Member Reviews

Great cookbook, so many ideas and tips and recipes all in one great book. Recommend to everyone!! Buy this book!

What looks like a promising cookbook and concept from the cover is unfortunately rather disappointing. The concept of grazing is only described very briefly, then follow the entirely unphotographed recipes that largely seemed uninspired.

The concept of 'grazing' - eating the same calories, but spread throughout the day as more, smaller meals - seems a bit less faddy than other diet plans. I can see the point the author is making about blood sugar levels and metabolism, although am slightly dubious about the science of whether this is the best thing or not, given our ancestors probably ate one huge meal when the hunt was good, and a lot less at other times.
The bulk of the book is recipes, grouped by suggested time of day for eating. There's a nice mix, and several looked very appealing as light meals whether you're following the plan or not. I did have to take a moment to remember that this isn't your classic diet plan, as there is plenty of butter and other less 'diety' foods! Tonally, it hits the sweet spot: not at all condescending, but with a few extra hints for those who aren't already chefs. It's a shame there were no photos, though.
While the idea is presented well enough, I'd rather have seen a lot more information about the practicalities of all this. It's probably all going to work fine while we're all working from home and have time to prep and cook extra meals (there's a throwaway line about preparing ahead, but I think this could have been explored more), but I suspect the sheer amount of work would put most people off - this could have been overtly addressed and made for a more compelling book.
Overall: interesting, and some appealing recipes, but just scratches the surface of an idea I think needs more exploration to tempt me.

Graze had some interesting information on what you should and shouldn't be eating. It helped me gain some insight on what changes I needed to my diet.

Grazing is one of those food trends that has caught on. According to Paul Dowling, in his book Graze: Healthy Graze Craze Recipes to Kick start your Metabolism, “Grazing is a term used to describe the consumption of tiny, frequent meals throughout the day, usually every three to four hours.” This cookbook includes recipes for small meals (generally 1 or 2 servings) that can be eaten at different times of the day. There are some excellent recipes, here, and they actually turn out.
For those who want to graze, it seems to be a time consuming thing. Because some of the recipes have long lists of ingredients and are not that quick to fix, those who choose to graze will be spending most of their day preparing little meals. Honestly, it may be impossible to get anything else done except to make and eat small meals.
Some favorites include Blackened Salmon Fajitas, Egg Fried Rice in a Mug, Italian Baked Eggs, Cod with Cauliflower Couscous, and Pork Chop with Pineapple Salsa. There are dozens of mouthwatering breakfasts, some of them quick, and luncheon salads and light dishes. The recipes are a mix of vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals so that there is something for everyone. Several recipes are made in mugs.
This cookbook includes several menus to get grazers started. While many of the meals aren’t low calorie, one wonders if even a faster metabolism will result in weight loss.
Unfortunately, there are no photographs of the recipes – not a one. In this day of cell-phone cameras and inexpensive digital cameras, it is ridiculous that the author didn’t bother to photograph the recipes as he tested them. Most readers want to see what the recipes will look like.
Grazers will most likely enjoy many of the recipes, especially if they have time to prepare small meals.
Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

I hate the feeling of being too full, even after what is a reasonably-sized meal. This cookbook solves that!

Graze is an interesting compilation of healthy, delicious sounding recipes that most can eat. Unfortunately, I have very strict diet restrictions and although I had hoped I would be able to try many of the recipes, I wasn't able to. I did enjoy scanning the recipes and looking at the photos...just wish I could eat them!

This book suggest a way of eating, and also includes great recipes. The suggestion is to eat many small meals a day. Having been too many doctors nutritionist myself, I know that this is often a suggested and encouraged eating regimen. The recipes to go along with this however, are great. There is a good mixture of vegetarian and meat options for all readers and eaters. There are a lot of healthy, delicious recipes along with beautiful photographs.

Thanks to NetGalley, publisher and author for this free ARC in exchange for my honest review. I really liked many of the recipes I saw here. This book is one I will go back to often. I see this book more of a reference guide than anything else. I really liked it!

I was expecting more from the yummy cover.
My complaints are similar to other reviewers.
No pictures and some of the ingredients are used over and over. Some I don't even own. If the concept is to graze, then the meal prep would take too much time with some of these recipes.
This is a cookbook that I would browse or borrow but not buy.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC from Netgalley.

I wanted something better, something more. This book has no photos, which I think make a cookbook better. It is a bland collection of things, some of which are very mundane. I would skip this one.

I eat 5 smaller meals through the day so i was excited to read this book. However the recipes didn't really impress me. Heavy on carbs breakfasts, and a lot of them. Breakfast is one small meal. The rest of recipes- maybe a couple that were interesting, the rest were just meh. A number of them seemed very time consuming for one small meal. When one is eating every 2.5-3 hours spending close to an hour on prep and cooking just doesn't work. Lack of pictures didn't help either.

Did I really just read a recipe for egg-in-a-hole and mac and cheese?
There isn't a single recipe in this book that I haven't seen on Pinterest a thousand times and done with more flavor. It presents it's self as a healthy eating type of book but gives no nutritional information about the foods used, the "meal plan" is laughably unhelpful and the actually diet explanation is only about a page and a half long.
I would be extremely disappointed if I had spent money on this.

Grazing involves eating 6 small meals per day rather than 3 larger ones. Cookbook uses the same ingredients over and over. I'd be completely bored with food if I ate only from recipes in this recipe for a couple weeks. The author uses oatmeal, granolas, quinoa, etc. in abundance. Many recipes are influenced by Hispanic cultures. Recommended for persons seeking this type diet or cookbook, but it's not one for me. I love my Southern foods too much! I received an advance review copy through NetGalley with the expectation of an honest review.

Grazing throughout the day, as opposed to eating two or three large meals, seems to be gaining in popularity. Paul Dowling’s new book, Graze, focuses on this concept, with explanations, guidelines, and recipes in order to adopt this eating habit. The idea is to avoid feeling hungry or overly full and the smaller meals aren’t supposed to be snack foods, but rather small meals that are satisfying.
The recipes are grouped by time of day and by the type of meal. The options are not only tasty, but also easy to prepare. The recipes include vegetarian dishes as well as healthy snacks and desserts and sample meal plans are included as well.
While I really like the concept of grazing and know many people who do this quite naturally, I think this book could have been more useful if photographs accompanied the recipes. For what ever reason, photos always seem to encourage me to try a new recipe or type of food.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a copy of this book for review.

Sad to say I was disappointed by this book.
Formatting, punctuation and typos aside, it is a book full of small recipes, but with little tips on how to actually apply the Graze lifestyle (or at least eating style) to your every day.
After a short introduction to the advantages of grazing (eating 5 small meals throughout the day) it is a list of recipes, organised by times of day you can eat them (though nothing says if it is a rule to follow or if you can have evening meals for breakfast and vice versa).
Unfortunately, the recipes themselves are nothing new or exciting: Many smoothies for breakfast, and only one lunch option which I felt was a new combination I hadn't seen many times before.
The best part were the snacks and desserts, which looked interesting and yummy and which I will definitely try.
But despite saying at the end you can cook in batch and keep portions for later in the week, therefore not cooking constantly, I still can't see how to fit this much food prep into my day and the book does not answer this.
My biggest hurdle - how to fit 5 meals into a work day - wasn't even addressed and except for one lunch to take away (which was basically packing nuts and dried fruit as a meal) and one lunch to freeze for later, most of the recipes are not compatible with an office job or any job which isn't working from home.

It’s hard to know if I want to make half of these without photos, yes they seem easy enough, but we are drawn by images and especially with food, so the lack of pictures in this ARC is a big draw back
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

I'm struggling to review this because the recipes were easy and approachable, in large part made with ingredients found in any well stocked pantry.
But there were no photos and I really need photos in a cookbook. I don't eat keto or low carb but these recipes were largely quite high carb and I probably wouldn't make many of them.
I really wanted to like this cookbook more than I did.
Thank you to Paul Dowling, BooksGoSocial, and NetGalley for giving me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.