Member Reviews

"Good Morning Intentions" is a book that focuses on teaching you how to create sacred rituals to raise your energetic vibration, find your bliss and stay energized throughout the day.
The book gives you a practical and spiritual approach to cultivating a sacred space where your soul can be nurtured, supported and loved. Each ritual offers a unique experience that will transform and enrich your life.
This book is a spiritual antidote for your body, mind and spirit that will help you start your day with the best energy and maintain that energy for the entire day.
the book is an excellent guide for those looking for a way to start their days in the most positive and effective way. In addition, the writer has been highly praised for her ability to communicate her ideas in a clear and accessible way, making the book a relaxing and engrossing read. A perfect book for those looking for a way to make every day a sacred experience!

I really wanted to like this one, but alas I didn’t. I’m sure someone else will find this book useful it just wasn’t for me.
Thank you to the Publisher and Netgalley for the advanced e-reader copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

I absolutely loved this book. The book was such a height to read. The formatting was excellent, and the content tops it all - great ideas to quieten myself.

I really liked these little rituals to start my day. The book inspired me to start something new and I tried some and really enjoyed my new morning routines. I hope to read more books from the authors.

I loved the sounds of this book but I really had to force myself to keep reading. It really does scream privileged white girls and cultural appropriation. The two co-authors wear all white, rise at 4 a.m. to do two hours of meditation, and lead you through a whole bunch of morning routines that consist of crystals, essential oils, meditation poses, affirmations and listening to chants on their spotify playlists. The rituals are supposed to help you manifest wealth and inner beauty and things like that. Each one tells you to start by holding a different crystal and doing something with a different essential oil. I do like yoga but these aren't yoga poses for strength, health and flexibility but just holding one seated pose while meditating. There's a very strong Law of Attraction element and a lot of spirituality that does not match mine. You are supposed to chant specific chants and do odd breathwork for much of it. I do not plan on adopting any of the rituals and it wasn't a resource I'd widely recommend.
I read a digital ARC of this book for review.

This book offers a lot of great intentions and rituals for your morning, with the amount of time it will take. A lot of interesting activities, techniques, practices, and even nourishing recipes. The formatting was creative and inspiriting. This book can offer a great practice to inspire your mornings.

I really wanted to like this book but I found it hard to get into. I wish it was more beginner friendly. I did not know or understand some pose and terminology which made me feel I wasn’t going to get the outcome I wanted. I did like the use of essential oils and I love the affirmations included.

Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity. My review opinion is my own.
As a reader of self help I tried to like this book . It has a lot of yoga focus for those that can do yoga. Much of this book feels as if it is written to privileged people that can afford fancy juicers and equipment with matching designer yoga clothing. Most of us cannot nor do we care. If your looking for morning advice on how to change up your routine you will find some suggestions here but also a emphasis on being part of the privileged class. It left me feeling flat .

I couldn't be bothered to finish this book since it's a waste of time and energy.
It's sexist AF, goes on and on about masculine and feminine energies, and there's this priviliged and somewhat cultural appropriation vibe.
I don*t know how much worse it gets and I'm happy to say I*ll never find out.

I went into this book very excited about the topic based on the book description. We can all benefit from more self-care especially with all of the stress of every day life. I was interested in the book once I started reading it. My interest didn't last long as I found this book to be quite disappointing. This book pretty much covers the same thing as similar books, but even less. There wasn't anything new or insightful. I am not sure how to describe this but it also felt like a referral or self-promotion for products that they sell.

If you feel as if you’re in the passenger seat watching the scenery go by but would rather be behind the wheel driving to your wildest dreams, Britt Deanda and Tara Schulenberg offer their morning meditation practices as the way to change your life.
Getting caught up in the chaos of daily living causes “us to completely miss the blessings of the moment and keep us from actually enjoying and realizing what a freaking gift it is to wake up and be alive!” they write in the welcome to “Good Morning Intentions: Sacred Rituals to Raise Your Vibration, Find Your Bliss and Stay Energized All Day.”
The most effective way to get the energy, determination, courage, confidence, self-authority, and self-love needed to get back in the driver’s seat and sustain yourself, they recommend rising with the sun and committing to a daily spiritual practice. The background was interesting and the introduction compelling, even to me who regularly sleeps until 10am.
Twenty-one morning rituals in the book include such themes as discovering your destiny, activating your voice, reducing fear and anger, upgrading your immune system, and manifesting specific desires. Each is designed to connect you deeply to yourself so your inner compass can guide you. They were curated by the two women guided by Source; share a generic structure; and are comprised of practices from Kundalini yoga and meditation, manifestation techniques, self-care, and plant-based nutrition.
The rituals – ranging from fifteen minutes to eighty minutes – are grouped according to the Six Pillars: stress management, mindset, connection to you, manifestation, self-love and self-care, and body and wellness. Each has an introduction. Encouragement and the authors’ personal stories appear throughout the book.
For a ritual to be successful, the authors state a minimum of a forty-day commitment is required. To begin, they suggest starting with the ritual you are most called to do. For me that was manifesting specific desires – a ritual to clear out mental trash and create space to magnetize desires rather than chase after them.
Each step – what to gather, how to tune in and warm up, a mantra, movement, meditation, journaling and eating rainbow colored fruits atop chia seed pudding for nourishment – is explained. I found the Spotify playlist accompanying the book helpful.
With some modifications, I have done this now five consecutive days. Despite getting only three hours sleep one night, I felt alert, calm, focused, and powerful, making me want to continue. Seeing whispers of results already on their way, it brought comfort to read, “Whatever your intention is for doing these rituals, know that most people experience positive changes from them.”
Reviewed by Lynn Woike of PaganPages.Org

Good for those who want to expand their meditation or yoga practice (or combine them). Different sections of life and varying lengths of practice.

This book can unfortunately be summarized quite easily: go vegan, say your chants, buy crystals and oils, oh and don't forget to listen to the spotify playlist that they made for this book, you will be reminded of this fact on every other page.
I wanted to like it I really did but it feels privileged and not at all applicable to every day life.

It was ok. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone. It was full of fluff and nothing concrete. It's a yoga book. That's really it.

Good Morning Intentions: Sacred Rituals to Raise Your Vibration, Find Your Bliss, and Stay Energized All Day by Britt Deanda & Tara Schulenberg
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Genre: Religion & Spirituality | Self-Help
Release Date: March 1, 2021
Good Morning Intentions by Britt Deanda & Tara Schulenberg is about about using your morning routine to improve your day.
Broken into six parts, or pillars, the authors dive into stress management, mind-set, connecting to you, manifestation, self-love and self-care, and body and wellness. There is a lot of discussion of Kundalini Yoga (which I had never attempted before). There is a Spotify playlist to accompany this book.
I found this to very interesting and I look forward to adopting some of the rituals into my daily habits. I would definitely recommend this for someone who is looking to improve their lives through changing their habits.
I'm so grateful to Britt Deanda & Tara Schulenberg, New Harbinger Publications, Inc., and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this ARC ebook in exchange for my honest review.

This book is an incredible resource! It is full of so many wonderful morning rituals covering a number of different themes and intentions. I loved the way it also included ways to not just nourish the mind, but also the body with the recipes. What was really nice about this book was how organized it was, sorting the intentions by themes so they could be looked up quickly and easily.

I did not find this book entertaining or interesting in the slightest. I thought it was going to list some intention work and examples but instead, it was more focused on yoga practices and the like. I'm not that into yoga, so I didn't find it that interesting. I honestly thought it was very bland and boring but that could be because I thought it was going to be like written down intentions or to help construct intentions.

This book was received as an ARC from New Harbinger Publications, Inc. - New Harbinger in exchange for an honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own.
I found this book to be very helpful and learn a lot from each tip and ritual featured in the book. A lot of the techniques featured I already practice like meditation and yoga. Also, I can't wait to try the green smoothie recipe because even though breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I am always on the search for more healthier and exciting breakfasts to have in the morning. I also loved the essential oils recommendations in how to calm your thoughts and have a clear and open mind ready to start your day. I think a lot of our patrons will find this book beneficial and can't wait to see what they get out of it.
We will consider adding this title to our Self Help collection at our library. That is why we give this book 5 stars.

This was such an in depth look at morning rituals, incredible amount of back story into each one, and there is also a playlist the authors made to match with it! Say no more. I loved the way the rituals were laid out in meditation, visualization, mantras, and something to fuel your body. I'm so excited to try some of the recipes they put in.
The expectation is that you identify one of these rituals and perform it for an extended period of time to really gain the benefits from it. I liked that even though these rituals are lengthy, they show you how to keep them shorter for everyday life. I loved the info on doing your rituals in the morning versus another time of day, it really inspired me to start waking up just a smidge earlier to spend some time with myself.
I was not familiar with Britt and Tara prior to this book, but I have jumped into the knowledge that they have because I really couldn't get enough. They seem to roll spirituality into a realistic bundle which I love! Thank you Britt Deanda, Tara Schulenberg, New Harbinger Publications, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The book itself is beautiful. The layout is clean and makes turning the pages easy. It feels like a wellness retreat/workshop tied up in a book that you can do at home at your own pace and revisit activities that resonate with you...
Where the book lost me, is the crazy amount of cultural appropriation and the lack of inclusiveness. Where some of the content of the activities is there, instructions on how to set up a space and items needed can leave people feeling like they can't do this work without a labradorite crystal or without access to a powerful juicer. There is a lot of good information and practices muddled in between "feel good" privileged influencer vibes.
Beautiful Book, just feel like the intention is directed at privileged folx