-octane read and a sleepless night or two then this is the book for you. Just be prepared for the torture of waiting for the sequel.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Y’all Ronie Kendig’s books just get better and better, and Storm Rising exceed all of my (already high) expectations.

Meet the new team—some familiar faces for long-time fans of Kendig and a few new ones. This time, they’re hunting down The Book of the Wars. Briefly mentioned in the Biblical book of Numbers, this book just may predict wars, even ones that haven’t happened yet. If that isn’t enough, add to the mix a Bulgarian operative who is as tough and intelligent as Leif Metcalfe, some crazy weather phenomena, and Storm Rising is an adrenaline-fueled all-out adventure I could not put down.

Kendig excels at character development and relationships (romantic, team dynamics, family. You name it and Kendig had done it well). Racing around the globe with Leif, Iskra, and the others felt like watching a move (or maybe a mini-series because you get more detail than a two-hour movie) where you just can’t catch your breath. But when it’s finished, the first thing you say is, “I can’t wait for the next one!” And I really can’t.

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I receive complimentary books from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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Storm Rising, the first book in the Book of the Wars series, packs an extremely powerful punch! This author is known for combining high intensity military storylines with mysteries tied to Biblical artifacts and settings. And the thread of romance is woven into these storylines in just the perfect way. Storm Rising incorporates all of these elements in a new and exciting way, and now has me anxiously anticipating book two!

I liked Leif and Iskra, so much! I loved the way I could connect with these characters who had both gone through so much in their pasts and were such strong and often intimidating people. Yet, the author was able to tell their backstories in a way that didn’t weaken them, but explained them.

I am excited about this new series and seeing what happens with all of the characters on Leif’s team in future books.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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“God had a funny sense of humor, making their minds so equally matched.”

Incredible. Just incredible. Ronie Kendig is known to unleash high-adrenaline, action-packed, intense military romantic suspense but this first installment in The Book of Wars series absolutely tops her previous books. Mind you, I have adored Tox and his crew through three heart-stopping novels and a novella prequel in The Tox Files but this book, with a covert op leader Leif as the hero and a trained assassin Iskra as his female counterpart, just elevates the experience up a few notches. As Leif’s team, Iskra on behalf of her Russian mobster boss, a German group, and another nebulous entity named Armageddon Coalition all race and fight against each other to find this ancient artifact called The Book of Wars that details previous wars and prophesies future wars, plot twists, betrayals, and fierce loyalty abound to bring forth a book that will set your heart racing.

The characters, especially Leif and Iskra, are multi-dimensional and deeply layered. The familiar faces of Mercy and Cell from the Tox Files are sweet to behold but their backstories, if you are not familiar with them, are not necessary to enjoy the plot in Storm Rising. The technology discussed in the story is quite fascinating and I’m anxiously awaiting where Ronie Kendig will take Leif’s team in the next book!

If you enjoy a well-written romantic suspense/thriller, this book is a must-read! I received a copy of the book from Bethany House and was under no obligation to post a positive review. All comments and opinions are solely my own.

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‘He’d never killed a woman in cold blood before, but now was as good a time as any ‘

When this sentence leads off a book, it just pulls you in completely. If you enjoy books with nonstop action, then here is your book. It’s mind boggling trying to imagine the mind if this author. Wow!

*My thanks to Bethany House Publishers for a copy of this book. The opinion here is entirely my own.

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I am not sure why it has taken me this long to fall in love with Ronie Kendig's writing, but I am very thankful there are lots more books I can catch up with! If you like action, suspense, current world events or shows on the military (ie, NCIS, The Unit, The A-Team, Shooter, Seal Team) this book is for you!

"Storm Rising" is the first book in a new series called the Book of the Wars. Kendig sets up the premise of new characters (and enemies) in a realistic, involving way. What's not to fall in love with? There's danger lurking around every corner, a paramilitary group, Biblical archaeology, secret scrolls ( as mentioned in Numbers 21:14a) that can predict future wars, odd meteorological storms that pop out of nowhere...and two main characters who both have difficult backstories.

Since I am only embarking on the beginning of my new appreciation of Kendig's work, I am a bit behind the times, as her prior Tox Files series was wildly successful, earning her many accolades. I can see why that happened, as Kendig does her military research. She also reminds the reader of the humanity and heartbreaks of the soldiers involved in life and death situations, something those who are not familiar with military life might not understand. Lead male character Leif Metcalfe has been mentioned in prior Kendig stories (Crown of Souls) and has another appearance in "Thirst of Steel." The female character of Viorica has some secrets of her own, as a well known assassin/spy should have. But all is not as it seems, and the reader must develop their own ideas of whom is trustworthy and who is playing both sides. Kendig's writing is action filled but still has time for emotion, addressing unique struggles and finding a hopeful future after the drama subsides. There is also a great feeling of camaraderie that is central to the development of the story, characters and the final cliffhanging end. (If you've followed my reviews for any length of time, you know how hard cliffhangers are for me!)

I started this book a little while ago, but life got in the way. Once I dug in, though, I finished this book in record time. It was so good that there were actually times I was holding my breath, something I rarely do with books! The story progresses like a good action movie and after a while, your feelings of urgency matches that of the characters in distress! I was able to read an early copy, thanks to Bethany House and chose to leave a review. All opinions are my own.

Hurry, Ronie. I can't wait for the next entry in the series!

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Make no mistake, Ronie Kendig is a master at her craft! Storm Rising is the first in her new series, The Book of Wars. With over 30 novels written since 2010, Kendig has won multiple awards. While many of her novels are Christian military suspense and romance, the author also delves into other genres such as fantasy.

The premise, or foundation, of The Book of Wars is based on an ancient text from the Septuagint, which is, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “a Greek version of the Jewish scriptures redacted in the third and second centuries b.c. by Jewish scholars and adopted by Greek-speaking Christians.”
Whew! That is a rather mind boggling description and one I think I’ll leave to the more learned scholars. Moving on to Storm Rising...

The Book of Wars is an ancient text full of secrets and many are those who want to possess it. Former Navy Seal, Leif Metcalfe (aka Runt) is tapped to command his own team to find The Book of Wars before someone else can. Iskra “Viorica” Todorova is determined to find the book for with the book she can obtain her freedom from a cruel taskmaster, a man who has no good purpose for the ancient text.

Amidst unusual and destructive storms worldwide, Leif and Viorica form a rather interesting pact to obtain The Book of Life, before the next storm unleashes, destroying entire countries and the entire team.

Those readers who have read Kendig’s previous military suspense series will recognize Leif Metcalfe, or Runt, along with a few others who make up the first team Runt commands. If you have not read the previous series, that is of no consequence, Storm Rising is the first in a new series and enjoyment does not hinge upon having read any previous novels. For me as a reader, bringing in characters from previous series’ just makes the reading that much more fun! However, it generally takes about a year for a novel to be released from the first basic outline to the finished product; that means you have lots more time to read some of Kendig’s previous novels. I bet you’ll be hooked!

Full of nonstop action, Storm Rising will keep the reader on the edge of their seats. I very highly recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and am under no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions therein are solely my own, and freely given.

(I also purchased a copy!)

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This is another action packed novel from Kendig and the beginning of a new series. Several people are hunting an ancient book that contains prophecies. Control of the book might mean the difference as to who controls the future. The bad guys are aggressive and deadly. One of them is Viorica, a female assassin held under the control of a really bad guy. But when she is confronted by Lief, a good guy from the American team, we wonder if the only way to save the world is for the two to work together. The possibility of romance is pitted against claims of deception and betrayal.

Kendig's novel is full of action and is exciting to read. Her writing style has always irritated me and this novel is no exception. I can understand incomplete sentences in dialogue but not in prose. I know it is for effect. I just don't like it.

I also get sidetracked by her use of odd verbs and adverbs. “Her pulse jammed...” (806/6573) When guns are jammed, they cease to work. But that is not what happened to her heart. “Her gaze collided with his again.” (826/6573) Cars and trains might collide, but gazes? Interestingly enough, this character actually “collided”” with a man a little later on. (857/6573)

Even though this is the first in a new series, the characters involved have a great deal of unrecorded back story. The characters frequently talk about the previous experiences but I was left wondering what they were talking about. “Ram gave his life to stop them.” (784/6573) There was nothing nearby to indicate who he stopped. Were they evil operatives or a herd of enraged bulls? We don't know.

Kendig is known for her action packed novels and this one is full of intense action and suspense. If you love action, you'll love this novel. If you're not a stickler for the proper use of language, you'll enjoy her writing style too.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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Ronie Kendig is back with a brand new series and a group you’ll love!

Leif “Runt” Metcalfe has been tasked with finding the Book of Wars and builds a team he believes can assist him. Y’all, the number one thing I loved about the team was seeing people from past Kendig books. Nothing like running into old friends! Plus, I really loved meeting the new people. I think I’ll have some favorites. With a diverse group of characters—from all backgrounds, faith, etc—you’ll love the team that takes you on a journey all over the world.

And the romance thread…. I love romance and this one is no exception. What’s even better? The hints of romance between other team members. I love that the team isn’t all male because it makes it that much more realistic and entertaining.

Oh and did I mention I read this in one sitting, squinting at one in the morning to make sure I was reading the correct words and not succumbing to sleep? Only now I have to wait for book 2 which means book 1 will be reread a few times for memory’s sake.

All in all, I’m thrilled for another Kendig book and a new series.

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley. My review was not required nor influenced.

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