Member Reviews

I'm going to start out by saying that at this point, if Ronie Kendig were to publish her grocery list, I'd probably buy it.

Anyway, OMG, this book!! As usual, there was sass and humor and chemistry and family. I love the way Leif and his team work so well together. I did wish there had been a little more history about them but at the same time, what was there worked. I look forward to seeing them kick butt in the rest of the series. (*speaking of which, is it April yet?) I also loved getting to see some old characters, not only from The Tox Files, but also getting more on the Metcalfe's from back in the Discarded Heroes!! It was interesting to see Canyon again and there's part of me that hopes the rest of them get to make a cameo or two!

I was curious about several things:
For example: Cell. Granted after things happened with the AFO and Ram and all of that, it's kind of understandable that he might not want to be boots on the ground anymore, but at the same time, he felt like he was a lot more...evasive about his actual reasons/job description now that he's with Leif and co. Or maybe that's just me? Then there's Andrew. What side is he on?! Good guy? Bad guy? Loki? Enigma's abound! I'd also like to know more about the Meteoroi and those components. Mainly: How many are left! And what happened to Leif in the desert? Iliescu is worried and enough that he brings in Canyon, so there's something. I find myself in need of answers almost as bad as Leif!!

I do want to talk about the chemistry. Oh baby! I loved it!! The team in general had great chemistry and was able to work so well together, anticipating and watching each other's backs and also able to rib each other like there's no tomorrow. And then there's the romance. Even amongst the danger, I found myself getting giddy with excitement as things progressed. Of course, there were some things that had me almost screaming (I reined myself in since I was at work) as people got soooooo close and then backed away for whatever reason. But that being said, I loved the determination that was exhibited when going after the one they wanted

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4.5 stars

Miss Ronie's books are always chock-full of suspense, action and incredibleness!! I was so excited to read a book about Lief, who was a side character in one of the Tox Files books, and I wasn't disappointed!

Things I liked:
-Um, hello, Lief! He was so epic! And his backstory that kept getting hinted at and such...just yes. So much yes.
-The snark?? If you have a book with a group of people that aren't afraid to tease each other, and all the my case, it's instant love, basically.
-The injuriiiieeees. Don't give me that look, I don't like it when good guys die, but when they just get hurt...well, yes, this book nailed it. The good guys weren't immune to a little roughing up. It was fabulous.
-Just yeah, allll da peeps.

Things I didn't like:
-The romance. I know this is a romance book, and I KNOW that it shouldn't necessarily dock part of my rating consequently, since I kinda knew what to expect, thank you. Sappy? Definitely. Detailed? Quite. No, I don't want to hear about your 'sizzling attraction' or the detailed kissing.
BUT. The rest of the book made up for it, sooooo
-The spiritual content was...almost nonexistent? There were a few mentions of God, but...that was it. I'm not quite sure that it could technically count as Christian fiction. BUT. The book was pretty much squeaky clean in the language aspect, which I SO APPRECIATE.

Overall thoughts:
UM I NEED THE NEXT BOOK PLEASE. Like, RIGHT NOW. Like, the book didn't necessarily end on a cliffhanger, but it definitely left questions waiting to be answered in further books.
And that's another thing—I was pretty much confused throughout the whole book. Some of the stuff went over my head (which, I suppose, is to be expected, with what they were looking for), but I was still left in confusion. And some of the locations were super hard to picture in my mind from lack of description.
BUT all this to say...this book is epiiiiic and I can't wait for the next! <3

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I have no idea how Ronie Kendig does it, but I'm glad she does!

I highly HIGHLY recommend you read The Tox Files... no fear, they're so good and engaging that you'll quickly be opening this one ;)

Anyway, Storm Rising follows some characters from the Tox's books and there are some spoilers.

I love history and archaeology and a good mystery, Who knew an author could put this all together in a contemporary setting?

Leif Metcalfe has no recollection of the past months. In hoped to achieve more answers about himself, he agrees to lead a team of his own to recover an artifact surrounded in mystery before it ends up in the wrong hands. But there's more to the story than dangerous spies. As a mysterious and dangerous Bulgarian agent gets tangled up with the team on the wrong side, as her story is unveiled alongside what the artifact might actually be, the fine lines between enemies turns even more delicate and unsure.

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Kendig does it again. From the very start she had me pulled in and wanting to find out what happens next. Her imagination runs wild in Storm Rising. Her ability to share a story with so many threads is intriguing and expertly crafted. I like how she pulls out so many personalities, giving layers to each one. Just when you think you know, she comes up with another twist that makes you realize there is so much more to the team and it's members! I enjoy Kendig's creativity as she gives life to seeming obscure references easily overlooked in Biblical stories.
Storm Rising is fast paced with lots of action and continuous mystery. Readers get to see Leif "Runt" Metcalfe take on leadership of his own covert ops team, as they fight to save a historical scroll referenced in the book of Numbers and rescue the world. Put on your Life vest a Storm is Rising!

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Storm Rising is another captivating book from Ronie Kendig. Leif Metcalfe, while still puzzling over past events, is thrust into a mission involving a plot to bring about the Apocalypse. As if that weren’t enough, he finds more trouble along the way.

With all the struggles faced by the characters, the plot is easy to follow, and exciting to read. The different aspects come together and create a story that keeps you reading. Several genres are used, and they are seamlessly put into the plot, one flowing into another. You can find suspense, action, intrigue, and even some romantic chemistry. Kendig also uses Biblical artifacts and science fiction as bases for the story.

While I always enjoy the excitement of her books, I also like how faith in God is evident. The struggle characters face on trusting God makes them feel more realistic, since that is something people face in real life.

I’m eager to see what happens in the next book.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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If Bourne and Captain America had a baby, it would be Storm Rising. Wait. That doesn’t sound right. But you get my point, don’t you? Touches of conspiracy theories and more-than-just-undertones of genetic modifications to create a super soldier/army. Plus that thread of the fantastical woven between the blood-pumping adrenaline that is military thriller. If you’ve read The Tox Files, you know what you’re in for. If not, well, buckle up for a ride. And while the historical/Biblical references are interesting, keep in mind this is a piece of fiction that is extraneous and not a basis for doctrine. (Yes, I realize that’s like those caution signs saying “this is not an exit” taped to walk in freezers, but, you know, they had to put stuff like that up for a reason. I’m just saying.)
Kendig is a master at diverse characters, be it ethnicity, background, occupation, or whatever. And the chemistry she creates between her characters (and I’m not just talking romantic, although, like everything else in a Kendig book, is HOT) is some of the best. There is so much more than just the hero and heroine...there is a whole team, and Kendig pretty much writes you in as a member of said team. So pull up your bootstraps and zip up your tactical gear and let’s go pound the ground. Hooay!

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STORM RISING is the first book I have read by RONIE KENDIG and I must say that it had me on quite a ride as I followed Leif and his team in their pursuit of an ancient scroll that led to all sorts of confrontation, as they were not the only people trying to find it, hair raising adventure, man made storms, and even some romance.
I liked Leif for his determination to protect Iskra, even though she was playing him in the beginning, for his dedication to his team, and his rather corny sense of humour!
It is a military thriller and I can recommend it to anyone who enjoys this genre.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Bethany House Publishers. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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Ronie Kendig's The Book of Wars series opener, Storm Rising, is a tension filled mixture of James Bond and Indiana Jones. The plot moved and kept moving from one hair raising moment to the next. Wow! I can't imagine writing something like this. I know that movies do it all the time, so I know it can be done, but to have Kendig create it out of words for my imagination to fill in the blank is a huge feat. If readers are familiar with Kendig's previous series, The Tox Files, then they should be familiar with Leif. He is a truly heroic man who will do anything to protect others. So of course, Iskra makes the perfect foil for Leif. She wants her freedom, but she is equipped with skills to challenge any assassin. Her reasoning for hunting to the Book of Wars is honest and admirable. Overall, Ronie Kendig's Storm Rising took me for a wild ride all over and allowed me to empathize with the characters. I anxiously await for the next book in the series. Like I do with all of Kendig's novels. Definitely books for the keeper shelf.

I received a complimentary copy of Storm Rising by Ronie Kendig from Bethany House Publishers, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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I’ve never read any of Kendig’s books, but I’ve heard great things about them for years, so I was excited to be chosen to be part of the launch team for her latest release, Storm Rising. I now understand all the hype about Kendig’s books, as she’s a gifted storyteller. She showcases military life and its associated struggles in a way that’s relatable to civilians.

In Storm Rising, Kendig captures the readers attention from the first page, and the fast-pace action keeps them holding on until the end. This book has a little bit of something for just about everyone, from suspense to drama to a little bit of romance. The chemistry between Iskra and Leif is realistic and intense. There were a few lulls in the plot, but things balanced out in the end, which will leave the reader anxiously awaiting the second book in the series.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy from the publisher, but I wasn’t required to leave a positive review.

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Okay, what can a girl say about this one? Firstly--it is one of my favourite books of Kendig's. Yes, she has OUTDONE herself--AGAIN. The atmosphere, plot and characters all worked together to create an effortless, but definitely FILLED WITH EFFORT thriller novel. I mean, I loved reading all about Midas in the Discarded Hero series, but now we get more of the Metcalfe family? I mean, what? Yes. It is goals. Quite simply, I wish the Metcalfe family had half a dozen more members and that Kendig would right a series about each one! The love runs that deep, if you can believe it.

So, Iskra & Leif? That chemistry, though! Phew! I loved their interactions and how their relationship progressed. It was just so...dynamic and intense--which is obviously one of the draws with Kendig's work, how intense and raw her characters are. I love when everything is so close to the surface and undignified. But their relationship just kinda made me sing, and gasp, depending on which part of the book I was in--which is what I'm looking for when I read a suspense/thriller book.

Although the plot did feel a bit slower in the middle of the book, it didn't cast a bad light on the rest of the book--I think I just got so attached to the crazy pace that when it slowed down a little I was like...wait, what? But all in all, what a delightful book. Really alive, punchy characters and a fully immersive atmosphere that takes you from one stretch of the globe to another, all while sitting in your favourite comfy chair.

Suspense lovers unite and GO READ STORM RISING!!!

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Ronie Kendig is a gifted storyteller. She takes a real look at military struggles and issues, blending them into fabulous tales which we don’t want to end. This story is one of those tales. From the VERY FIRST line:
“He’d never killed a woman in cold blood before, but now was as good a time as any.”
To the VERY LAST line.
I was hooked and didn’t want to put this book down!
You go on a roller-coaster ride with Leif and his team. From one mission to another with little time to breathe, and that’s what I wanted to do . . . JUST BREATHE! Wow! The action in this book is none stop. Then add to this action, suspense, and weird weather stuff. What you get is a book which will keep you on the edge of your seat, hands white-knuckled on the chair just waiting to see what’s going to happen.
Ronie Kendig knows how to twist and turn the story in such a way you don’t see what’s right in front of you and when you see it, you can’t believe it!
If you want to read a book packed full of intrigue, suspense, action (LOTS OF ACTION!), drama, military struggles, and a bit of romance, then this is the book for you!
You might need a day or two to process all that happens in this book.
Believe me, you won't be able to breathe deeply until the end, but it will be worth it.
I highly recommend reading this book. Pick it up and start on the adventure of your life.
I was given this book by the publisher for an honest review, all opinions are my own.

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While I enjoyed with this book I'm not doing a full review of it since I didn't care for some of the content and the book was not my genre like the author's other books . . . so this is not a full review. I do still love Ronie Kendig's books and can not wait for more from her! Her suspense is so awesome and the struggles of her characters is so real and lifelike.

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It's my book, so yeah--I think it's kind of amazing. LOL Typically, I wouldn't have rated the book legitimately on GR but felt I must because it otherwise kept the book listed as an incomplete read and wouldn't let me clear it without a star rating.

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