Member Reviews

Duncan, why did you end things THERE!? This was so great - fast and twisted. If you like the Saw movies but want something not quite as grotesque as that, and if you like escape rooms, then this one's for you! I got a little confused at times about who was doing what and where, but overall, I would recommend for fans of horror with a supernatural and/or mythological element.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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PUZZLE HOUSE is scary, gory, implacable Horror containing evil both of human design, of conspiracy (think global-takeover new-world-order intent), and of Evil Beyond in the Lovecraftian Cosmic Terror sense. So most of the Horror possibilities are brought into play here, and excellently so. This is a "Who can be trusted?" type of approach, and believe me, not many can be, because almost everyone here has an agenda: some because they are truly evil, some because they're trapped metaphorically between a rock and a hard place [Scylla and Charybdis], some because wrong-place-wrong-time, and some because Cosmic-Entities-Don't-Subscribe-to-human-morality-or-Ethics. Even though PUZZLE HOUSE is complete in itself, I can only hope Mr. Ralston will have in mind to continue this engrossing theme.

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I had seen this title pop up a few times on social media, and early reviews had me intrigued. Yes, I'm also guilty of judging a book by its cover as well. This cover is just so good.

First, I just want to say that I need to see this adapted for the screen asafp. The limited cast of characters was a perfect blend of likable and unlikable, with me still wanting to see more of the unlikable characters. I loved the escape room feel of the house and the way that the rooms were designed. I do wish that we got more of a back story, some more insight into why each person was chosen.

While mostly grounded in reality, the end twist threw me off a little, but the more I think about it, the more I like it.

As a movie lover, this was giving me vibes from multiple movies. From House on Haunted Hill to Saw to Escape Room to Cabin in the Woods. Just overall, a quick, fun read.

Review made possible by netgalley in return for a review of the honest variety, the only way I know how.

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This book was very frightening indeed. What started out as an escape house (although not a typical one) turned into a contestant’s nightmare. Each person chose for the competition has a specific reason for being part of group. The action begins right away and each solution to the rooms is quite gruesome. The group realizes quickly that they must work together but someone will probably die. As the group dwindles and more about the secret group comes to light, the stakes become even higher. What will the survivor find at the final escape room?

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"I wish Rudy was here to translate all this stuff." Yeah, me too.

The book blurb made this story sound so interesting. Six strangers has a chance to split an $150 million inheritance. All they have to do is solve six escape room-like puzzles. I was totally hooked and so excited to read this book. It started off good with interesting characters. And then the puzzle fun comes in. Except it was a convoluted mess with the ancient mythology and gods and goddesses. It was unbelievable and I lost interest. Hated the ending.

Thank you to NetGalley, Wicked House Publishing and Duncan Ralston for an ARC of "Puzzle House: A Novel".

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A review of Puzzle House by Duncan Ralston. Publication date: September 15th, 2023.

Brief Synopsis:
After the death of a puzzle genius, six strangers are brought together. Suspicion runs it’s course through the strangers that have to work together, trust each other, and hope to survive. Puzzle House is full of allusions and interesting character situations that will leave you guessing what happens next. There is definitely a few jaw dropping moments and some that were a bit gory, but palpable. The ending leaves you wanting more and was written in a way that leaves the door open for just that.

Characters: There were characters you cheered for, and characters you really hoped met their demise. In fact, I had hoped things would have worked out differently for one. I won’t say which way I wanted the pendulum to swing, but I know we can’t always get what we want. Character development was pretty good for several of the characters, however I would have liked to know more about Atkins.

Author Writing Style: Duncan’s style of writing made it a breeze to finish quickly. It was such an interesting, good read for me that I was sad when it was over.
The use of allusions and the details of the house was brilliant. I don’t want to give anything away, but those elements woven into the story was chef’s kiss for me.
Overall, this was such a different premise from anything else I’ve read. Originality on all fronts for this novel.
4.5/5 stars

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this fantastic book in exchange for an honest review.

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In puzzle house by Duncan Ralston six strangers come together to solve puzzles in order to get the bequeathment from the grand puzzle master Alexia who has recently died from a heart attack. One is his ex-wife and the famous actress the other is a Doctor Who has cancer and thinks it may be terminal and the other is the next cop who’s serving life in prison for murder and the cop that’s guarding him on his day out. After they solve the first puzzle and have an opportunity to leave they all decide to stay even though some do it begrudgingly. This is when they meet the other contestants. One is only briefly because soon after seeing her she gets buried alive and sand and this is only after being bit by a king cobra and there’s also the professor of Samarian religions and woman named Aliana, Who helped the first woman who was the dean of admissions at Olympic University hasten to her death in the room full of sand. Sounds crazy yet you haven’t read anything even close to the craziness that is this book it seems the more puzzles they solve the more the comrades fall the more they fight in little did they know but they will only be one winner or should I call him the survivor. Not only that it is being funded by a secret company that is involved in everything the majority of the world never hears about let alone talks about let alone deals with. This book is a fabulous awesome read I loved it I wish I had pretty words to convince you to read it but if you love horror stories with great plot and puzzle solving then you definitely need to read The Puzzle House you never meet a group of people that deserve their fate more it will definitely reinforce your belief of secret societies and at the very least you will have read a fabulous fabulous fabulous book! Did I say I loved this book… So freaking good! I want to thank wicked house publishing and NetGalley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Would you dare to pursue a puzzle for a piece of the multi-million dollar fortune? Is it worth you risking your life? These are the questions the attendees of the fateful reading of the will must decide and dare themselves to achieve when others will fail. This book is a compulsive read with some darker elements. Not for the faint of heart, but highly recommended for those who dare to read it!

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Maybe it’s because I enjoyed the Escape Room and National Treasure movies, but I loved this book! ❤️ Which is probably the best way to describe this book - a mix between Escape Room, National Treasure, Saw, and Constantine 🔥

So if you’re a fan of those movies, you should enjoy this book! And Duncan definitely left it open for a sequel (please write a sequel!!!)! Highly recommend!!

Note: if you are a fan of Duncan’s extreme horror, you might not enjoy it as much!

Thank you to @netgalley @wicked_house_publishing and @userbits for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!! ❤️

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I’ll start by saying that this is the perfect book to read during spooky season! It is a dark twisted story about 6 people who have been called to a house for the reading a will and stand to inherit millions of dollars. Some of them have no idea why they were even chosen because they do not know the deceased. When they arrive, they are told that they will have to solve a series of puzzles in order to claim their inheritance. As they begin to navigate the puzzles, they begin to realize that this is a deadly game and they may not all make it out alive.

I found this book on NetGalley and I thought the premise of it sounded interesting. When I began reading it, I was really enjoying it. However, as they started to work through the puzzles, the book took a turn that I didn’t expect and I had a hard time getting through parts of it. It started out very strong, but I started losing interest when the puzzles continued to be centered around ancients religions. The ending had no closure for me and I wasn’t thrilled with the demons being released and the new world twist. I actually didn’t even realize that I had finished when I turned the last page.

All this being said, many rated this book 5 stars and loved it! If this sounds like your type of read, definitely give it a try!

Thank you to NetGalley and Wicked House Publishing for this ARC.

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Six strangers, a chance to win $150M, a puzzle house. It sounded like a gripping horror/mystery book, but it left me not feeling much in general.

Now hear me out, it wasn't bad... However, the reason I picked it up is that I expected some "Squid Game"/"Hunger Games" so my expectations might have been very high.
I generally only love a book if I feel very close to the characters and perhaps 6 characters for such a short story were a bit too many for me to be rooting for someone.
There is definitely a shock value and a good story but I couldn't get into it.

Thank you to Wicked House Publishing and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is another classic from Ralston. I have read several of his books, and this one ranks among the best! The story is entertaining and the characters are as well. Highly recommend!

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the world’s greatest puzzle master has died, and in his will, he has specified 6 people to receive his fortune, if they can escape his “puzzle house,” a set of 6 connected escape rooms. these 6 people aren’t connected in any obvious way. when they get to puzzle house, they realize the stakes might be higher than the $150M inheritance he left them.

the concept of this book is so cool! it reminds me of the inheritance games (but super super high stakes), the saw movies, and a little cabin in the woods. the first 60ish percent of the book was soooooo good. i loved the concept of the escape rooms, and i think the writing was so well done! i felt like i was in there with them.

the ending?? i’m not going to spoil it but those who have read it..DM me so we can chat about it pls 😂

overall i’m glad i read this. recommend to horror book lovers, who don’t mind super realistic descriptions of body horror.

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I was looking for a quick and suspenseful read and this was a perfect pick! And just in time for Halloween! Our story begins with Henry, serving time in jail for a horrendous crime, a side of the table he's not used to being on as a former cop. A sense of freedom is offered when he's told he's in line to receive an estate if he can attend the reading of the details. Taken from his cell to a large house, he encounters others that have been promised the same. Soon the group finds out they are to solve a series of puzzles to be the sole owner of the estate. Each brings their own set of skills and quickly learns that they have a commonality, linking them to each other and the offered estate.

This was my kind of horror story, suspenseful and character driven, with a bit of gore (not terribly over the top) and a good storyline. It had remnants of classic Clive Barker and visionary scenes as if you were watching the latest James Wan movie in your head. I found the ending to be a bit abrupt but that was simply because I was so enthralled and didn't even realize I'd reached the end! I'm looking forward to more from this author - I think he's got a promising future in this genre and is an author to watch!

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what if Jigsaw was into espace rooms 👀

I loved the concept and how it was executed, i loved being in the head of all the characters and how they really felt fleshed out and not just accessories to get rid of according to the plot. although I didn't like the supernatural aspect and the changes in povs were confusing, you can be in person A's head the 3 pages and then you hear what person B is thinking. if it was meant to be an omniscient narrator it should have been balanced

also, the only female characters are constantly pitted against each other and never support one another. men men men men men men men

[review posted on Goodreads]

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I've read a few by this author, and as usual, this did not disappoint! His stories are always bizarre and such fun reads!

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I received an advanced copy of this book from Wicked House Publishing via NetGalley.

Six strangers converge upon the enigmatic Puzzle Master Alexei Vasiliev's residence for the reading of his will, setting the stage for a captivating mystery in 'Puzzle House.' Among this eclectic group are Vasiliev's soon-to-be-ex-wife, a virologist haunted by his past actions, and a convicted murderer granted a day's reprieve. Their potential windfall: a share of Vasiliev's staggering $150 million fortune, provided they partake in his final enigma.

The choice is stark: depart the house empty-handed or accept the challenge of unraveling the interconnected escape rooms concealed within. Yet, beneath the surface of Puzzle House, a malevolent undercurrent surges. The seemingly innocuous puzzles turn perilous, and the participants realize that their journey through the rooms may be a life-and-death matter. Someone, somewhere, observes their every move, manipulating them, sowing discord. As their survival hangs in the balance, they grapple with a haunting question: is this a sadistic game orchestrated by a gleeful tormentor, or something far more sinister?

Initially, the book holds promise, sparking excitement as readers attempt to decipher the intricate puzzles alongside the contestants. However, the narrative takes a rapid and unexpected plunge into the bizarre. By the story's conclusion, words fail to convey the full scope of the surreal journey. This book emerges as one of the most peculiar books I've encountered in quite some time.

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This book felt like watching a movie. The twist throughout the book had be wanting more. I couldn't put the book down, the writing was easy to follow. The descriptive writing of some scenes had me wanting to throw up, too realistic. I was honestly shocked at the ending not the direction I thought was going to happen but so happy it did. Definitely definitely want a second book, the world building and story left untold is just too good to pass up.

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Puzzle House by Duncan Ralston #sixtyfourthbookof2023 #arc

CW: death, murder, incarceration, discussion of rape, dismemberment

I like the idea of this book a lot. Several people are summoned to the reading of a will of a mysterious rich stranger, which begins an ordeal to solve a series of puzzles to earn their inheritance. But as always, there’s more to the story that isn’t being told, the rich stranger may have ulterior motives, and the benefactors have things to hide as well.

I was okay with this book until the end. Even the weird occult knowledge the guests happened to have that helped them solve the puzzles was fine, even if it was far fetched. The writing was mostly…fine, but from the start I knew this was going to be a meh read. The puzzle rooms were kind of interesting at first. Most of the characters are shallowly written, with the exception of the main two. But that ending. What a clunker. I can’t even explain how out of nowhere the last few pages were. All of a sudden it’s a dystopian world with weird creatures and undead. I don’t know what this book wanted to be but it was too many things with no real reason or depth. If it was a sequel setup, I’m not interested.

Thank you to @netgalley and @wicked_house_publishing for the advance copy. (Pub date 9/15/23)

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Alexis Vasiliev is a world’s famous puzzle master and he has selected six beneficiaries for his estate. The puzzle house has a secret of it is own and a huge mystery including the mystery of Cerberus. They must solve the first of six puzzles to leave the house or continue solving the rest of the puzzles to win the estate worth $150M fortune. One of the puzzle is based on Egyptian belief. While solving the puzzles, the secrets also unveils with inevitable mystery and secrets of each character. The book was twisted and filled with terror, grief, secrets and the deadly game of solving six puzzles. The one who solves all of them will win the estate. From secrets and mystery, the game becomes of survival. It is such a brilliant and mind boggling book. It has alternating POV. It has vibes like The Cellar, Squad Game and The hunger games.

I loved this book. The author is brilliant. Thank you Netgalley, Publisher, and Author.

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