Member Reviews

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.

Let me start this by saying the premise of this book is definitely unique and unlike anything I've ever read before.
Our main character wakes up and thinks he's a killer. He has a rare brain condition that causes his memory to literally reset everyday. He also hears a voice in his head.

What I enjoyed the MOST out of this book was the cast of truly unique and interesting characters. It's not often you can say that the side characters are just as interesting as the main character. But that was definitely the case here! The character development was absolutely brilliant.

The pace of the book was great and easily kept me engaged as well.

Overall, a GREAT read.

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Poor Mungden is really put through the wringer yet again, poor guy can’t catch a break! I know I said in my last review it doesn’t matter too much if you listen to The Bedlam Bible series in order but I’ve changed my mind, I really think it would be helpful and give a chronology/ common thread.

In this chapter Mungden awakes in a room next to a man dissolved with acid, who did this? At this point he’s no idea how he got there or who he is. Mungden decides he must solve this mans murder, even if the culprit turns out to be himself. Guided by a voice in his head Mungen proceed to investigate matters in the 8th block tower using only a copy of the Bedlam Bible for guidance.

Another excellent, absurd and doom filled tale from William Pauley III. He has such a way of making these wild tales both comical and horrifying. The mood is psychedelic, dystopian gore.

Connor is the perfect narrator for the job as always.

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Thank you Netgalley & William Pauley III for the audio ARC of this book!

This one was a decent listen for me and the narrator was excellent.

It was slightly confusing in some parts especially with the game show however it tied up nicely.

Overall this was a good quick listen that you just have to sit back, relax and let it go!

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Well, with each book we are learning a bit more about Tower 8 and the residents of the tower. I liked the cast of characters in this book, they were all unique and interesting. I also liked learning about the origin of the Bedlam Bible. Looking forward to book #7, Twelve Residents Dreaming, when it is released.

I love Connor Brannigan's voice and I look forward to finding more audiobooks read by Connor in the future.

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Well written book.I really enjoyed listening 🎧 to this book. Kept my attention. I will be checking out more books by this Author .

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Another excellent entry into the Bedlam Bible series.

There’s been a murder. Well maybe. Well, ok, definitely a murder. But dude didn’t do it. Ok, maybe he didn’t do it. Probably. If he could remember about the previous day he could figure out what really happened. Probably. Well, maybe.

Narrator Connor Brannigan and William Pauley III are killing it with this series. Peas and carrots these two. I can’t imagine anyone else writing or voicing the hum of the tower. So good.

Thank you for the audiobook, NetGalley!

4.5 Stars and Highly Recommended

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Audiobook Review

Hello again from the world of WTF just happened. I don't understand how it happens, I start one of these stories and get sucked in. Add the wonderful narration and I can't resist it.

I really cannot tell you details of this without being really spoilery and I really want you to not know too much before reading.

Just know that its weird, sometimes gross, and utterly confusing, but worth it.

Connor Brannigan narrates these stories superbly.

I am reading all these out of order so don't think you have to start with #1.

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The book begins with our main character waking with no memory, a melted corpse, and a mysterious book - I don't know about you but I'm hooked. His memory resets every time he sleeps so he has no idea what has happened. A voice in his head tells him he's not guilty, and so we embark on an investigative journey to find out whodunnit. This book is wild - it gets weirder and weirder with almost every page. The narrator does a good job keeping me engaged and voicing our cast of characters with easily distinguishable voices. My only gripe with the audiobook is there was a very long pause between chapters, to the point that I had to check it was still playing. The plot is weird and wonderful, but also full of trauma for all our characters (and some torture) so I'd recommend checking individual trigger warnings if this sounds like it could be too much for you. I found the ending tied up the mystery in a neat little bow, but was almost too easy - our protagonist didn't really _do_ that much, and I would've preferred more action. He also stayed awake for a few days in order to prevent resetting his memory, and I feel like this could've been utilised more in the narrative, rather than being mentioned repeatedly. He seemed more of an observer for the most part of the book and didn't really find out the answers on his own. I did like the pace of the book, and all the characters were unique, all harbouring secrets to add to our mystery. I enjoyed the book for the most part, even if I was surprised in the direction it went, I would've just preferred our protagonist did more to get to the answers.

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Unique, captivating and so fun!

Our main character of the story woke up not remembering anything with a dead body in the room and he’s sure he committed the murder. He’s soon realizing that because of his rare brain condition his memory resets every time he falls asleep. Will he be able to find out what happened to the man? Find out in this absolutely captivating and brilliant story!

I had the most amazing time listening the audiobook, as always the narration is incredible, I laughed out loud so much, it was fun, weird and addicting.

I love William Pauley III books so much, The Bedlam Bible series is honestly amazing I think this is my favorite in the series!

I highly recommend reading this book to anyone who wants an amazing read, even if you haven’t read the previous books in this series give this a try! I’m sure you’ll love it.

Thank you so much to @netgalley and @wpauleyiii for providing me an AudioARC of this title in exchange for my honest review.

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Waking up next to a dead body, our protagonist believes he has committed murder. You see, he has a rare brain condition causes his memories to reset every day. Because of this, he often wakes up in strange places with no memory of how he got there. He can't even remember his own name. Luckily he's not the only one trying to solve the case. The book also leads him to a group of outcasts who are in the midst of their own investigation. The only problem? They all suspect one another! One thing's for certain, someone inside the tower is a cold-blooded killer. Can our protagonist solve the murder before he falls asleep and his memories reset? Or worse, before the killer strikes again?

This was a psychological whirlwind from the very beginning. The unreliable narrator left me confused and wondering, but it was never in a bad way. Meeting the eclectic group of misfits, each shaped individually and offering their own flare to the story. I found myself more engaged with the group dynamic, rather than what was happening inside our protagonists head. Adding the game show element in was a wonderful choice and gave an added excitement to the whole read. I read this one as an audiobook and the narrator Connor Brannigan is amazing for this. His voice range and vocal inflections really elevated the story to a new level. This is part of a series, however can be read by itself - although if you wish for the whole picture, starting from book one is recommended.

Thanks to NetGalley, Doom Fiction and William Pauley III for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Holus Bolus is available now!

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This is my second read of this author and I am obsessed! Although this book is part six of a series, it is easily a stand-alone although I’m extremely intrigued now and will be scrambling to find a way to listen to the other 5 in the series. This narrator was phenomenal! So many unique and bizarre characters. It’s outrageous and witty and dark. I loved it!

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Thank you NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review. This is the sixth book in The Bedlam Bible series. I loved listening to this! Pauley is a master of gore, there were so many gross parts to this, that just made my skin crawl. If you love horror and gore this is a series for you.

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What a strange and unusual book. I really enjoyed it. The audio was phenomenal. I always love a narrator who can change their voice to fit the characters.
The characters were strong and awesome. I really loved the beginning and premise of the book. The game show transition did throw me off a bit but still found it enjoyable.

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Quite an…interesting read. Our main character has no memory when he wakes up-something is talking to him inside his head. There’s a fresh and new dead body in front of him and he’s convinced he killed them. But the voice tells him to ignore the body, grab the book that’s in the rib cage and get out of there. He goes and meets a group that knew the man that died and they’re all pretty weird and called the man their master. They are basically a therapy group and felt lost without their leader. They get word from their master to go into this game show. The game show is full of tense anticipation where the judge confronts the contestants on their mistakes and guilts of life and the audience decides their fate of being guilty or not guilty. As for what Holus Bolus is I will leave a mystery as to not spoil for others.

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Holus Bolus is original, fun, and weird. It reminded me of Tales From The Borderlands and would be suited to a cartoon or video game adaptation. I liked the wacky characters and their dynamics. I will say that the description makes this sound like a straight-up murder mystery. I found the resolution underwhelming, but I was invested in the other elements of the story, so I didn’t really care.

The biggest drawback was the transition to gameshow section, which was kind of clumsy, I also found those chapters less interesting. I appreciated the books conversations about redemption and mental illness.

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I received an audiobook copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

Reader, this book is weird. Just prepare yourself. It’s good, really good, but weird. You get some unusual characters in an outrageous situation and you can’t help but be invested in the outcome. A very cool and satisfying ending is the reward for taking a chance on an unusual book. Give it a try! You’ll either love it or give up 30 pages in!

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This reminded me of the 80s horror movie Brain Damage and a little bit Memento. I liked the premise overall , however I didn't realize it was in a series of other books so I was a little confused at times.

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Thoroughly enjoyed my time listening to the audiobook. The narrator's voice is distinctive from the other characters, leaving me, as a reader, some what immersed in the whole story plot. I appreciate the story line being told in a way that I can be within the narrator's monologue, trying to understand everything despite the whole no-sleep situation.

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Gore, suspense, murder, memory loss and a game show sums up Holus Bolus.
It was an ok read, If you enjoy budget horror movies, this book would be up your alley.
The narrator however was great, lots of expression and easy to listen to.

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After seeing all the good reviews I was excited to read thus book.... but I am a little disappointed. The main character wakes up, finds a dead body, but can't remember what happened. then he joins a cultish group and goes to a game show where the price is to stay alive. It felt like 3 different books. Really confusing, not that scary at all. I give an extra star for the narrator who did an amazing job, and kept it at least a little bit more entertaining.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this audiobook.

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