Member Reviews

Suspensful and twisty....Michael and Natalie are going through a rough patch in their marriage. She is convinced he is having an affair with one of her coworkers and he denies it, but she doesn’t believe it. Natalie begins to suffer from severe insomnia from all her thoughts and is causing her to question every aspect of her life. Things start to take a strange turn when Michael and Natalie take their two children on a trip to New York. Michael goes to pick up dinner when he returns to find Natalie and the kids are gone. He calls hotel security and the police because he is convinced they have been kidnapped but it shows that they left on their own. Michael is determined to bring them home as where Natalie vows to never come back. Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for the advance ecopy.

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I was underwhelmed by this book. It had many positives but was lacking in story and character development. I found it easy to guess where the story was going.

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Okay… I wanted to like this one but it felt all over the place in the beginning and about half way through I had to put it down because of this.
I hope to come back and finish it, because I believe it has potential!

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This book was very interesting. I’ve never read a book similar to this one which is always a good thing. It was original and I couldn’t put it down.

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Thank you to St Martin's Press and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

D.J Palmer does not disappoint!
His stories are full of unexpected twists and turns, with perfectly timed reveals!

A woman and her two children disappear at the beginning of a family trip. Her husband is panicked and will do anything to find his family. Was this a kidnapping or were other factors in place that led to the disappearance?
We are led on a cat and mouse race where questions are answered but new ones arise. Whose truth should be believed and who is lying through their teeth.
Lots of action, twists and turns to keep a reader motivated forward to a shocking conclusion.
One of the best books I've read in 2022!

Great suspenseful novel and when you finish this one, pick up any of his other novels!

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D.J Palmer has managed to write yet another fantastically addictive domestic thriller jam packed with crazy twists and turns that is guaranteed to take you on a heart-pounding crazy ride!

Natalie and Michael have reached a rough patch in their marriage and the physical and emotional turmoil has begun to take its toll on each of them. Michael has been keeping secrets and Natalie fears he is having an affair. The stress of it all has affected Natalie to the point where she is suffering from extreme insomnia and has become paranoid and almost delusional. In an attempt to reconnect, the pair take their young children on a short vacation to NYC and when Michael returns to the hotel from a pizza run, he finds his family is gone. At first he thinks they have been abducted, but the hotel security tapes show a very different story of his wife calmly leave the hotel on her own accord with her children. Michael fears that Natalie has completely become unhinged sending him in a tailspin to find them, but what he doesn’t know is that his wife was the masterminded behind this escape, and as the plot to this twisted tale unfolds, a deliciously sinister game of cat and mouse ensues.

There is such a pervasive sense of uncertainty between the alternating POVs of our two unreliable protagonists, Natalie and Michael. Secrets, lies, jealousy, desperation, fear and murder cast a cold cynicism and cleverly plant seeds of doubt that had me questioning my loyalty to each character as speculation, unreliability and motivation came in to play. Nothing is as it seems and I was forced into a quandary of whom to believe right up to the twisted ending.

Perfectly plotted, cleverly paced and a plausible storyline, I simply couldn’t put this compelling read down.

If you haven’t read a D.J. Palmer novel, do yourself a favor and change that. He writes a mean psychological/domestic thriller. You absolutely won’t be disappointed!

Thank you D.J. Palmer, St. Martins Press and NetGalley for the chance to read and review this eGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This book started with a bang and sucked me in. There were a lot of twists and turns typical of a Palmer book. Alternating chapters of the husband and wife viewpoint leave us guessing. Who is actually telling the truth? It's hard to say much without giving it all away. Just trust me, this one is worth the read!

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DJ Palmer has become the most underrated author in this world of book bloggers and reviewers. I want to make this known! This gentlemen have penned one of my favorite novels about Münchausen syndrome by proxy, Saving Meghan. The way he writes his novels I find it very particular of his and the way he keeps the reader guessing is just chefs kiss. I am a fan and I will always be grateful for the advance copies.

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My Wife is Missing is a fast paced entertaining read that had me hooked from the very beginning. I have read all of this author’s books and he never disappoints. This one is definitely a favorite.

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This book had me feeling like I was on a rollercoaster ride!
The amount of twists this author threw our way left me spinning!

Slight spoilers ahead:
While on vacation hoping to re-kindle the flame to their marriage, as well as help with Natalie’s recent insomnia; Michael and his wife, Natalie, and two kids head to New York. When Micheal goes to take out the pizza boxes he comes back to find the place empty! No wife or kids, surely something must have happened to them.
As Micheal involves the police we realize not everything is as it seems. His family left him, Natalie and the kids left on their own feel will.
As Michael worry increases over the safety of his family, we get a peak deeper into Natalie’s mind.

Great book, that kept me on edge throughout.

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I really enjoy D.J. Palmer's book and My Wife is Missing was no exception. The story had a good amount of suspense and twists and turns. Definitely a page turner.

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I've been meaning to read multiple D.J. Palmer novels but I just haven't made it. I'm glad I finally made it to this one, even if it was so late! In My Wife is Missing, we follow Natalie and her children as she runs from her husband, Michael. She knows something about Michael's past that makes her feel she needs to run in order to keep her and her children safe. But, she also has such severe insomnia that she has bouts of delusion. Michael is on the other end of this situation, looking for his wife and kids. But he cannot say too much or else that secret from his past will come to light.

I really liked the back and forth of this book. It really did give me anxiety like it would if I knew Natalie and her family. I found myself waiting to see where they make it next. Like any true thriller, there's a big ole twist to it all. I did NOT see it coming, but it also made perfect sense instead of coming out of nowhere,

I definitely enjoyed this and look forward to reading other titles by this author.

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Twisty! There is a lot going on here. Some of the twists I saw coming and others were surprising. This is told from alternating POV of Natalie and Michael (the spouses) and timelines before and after Natalie's disappearance. I liked how it was laid out and written, with the layers building over the length of the story.

Thank you to the publisher via Netgalley for the copy to read and review.

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This is a story about assumptions.

The good: This was a very readable story. The pacing was good, and the writing is descriptive in a way that flows well.

The not as good: I hated every single character, and every ridiculous, poorly thought out choice they made.

This was not the book for me, but I’ll definitely check out more by the author.

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A family vacation meant for some quality family times ends with his wife and children missing. Told in dual timelines that lend to questioning what really is going on in Natalie and Michael’s marriage.
I don’t want to say too much but nothing is as it seems in this one.
Thank you #StMartinsPress and #NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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This was a fun cat and mouse chase kind of book. It was entertaining but I did sort of anticipate how it would play out. I liked the pacing and the writing style. I'll definitely read more from this author.

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“My Wife Is Missing,” (and the kids too) is about an unreliable character – Natalie (the wife) who thinks her husband may have done something really bad and might hurt her and their children. It starts off with them all going to NYC for a family trip. Once they get to the hotel, they decide to get pizza for dinner, so Michael goes to pick up the food and bring it back to the hotel. When he returns his wife and children are gone, along with their suitcases. Michael is frantic and calls in the police.

They soon discover that his wife and children left the hotel on their own and that no one kidnapped them.
The book is good but I did tire of all the chasing and being reminded that Natalie due to her insomnia wasn’t sure what was happening. I am also not a big fan of, "an unreliable character."

I really liked a previous book by this author, “The Perfect Daughter.” You can see my review here:

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book for an honest review.

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Once you start reading this book you will not be able to put it down. You get “sucked in” right from the first page and taken on a crazy rollercoaster of twists and lies. The story is told from two different characters’ perspective so you are constantly guessing who to believe. I highly recommend it to anyone that likes well written, fast paced thrillers.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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My Wife is Missing written by D.J. Palmer

Michael Hart and his family arrives in NYC. He drops them off at the hotel and head out to bring back pizza. When he gets back, his family has to disappeared.

As the story unfolds and Michael and an unlikely detective go searching for his family, more and more of Michael's secrets and past come to surface.

How desperate is Michael in finding his wife and children?

This is a domestic drama and psych thriller that starts slow and frustrating as I thought there were other ways to approach this situation. The story becomes fast paced and thrilling towards the last 40%. Parts of the story was really unrealistic but fun to read. Lastly, I thought D.J. Palmer could have thought of a more interesting title.


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From my blog: Always With a Book:

This is the fourth book I’ve read by D.J. Palmer and once again he has managed to write a twisty thriller that keeps you on your toes all the way through. He is definitely a must-read author for me and I love that his books are so addicting and entertaining.

This latest book was quite a wild ride. It kept me guessing all the way through and I never knew what to expect next – which is exactly how I love my thrillers to be. This one is full of secrets and lies and the unexpected. Just when I thought I had things figured out, a new twist would shake everything up and I would be left shaking my head in wonder. My suggestion with this one is to just enjoy the ride and not try to figure it out!

I loved that the story is told from both Michael and Natalie’s perspectives, moving back and forth in time. This really allows us to get to know both characters and see just what we are dealing with. But do we really? Are either of them telling us the whole truth? Natalie suffers from insomnia and that just adds a whole new dimension to things, which I loved…is she really the most reliable of characters? And Michael has some secrets of his own, making him rather suspect, too.

I cannot recommend this one enough. I flew through this one, as I typically do with this author’s books, and am already eager to get my hands on his next book!

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