Member Reviews

DNF @ 50%. When I read the synopsis and the title I thought it sounded like a great book to read. Unfortunately, this just didn’t jive with me and it fell very flat. I couldn’t connect to the story at all and felt myself not wanting to pick it back up. I’m sure this will be up a lot of readers alleys and I hope you love it.

Thank you NetGalley and St Martins Press for this advanced copy of Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous. I will have to catch the authors next book.

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DNF early on. I could tell this writing style wasn’t going to be a good match for my enjoyment. The plot does seem very fun, though!

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Unfortunately was a DNF for me. Was really hoping I would like it, but it was just so hard to get into from the first chapter. It was so much backstory and character development that it took forever to even get to any kind of plot or the heart of the story. Overwritten and too slow.

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I absolutely loved this book—it was an incredible read from start to finish!

While this story may not be everyone’s cup of tea, especially considering its focus on romance through healthy and productive communication, I found it utterly refreshing. The unique approach of exploring relationships without relying on familiar tropes made it stand out. Don’t get me wrong—tropes have their place and can be beloved, but it’s invigorating to encounter a narrative that deviates from the norm, even within a second chance or friends-to-lovers framework.

The two main characters were fantastic. They were well-developed, carrying their own flaws but showing a genuine willingness to grow and seek comfort in healthier ways. I don’t want to reveal too much before the book’s release, but the characters were beautifully crafted, with the only antagonists being those who were intentionally meant to be unlikable.

Any minor issues I had were quite trivial. The book has a few moments that could feel like endings, but to me, this was just an opportunity to spend more time with characters I already cherished. This slight repetitiveness didn’t detract from my enjoyment at all.

In summary, this book deserves 5 happy stars for its originality and the heartfelt portrayal of its characters.

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC

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Since high school, Katie has risen as an actress and director, while Wil's dreams remain on hold in Wisconsin, where she's TikTok famous but stagnant. Katie's success is shadowed by secrets, and Wil's buried ambitions resurface when Katie returns home. Their evolving relationship faces public complexities, not private misunderstandings. The book deftly balances careers, identity, and social issues, though Wil's character development feels uneven, and the supporting cast could use more depth. Also, Katie Price's name is an odd choice given the real-life celebrity.

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DNF at 25%. I think this book was not for me. I liked the premise of the book, but could not get into the story. I tried picking this book back up many times, but was not able to really get into the story or relate to the characters. As a side note, the chapters were very long, and I am not sure if that also did not help me get into the pace of the book. I think this book does have a great plot idea though and I really wish I enjoyed it more.

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Katie, an actress, returns to her Midwestern hometown for the holidays where she runs into Win, her TikTok famous former best friend. As they reconnect, they pick up on a spark that they feel compelled to act on, even though Win is at a personal crossroads. Loved the premise/ tropes of this-old friends to lovers, home for the holidays, celebrity and quasi-celebrity. This would have really worked for me if it didn't feel so overwritten. Parts of it felt so chronically online in a way that I think will really age this book, which is a bummer because it had good bones! The characterization was strong. We really got to know both of them, even though some of the deep discussions felt unrealistic and made the pacing/relationship development feel slightly off.

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DNFed at 55%.

I just don't think this book was for me...I thought that the romance plot line was going to be more on the forefront along with character development, but found that there was a LOT more character development than romance involved.

I do think that this will be a good read for others, but not myself.

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Everyone I've Kissed Since You Got Famous was such a cute premise. I dislike the overuse of social media in books, but this was done in a fun and unique way, so I found it enjoyable. I loved the two main characters, both together and separately, and rooted for them the entire book. If I have any complaints, it was a tad slow in the middle, creating pacing problems, but overall a fun and sweet read.
This was my first audiobook narrated by Mia Hutchinson-Shaw and I thought they did a wonderful job.

Thank you to MacMillan Audio for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is totally not what I expected in the best way! I absolutely loved the two main characters, Wil and Katie and their chemistry was off the charts. There was a lot of tension and a build to their intimacy that I really loved and just couldn't wait for them to get together already and kiss!

The Katie storyline was a bit heartbreaking as she slowly revealed the emotional abuse and manipulation she suffered in her past relationship. I wanted to reach out and hug the poor girl and was so happy that she found a safe place with Wil who was so protective of her while also being respectful, tender and caring.

Wil's storyline was also enjoyable. Learning the reason behind her kissing experiment and watching her come out of her shell more and more was a great read.

Definitely a great read and would love to read more by the author as she really knows how to develop chemistry between her leads and also how to develop the characters more fully so they are really believable and nuanced.

I received a digital reader copy of this book through the publisher and Netgalley but the review above is all my own opinions.

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I did not finish this book. I liked the two ladies and the premise of the plot, but not only did they seem much younger than they were supposed to be, but they simply didn't act and converse the way real people might.

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There is something very disjointed about this book. Maybe it’s the dual writers, but I found myself being confused sometimes when Wil and Katie were talking, like I was missing part of the conversation. The way they doubled their words didn’t help either. The idea for this book is great but the execution wasn’t and I’m sad that I couldn’t enjoy the romance more because of the book’s issues. I love romance books and am always willing to suspend my disbelief for the sake of love but even I had a hard time believing the things that happened in this book. I didn’t understand the point of Wil’s Tik Tok account, which is bad as understanding the book’s title hinges on that Tik Tok account. Overall, this book was a miss for me.

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I'm not typically one for slow burn romances, but this is definitely an exception. The anticipation throughout the whole book was what had me finish the book in one sitting. It also helps that it takes place not too far from where I've lived that I was able to connect a little more to the area. Will definitely recommend this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley & St. Martin's Press for a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This book was not for me.

Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous center around Katie Price (famous A-List Actress) and her childhood friend Wil Greene. They have not spoken in 13 years since Katie got famous, and they see each other again at a holiday party. This is my first qualm--almost immediately they both figure out and tell each other that they were in love with each other in high school. They go right back into their old friendship, with a lot of flirting and sexual tension, even though Katie missed Wil's dad's funeral. This is all glossed over.

That's my main issue with the book in general--there's really no conflict. The writing was not my favorite, and the character's dialogue felt stilted and unrealistic. I thought this book had the potential to be great, but it really msised the mark for me.


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BIG thanks to Macmillan for providing me not only the ebook but also the physical and the audio, for this one. I am a huge audio fan and love when I can pair media formats together! I love a good Hollywood book - y’all KNOW this so I was really looking forward to this sapphic romance!

Wil and Katie were best friends senior year and have known each other their entire lives since their mom’s are also besties. But, life happens and years erode friendship sometimes. Wil stayed home in Wisconsin to care for her mother after her father passed away while Katie became an A list movie star. Life brings them back together though and they find new sparks that they forgot existed…

I really liked the beginning of this one but when we got into the Hollywood bit, it was a little dry because I couldn’t picture Katie being famous. Their relationship didn’t scream celebrity + nobody. It was just odd to me. Overall I liked the romance but couldn’t get on board with the celebrity of it all.

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The premise of this book was great, sapphic romance, one girl, Katie, is super famous and comes back to the other, Wil, who stayed back in Wisconsin. I had trouble connecting with the characters, I tried to stick it out and finally DNFd.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley, I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This book started a bit slow, but around the 30% point, I started kicking my feet and squealing over the adorable estranged friends to rekindled friends to lovers plot of this book. Wil and Katie were adorable, incredibly compatible, and had chemistry that sizzled OFFFFFFFF the page. I know for a fact that I would be helpless in the face of Wil Greene, the new love of my life.

I think the few drawbacks I could find for this story was that there seemed to be a great mystery and hushed silence around Katie’s past relationship, but even in the moment at the end when everything is meant to be revealed, it felt oblique. We never see a direct hit aimed at the perpetrator of her trauma, we never see them get justice, we never truly feel like she has let go of the past and truly healed. Yes, those are all things that make the story more realistic and an apt portrayal of how trauma works in the real world. But this is a novel and I wanted the fairytale payoff of a bad guy getting karma for his many many wrongdoings. I also found that the run-up to the actual relationship between Wil and Katie was drawn out slightly too long. I love a slow burn and suspense in my romance but this felt needlessly long, and I just kept murmuring “KISS ALREADY” over and over (yes, I am insane).

I do think the novel does an immaculate job of portraying the myriad forms of female relationships, and the tethers between women and how our communities prop us up. I think there is some fantastic humor, some very sexy romance that felt so tasteful in how it was done, and I loved how many cats were in the book. On the whole, a real enjoyable summer read; I give this book 4⭐

*Thank you again to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.*

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Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous is a charming, witty sapphic romance. I thoroughly enjoyed my first Mae Marvel story and am looking forward to whatever comes next!

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Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous is a childhood friends to lovers romance. Katie and Wil grew up with their moms as best friends, and in their senior year of high school were best friends. Then Katie got famous and left. Wil stayed behind and started a TikTok kissing strangers.

Knowing each other so well the romance moves fast and there is a lot of spice! Through alternating POVs the chemistry is palpable and the reason the relationship moves more slowly than the physical relationship adds to the sexy tension.

Sometimes characters spoke how Tumblr feels, and although I agree with the sentiments it felt a little didactic for a romance book. I also thought transcribing every 'conversation' Katie had with her cats was unnecessary.

Overall a fun read! Something to pick up if you're looking for a sapphic romance book, especially close to the holidays.

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"Everyone I’ve Kissed Since You Got Famous" focuses on the challenges fame, finding career success, and personal relationships can have on life. While many of the topics were heavy and relatable, humor was also thrown in.

Wil has a huge TikTok following on her “wilyouorwontyoy” channel where she kisses people for the first time for a full 60 seconds, posting twice a week.

Katie is a well known actress who has suffered trauma and seeking to find success on her own.

Wil and Katie were best friends in high school but haven’t seen each other in 13 years. Katie is taking a much needed break and decides to spend the holidays at home allowing her and Wil to reunite. They pick up where they left off as if no time has passed.

Both discuss the feelings they had for one another in high school and their lives now. They share their fears and dreams together.

This is a sapphic romance that falls under the friends to lovers trope. While I’m sure this will be some readers favorite read for the summer (or year) it was a three star read for me. The beginning engaged me but I felt the middle slowed down, at times feeling repetitive. I found my attention drifting before picking back up at the end.

I look forward however to other books from the authors!

Thank you to NetGalley, the authors and publisher for the opportunity to both read and listen to this!

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