Member Reviews

What more could you expect than a perfect hallmark Christmas read. It is a great retelling of A Christmas Carol with all the heartwarming and cozy feels.

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A slightly different spin on the traditional, ‘A Christmas Carol’ we see Alexis having to be visited by people from her past to try and make her change her ways before it’s too late. Although this is a story we all know and love, ‘Everyday is Chrismas’ shows you why Alexis isn’t the usual “Scrooge” when it comes to Christmas and we get to see, quite heartbreakingly, why she feels about Christmas as she does. But this wouldn’t be a heartwarming Christmas tale without the heart that is in this story.

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A modern twist on a Christmas Carol, Karen Schaler’s every day is Christmas is an incredibly Christmassy read. Whilst Alexis, the main character is so ‘bah humbug’, it almost gets too frustrating but that’s the whole point! Read if you really want to get into the Christmas spirit!

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Karen Schaler is back with another feel-good holiday novel, Every Day is Christmas. A modern retelling of a Christmas Carol, Alexis is a major workaholic who takes pride in her humbug attitude. A nationally renowned investment manager, Alexis only acknowledges the holiday in two ways: her incredibly expensive gold decorations for her office building (perfect social media backdrop for advertising) and breaking up with her boyfriend right before the holiday. When she decides her staff did not meet her impossible standards she unleashes her anger and hate for the holidays upon them on Christmas Eve. Satisfied she has made her point, she returns home late that evening to continue working. This year, however, has something different in store for her and a visit from the past will warm even the coldest heart with a second chance at happiness.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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So Karen Schaler is the queen of Cozy Christmas. You’ve probably even seen her books as Hallmark movies at some point! Thank you HawkTale Publishing & Karen Schaler for my copy!

EVERY DAY IS CHRISTMAS is A Christmas Carol’s Scrooge reimagined as Alexis Taylor, a high-powered, successful financial executive who avoids relationships and Christmas like the plague.

We follow Alexis as she revisits moments from her past where she has some introspection, and at times traumatic.

I love the messages and themes from Schaler’s novels, this one can have some triggering moments as it’s a bit heavier than her other novels. Alexis was hard to handle at first, which I did enjoy seeing her transformation as a character more as the novel progressed. This coupled with loss of parents, workplace stress, and mentions of a sick child could make this novel tough to approach, so tread lightly and give yourself space if needed.

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A lovely heart warming modern take on A Christmas Carol. Although it is a known story, this is written with such feeling and a real love of Christmas. The characters are just too perfect, we all want to be part of Justin's family, but doesn't that make for a happy Christmas romance?

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The book Every Day is Christmas was an enjoyable read. I would recommend any book written by Karen Schaler. Happy Reading!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely.

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A modern day Christmas Carol. I really enjoyed reading this. It was a good pick for the holiday season. I think I will see what else this author has I can read. Thanks NetGalley for the advanced copy

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I sometimes wonder if Charles Dickens would be amazed at the number of authors who take his premise from A Christmas Carol and create their spin on it. Every Day is Christmas is just that, a modern retelling of A Christmas Carol with a money-focused woman. This one is more feel-good with a small reality check for Alexis from her deceased parents (instead of the 3 ghosts.)

Overall, this was an enjoyable take on a classic.

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Karen’s books have become a holiday tradition for me the last few years and they never disappoint! This year’s release is a modern day Christmas Carol retelling with a few twists. This was a fun one. Alexis is really unlikeable at start so it’s a great transformation as she rediscovers what’s really important in life. Fun Christmas read!

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you to net galley for letting me read this book! If you like the Christmas carol movie then this may be a good book for you. For me I just started to loose interest over time unfortunately. Overall I think it was cute and the idea is great, it just wasn’t anything super special.

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I wanted to read this book as I saw that the author was the writer of ‘A Christmas Prince’ on Netflix and I love that film series! Whilst this book was a quick and easy ready, it wasn’t quite the heartwarmer I was expecting.

Every Day Is Christmas is a modern take on A Christmas Carol. Alexis is a high flying corporate genius, the only thing she loves is money, and she is absolutely vile to her co-workers. It’s Christmas Eve and she has just refused to give her staff their annual bonuses and she is forcing them to come back into work on Christmas Day or else they’ll be fired. That is until she is confronted by two figures from the past that evening - her parents who died twenty years ago. As her parents guide her through her past, present and future - Alexis starts to realise just what kind of person she has become. Can she change her ways to avoid a future of loneliness?

To me, it just felt like Alexis had a complete personality transplant and I didn’t find it a believable transformation. I understand that the death of her parents at Christmastime was the catalyst for becoming the way she is, but it just seemed like a very dramatic change, and then the change after the visit from her parents also just seemed like too much. I also didn’t one hundred percent buy into the Alexis and Justin romance - considering that they had shared zero aspects of their personal lives with one another until that moment, I don’t know how they could know that they were ‘in love’, given that they don’t actually know each other!

Obviously the Scrooge aspect is always a winner, but I think it needs to be done a little bit better than this to really resonate. But like I said, a quick and easy ready, with all the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future vibes!

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I received a free copy of, Every Day Is Christmas, by Karen Schaler, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Alexis is Scrooge in a modern retelling of A Christmas Carol. Orphaned in her early twenties. A heartfelt holiday love story about second chances and believing anything is possible at Christmas…

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This is a made-for-TV book, so you kind of know what’s going to happen which isn’t a bad thing. It was well written and there were definitely nuances to the plot that I enjoyed. Personally I love a humbug to Christmas fanatic kind of story and there wasn’t a lot of romance which was a nice surprise, it was more focused on Alexis’s journey which was good.

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A beautiful story of forgiveness and self discovery. Alexis has not enjoyed Christmas for 20 years and has become bitter. At times the story is heartbreaking.
Many thanks to HawkTale Publishing and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This festive story is very Christmas Carol-esq! It tells of the story of Alexis, a powerful woman in business and she doesn't have ANY time for Christmas except for it being a tool to promote her work. She won't listen to music, won't tolerate time off for her staff and works right through the celebration. But why? What is making her shut Christmas out of her life...?

Through a series of events, Alexis is taken to look at various aspects of her life and those who work for her. We get to see why Alexis behaves how she does and Alexis's heart begins to soften...

It is really well told, festive and full of emotion.

This story is predictable but it's lovely all the same and the kind of read ideal for this time of year.

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Everyday is Christmas is the latest release from Karen Schaler, arguably one of the Queens of Christmas. Her stories are Hallmark worthy, truly. In fact, most have been made into movies on the festive channel and this story is no different. This is a modern-day Christmas Carol retelling to the T.

In this Christmas story, we follow Alexis Taylor, who after a tragic accident years ago, lost both of her parents. In order to deal with the pain, she hardened her heart to Christmas and to love and has turned her sole focus on building her company and making money, the only thing she believes she can count on. With this mindset, she has alienated her employees and does not tolerate Christmas in any form, unless it serves as a marketing tool. Like the famous tale, on Christmas Eve, while working late into the night, she receives a visit from her deceased mother who takes her on a journey of her life, helping her see that life is not worth living without love and joy, even at the risk of losing both.

This story is a very quick, predictable read, but also charming in it’s simplicity. I found the mother a bit odd and immature at times, but overall, this was a sweet story with a feel-good conclusion.

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I enjoyed this book! While it was super predictable because the Scrooge story is done all the time, I found myself enjoying it anyways. It tugged on my heart strings big time. Very festive and heart warming. A true reminder to choose love in this day and age.

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This latest offering by the author known as "Christmas Karen" tells the story of a contemporary version of "A Christmas Carol," the Christmas classic by Dickens. Alexis has become a successful businesswoman, at the expense of her own well-being and personal life. She treats her employees as if they are workhorses, without knowing or caring about their personal lives. Visits from the spectres of her deceased parents attempt to teach her lessons about life and the importance of family and friends.

I am sure this story made a great movie, which it was before it became a book, and the book read like a screenplay with a lot of descriptions. I could imagine the movie in my mind as I was reading. It was a fun holiday read with lessons to learn, despite some rather significant plot holes. It is a clean and sweet read without strong language or graphic intimacy or violence.

I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are mine alone.

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This warm and beautiful story was just the thing required in this season! Thank you to the author and publisher for my advance copy, and as always, thank you NetGalley as well!!

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