Member Reviews

This book took me on an emotional rollercoaster. It’s a raw and honest tale of love. Laura Jane Williams creates such vibrant and captivating characters that they practically leap off the page. I thought the chemistry between Ruby and Nic was electric, and their romance was both intense and heartfelt. I genuinely felt their connection and also thought they were well-rounded characters beyond their relationship, which is rare to find.

This is a super fun, quick read. I read enjoyed the story and ruby and nic were excellent. I always enjoy Laura’s books and her writing. Thank you for the chance to read and review!

Love her as an author, super cosy read and great to pick up when wanting something enjoyable but easy to read

One Night With You by Laura Jane Williams is a perfect fit for readers who adore lighthearted, emotional, and romantic stories about second chances, personal growth, and the thrill of new beginnings, with a dash of hope and loved characters that will leave them feeling uplifted and inspired.

Laura Jane Williams’ novel One Night With You is the story is the story of Ruby and Nic. Does a chance meeting turn into something more? I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary copy of this range-of-emotions book.

Let me start by saying I’m a huge fan of Laura Jane Williams, sadly though, this one just didn’t quite hit the spot for me!
The characters and plot line of this book was just a bit lacklustre for me. It was an ‘enjoyable enough whilst I read it kind’’ of book and I did want to keep picking it up, but by the end I just felt a bit meh about it and I know this won’t be a book that I remember or even think about in 6 months time.
I’ll still definitely pick up more of LJW’s future work though as she is an author whose books I do generally love.

Another wonderful heartfelt read from Laura Jane Williams.
Complete romcom perfection that’s funny yet hits the nail on the head with troublesome topics. The characterisation is always wonderful with them being written in a very real way which gives the whole storyline dimension.
Navigating life is difficult at the best of times so it was nice to see this written through the characters, Ruby and Nic.
Loved every moment!

This was a nice in-the-moment read, but I don't think I'll look back and remember how good of a book it was, you know? I didn't feel a connection to any of the characters, they weren't particularly likeable and I finished the book with a 'meh' feeling.

Please note that this book is not for me - I have read the book, However I had to DNF and because i do not like to give negative reviews I will not review this book fully - there is no specific reason for not liking this book. I found it a struggle to read and did not enjoy trying to force myself to read this book.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for the opportunity to read this book

I honestly just...did not enjoy this one. One Night With You was somehow simultaneously rooted in insta-love, but also the plot dragged. There were so many characters and sub plots happening all at once that despite its attempts to be deep, it all wound up being surface level. The dialogue also just didn't really sound believable, and like it was trying too hard to be trendy.
I also just don't think Laura Jane Williams writing style is for me. This is the 3rd book I've read of hers, and probably will be my last. If you enjoyed her other books, then definitely give this a try. I was hoping for something different but alas, it was more of the same.

DNF at 10%
I'm not sure, this one is really messed up? With the way the book flows, it appears that no editing was done.

This book unfortunately didn't work for me. I read one stop by Laura and instantly became a big fan of her work. I started this book with a lot of expectations.
The story overall is interesting but I didn't find myself rooting for the characters, anticipating their union which is very important in a slow burn.
Things I loved include the friendships, the writing and the little romance we get.

I am making it my mission to clear out my net galley shelf and this week I read and enjoyed Laura Jane Williams book One Night With You! Having read and enjoyed books by this author before I was excited to pick this one up. I enjoyed the premise of the story and found the characters loveable but although I cannot quite put my finger on it there was something missing. I am glad I picked it up and I am looking forward to Williams next release already but this one unfortunately didn't quite hit the mark.

This was a fun quick read, I did initially struggle with the story to begin with but once I got a few chapters in I was keen to keep going.
Probably not one of my favourite books by Laura Jane Williams but it is definitely worth a read.
Thank you to the publisher & Netgalley for the opportunity to read this gifted copy.

I loved this book so much! Her writing is always spot on and this was no different! Such a great story and strong characters

3.5 stars
I've read a few of Laura Jane Williams' books so far and I always look forward to reading them when I manage to pick one up.
Now this book wasn't necessarily what I expected, which is certainly what affected my overall enjoyment of it.
I was expecting a large majority of it to be the 'one night' in question and then to see how the two love interests lives diverged and ultimately reconnected. But a lot of the plot and book goes off into other subplots and directions that I wasn't all that interested in or fond of.
The midsection in particular just seemed to drag on, which is when I put it down for several months and didn't pick it up again for quite a while.
It did get better at the end but by then I'd basically had to force myself to finish reading it.
I liked the chemistry between Ruby and Nic and had more of this book centred around their love story, I probably would have rated it much higher.
As I say, I really wanted to like it more and I do enjoy the way that Laura Jane Williams writes but this just didn't work for me.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I love a good Laura Jane Williams book (non fiction work included) and this was no different. A feel good book and great characters. My only complaint would be that a lot more happened than necessary which made the book feel less believable.

I love Nic and Ruby….LOVE I say! I also adore the ending and all of the bit inbetween. If you are looking for a great romance to get swept up in, this is your book! Enjoy!!

Laura Jane Williams is one of my safe spaces. I know I’ll love her work and I always pick up one of her books If I need a fun easy read and this was no different. I loved it!

Thank you so much @AvonBooks & @NetGalley for giving me this eARC in exchange for my honest and unbiased review (Release Date | 09 August 2022)
SYNOPSIS | Ruby has decided to leave London to go back to university in Manchester whereas Nic has just moved to London after a breakup. Their paths cross on their last night / first night, sparks fly, they have a one night stand, but even though it feels like they could lead to something they don't want to pursue a relationship.
- the idea of a "year of me" where you invest your energy into yourself
- I think everyone needs a Jackson is their life
- too many plot points for me to follow & remain invested in
- the middle pacing was fairly slow & had too many "will they" / "won't they" moments
- Ruby seemed to make the self-centered choice more often than not & Nic was kinda too perfect on paper that I had a hard time believing his motivations
- a lot of the secondary characters sounded very similar & it was easy to mix them up
- the ending was very sudden & the 4 year time jump wasn't satisfying as there was a lot of telling & not a lot of showing